The economy of the animal kingdom, considered anatomically, physically, and philosophically

발행: 1846년

분량: 598페이지


분류: 미분류


and nil things nre in some public ossice and function; so that throughout there is the form of a Lingdom, republic, and state. In ordor to arrive at a knowledge of the use Of any member, We must contemplate iis relation to ali that go besore, and allthat come aster it, aud iis dependence upon them, Or the relation it maintains in the si ordination of things. OtherWise, W0 shali not find hos one thing is maintained in subservienceto another; hOW actions, for example, are Under the poWer Ofthe Wili, the will under the pOWer of reason, and reaSOn Under

influence of the muscies, the muscies under the insuence of

the fibros, the fibres under the influeuce of the brains, and thebraitis under the influence of their determining principie. Τhemantior in Whicli One thing regarus another, and is itself reciprocatly regarded by it, cannot be bulter explained thau by the Successive formation Of the viscera and their severat paris; sorthat Whicli is rogarded by another, is prior to it, and that Whichregards the other, is posterior to it. One thing folloWs. another according to the ordor in Whicli the tWO are mutuatly relaten and dependent. Thus the litile spinal marroW is dependent upon ille primitive and incipient cerebrum and cerebellum. The beari is dependent upon both, arising as it does asterWards beside tholi tile spine. The vesseis are dependent On the heari, and previ-ous to iis motion stand around it, being kept as it Were in Waltingsor it. On ali theso the lungs are dependent, because they arise subsequently to ali. The litile spinal marroW is formod with relation to ali the viscera of the body; the heari, Willi rotationto the fame viscera, Whicli solioW it; yet so that it rosors itsolsto the spinal marroW and the brains, and is dependent uponthum. Thus nil things are formed in their OWn Ordor. Theuses of ad things, as I before sald, are brought to light in this manner: the use of the heari, as dispensing the blood undor the auspices and governance Os iis prior principies; as commencing the circulation; thus RS proViding sor every pari; aye, and at the fame time as Subserving the brains; Whicli latior,

out of the heari's blood, supply their fibres With spirituous fluid. In fine, there is nothing in the Whole of this limited universo that doses not contain the laW os ali that solio us ii, and ut thosamo timo reser itself to ali that goes bufore it.


253. There is a certain formative substance or force, thali uius the thread from the sirst livino potnt, and aflerwarri continues it to the last potnt of lisse. This is callud by some theplastic force, and the Archaeus; by others, simply nature in action; but I thinti it wili ho moro intelligibie is in refereticeto the work of formation we term it the formative force and Substance. For that whicli forms and as it were creates the

Since be re it cati commence and proceed, Something mHSt preexist in the ovum, and be carried into the ovarium. The Same tam oblatus in tho most minute and imperfeci animais; the fame in the larger animais ; and the fame in man, Or in themost perfect of all. A certain formative laree Or substanee

turiate kidneys, the thymus gland, and Other paris; the use Ofother viscera is brought oui, as in semales, of the brensis, thetenis, the Ovaries, kc.; and again os the ieeth, the horns, thehair, and so fortit; so that in the formed subjeci, formationand resormation stili continuo; and What is done in the Wombis buf the sirst projoction of the woos, or the Winding of the


sionder thread round the spindle, in ordor subsequently that it may be Wound oss by degrees in producing the fabrie. Thereare three sisters Who manage these threads; to Wit, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla spinalis ; cach of Whichthe formative substance empoWers to aut, and prescribes to enchunalterable laWS. 255. That a certain formative substance is preexistent and present in these cases, is very clear DOm the extraordinary and unusual connection Os paris, Observabie in foetes monsters. ΤhHS SOme possess an undiae number of arms, Dei, fingers and tOOS; SOme are Connected, in One Way or another, by the belly,

courses ; yet notWithstanding their disserenoes in this respect, they ali live in unanimisy, and the lila os ali is suit te to thostate. But is the reader Will use his oWn poWers, and folloWup the rationes investigation of the subjeci, he Will surely conclude, that there is some formative substance and force, and thatit is identical With that principio Whicli repairs the dilapidations


thread Dom the first living potui, and continues it asterWardato tho lusi potnt os lise. 256. milh respeet to this formative substance or Drce, Suchis the defeci os terms, that we can predicate scarcely anythinyadequale of it. For as it is the firsi substance of iis Lingdom,

so it is also the most universat and perfeci; and consequently in a manner above and beyond the sphere Os common WOrdsand formulas. FOr in proportion as Substances, und thereWithsor eS, POWerS, modes and qualities, are exalted, they bet ethoniselves into a higher anu as it Were disserent sphere, Wherethey cannot be expressed by the fame Sigus as besore, as I have


universal, and the most simple, os ali the substances and forces of iis kivdom. It is evidently the si si, beenuse it commences thethread, and when commenced continues it to the ultimate os

hoWever internat and doeply involved therein, but it evolies it, und summotis it to assist in bullding and completing iis Ling-dom. In the animal kingdom, thorosore, in Whatever direction

iandergo renovation and formation, in One peculiar and contra-

distinctive mantior n. 26I). We shali admit a certain providentiat series is me attentively contemplate the paris in the Whole, and See hoW one is prepared for the salie of anothor; hOW One RiWays comes to the use of the nexi succeeding; and hoW ali, individually and collectively, are for the salie of thosrsi substance; since they reser themsolves to their antecedonis : heuce ali the consequents reser to the first Of the serios,on Whicli they depend, and for the sine of Whicli they oxist inone distinctive manner n. 252 . 259. Τhis formative substance or force then it is Which


gOVerns the sceptro and sits at the helm of tho Lingdom; thatis to SV, martis Out the proVinces, disposes the guards, distributes the ossices, and Leeps everything in tho station in Whichit has been placed, and thus tines care that evorything shallexecute iis functions in ali their delatis. Sinco theresore it is the most poWerfui, the most scientisc, the most present, os allthings in iis body, it follows that it is as it Were the demi-goddess, tutelar deity, and genius of the microcosm. NeVer-theless iis poWer is extremoly limited, although less limited than that of the substances and forces that come aster it, in regardio Whicli indoed it is comparatively unlimited. I say comparatively, sor so sar Dom being essentially unlimited, there is nothing possibio to it but that whicli has been impressed uponaud imparted to iis nature; so that iis omnipresence, iis poWerand providen ce, are almost enti rely confinest With in the circle ofits OWn narroW Worid. For the Author Os Nature has reservedio himself the supremacy over ii and est things, both in regardio POMer, presenee, kHOWledge and proVidence, Whicli supremacy he exercises according to the laW, that so sar as the fouiis dependent upon him, so far it is perfeci in every sacvity, and conducted to universat and absolute onds, and iis loWerpoWers and degrees, by iis means, are the fame; but so sar as it censes to be his image and likeness, so far it bucomes impersectin ali iis sucullies, and lapses aWay DOm the nobier end S.'260. The 'st enδε, as weli as the midiae and ultimate enδε, accordiu to which causes follow in provisive and sit en order tilithoe arrive at the ultimate esseci, appear to be present to it, and inherent wilhin it, simultaneousty and instantly. Τhis followssrom the iam that the antecedent is formed for the use of the consequent n. 252); but there Would be nothing conformabie in the antecedent, uniess this use Or end had been besore represented. Were not this the case, the rudimenta spinal marroWcould not be adapted Dom the beginning to the conditions os allthe members; the heart could not be formed vitii a view to theconditions of the arteries and Veius, nor yet With a vieW to thecondition os subserving the lungs; the lungs could not be constituted for the reception and expiration of their atmosphere;


When distant and ultimate onds are Lept in vioW as is they Were present, intermediate ends are comprehended ut Once, and are carrien O Wards With a fixed aim and nn unerring direction. Τhus When the formative force or substanco by a Lind of intui-tion, is I may so speah, comprehends the ultimate end, thenthe intermediate onds are at the fame time contained Within it,

n. 256). For it is in the sirst principies of iis things, and in a

whicli the intuition of the miud, Whicli is also an intuition ofends,) is en ablud to rouse est the muscies of the body to palpa-ble motion, or in Whicli a baro Wili is enabled to determinoitself into real actions. Here We Would only observe, that in

not that ali things that can over be in it are in it at onco, butthat they Will bo communicatud to it, and thus are in it. Wemay silly illustrate the case by an algebraic equation, Whieli


indes nitu number, Onch of Which may bo successively educedand evolved, and again successively reducen into the fame equation. And it Will be suen in the sequet, that disserent endsmay be present and involved in it, or the fame ends in a disserent manner. This is true in the sinite sphero. But in the Infinite Being, ali things that can ever by possibility be iΠ- volved, are involved at Once; and this of themselves Or essentially, and not successively. of Him, therefore, change of State is never predicabie, although it is predicabie os ali naturaland sinite things, and even os the formative substance itself. 261. Consequently this substance or force represenis to itfel the state about to be formed, just as is it were a state ali eat formed; and indeed the state atready formed as a state about lo beformed. For is the ultimate onds are in it, together With themiddie and srsi, thon the state that has been formen is represented as present in the state that is to be formod, and thostato that is to bo formed in the state that has been sormed; thoono boing involven With the Other in momentaneOUS preSOΠCO. The case is the fame as When the miud embraees some ultimate object in iis plans; for then it sees this object as is it Were pre-Sent, Or When the means are furnished, contemptates it as al- ready accomptished und realiged: and hoW much more is thistriae in this higher faculty, Where the principie of the mitid'srenson resides, Or the force Os larces, and the substance of

That this substance repressenis to itself the stato Whicli is tobe formed as ulready formest, is in some mensure evident Domitio methodicat distribution of the motivo fibres in the body; somethodicat indeed, that conforma ly to the stightest hint of the wili, nil things rusti into effeci. For the motive fibres are sostly combined in the muscies, and the muscies in the body, thattho more non and breath of the wili is sufficient, in Iess than a


. Ret in most stupendOUS concert; ΠOt to mention Other instaneos.

Is there not here a representation Os the thing formod, liho usos the thing out to be formed, since the obedience of the wholeis So ready and 8O easy; into Whicli Obedience ali that is sormodnaturalty salis, by virtve of the fame principio Os action. Foruuless What is formed represented itself in What is to bo formed,

a similitude and concordanee so great never could exist. Andiliis is tho reason Why this substance, in the state Os formation, alWays also persisis in the thing formed, nor ever desisis Domitiis untii the thread os life is broken. Whore re the truth of the rule is evident, that subsistence is perpetuat existence. 262. That this substance represenis to itself the state formodas a State 3 et to be formed, is a consequence of the formertruth; for this substance is alWays in a state Os formation and existence ; OtherWise What is formest could nos subsist. This is stlown in a lively instance in the case of parental love Or Storge ;&r parenis regard their insanis as themselves in the insanis, oras most uni ted Other Solves, and not as separate untii long asterbirth: a sigia, as it Would seem, that the very force and substance that Was in the parent, is transplanted into the Osrspring. Is this bo the cnse, then the Same substance, alWays Similar toitself, cannot aut OtherWise in that Whicli is formod, than in that, namely, in the parent, Which had previ ously been formed. 263. Moreover the series of ali the contingenis, in the orderin which thev successively appear for the purp08e os completino the work of formation, is instants present to it, and as it tuere

not present, Would OccaSion the Work to Stos, and the connec-tion to bo broken and continuod no further. Henee, Wheu during the state os formation these contingenis do not present

themselves in their just proportion and rightsul mode, the paris

of the system are connected together in accordance With those contingenis Whicli are presented: RS We See eviden ced in monstrous birilis n. 255). For in the w9 and the womb, ali thinos that con possib* be contingently present, are atready pre8ent, provideli anil prepared. For everything that is Wanted is involved in the albumen and yolli of the egg; and this, With sueh


eXactitude Os arra gement, that erecti particular can be called forti, and come in the proper ordor. Tho yoth also itsed is disti iaci Dom the albumen, and within il lio tho ingredients of thered blood. The like is the casu in the womb, Where the embryo

other resulis present them Selves of necessity. The Same ruleobinins in ali Other cases : for example, est the use of the heart