Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


ahat nothina canio fultu comyrehended 'Letrus see, therelare, Whester justice has an agreement Withsolly. The jus man, M says, it ho does no tali aWay Domthe wounde man his horae, and Dom the stipWreehed man his plank in orde that he ma preserve his is life is foolisti. Firatis ali, Dden stat it can in an Way happen that a manwhocis trul iust shoiadae in circumstances of this hind forthecius mancis neither at inmit With any human ing, nordestres mythingist ali Whic is in properi os another. Formhy should he tata a Myage, or hal hould ho ea Domanother land when his own is suffcient for himi r hyaliould he care o mar, an mi himself missi in passion ofothers, When his minyis Engaged in perpetuat eam With men 'Doubilos hs mill e delightodistin foreim meretandis ormit human lood, ho does no knowaoW is see gain, hola satisfied with his modo of living, and consider it uvia sui noton. himself to commit flauoter,aut toto present,it thom .ho desit, and to belloid it But Domit thes things, sinceritis possibi that a mamma be compelle even against his mill toundem thes thium Do ou thon, o Furius e raster Carneades, sor at this poeta is his hin that justice is so elem, o superfluous, and so despised by God that it has nolo- and no influence in irael Which may avail forcit o- preservationi ut it is vident that the who ars ignorantes in mystery of man, and who heres o refer ali iningsto his present si , cannot know o meat is in force of justice Foe When they discus the subject of Viriue, althoughthe underatand that it is ver fuit ira our an miseries, noverihelem invisa that it is toto Mught for iis Wn sata;


sag LACTANTIUS. Boox'.

for thenis no means eo ita re ards, hicli ars terna and immortal Thus, is referring est things to the present lite thualtogether reduce virtve to folly, incerit undem Cauch greatlabours of this lite in via an is no purpose Bul moro onthis subject at another opportuni . In tho mean.hile letos speis of justice, a me egan thepo erit hic is so great, that When it has essed iis vecto heaven it deserves ali ining hom God Flaccus heresere rightly said that the poWer of innocenco is a great, that herevor licio neys, it needa Mither arm nor strangi for ita


Thoughaia pathia long suury African Syrtes,

Or Caueatian avium, heremo meat finda a ahelis

It is impossibie, ineres e that amitit thera gerat tempesta an os Wars the just man inould bo unprotected by the gua dianshi o Heaven and that evincit he inould bo a se in company With parricides and uili men the wiched ais ahould not e spared that this ne jus and innocent mes may belreextro danger, or at an rate vae alono preservex hilo the est perist But letos grant that in cam hic thophilosopher propose is possibie What, then, Will tho just mando, i h shal have et Mith a Wounde mamon a horae, Washipwreched mani a plank am not unWillincto conserahe wili rassior die stan put another is deast. Nor mill justico, hic is the tale good i man, o this account receive thenam os folly. For,hat ought in Maetis and deare in manthan innocen I And this mustae the more persect in momyou bring it in extremit' and choos in dio ather than is detrac iram the character of innocen . It is folly, M says, is spare the lis ot another in a casa hic involves the destrum


lis of the other, and tho other at tho appotnted time, hen hisa et mas no aeing texto execution presente himself, and rescus him is his o. interpositioni hos virtus moiadnotae held in such glor' hemone of them a Willinxto die for his hiend tho other even or his ord whie had Mons ged, it thermero regatae a focis. In fine, o account of this ver virtve tho tyrant reWarde them is preservingboth, and thus tho dispositionis a most cruei man Was changed. MoreoVer i is evenisaid statas entrealed them to admi him

he regarde them notos Ools, ut a good and wis men. Thereforo I do no se .hy, inco it is rechone the ighestglor in die tor triendshi and forines Word, it is no gloriousto a man to die even or his innocence. The are thereiam mos Aolish,ho impulerit as a crime oras that, aro illingio die for God when the themselves exies to the heavens missitho hi est mises him ho a villincto die tor a man. In shori, to conclude this disputation reason diei teaches thaticis impossibi fori man inae at onco jus and laesish, miseandisnjust. For he who is foolis is unaequainted with that whicli is jus and good, and therasore always erra. For licis, ascit Were, ted captive is his vices; nor canae in any Way resist them, because hocis destituto os the virtuo os,hichas is ignorant. But the just man abstain hominil fauit,aecaumae anno doothernis' althoughae has theanowledg of right and Wrong. But who is ablorio distinguis right imm Wron except themis man hus it comes to pass, that he can neve bo just horis Oolish, nor iso hocis uniust. An it this is ostime, it is plain that he who has not ahen aWay a plan fronta hip reched man, oris horae homone hocis Wounded is no Loolisti; bocauso it is a sin is do thes things, and tho miseman abstians rom in Nevertheles I myset also confessthat it has this appearance throuo the error of men, Who are ignorant of the peculia character of verything. An thus the whol of this inqui cis resuted notis much is argumentsas is definition. Therofore sollyris the erring in deed and Words, inmugii ignorance of What is right and good There- fore horis no a Aol Who does notisve sparo himself to preventinjur to another, Whicli is an evil and this, indeed reason

Pro fide. Deprecatu eam dicitur.' prietatem.


334 LACTANTIUS. Boo mand in truth iuel dictate. For, se stat in ali animais, because the are destitute of Wisdom, nature is in providerit supplies for iraeli. Therofore they injure thera that hvma profit themselves for thendo not undaratand that tho committing an injuriis erit But man who has theanowledgeo good and evit, abstain iram committin an injur sve in his oWn damage, hich in animat,ithout ream is unablo todo and ominis account innocenceris rectaned among the chia viriues of man. o. by thes thingscit appears that horis themisest man who presera o peris raster inan to commit an

injury that he ma preserve that sense of My by whieli heis distinguished iram tho dum creation. Forae ho doea not

int ut the errori ono horis offering the golyto sale, in ordo that he may bufit for aramal sum, o he who does notavo that heris offerinitor sale a runaWay clave or an infectinhouse, harin an ve in his οὐ gain or advantage, is no amis man, a Carneades Wishe it in appear, but crasty and cunning. Non crastines an cunn, exist in the dumbanimal also eithe when thentie in Wait forithora, and taliothem is demit, that the mandovour them; or hen theyavoid the nares of thera in various Ways. ut udom fallato an Mone. For isdom is underatandin Elihor vitii thopur se of oin that Whic is mod' and right, o for the staining iram improper Word and deeti. Noma Wis manneve oves himself to the purauit os gain, heca eis despises these arthi advantages no do 'o alto any one in bedeceived. causa it is in duuina good man to correct thoerror of men, and to bring them ac to the right way; sin the naturem man is socia an beneficent, in hic respectatoneae bear a relation to God. CHAP. XIX.-ρο virtve and the tortures of Christians, and of the right os a father and maater.

i Conciliatricem a Neaesunt, quia malum eat nocere. Ossicium. 'alius farino has refute tho argumenta es Furius, tho advorat olinjustice. o nomaho a the remona Why Laelius, in mammteemedios Nise, doea no morthil maintain the cauae of uati , Le. Mea eae asignorant of heavenly Wisdom.


i tho lis of man an appea to e so seless so Dolisti as Viriue, the natura goodnes and honour of Whicli manteachus that the ou is no mortes, and that a divino re ard is

appotnted sor it is God But o this account God milled that virtu itfel inould bo conmale unde the character offolly that in myster of truth and of His religio might saecret statine might ho the vanit an error of these superstitions and of that arthi Wisdom hic mises iuellto highly, and exhibit great et complacen , that ita difficul aeing at lennii set fortit, that mos narrompassi, hilead to the loli re ard os immortality.

have hown, Ma thinh, hy ur e te ars esteemed olis by tho sociish. For to choos to beriori in and flain, rather than to talis incenso in three fingers, and thro uinponthe earth, appears as Oolisti as, in a caso here lite isendangered, to e more caretes of the lis o another than fone' own. For thendo notano howareat an aedio impie it is to adoro any other object than God who made heaven and earin, Who fashioned the human race, breathed into them thebreat o lise, and gave them light. ut is horis accounted the mos morthlem os flaves h runs Way an deseris his master, and itae is judged mos deseruingis stripes and chalas, and a prison, and the cross, and of Hl ovit; and in son, in thosam manner, is thought abandone and implous who deserta his ather, that he ma not pay him obedienco, and on this account is considere deservin os eis distiserited, and of haring his nam removed for everrimm his famib,-ho muchmore so does he who forsahes God in homilio tWo amesentitie to equa reverence of Lord and Factor, altho meet For,hat benefit oeche who Vs a flavo esto ponaim,


Boo v. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 337own Mantage' Anda .hoaeget a son has it no in his powe to effect that he hal bo conceived, o bom, o live; frem .hie it is ovident that horis no the Ather, but oni thoinstrument of generation. t What punishmenta, heresore, is ho deseruing, ho forsines Him horis both the true asterandiather, but thoso hic Godmimself has appotnteda hohas prepare evertasting re so the wiched spirita; and this Hemimself threatens is His propheta to the implous and therebellious. CHAP. XX.-Ofthe vanumand erimes of impiova superataions, and of the tortures of the Christiana. Therelare, let those ho destro their o. Quis and thesouis of thera learn hat an inexpiabis crime thercommit; in the fidit placo, because therinus theirio deat is servingmost abandone demons, hom God has condemne to eve

Iastin punishmenta in the ex place, ecause thendo notpermit God toae Worshipped by thera, but endemoudito turn me aside totae ly rites, and strive illi in greates diligenes that no lite may bo ithout injur on earth, hic loota toheaven illi ita condition secured. What elis hallo allinem ut miserabis men, Who obe tho instigations of theirown tunderem, ,hominenthin is bouodsi of Whom theyneithoranow the condition nor orion normames, normature;

ine ground of thei persuasion, the can assign nono, but havo reco se to the judgment of thei anceatore, vin that theymere Wise, that the approve them, stat inestae ,hat was best; and thus the deprive themselves o ali power os perception thesbid adie is reason, Whilo the placo confidenco in the error of there Thus, involve in ignoraneo o allthings, the nesther lino stemselves nor their goti. Andmould in heaven that they had Men illincto ere is them-aelves, and to Minwise by themselve. But thenhure a vothere also toae companions of thei evit, a though the were out in derive comior iram the destructionis many But

Generandi ministrum.' donum.' Somo refer his to the primis; iners, it greater probabili , to the demona alluded is in ine aentenco. LACT.-VOL. I. π


this very ignorane causes them to e so mel in persecutingtho ise and the preten that hv are promotis these elsare that the wish to recati them to a good mind. Do the then stris to effect this by conversation, o bygiving ome reasons ' o means; ut the endemour is

endeamur to preserve thei faith, ut a good ne in exec tioners. Is there then, a bad min in those Who against everylamos humani , against every principiet justice, are tortured, or ather, in those ho inflictis the odies of the innocentsuch things, a neither the mos cruel robbere, nor the ostenraged nemies, nor the most mage barbarians have everpractised Do the deceive themselvecto such an extent, stat thermutuatly transse anychange themames of good and ovillWhy, therelare, do therno cali da night he sun daanem Moreover, it is the fame impudence to give to tho good thenam os evit, to the Wis the nam os Ooliis to tho just thenam os impio . Besides this, it they havo any confidonce in philosoph or in eloquence, let them arm themselves, and resut thes arguments of o scit theraro ablo let them meetus hand in hand, and examine ever Mint. It is befitiing that the should undistino the defence of their goti, test, ii urinairsis uid increme a thendo incream desin their ahouldbe desertod together With theirahrines and thela ala moeriries; and since invia effect nothiniis violenco for the religiono God is increased tho more it is oppressed , let them ather

ac by the me of ream and exhortatio .

Let heir Hest eomo forti into tho mitit, hether the inferior ne or the greatest thei flamens, augura, and also sacrificinthings, and tho Hest an minister of thei supe stitions. et them callis together to an assembly let them exhortos in underlahe the worshi of their goti; et them persuadeo stat there are many eings is hos dest and providence at things removemed; et them ho ho theorigins and eginning of thei sacre rites and god merellande domito mortias; et them explain What is thei murmani principio let them se fori What reward there is in their Worship and What punishmentis ait neglect Wis thor isti


inae morshipped by men; hat the piet of men eontributea tothem, is the arealessed and let them confirminii thes thium no by theirim assertion to the auctorium a morta manis of no eight , ut by omo divine testimontes, a Wo M. Thero is no occasiondo violane and injury for religio in no b imposed by fores; tho matre must o carrie o byworti ather than is loWs that the wil may bo affected. Lot them unsheath the weapon o thei intellect ii thola system is true, let ita asserted. e re prepareda hear, isthonteach; hile the are silent, me certaint pay no credit tothem, a me do not tela in them even in their age Letthem imitate us in seiungriori the system es the wholo matter: for e do no entice, a they say; ut, inach - Prois, esh- thus no ne is dotatae by us against his sit, foras isonservice lo toruo Who is destituto O faith and devotedness and et no one deparis hom us, sinco the truthitsol dotain him. et them eae in his manner, ii thv have an confidence in the truth; let them speis, tot homove iterance let them venture, I say, to discusa Mithia som thing of this natum and then assuredi their error an Assymilla ridicule is the old Women, Whom inendmplae, and by ou boys. For, since the ars speciali clever, the lino iram boota the race of the god' and thei exploiis, and commania, and deassis, and tombs the marias know that thorites themselves in hic the havs Men initiatia, had thalaor in ither in human actions or in casualites, o in Maths. It is the partis incredibis ad scis imagino that the are god' Whom the cannot annis have been mortal or is in ahould bo so inameles acto densit, their - Writings, and thos of thei oWn eople, mill refute them in stari, the very Minning of tho sacre rite mili convici inem. The may - thereiore even DOm this very thing, ho great a disse enco there is belWeen truth and salse od for inertiamselves Wit ali stela eloquence are unablo in persuade, herea theunshille and the uneducato ars able Minus the matterilaol and tho truth speias.


340 LACTANTIUS BOOK V. different nor is it possinterior trulli tot unite mitti violence, o justico it cruei . ut With good reason the do notventure tori ch authin concerning divine things, test thoyshould both bo derideda ou people andae deserte by their

men o astrui For the aro amare that there is nothingamong me more excellent than religion, and that this oughttoas defended via tho holmo our pomer but a therare deceived in tho matteris religion itself, s also are thesin themanne oscit dolance For religio is toto dolenderi nocis

long to evila, but the latis to goods and it is ne asar forthat whic immoda hau placo in religion, and no that whichis erit. For i yo wis to defend religio by Noodised, andis tortures, and is Milt, it illis longe bo defendia, but mill o pollute an profaned For nothiniis a much amalter of he wil a religion in hieli, ii tho in of thomorshippe is disinclined to it religio is at oncs ta n Way, and eases to exist The right method ineratore is that oudesen religiona patient endumne or by Math in hichtho preservationis tho satin is both ple inmis God Himself, and add authori rio religion. For it ho ho in thia earthlymariare preserves his lait in his hing in somo illustriona action,i h shali continuo toclive beeomea moro bolove an accept- le, an ii ho shali sali, obtains tho highest glorBaecauso bellas undergono deat for his leader; ho much more is latinis e hept towaria God thorauleris ali, hocis abis to pay