Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류



plundering nor oes the conscio nes of thei crimes everrecati them hom profaning the sacre an holymam os justico Ma that mout Which like tho aw of beasta, is Et mith theblood os the innocent. What musto in is speciali thecause of this excessive and persevering haueda

as in poetisus, a though inspired by the Divine Spirit, or arothe ashamed to Maad in tho preseno os inscius and good lor is it ather frem both causas For the truth is alnus

placed in hope, and no ignorant of God rose magainst GodHimseli and the fame necessit folio solio righteous Whichattached the Author os righteousnes Himself. heresore theyharas and torment them mith studied End of punishmenta, and


desperate, than to torture and tea in ieces him hom ou knowtoae innocent. Thus no sense of sham remalia among

remove or exclude the jus heirs; ho prostitute hela om

r.e the Christian religion. metant. Desperati ' equivalent to π άβολοι, a Wor borroWed from combata missi Mid Masta, an applied in Christiana ac in ready to devoto thelative to the cauae of God. There is an allusion to the punishment of parricides, ho em -- cloae in ala missi a dog, a serpent, an ape, and aioch, and thmo into


Boox v. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 313 person to lusi; ho in hori, unmindiu of What the werobora, contend with Women in endurances Who, in violation fali propriety, polluto an dishonour in mos sacre par of thei body; ho mutilato themsolves, and that hic is more impious, in orde that the may be priest os religion; ho dono even sparo their Wn lite, but seli their lives t ho AenaWay in public Who, is the sit a judges, corrupted by a bribe, either destro the innocent or et res tho uili mithout punishment Who gras a the heaven itfel by orceries, asthough tho ari Would nos contain thei Wichedness. Thesscrimes, I say, and more stan these, areolaint committe bythos Who are morshippers of the gods. Amidst theso crimes of such number an magnitude, What placeris there forciustice And I have collected a femontrout oi many notrior the purpossit censure, but in alio etheir nature. Let thos Who hall,is to knowal talio in hand tho bookso Seneca who Was a the fame time a mos true describerand a mos Vehement accuser of the public morias and vices.

But Lucilius also briefly and concisely describe that data liso

in these verses: But no from mor to night, o festivaland ordinary da althe the wholo eople and the fathera illione accord display themselves in the forum, and nove departiro it They have ali give themselves tomne and the fame purauit an ari, that the may be able cautiouslyrio deceive, to figlit reacherousty to conten in fialtern each to pretendthat heris a good man, todie in Wait, asci allisere nemies toas.' ut hic os thes things can o lai to tho charge otour people, With whom the wholsii religio consist in livingwithout uili and without pol Since, thereiore the Methat both the and their peoplo do thos things hic Wo havosaid, but that oura practis nothingislseaut that whichris justaud good, the might is the had an understanding, have perceived trom his, both that the who do,hat i good areptous, and that the themselves ho commit miched actions aro impio . oesit is impossibi that the who do no ere in allthe actions os their lite, should ere in the main potnt, that is, in

Patientia,' in a bad sense. contraria omne. Indulam. Indu' an endo' ars archaisma, uae is Lucreti and othe writera in the amo aenae in. e Christians.


314 LACTANTIUS. Boo V. religion inita is the chie os est things. For impiety, is inhonn in that whic is the mos important, ould solioW throughali tho rest. And thorofore it is impossibi that the who erri the wholo of thola lis inoes no b deceived also in religion in much a pictricii it hept ita res in the hie

polat, mould maintain iis courso in thers. Thus it happens, thatis euher side tho character of the main subject man known hom the state of the actions hic are carried on. CHAP. X.-Offalse pisty, and offati an true religion. It is mortit,hil to investigato thoi pie , that rom Seir mercitu an pious actions it a b undoratood hat is thecharacis of thos things,hicli ars dono by them contris totho law of piet' And that Lma not mem to attach any one missi arshnem I Wil tah a character hom the poeta, and onemhichris the greatest example of pie In Maro, stat hing

What proossit justice didae bring forward torus i

What canae more mercisul tha this piet ' What more merebfeshthan to immolate human victim to tho dead, and to Dedino fir mith tho blood of men as,ith oil ut perhaps this mayno havo been the fauit of tho hero himself, but of the poet, Whopolluted wit distinguishe wichednes man distinguishedis his pisty. here then, o poet, is stat piet Whichboum frequently praise Behold tho plous Eneas:


and yet How them For though adjured by the fame fathen


31 LACTANTIUS. Boo v. bolieve to deserve nothin os that ind whic the ostensuffer. However, they console themselves by accusing fortune;

naked, and an adulteress and who prostitutes hersei ascit,ero among the odsi hon hal the withhol themselves Domptunder an fravd who ars acquaintod illi tho thesin i Mercurius, horieaches that to deceive is no the partis fraud, but o clevernes. 'ow shali the restrai their lusis ho mo fhi Jupiter, Hercules, Liber, Apollo, and the thera, hose adulteries and debaucheries missi me and women are not onlyknown to the learned, but are even et forti in the theatres, and made the subjectis songs, so that the are notorious to

according to the choracter of his oWn Will, since the mos relis glaus Worahi is to imitate. CHAP. XI.-O the erueis of the heathens againat the Christians. Thereiore, bemus justice is burtianwm and unpleasaut tostos men ho agre With the character of their gota, they

Hominum prave religiosorum. omni a notiora.' Pro qualitate numini sui.


Boo v. THE DIVINE INSTITUTES. 317 exercise Wit violenco against the righteous the samo impie whicli the sho in other things. ndio Without reason arethe spolien o by the propheta a beasti Theresorori is excellenti sal by arcus Tullius: For i there is no one howould nolixese to die than to b changed into tho figurem abeast although he is about is have the in os a man, hoWmuch more retched is it toas o a brutalized min in the

figure of a macto me, indeed, it seem a muta orae asthe in is more excellent than the body.' here re theyvismwith disdain the odies of easis, though the ars them-selves more cruel than these and the pride themselves on this account, that the were bor men though they havs nostingbelongin t man except the seatures and the eminent figure. For What Caucasus, ha India, What Hyrcania ever nourished

beas is hos command alons

Nomne canaefittingly describo the crueit of this beast, hichreclines in ne place, and yet rages Wit iron ieet throughout the worid, and not ni tear in pieces the limbs of men, butalso breas thela very bones, and ages ver thei astes that thers may be no place for thei buriat, a though the whoconias God almed at this that thei tomb inouldae visited,

nothiniis more Wretched than hos men hom necessityias Elther Iound o mado the minister of another' furn the satellites of an implous command For stat a no honour, orexaltationis digni , but the condemnationis a man torio

ture, and ais to the evertastin punishment of God But itis impossibi is relato ha thing the performe individuallythroughout the worid. For,hat number of volumes Will co


318 LACTANTI US. Boo v. lai so infinito, so varied End of cruelis For, having gained wer everrone age accordingrio his oWn disposition. Some, throuo excessive timidit' proceede to greater longius hanthe wem commanded; thera thus acte throno thei omnparticular have against the righinous som is a naturalferocit os ind wme throuo a desim o plerae, and thatis this service thermio preparo the wanto higher ossices: some ore sWiitrio laughter, as an individua in Phrygia, hobum a Whole asse ly Dpmple, together Wit thei placo os

in ling. ut in more cruei he Was, o much the more me

mor severe,a the more crue torture 'lio determine to put

in is deast. Thereiora it cannot borioid what great and Whatarievous modes of tortures tu es of this hin derisod, that the mio arrive at the accomptishment of thei pur M. But thoido these ining no onbin his account, that theymay be able to boast that the havo alain nono of the innocent,for I myseis have hear some boasting that their administration has been in his respectamithout loodshod but also sor thesis of enu, testisither they themselves a uidae veroome, ortho iners inould obtain the glory due to thoi virtuo. Andinus, in devisis modes o punishment thenthinhin nostingelso besides victor3. For theyano. that this is a contes anda batus Usa in Bithynia the pM et Wonderfusi elatia Mincio' a thoughas had subdued mme nationis barbarians, cause ne ho had resiste for tW years it great spiritappeared a te in is yield They content theresere, that invma conque an inflict exquisito pala o thei hodies, and avoid nothin esse ut that the victim ma no dis unde thotortum: as though, in truth, Math cono mula mari them harenand as though tortures also in proportion to theis aeveri Mould not produc greater ψοπ o virtuo But thermissi obstinato folly ovo ordera that diligent caro stat Minison to thorio tured that their limia may b renovatin forminis tortures, and Dein blood bo supplied for punishmen mat canas solio , so beneficent so humane They Wouldio havo boatoued auct


Boox v. TNE DIUINE INSTITUTES. Is anxious care o any Whom stellovel This is sto disciplino of the gods to theso deed the train their, inippers inessare the sacred fit 'hic inerrequire. Momover, most Wichedmurderer have invente impio Ha s against in pio . Forboth sacrilegious ordinances and unjus disputations of jurisdiare read Domitius, in his sevent book, concerning the ossice of the proconsul, has collected inched rescripta os princes thath might ho by What punishment the oughtrioas visited Who confessed themaelves tole orshippers of God.

There is in the writing o Cicero a passage no inconsistentvit in truth, in that disputation hic is held by Furius against justice: I says, Wi there hoes omen, and ne of them a ut be an excellent man, of the hi est integri , in greates justice, an remactabis salth, and tho oster distinguished by crime and audaciu and ii thostat inould bo in suc error acto regata that good man as ichin, victous, and Mem lecaut inould thin the otia . cla

No morte Natan aimplici dignum putetia.


eviis mere about o happen to us, an in ha manner, onaccount os righteousness soriou peopte suffer est thes thingsthrough the perversenes o thos in error. Behold the state, or ather the whol mori itself, is in suci error, that it perseeutes, tortures, condemns, and ut to deat good and righteous men, a though the mero miched and impio . Foras to What he says, statis oneris o infatuate acto do tWhicli os the two he would preser to e herindeed, a the ono vho mas contending against justice, thought this that the wiso man would profer tot bad i he had a good reputation thanto be good With a bad reputation.

But manthis sensetessnessae absent hom us, that, a uidprefer that whic is false to the truci or does in character of our good man dependispo the error of theseople, morethan ponisur Wn conscience and tho judgmentis God orshali an prosperit ever allum us, so that meraliould notisather