장음표시 사용
leave thei religio altogether in tho temple, and wit thotemple, as the had found it an neither bring it themanythin oscit, nor ah mything ach. enco it is that religious observances of this hinsare netther abis to mae mengood nor o bo firmand unchange te. An thus en aroeasilfled aWay hom them,aecause nothiniis learned in them relatin to tho iis, nothin relatin in isdom, nostin tofaith. Foroliat is tho religionis thois oti What is iispo er What ita disciplino hat ita origies What iis principio What iis foundation hat iis substanco What is it tendency o What doecit promise so that it may bo salthfuli preservedand boldly defended by man se nothingislso incit than arite pertaining to the fingere only. But our religiones on this account firm and solid, and unchangeablhaecauso it teaches justice, becauserit is always With us,aeca erit has ita existenco altogether in tho ou of the orshipper Minus it has homin iiset for a sacrifice. In that religio nostin eis is required ut tho Nood os animais, an in saeuheii an as
Mox v. TNE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 343theresorario as them to hom specialty the thiis that theyare doing a service in compelling them in sacrifice against thoirwill, Is it to thos Whom the comperi ut that is no a Lind-nes Whichris done to ono ho resuses it But, must consulatheir interesis even against thei Will since thes omnes Whati good. Why, then, do the so crueli harras, tortum, and weahen them is the wis for thei sale o Whenco is pie so impious, that thereither destro in thi Wretched manner orrender seless, those hos messare the wish in promotori ordo the do servico in tho godsi ut that is no a sacrifice Whichris extorted Domin person against his Mil. Formnlescitis offered spontaneously, and hom the foui it is a curae; henmen sacrifice, compelled is proscription is injuries, is prison, is tortures. I the are god who re orshippe in his manner, is for his reason only the ought no in e o fhipped. cause the wish to e orshippe in his manner: themare doubiles Worth of the detestatio of men sincelibations are made to them Wit inars, With Moaning and With
to have been led to that hic is good by good, andio brevit;
s44 LACTANNUS BOOK V. mimic representations of theminae acted wit lauotor and pleas e. What hind os a religion is this, or lio great must that majesty bo considered, Whichris adored in templexandis hod in theatres the who havs done thes things domo suffer the enmance of the injure deity but evena aWay hono edan praued Do mo destro them in a Mors manne than certain philosophers, Who say that there remo god at ali butthat ali things are spontaneo ly produced, and that ali thingswhic are dono happen is chance Do e destro them in amore manne stan the Epicureans, ho admit the existence of
CHAP. XXII.-sf the age of the domon against Christians, and the error Uinbelle vers. The do not heresors age against u on his account,
cause their god are not orshippe byrus, but ecauso instruct is o our fide, hich ascit has been sat mos trulyhpr duces haved. What, then, shall, thin 'ut that thera ignorant of What the suffer For the aet with aaliud indundi onable turri Whic Weaee, but of Whic therare ignorant. For it is no the me themselves h persecuis for thes vono cause of anger against the innocent; ut those contaminated an abandone spirit is homilio truth is both known and haled insinuate themselves into thei minia, and goad them in stela ignorance to su . For these, a longos there is piscoamong the eoplo os God fles homine righteous, and fine them and when inerseige pon the bodies of men, and haraasthei muls therare adjured by them, an a tho amo of thotruo God ars ut in flight. For heu the hea this amo
Eos ipsos, e christiana. Quia oculis manuque tractabile eat.
great and leading viriue, hic the public voice of the pmplo and philosophers and orator althe extol With the hi est prais . But is it cannot bo dented that this is a virtuo of the highesthind, it is necessary that in jus and wis manishould be in thQ Wer of the uniust for obtaining patience so patienceris the Maring missi equanimit of the viis hic amisister inflictedor happen to fallis nos. Therelare theciust and Wis man, becauseae exercise Viriue, has patience in himself bucho millbo altogother Deo fram thici he hali suffer no adversi . nthe other hand tho man who livos in prosperi cis impatient, and is mithout the greatest viriue Linil him impatient. causehe suffers nothing. Qis also nable is preserve innocen , Which viriue is peculiarito thorius and vis man. ut he ostenacis uniusti also, and destris the propertros othera, and selaesu natat Whichae has destred by injustice, Minus horis mit out Viriue, and is subjectu vico and sin and fomesul of his hallu, heris pussed, missi a tand elated missi insolen .From this cause in uniust, and thos Who are ignorant of God a undisit riches, and pomer, an hono s. For allthese ining aro tho remaria o injustice, Minus stercannot be perpetuat, and the ars ought throuo lust an violanee. But inscius and wis man, beta ea deam allatam thingsas human, ascit has been aid is Laelius, and his o- good as
divino nesther destres authin Whichaelongcto noster, testho hould injur an ono at ali in violationis the la o humani ; nor domine long sor an pomerior honour, that hema no do an injurnio an ono. Forao knows that ali ars prod edintho fame God, and in the fame condition, and am
Jem, hos successor an posteri , aro on this account
othera, test, Ming corrupted by the happinem os prosperi , thvshould glide into luxur an despuo the precept o God asthos incestor of ours, who, sitimes enervared by these inrthly
statino may both confirm them hen avering an rene them to sortitude When corrupted, and try and prove them Whensaithful. For homin a generat prove the valour of his soldiere, uni sae hali hau an nem , Anyyet ther inses an adversa et him against his mili, Minus heris mortia, and is abloto bo conquered buc cause God cannot be oppos , Hemimself stir u adversaries tomis name, notrio fight against GodHimsol aut againstruis soldiere, stat He mareither prove thedevotetaeis an fidelit of His servant' or a strengthenthem, uniit m correcta thela wasting disciplino by the stripes of telion. There is also noster cause Whymo permita persecutions tobe carrie o against us that tho e is o God may bo imere ed. Nor is it dissiculi to alio Whror homiliis happens. Firet os ali, great number are drivendrom the worahi of the falso god by theis atre os mel . For,ho ould notshrin trem suci sacrifices the ex place, omo ampleased Mith virtus and fiat laself Somo suspeet inacit is
thes very torment that the domo sacrifice to stones rought
by tho hand of man,'ut to thoclivina God Who is in heavent many underatand that this is trus anil admit it into thoirbreast. In the ex place ascit is accustomed in happen in matters of uncertaint While thermata inquis of one another, What is the cause of this perseverance, many things Which relatoto religion, Ming sprealabroad and carefulix servetis rumouramong one nother, ara learned an bemus these are good
the cannot sal to leam. Moreover in revenge hicli fouloWs, as alWays happens, greatly impet men to belleve. Nor, indeed is it a stight causo that tho unclea spirit o demons, having received permission throw themselves anto tho bodies of many and when these havs asterWard beentarive out theywho havo been healed eling to tho religion the pomeri Whichthe have experienced Theso numerous causesaeing collected together, Wondorsuli gain ovis a great multitudo in God. CHAP. XXIV of the divine enseane insisted onusa torturarao tha Christiana. Whatever, there re, Wiched princes plan against us, GodHimself permitario bo done And yet mos unius persecutors,to hom the nam o God Was a subjectis reproach and
Bestias malas.' iactantius in severa passages applies thia expr-sion to tho persecutor of tho Christiana. Vexatione .