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Whenover they become revealed by the devolopinent of the ultimate end. But this matter cannot be fulty explained, be- cause the above are essects of the Divino frovidetice, and it is requisite that Wo Ahould first enquire into the nature and effecisos free-Will. 265. A cordino to the nature and state of this formative substance, and sultably to iis intuition or representation, causes solvinto their essecis. That diversity and change of state are predicabie of this substance, is a truth whicli I do not Wish to prove by philosophical arguments, but by inductions derived from eX- perience. I Would here observe Only, that everything naturalaud sinite is cap te of successively assuming disserent States, and When thus assumed, of holding them simultaneously: but I do not here propose to consider the quali ty of these states, but only to declare, that according to the nature and state Osthe formative substance, causes and essecis floW conformably totho intuition Or representation Os endS.
266. As appears from the different fornis of animais. ΤΟ
enumerate nil the animais and thoir disserent fornis, Would require me to traverse Ocean, earth and uir. For there are aquatio, terrestrini and Wingod animais. Os ench of theso thoronre genera and Species. There are moreOVer insecis, multitudes
of whicli clude tho sight When unassisted by glasses. Os thesei secis there is as great a diversity as of the solis that produce, the leavos that nourish, and the sun-beams that vivisy them. Τhey have cach their oWn proper serui, and euch their O uproper formative substance. This formative Substanee construcis the estigy in accordance With the nature derived Domthe parent, rareb deviating Dom ille modet. Inasmuch asthis is obviolis to the senses, it remaius Only to conclude fromthese data the reasou Why fornas are produced so dissimilaramong themselves, and yet bearing Such extreme resemblanceto the One common parent. I ask, then, Whether the rationalmind can arrive ut any Other conclusion in this case, than that
there is a formative substance and larce, Whicli in consormityWith iis nature and state establishes sueti forms and laWs Osregimen as ure sultable to the goverument proper to iis Ling-d0m ; and that tho hody thus formed is an image of the repre-Sentations of iis foui 3267. From the imminative force in preunant semales, causing correspondino marks on the litile body of the embryo. For in
VRScular and fibrous passages, und sis I am not mistinon in the conjecture) through the itinermost coat of the arteries und the Outermost coni of the vetus, and thence through the spirituous suid and the purer blood. In this manner We find impressedupon the tender body of the embryo, figures Os StraWberries,
the continuat contemplation Os a beauti fui person, the mollier may Superinduce the impression os a beautiful face, it may be
tion Os terror or inordinate destre Whicli liud disturbod horbrain; so that during the formation of the body of the embryo
an impression corresponding With this emotion Was made uponiis tender substance : then from a consideration Os these circum-
suci, it Wore anything but a Seal impresSing, Whenee RrOSe ncorresponding impression during a State of bOdy in Whicli everything yielded to the imprinting agent; that is, Whether it Were anything but causes floWing into their effecis .in a manner COH- formabie to the superinduced representation. 268. From the formation of the brains, or of the oryanism Uthe internat senses, as belv different in disserent species of uni- mala, and in di ferent individuals of the fame species. Thi8 maybo inferred Doui the externat fornis os animais, and HSo Domitio internat formes of the severat viscera and paris . of these ve Would seleel ser example Only the brains, Where Me findthe organism Os these senses. In some animais the bratus aresmali, as in foWis and 1ish, and have no surroWs und conVOlutions On the surtace, but the membranes lie upon them in close contact; there is litile or no cortical substance in the peripheries, but ulmost the whole of it is silualed abolit the ventricles, and the thalami of the optic nerves are like tWO succenturiate Cerebra, c. I and animais and quadrupeds exhibit the great- est disseretices in the insulcations of the bratus; tu the connection and formation Os the ventricles, choroid plexus, glandS, tubercles, infundibulum, and rete mirabile; in the influx and efflux of the blood; tho organism being in faci altogether disserent. But in man the brain is more perfeci and more capaciOIIS, and three times as large as even in the Ox: more caution is Ahewn in the mode os distributing the blood through the arteries ; ΠOt to mention innumerable Other things, Whicli are ali somany evident proOss that causes floW into their essecis accorditigio the state and nature of the formative SubStance, Or eonformably to iis intuition or representation.
269. Whence it follows, that no condition of the oryanism is primarily the cause of the internal faculties, but that that formative force or sub8lance is the cause, whose nature, and the imaste of whsse representations, determines the form os ali thinos in theloi . For such as is the sormative forco, such is the thingsormed; such as is the seni, Such is the impression ; suci, as is the efficient, suci, is the effeci; such as is the principie, Such is the principiate; sueti as is the thing determining, such is thething determined; helice such as is the formative force Or Soul, such is the brain and the body. For the body may not inaptly
WTOng in Our conjectures concerning the animal mitid: butespecialty is We judge by a man's actions, Whicli are mere OXC-cutions Os the Will, and actuat representations of the innermiud. Τhis formative force there re causes those creatureSthat have no intelligent or rationat solii to be ignorantly impelled to endes by an instinci analogous to reason; While tothΟSe creatures, Such as man, that have a rationes solit, it has imparted a more capacious brain, a more spaci Ous internat organiSm, and n more poWersul faculty Os using reason; and in this instance has prudently disposed iis sanguineous allies under the controi os the brain, and has prolonged the age in Whichreason inny be culti Vated SO R8 to groW up to adult maturity. Henoe no condition of the organism is primari ly the cause Ofour enjoying reason; but the Sout is the cause, Whicli as an intelligent agent designing to enjoy the society of the inferior faculties, haS SO prearranged matters, that the avenues leading to
things in her Lingdom may represent herseis in an image. Forthis formative substance, inasmuch as it is comparati Vely eminent in siluation, and is in the highest degree, cannot descendimmediately to the mechanism of the body; for is there bethree or mur disserent degrees, the highest cannot aci upon thelowest except through the intermediate. Hence it is, that Whenthe organism of the intermediate degree is injured, or in any Way assected, the foui cannot 1lOW into the ultimate degrest, Orinto the sphere os effecis and actiones, excepi in a mannor Conformabie to the state of the intermediate degree. There arenumerous contingenis that may abrogate Or alter the communication of the one With the other; for instance, When the brainis compressed in the womb of tho mollier; Whon it is 1looded
been disturbed by violent emotions, or by diseases; When the placenta has not been properly connected With the uterine solds; When the Ovulum has nos descended through the Fallopiantubes in proper time and ordor: With an infinite number Osother circumstances, in ali Os Whicli the formative force is under the necessity of combining the paris of the machine in a man-
nor different Dom What it OtherWise Would have done, und Recording to the series of contingenis Whicli has besallen it n. 255, 263, 267 . Besides, even aster birili, accidenis, Wounds unddiseases Occur, Whieli injure, assect and invert the natural state; frequently causing loss of memory, and of the poWer of eXereiSing reas an, also Stupidity, Stolidity, madue88, fury, melancholy. None of these things hoWever prevent the foui DOm remaining in a state of intelligetice, although the intermediate Organism, Whicli has received Dom the bosore-mentioned casu alties a different condition, cannot soW into the essecis and actions of the ultimate degree excepi in such a Way as is conformabie to this condition. Thus We may understand hoW a foui as rationalmay reside in the tenderest insant, nay, in the idiot, as in the
I havo staten that the foui in irrationat animais causes the animaled body or animal to be ignorantly impellen to ends by
an instinet analogous to reason. By natural instincts I meanuli those operations Whicli do not come With in the consciousnessos the mind, or to iis intuitive linoWledge Or perception; Such, for instance, as the economical und chemicat operations of the animal Lingdom, among Which We may enumerate the systole of the heari and arteries; those laWs of the commixtion, discrimination, Separation, and elaboration of the blood whicli aro recolanted in D. I99; and an infinite number of Other thingswhicli sol low in their train. of these Operations the cerebellum appears to be the conductor, and it acts ali at Once or undivid-edly out of the Gordian knot Os iis structure, und moreover itis an organism Of the second degree n. 164 . But not so the cerebrum, Whieli is discriminated into innumerable cortical thalami, and iis organism carried to the third degree of composi
therefore under it. This formative substance is bound by necessity to aloin the cerebellum to the cerebrum; so that thegrenter part of the economicat functions und exercises of thebody may be referred to the cerebellum, test by any chance the
allow the republic to sali into inactivity and ruin, or distraci and destroy it by insurrectionary motioris, or by allurements and cupidities.
Since thon nil things in the body are adapted to the natureos the foul, and to tho image of her representations, it is WiSelyproviden that animais Whicli possess no reason, and coΠSequentlyno Will, should live under the guidance of their instincis. ISRy ΠO TORSOΠ, and con8equently Πo Will, because Wili is a con- comitant Only os reason, and can be callod Will only in virtve of tho liberty Whicli resulis Dom reason. Animal instincis ne-Veriheless so resemble renson, Will and liberty, as those privi- leges exist in iis, that nothing can simulate them better; nay, SO Weli are they counterseited, that Wo a re ali but deceived by the resemblance. Indeed, the notions resulting Dom instincis Bre truly marvellous, and Seem as is they Were determined by a species of doliberation and forethought, instead of procoedingsrom a bliud impulso. In illustration of this Wo have only to
not olearly perceive that there is a Soul proper to every Species of animal; that this foui ad is ali things to the image and naturo os isseis; and that it cannot and ought not to construct the organism of the bratus in brutes othei Wise than that theymay be governed by instinuis in place of that reason and Willby Whicli man is distinguished. But I shali treat more distinctly
270. The vertest formative force and substance is the foui. For of the foui alone cau We predicate that it is the most uni Versat, the most perfeci, the most simple, and the first of the substances and forces os iis Lingdom n. 257ὶ : that it is every-Where preSent, potent, conscious, and provident in iis body
the parent. Τhat it has momentaneousty present to it, and asit Wore involvon Within it, the series os ali contingenis neceSSarysor completing the Work of formation n. 263). That iis poWeris so exulted that in ali the public anu privato assairs of iis Ling-dom, it can give iis subjecis laWs Doni the throno Os iis simplewill; that it advancus to the attainment os iis purpOses throughthe mysteries of ali the natural sciences and aris, so that itineets With nothing so insuper te, but that in iis descent Domiis principies down the ladder os oritur, it is enabled to arrive ut longili at the ultimatu end whicli it had represented to itsols n. 258 . Where re every action of the body is the s ursaction, so sar as it is an action Os the Wili, this, an action Osthe reason, and this, of the principie of reason in Whicli thes ut is . But as the foui cannot descend Without intermediates into tho ultimate compositions and effecis of iis body, because the foui is in the highest degred, and cannot Dom the highostsoW into the loWest and aut iapon it immediately, r Whichreason there is a subordination and succession Of things bosorothere is any coordination and coexistence,) there re it solioWs,
271. Since then au thinos are thus most ni ely subordinaledand coordinaled, it follatos, that the spirituous suid is the 'st cause. The srst cause of ali is indeod the foui, Whicli is tho liseand spirit of the spiritu us fluid; and the determination of this fluid procoeds Dom the foui as iis sirst principio; but sincethrough the defective ess of terms, scarcely anything can bendequalely predicated of the foui, We may consider this suid, Whicli in potnt of unanimity is the other self of the foui, as thesirst in the series of venda. But hoW this fluid acts Or formsDom determining principies,-this is among the Secreis Ofnature. For in the primordial state, as Malpighi relates, allthe partS are So mucous, White, and pellucid, that use What glasses
ter are evidenced by the addition os color to the bl ood V n. 242). From the whole process of the formation of tho chicli in thoegg, as described by Μalpighi and Lancisi, it is evident that these fluid substances aut as the causes of things according to the be rementioned orner; as is clear Dom the first living poliat, the carina, tho initiament of tho medulla spinalis, of the heari,
and other appended organs; Dom the colliquamenta, gones, vesicles; Dom the successive change of the liquids, and Domthe nature of the albumen and yolli in the egg. For When finallu tho red blood comes to be formed, and iis assistance tobe required, the vesseis elongate illi they reach the yolli, out of Whicli the constituent, combining, and Complementary elements of the blood me educed. They also SO extend as to comein contact With the atmosphere n. 50 , Since there are paS-
Sages' and commissures Whicli lead through tho gheli of thoeg; through the medium of Which Whatever the yolli mayWaut is supplied by the air. That such is the succession and subordination os causes is achnowledged even by the most celebrated authors. Thus Lancisi observes, that With regard tothe quality of the fluid that flowly traverses the umbilicat ves- scis toWard the end of the second day, it is sirst yelloWish, thenrust-red, and ut last sanguine or blood-red; Whence it is veryclear that the more fluid cylinders of colliquamentum, Whichappear pellucid and perfectly limpid bosore and on the sirst dayof incubation, rise through certain gradations os color, yelloWi8hand rusty red, bosore they attain the character of blood; thesechanges being brought about by a gentie fermentation caused by the Warinth, and by the elasticity of the air in motion, thesulphurous particles meanWhile being disengaged by degrees, and the saline volatile particles ruised to the sursace '' n. 245). And Μalpighi statos, that tho blood ultimately becomes red, and in this last stato is put in circulation by the heari' n. 242 .
Consequently, 272. That the furer blaod is the second cause; and the redblood, the third cause, or the essect of the former causes. Aiso that the sui est sibriis are 'st pro ced: then the vesseis of the purer blaod; and lastly, the vesseis of the red blaod; one of theseordera precessing the other, and then, a cording a8 they are com- pounded, one actino with the other. These positions are but mere conSequences of What I have stated abovo on this subjectin Chapters I. and II., and as it is nos necessary to repeat theobservations Whicli are there made, I sorbear saying more in thepresent article.
273. Consequently, as the lisita creature sirows successively in the en or the womb, it passes thro h four remarkable changes and diversities of state. The sirsi, when by the mediation of the spirituous suid, the initiaments of the two brains and medullin are halon and delinealed. Τhere are as it Wore Dur different ages through whicli the animal that is to be formed has to pas8, be re
projecting beyond the rudiment. Alalpighi describes this agens solioWs: At the end of 6 hours, . . . the rudiments of the carina and head of the Chicli Were seen as a ZOne, SWimming in a colliquamentum Os a leaden color, Which Was bounded by a circle that served as a Lind of dam . . . . At the end of 12 hours, . . . the carina, defined by White gones, exhibiton the round capitulum or litile hered, and also for the sirst timo, b0yond iis middie, the orbibular vesicles for sacculi of the vertebrae,
siluated at intervals On either fide. . . . In Other cicatriculae thus incubnted, . . . the carina Os the chich was defined by a Whitogone, furnished With tWo processes indicating the rudiments of the head, and had the globules of the vertebrae attached to itat intervals as in the formor caseV n. 243). ler 18 hoursos incubation the cicatricula presented no great alteration in