장음표시 사용
visti Empemur : that cittie whose scituation ismost admirabie, Whose pollicie, and gouern ment in prace most Nisie, and free. Whose Narsis sea and land have been infinite,and almis luchirithe Forte of Christendomo,& the verte
best marte of Merchantes.Foras in olde time, Alexandria was calicd the goiden cittie: Antiochia the beretisuli, Nichomedia the very exuti-suli, Athens the most glorious,and breuiarie of the worta: So in Ital3 of late Mame is dubbed me great, Florenoe me laire: Napsis is called the Nobi and Verice is christened the rich Citie. In your returne home, is youturne asideto that huge, and populous the cittie of Mittitur,