A direction for travailers

발행: 1592년

분량: 33페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Neu erran a man be more siramelesse Withlesse lanae then in couetinglobe inith them, that may better him. Thus was Plato,Pythagoras. Democritus, ct the rest of those Worthie tra- uallers affected,who leaving their native solle, Greece, the fountain, and foundation Oficar- ning ranged ouer the whole worid, and were notassia med tolearne of the worst, and simplest, is he kneru ante thing whereos they Were ignorant. The secondmeanes for a scholier, yDong gentieman, or ante other to further,

discipline in Warre , and pollitiche gouern ment in peace. In tius countrey Where stati


liaue occasion to cali into remembrance, stat whicli is set downe in Liuie,Salust,Polibius,PI garitus, Dion, and Dioni , in Whome Rhola hath read heereto re sondrie matters of



ous monumentes of antiquitie : neither canthe remembrance of the Valour, proWesse,andvertue of sormer men and ages, but ingen-der braue and worthie thoughtes, in euertegentie litari,and notae bloud. Nowe I come to the third effeci, and ve tue os traueI,Whicli consistes in learning to r fine our maners, and to attaine to latre conditions , and bellauiour toWardes ali Unde and 'conditions of men, Whicli I have tefit sor thelast place'ecausie I Would haue it best remem-

C laed


utiled, fio manie gestures s hali you sce themuse, as platers on the stage , Whicli perhaps inone houre chaunge thenaselues into adosen

vindes os gestures. This inimicali, and miserable affecting as in ali things eis it is grosse, and absurd)so in the carriage of the body,it is most vile, base, and of ailleast beseeming a nobie personage r Wheres ore eschewe it good myLord in and especialty my Lord, auo id alimeanes, the victous carriage as I may so say

of the mind,the rather because the vices os theminde are common abroad, and obuious eu rie where, and other nations have greater facilitie to hide their vices then we Englisti men, so that their outinard shew is comonly good, and honest,but inreardly there luthcs ali hinde ofvice, and vitious affections for them ostepart I say wherebore the more prouident ought you to be , that you bee not b ullodwiththese patnted Sepulchres , and that somuch the rather, because our nature is proneto imitate ouilandissi vices,either because theyare strangelo us, and deli liuit, or because


how ibone, and ho easse our corrupi natureis induced to sin ne As painters can rasilie draw any mole, or de tormitie in the face but cannot so soone si

have diligent care in this belialbe, least you fallinio the naturali fauits of thole nations whererou trauell. For euen as euery man, so euertenation hath his proper vice as for example.

The Flenche man is lightandisa constante in speech and bellaui r. The Italian hypocriticali, luxurious, and Whicli is Korst os ali illes)ielous. The Spaniardus imperious, proude, disdainsul, pretending more then euor hee intendeth to doo. Τhe Germaine, and Nei her-lander, ambitious, gluttons, drunkerdes, and

These their victous conditions becausethey are naturali unto them) they commenderather then condemne in themselucs; and Qt laoth that they may go more currant abroad, 'they set them out with the goodite tities of ci- uilitie, amabilitie, grauitie, and good fellois stip . but beware, beWare of them, the gremner the grasse is, the more live it is that thesmahe lurus there.

And thus much coacerning therast part of


ther nations ouro ne is most free,ingenio us

ny: contrari Nise tho Italia n,as Isaid, is hypo critical, close, malitio us, incroching and dea dite.

you do Nne the natureiand vices both of themen, and the women: Nith the meanes horu


tioni: God sorbid. As Physiitions for the lase tie of their patienis, prescribe them polson for a time, to expeti polson :so I Wissa you io frameyour nature a litile and fora time, to lighte and smali dissimulation. Inal the way oi your trauell, especiallye in Italie, I bese hyou o, serue these three goiden rules, Sit.

Frons aperta,

leeue nothing. And this whicli I have sisyde Iaathbeene spolien of the vulgar and popularsori, not of the best and nobi e men, Whom3 Ihnow are simple, sincere, noble,louers of leam ning, and of braue mindes, so as methinues, Imay say, that in the one remaine the spathes of the old Latines and worthy Romaines, in theother the Dahes and reliques of the fauadge Gothes and vandals. Thus have I passed by


Faemina urit videndo,