장음표시 사용
lise. To et up truth is ou victory, and the victor' glor is topleas his God, and the precious spoli of that victor is eternali se; and this life e certaint Win by dyin sor it there fore e Conquerwhe we are illed, and ein hille are ut of the reach of ou
Haec almata vestis, etc. his among the Roman was the triumphat robe, aliive embroidere with palm branches in token o victory. A Christia then, says Tertullian, neve thinlis himself so fine, neve so illustrious as a the stahe, with re an saggo about ima e then is in his triumphat chario goin toheaven in state. Eusebius telis scit as a mos charmin sight to ehol themartyr in prison to se ho thei miser hecam them, o the adornedihel fellers, and that the looked a captivatin in chain a a ride in ali herglorie at the da os marriage. Viae Eus Hist. Ecc. lib. V. cap. I, p. 6O. Sosar er the stom complaining o providence, that the blesse God the more so the honour of suffering an gave thantis to their judges for condemning thema soria Domiein ashamed of thei boniis that the glorie in them, and there re e find that Babylas the martyr ordere the chain he ore in prisonto beaurie withaim. Viae Chrys. I. de S ab tom. i. p. 669. Here thenwe se a Christia triumph, the true spirit of the rst ages, nor ouldes interpose any old criticism on his last an most excellent hapter, that in reade might not he interrupted, ut o of with a fuit impression, illi ait the re and devotion of the writer sor in the Bishomo Sarum's ords, conses there isno plece of stor I rea with so much pleasure a the accounts that are ive of these martyrs, sor methinks the leave a fervour pon m minit, hicli I meet with in no study that of the Scriptures eing oni excepted. V I conclude allwith that admirabie collectis ouriwn Churchipon the estiva o St. Stephen, So exacti consormabie to the primitive spirit, Grant, O Lord that in ali urSufferhagiliere ponisarth sor ille testimon o Thy truth, e may tediasti lookumto heaven, and by aith ehol the glor that hali e revealed, and heing filled illi themoly host, a learn to love an bles our persecutorS by the example of Thy firSi martyr St. Stephen, ho prayed sorii murderer to Thee, O lesse Iesus, ho standeth at the right and of God to succour at thosethat susser o Thee, urini Mediator an Advocate Amen. Amen. V
by voluntarii sacris in his rightiand to the ames for istaking the eneny O exaltation o mindi Empedocles offere his holeself to the ames of tna ea Catana; O vigour of oui thefoundressi Carthage equeathed herset to the re, to void aseCon marriage O monument of hastityi Regulus not illingio ut his Country to the expense of edeemin himself alone, illithe liberi os many nemies, hos to go ac an suster ali thetorment the Could inflic upon very par of his Ody O brave Regulus, in Captivit Conqueror Anaxarchus hile the executionerwas oundinihi like barie in a mill ound on, ound n SayShe, for ou ound not Anaxarchus ut his udget. o notablemagnanimit of the philosopher, ho hau presence of min enough
Crown a meritoriou even a mere spitem Contentio for degreeso torture for a strumpet o Athens havin quite ired ut herexeCutioner, at tength, O her immortat honour, bit os her longue, an spit it in the tyrant' face that o he might ut it ut of herpoWer o discove the Conspirator Should the torment Chance toget the belle of her resolution. Zeno Eleates bella demande byDionysius the se of philosophy, tot him it a to ais men to a Contempti death, and by the tyrant' orde Was hippe to eath for an experiment, an ratisie his doctrine illi his lood. The Lacedaemonia method, of enuring their eopte to ardiness, is toput them into a Course of sCourging, an to double thei discipline in the presenCe o any of thei friends, who rea the Cholar a lecture o patienC While the are unde the lasti; and very SChola Carrie home a quantit os honour, CCordin to thequantit of loo he est bellin him. O true lory beCause of human stamp an fashion not ne of at these Contemners of death an crueit in iis severat hapes have ad thei actions sullied with the imputationi despai and adness. A man hali suffer illi honou sor his Country for the empire, for a friend, What he is no tolerated to suffer for his God Stranges that oushould ook upo the patience of Christians a suci an inglorious thing, and et for the person asoresai Cast statues, and adornsigures illi inscriptions an magnificent illes, o perpetuat the
an in hopes of this suffers for the wor o God, hali pas among
Ι. ΗΕ example os, grandisther Verus me me the advantage of a candi an dispassionale temper. II. y the recollectio of myriather' character I learne toleboth modest an manly. III. As for m mollier, he augiit me to have a regar sorreligion to e generous and pen-handed, and not onlyrio sorbeardoin anybod an ill turn, ut not so muchos to endure thethought oscit B lier likewis I was re to a plain, inexpenSive Way o living, and ver different sto the Common luxur and liberties of young eopte iis quality. IV. I am to than myareat grandiather sor no running theris of a public education, o providin me good maSter at home, an mahin me sensibi that Dought to retur them a large and honourable CknoWledgment. V. Frommy governo Plearne notrio overvalue the diversions of the race-ground and amphitheatre nor to dote pon the liveries and distinctions of jocheys an gladiators. Me augiit me also to
146 Conversation V Emporor arcus Antoninus
Quail-fightin amongst the ancients like cock-fighting with uS. A Stoic philosopher. Most probabi a Stoic philosopher.
great man et me into the true secretis managin an obligation, Withou eithe lessening myself, oriein Ungrates ut o m friend. IX. The philosopher Sextus recommende good humou to me, and o mahe nature an reason m rulerio live by He also gavem to understand that good sage an authorit Wer no inConsistent, ut that a famil might be overne With the tendernessan ConCer os a parent. B his precedent Ioas instructe toappear illi an unaffecte gravity, o stud the temper and CirCum- stan Ces of m friends, in orde to oblige them to bear illi the ignorant an unthin hing to e complaisant an obligin to alipeopte even Umto the moothnes of flattery and et at the fame time notato suffer in one' quality, raro acio the Cheaper forcit. Conversing illi his philosopher ut me in a way ho to dra upa true, intelligibie, an methodicat scheme M life an manners; an neve so muChlas to ho the east signi anger, o any ther disturbing thought; ut to e perfecti calm an indifferent, et no in the latitude o lettin m fanc stan neuter, ndie UnCOD- Cernet for the duantage of thers. However, he et me se in himself that a man might ho his goodWil significanti enough, withou nois an transpori, and likeWisei ver knowing on thisside vanit an ostentation. X. Alexander the grammaria taught me noto be ruggedlycritical about Words, nor fati foui upon eopte for improprieties of phraS O pronunCiation; ut to et them right by Speahing thethin properi myself, and that ithe by Way fonSWor, SSOnt, or inquiry, o by Some SuCh ther remote an gentiemant Co
XI. Fronto, m rhetori master, oblige me illi the nowledge of men. For the purpose; that nvy, triching, an dissimulation
148 convenation V Emperor arcus Antoninus r
are the Character an Consequen es of tyranny and that those ecal to qualit have commoni not much o natur in them. XII. Alexander the latonis advised me that without necessity should neve pretendiso to e at eisure to assis a friend normali busines an excuserio decline the ossices of humanity.
remonstrance, though it hould appen to e nreasonabie, ut ratheroo retrieve his temper, an mali hi easy. That, lihe Domitius and Athenodotus, Pshould neveri bachward o give anhonourable character of those ho ad the care of m education; and that I hould alWays preserve a early affectio sor mychildren, ithout an litile ealoustes of ein supplante or over-
topped by them. XIV. am indebie to Severus for the due regarii Phave form famil an relations an for heeping this inclination stomgroWin to stron forciustice an truth. II likewise ad mea quainte With the Character an Sentiments of thos celebrated patriois an philosophers, Cato, Brutus, Thraseas, Helvidius, and Dio an gave me the dea os a commonwealth, in hicli thegenera interest a Considered, ithout referen e or partialit in the constitution an also os a monarchy, here the libert of the subjeci a principali regarded. o mention om more O myobligation to im It was of him I learne notrio gro wise bystaris an brohen sancies, but o be a Constant admireri philo-Soph and improVem enix that a man ought to e generou and obliging hope thetes of matters an neve question the asseCtionos his frienos; to e re in howin a reasonable distike ofanother, and nocles Clear in his una expectations and destres, and noto put his frien d to the trouble o divining What he would
XV. The proficiencycliade unde Maximus as to command myself, an notrio e verborne illi an impotene of passion orsurprise to e sui os spirit unde si lines an missortune toappear illi modesty obligingness, an dignit os bellaviour toturn os bufines smoothi ascit rises, ithout rudgin an Complaint. B observin the practice of this aximus I came tounderstandis an might manage himself so as to satisf the orid,
t Stoic philosopher. a. Another Stoic philosopher.
The Emperor Antoninus Pius, ho adopte Our author.
I5, conversarion V Emperor arcus Antoninus
magnificence of a fovere ign fortune, Without pride or epicurism, and et is a Campaign or Country happen to prove CrOSS, notato bemortifie at the os of them an to bellave imself so that noman could charge im illi vanity, Ourish, an pretendingneSS, With usMoning oriein a pedant;-no, he a a PerSon, OdeSt, prudent, and weli eighed, Corned alter an Moling, and was thoroughi qualisie both o govern himself an others. In a Word, he had nothing of the sophis in him. An as for thos that were philosophers in earnest, he had a great value for them, ut Without
no negligent. Asrior his health, he was not anxious about it, likeone fond of living, and et managed his Constitution illi that careas seldom to stan in nee of the assistances of physic Further, heneve enute an browbeat hos that were eminent in an faculty
encourage them in their Way, and promoted thei reputation. Η observe de en Dan Custo in ali his actions and et didno Seem to in them. He was notis hie and ultering in his humour, ut Constant both to place an undertaking. Andes haveseen him after violent sits of the eadache return resti and vigorous to business. He heptiui se thing to imself, and those
public hoWs, triumphat arches, liberalities, an such like; eing
This a then a considerable commendation, sor in the reim o Adria an excellene os almost an kind was ometimes capital to the wner, Cassius CapitolinUS.