A direction for travailers

발행: 1592년

분량: 33페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


visti Empemur : that cittie whose scituation ismost admirabie, Whose pollicie, and gouern ment in prace most Nisie, and free. Whose Narsis sea and land have been infinite,and almis luchirithe Forte of Christendomo,& the verte

best marte of Merchantes.Foras in olde time, Alexandria was calicd the goiden cittie: Antiochia the beretisuli, Nichomedia the very exuti-suli, Athens the most glorious,and breuiarie of the worta: So in Ital3 of late Mame is dubbed me great, Florenoe me laire: Napsis is called the Nobi and Verice is christened the rich Citie. In your returne home, is youturne asideto that huge, and populous the cittie of Mittitur,

inat Waled in ille sea before his discipies as