A direction for travailers

발행: 1592년

분량: 33페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


pocrates, Galen, Avicen Pisitions, most of the ancient and later laNyers, haue trauelled a- mong Worthy men Iupiter, Iacchus, Hercules, Theseus, Iasion,Visses, Acneas, Crrus, Alexander, Iuliiu Celar, Hannibal, Scipio, Augustus, Methridate Pompe , OUUtine harusti, Othoes, rades, Henries, Frederitis,


seth in a right good verse Omne solum sorii Patria est ut piscibus aequor.

Ech land vnto a vallant mala,

whicli are better able than my mong sella instructed in religion, and the true feare of the almightie God, once theonely maher,alWales the sole gouernour of the heavens, the earth


bene molien in mens purses,and Mordes bro-ken in their scabbatas,and beare turnedin bar-


son of the great Sapience, and prudence of V-


sita then that he Was-one that had stenmuch, asthimselfe faith in the verses which are

For that he tam many mens mauera,

and saim man cities. And in s oth the learned Poet laide right well, for os ali things in the worid, I know nothingmore auaileable to the attaining of true wise- dome and Qund discretion,then the sight,con- ideration and knowledge, offundi y rites, maners, pollycies and gouernmenis, speciallyeis you maris them diligentile, compare themtogither perfectile, and appliethem to yourpurpose effectuallie, whicli os ali loves I destreyour honour to do. It is enough that you stestrange ordinaunces in other landes, but youmust ste into them, and marve the rea n and grounde of them. Thinheit not sufficient tolaeve into fouenestates and customes, virlineyousearchalso into the vis and abuse of them. Nore this sicarch and inquisition I speave os, is to be practised either by reading the seuerat hystories of those nations where you are totrauell, sor euery particularcountrie hath his peculiar storie and chronicie) where you mali find the nature, manners, and bellauior of thepeopte the Citties, ibe wales , an d the commodities of the countrey set do ne: or ella by. Marios uor fering no storie, as no tam can


the subiect ofyourtalve, inmine opinion no thing were more meet for one of your hono-- rabie estate, then to question and discourse of the fassi tons,lawes, nobilitie, and vindoswa fare of the peopte inhere you trauell, as did thegreat Alexander: who when any embinadors


ning is to be fought for abroad in this great varirieti eos learninge and learned men at homer steing also that the studentes life is farre diffe

cessitie in continuali motion,careand busines, the other naturalite affecting ease, fascite, and quietnesse both whose humors, and conditions the Poet who had cisted of both,expressedliuelyin two Verses, Carminascessumscribentis, se otia quinunt,

Me mare ne venti Uera in I at hiems.

rhe studenis lite stelies ease, and quicinesse, But trauellers state,hath care, and businesse.


admire and entertaine strange artificers b soreouro ne, so Nee Nonden at, and more


A 'Dirempusthollers by visiting uniuersities and men of