The economy of the animal kingdom, considered anatomically, physically, and philosophically

발행: 1846년

분량: 540페이지


분류: 미분류


to this pnd, it folioWs, that the application of the means, and atruo regard of the end in the means, are the Sole constituents of a citigen. The Holy Scripture is the code of rules for ob taining the end by the means. These rules are not so darii orobscure as the philosophy of the mind and the love of solf audof the world Would malle them; nor so deep and hidden, butthat any sincere foui, Whicli permits the Spirit os God to govoruit, may draW them Dom this pure Duntain, pure enough for thouse and service of the members of the city of God ait ovor the Worid, Without violating any form of ecclesiastical gOVertiment. It is foretoid, that tho Lingdom of God shali como; that atlast tho guests shali be assembled to the marriage Supper; that


In illis Index, the Roman numerals indicate the volume. Where S edenbOrg, aster eXtract-ing a pa8Sage frona an author, subsequently adduces portions of it, as a generat rule the originalpassage Only is referred to.

37, 38, 48, I95, 2I6, 223 λ), 225, 228, 229 λ), 230 i), 23 I, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239, 240, 24 I, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 267, 298, 34I t).


BOerhame. . .. 7, 21, 22, 40, 93, II 2,

3 I9, 320, 344, 345, 370, 373, 42743 I. II., 90, 96, 97, 98, 126-I29, 39, I 47, 17 I.


Fantoni. . .. 299, 300, 372, 373. II., 59, 6 I, 64, 65, 100, I 05, Ι62. Galen .... 13, 87, 88, 138. II., 74, 10 I, I96. Gregory . II., 350 Grotius .... II., 226, 228, 239, 213, 3I2, 313, 325. Gulielminus .... 19, 20, 22-26. HarVey.... 7, I 04, I 38, 162, 220, 295, 296, 315, 3 I9, 430, 43I, 432, 443, 444. ΙΙ. , 56. HeiSter . . .. 7, 84-86, 124, 187, 336, 458. ΙΙ., 70, 167.

Ι07, 116, 151, 217-220, 226, 246, 307, 315, 362-369, 382, 387, 432- 445, 450, 454, 455, 460, 467, 481, 483, 484, 48b, 504, 505, 506,

Litire 297, 299, 571Locke II., 204, 205, 251, 252, 256, 276, 277. Lower . 22, 295, 369, 370, 373, 427, 433. II., 68, 69.Μespirat .... 7, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 90, I 24, I 40, 202, 203, 204-217, 226, 227, 246, 258, 265, 266, 27I, 305, 307. II., 64, 72, 83, 84, 85, 116-Ι21, 122, 125, 126, 127, I 47, 168, 179, I 87.

352 354, 365, 372-374, 380, 427, 441, 442, 459, 54I, 550, 560, 57I. II., 68, 74, 75, 167, 184.

. . . . II., 117 . . . II., 350

Ridley. . .. 7, 197, 256, 257, 298, 326, 458, 472, 49I, 57Ι. ΙΙ. , 59, 60, 64, 69, 7I, 72, 74, 75, I 02, I 03, I 04, 108, 147, I 69, 173, 174. RuySCh . . .. 7, 8, 82, 107, II 4, I 80, 8 I, 266, 345, 37I, 372, 389, 490, 49I, 550. II., 74, 104, 108, I 22, 123, 124, 127, 128, 137, I 87.

Sanctorius 45, II 2 Santorinus, J. D 83 Senae 32

244, 250, 302, 33I, 347.


373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 433, 454,458, 465, 48I-483, 484, 48b, 506,547, 553, 558, 560. ΙΙ. , 59, 60,


Acta Lipsiensia o . 96 Aristolle .... II., 25, 37, 38 l. b, 28),




THE remarks prefixed to the corresponding Νotices ' in the Animal Mngdom, Vol. II., p. 599, may be repented here. Where an author is mentioned in those V ΝOtices, ' his nume Mone is gi ven in the present account, With a reference to theo Animal Kingdom ; V or such of his Works as come under Our plan, and are cited


BIBLIO GRAPHICA L NOΤICES.I ouis XIII. os France. He has added a view of the Peripatetic philosophy, and of the writings of Aristolle. The edition os Butile contains valvabie literary notices in the 1irst volume; but it was never finished. Only sive volumes 8vo. appeared ;Deux Ρonis, 179I-1800. The most important edition for the texi of Aristolle is that of Immanuel Baheror of the Berlin Academy, Berlin, 18 31 - 1836, 4 vols. 4to. The 1irst twO volumes contain the texi, whicli is established on the collation Os numerous manuscripis, butno use has been made Of those Oider readings which may be derived Dom the Greeli Commentators On Aristolle. The third volume contains the Latin translations of the works of Aristolle. The Durili volume is entilled Scholia in Aristotelem. Collegit Christianus Augustus Brandis, edidit Academia Regia Borussica, 1836, 4to :' it Contains excerpis DOm the commentaries On Aristolle, chieny Greela, printed and unprinted, and is very usesul for the understanding of the text. Α 1ifth pari, whichis to be a continuation of the Scholia, is stili expected. V . . . Further information On the editions Of Aristocle, and of his severat Works,may be found in Butile's edition, vol. i. , p. 210, &c.; Homan's Lexicon Biblio-yraphicum: and Aristolle, De Anima, by Trendelenburg, Jena, 1833, Presace, P. I 7, &c. For particulars respecting the life and philosophy of Aristolle, the reader is referred to the abovementioned authority, or to the article AristotieV in Smitti's Dictionary of Greeli and Roman Biography and Μythology. VBAGLIVI, GEORGE, an Italian physician, born in I 668, according to Hasser at Ragusa, according to Νicholas COmnenus, at Lecce, a toWn of Otranto, in the

rections, and a preface, 2 vols. 8VO., 1788. Baglivi is esteemed the sather os modern V solidism, V which in generat attributes the primary morbid assections of the bodyto the solids rather inan to the fluids. It appears, hoWever, that he did not intendio banish the humorat pathology fluidism) Dom medicine, but to colanterbalance it, und prevent iis undue application. Some of the positions On which his solidism is grounded appear to be questionabie res axioms Of physics. Thus he says: U Solido major, quam fluido, vis ineSt, et resistentia. De. Fibr. Motr. , lib. i. , cap. vii.

Αnd again : U Evidenter patet corpus solidum continuum, partibus duris et reSistentibus compositum eSSe magiS aptum conservandi propagandique motum sibi impressum, quam moleS fluida clauSa intra canales, et composita minimis contiguis,

mollibus, ' &c. Ibid. , cap. ix.) These statements are hardly countenanced by the tenor of modern ari and science. In generat the works of Baglivi display great powers of Observation and grasΡ of mind. He discarded the hypotheses prevalent in his age, and betook himself to the writings Os Hippocrates, the Romulus OsphysicianS, Who Spealis in the language Os nature, anil not of man. De Pruini Medich. , lib. i. , cap. i. , moti . iv.) He Was also a diligent Student aud close follo er




of Lord Bacon, whose style of writing he imitated with great exactness in his Works. Αnd he coincided with Bacon in adopting the aphoristio manner Of deli vering the sciences Hippocrates had also done , in preference to the methodicat. Ibid. , lib. i. , cap. Λ.) His Observations On the dura mater as a moving power in the brain and the body, and the experiments which he instituted to bear Out his vlews, Occasionalty brought him near the verge of that grand peculiarity of SWedenbOrg's theory, the alternate animation of the brain. BARΤΗΟLIN, THOΜAS. Animal King m, Vol. II., p. 599. BELLINI, LAURENCE, an Italian physician and anatomist, born at Florence in

de Cognoscendis et Curandis Μorbis, in usum Doctrinae Domesticae, ' Ι2mo, Leyden,



the early part of the 17th century, died in 1690 or 1691. His Tractatus de Corde, item de Μotu et Colore Sanguinis, et chyli in eum transitu, V was publislied in London, 8vO., 1669, and again in 1680; 8vo ., A msterdam and Leyden, 1708,I722, 1728, 17 40, 1749 ; and in Μanget's Bibliotheca Anatomica. V This is the