장음표시 사용
IF ou the guardians of the Roman empire, presidin in the veryeye of the City for the administration o public justice; Dyou must no examine the Christia Cause, an give it a latra earing in pencourt is the Christia cause is the orat cause hi Ch our ordshipseither ea oritusti tot concerne for in the public or lastly is
Ouintus Serrimius Zorens Tentit anus These severa appellations sufficienti distinguish ur Tertullian rom Tertullus the consul, Tertylianus thecivilian, an Tertullinus the martyr, illi hicli ur apologis is ometimes consounded. The praenomen Quintus a perhap be RiVen pon the account of his ein the fifth chil of his arenis. He was calle Septimius, ecause descende Dom the Gens Septimia, a tribe o qualit among the Romans, eingfirst regat, afterward plebeian, and last os ali consula an patriciam Florens, hom ome particular famil of that ouse, o callex an Tertullianus DomTertullus perhaps his ather, as Octavianus rom Octavius Septiminus DomSeptimiUS, CtC.: Romani Imperii Antistites in isso ere enice Civitatis froeside/tus ad judicandum Baronius is of opinion, Bar. 2ΟΙ, that this Apolog was ritie at Rome, an no a Carthage, heret he is generali followed, ut o byΡamelius, a the author of the notes pon Du u lo hastil charges him, orb Dalix, u in Dr. Cave, o Tillemoni Baronius' reason for this opinionis that Tertullia osten spealis albein a Rome, and that he addresses in thesewords, o the Roman Senate. But these ord net ther prove it tot written at Rome nor presente to the Senatem Rome, o the are illi muchaeiter reason applicabie to the proconsul and governor of Africari forte say the preside invertice Civitatis, andiu apologis neve calis Rome by the nam os Civitas but
your odium to this seci has been to much fermente by ou late severities' at home pon our Christia servanis, and you bring this domestic fermen in to the Couris of judicature;-is theSe, I Say, areth bars in ur a to justice, e lease at eas to tolerate thusfar, to et truth ait Upon o in private, an to read the Apology
Urbs He sp ealis likewis of Rome and the Roman asieingieither in theircit nor amon St them cap. 9, 2I, 24, 35 43. An speahing of the cruei and sanguinar devotions of the eathen in many places, specialty says e iuin Religiosissim Urbe nea arum fiorunt, etc., by hicli undoubtedi hemeans Rome and the anne of the expression laini determines him notio e there at the time of his riting sor ad he been a Rome at this time he would have sat in hac Vrbe, an no Da illa Vrbe, cap. 9. Andin the fame hapter recounting the lood rite in the Scythian worship heurges,-Butri nee no go sociar a Scythia, for e have no at this danas barbarous Ceremontes at home that is, at Carthage. BeSides, cap. 45, he Speal Sof the proconsul a the fovereign magistrate, and very one know the proconsulto have been the premier magistrate of Africa, an to have had his residen cerat Carthage. Oreover, it is ver probable that he addresse to the governor of Africa, and notato the Senate os Rome, firstly because there is no one ordis the senate in his hole Apoloin Secondly beeause, cap. 45, he laShe thos towhom he wrote, o endeavouring to gain the good graces of the proconsul, bysignatigin thei crueit against the Christians and thirdly, hecause e constanti gives them the ille o praesides, cap. 2 9, 3O, O a ille Ver muchasse te by ver officer unde the proconsul of the province An neither praesides nor proconsul were illes that id belon to an magistrate of Rome for in clange of war in the provinces, the praesecti Caesariis ere Chose by theemperor himself, and sent to reside in the metropolis, ut the proconsuis erechose by tot ster thei consul ship into the Severat provinces. An there re Dio expresselli Claudius his restoring acedonia into the hand of the senate, bys πεδοκεν τότε σω κληρω, he ut it to the Choice of the senate again. Dio His. lib. vii So that, are notato understand Antistites In erit tot the fame illi Ρontifices, accordin to Zephyrus, nori versice Civitatis the capitol, accordingto Rigaltius though it is likelyae might mean the Byrsam Carthage, accordingto that of Silius Italicus :Cunesivit rue diu qua tandem oneri arce
Domesticis iudiciis. y these ord I understand with Rigaltius theseverities exercise at home by the resident upo thei domestic and child renso turnin Christians, hicli private severities Contributed ver much to prejudice and Xasperate them, even in ope court, against the Christians in generat. Deprecari. It is a la term and properi signifies to intercede illi theu in sor pardon, o to lead with a judge in excuse of the criminat, accordin tolliat os Tiny, ro Liraris, Ignoscite indices, erravit, L Sur rat, non suraPit, etC. But here the Christia advocate leadsint for rigid justice, a the martyr JuSi inhad donete re hi m. e understoo the Christia cause oo well, to think it Stood in nee of oratory, and the aris of excusing. M. A. Gell. lib. i. CAP. 6, Incerning the significatio of the wor Deprecor.
Christians And his universa revolt in ali ages, exes, and qualities is lamente as a public loSS and et his prodigi ou progressis Christianit is no enough to Surpris me into a Suspicio that
strengthened by the authorit of justice. But it is objected that the number of Christians is no argument
λ Anacharsis Se his lis in Diog. Laertius. Fato vel Astris imputant. Guili is an ugly, frictisul, and uneas thing and this it was that ut me a firs upo contrivin an expedient howrio satiSf theirconScience, in spite of their in and the expedient a this, o lay the blameuPO sate, o the tars, or laything ut the elves. redestination in the rigidsenseris notine o belle than ate in the sense of the Stoics An though it
Tertullian s solo F for tho Christians. 5
occasioned atine time so much seu an bitternes ali about us, and the controvers ordered by authori tyrio die, yet it is no again revived, a the ram paris and bulwark of Christianity, and the rares contrivance in the worid, o malleus no oni almost ut altogether ne iri sor hicli, o doubi the doctor expect the thank of the nite nations. The generalit of the clerg he Stigmatize apoStates, sor hein assertor o Dee ill and i so, hal ill ecome of the ather of the firs seu centuries, I cannot teli Sure Pam, oo Justin Martyr i an apostate illi a liness, sol. i. sec. 34. But is the doctor Ouidbut folio his own advice, that is in one ord, te usi moderate, an give his brethren har reason instea of hard ames, it ould malae much more sorunion, dare say than his doctrine os predestinationa hich hould it talae effect we hould no have one crimina that goes tote hanged hui, as Tertullian SVs, ould e cursin his tars, and layin ali the lauit pon destiny that is, God. Otiid hoc mala est, quod naturalia mali non habet Naturalia is the fame here ac tau a forte says, Quoae hoc malum est in quo natura mali cessati ad Nat. p. 46Ι. ut that hicli is more remarkable is that here e have an admirabie description, an a mos sensibi proos, both of the truth and thepou er of the Christia religiona forti e ver an imposior et up a religion Oi calculate to the passion an relisti os mankinu Θ id e ver propos a doctrine to the worid, ithout one oridi motive to recommendest, ithout ne externa comkr to hope for, or ne arm to deland ij Di Judas discove thesecret he heletrayed his aster Dor ad it been a cheat, ould the traitor have ange himself for his reason Was there ver Such a nobi arm Ofmartyrs, ho died so calmi an deliberalely, and expresse so much innocence,
So much o an assurance in thei sufferings, a the didJ So that ithe wemus suppos Christrio have been the shallowest os imposior. whicli the wisdomos His precepis illiso admit to et up a religio so ungratesul to flesti and blood, ithout an visibi sorcei reward to maintaincit; and withal that good par of the worid, fili foris and sietes, happened luchil tot stari Staring madsor suffering and to continue o sor bove O years together o elSe e muSt SuppoSe that Christ camelown hom heaven, and that the sufferers ad ali thereason imaginablerio belleve it, and there re by hel o divine grace, and the Joh EdwardS, D. D. his sermon pon the nion, Ma Ι, Ι7O7, entiti edine Nation anione Aing.
BU i it is resolved, must beauit ty, pra What is ou reaSO fortreatin iis differenti Domither criminali For it is auule in lawthat here the Case is the fame, there the proCedure of Cour oughtto e the Same also. ut he we an heathens are impeaChed Upon the Same articles the eathen hal be allo ed the privilege of the CounCil, and of leadin in person for settin os his inno-Cence, it ein against a to procee to sentence efore thedefendant has ut in his ansiuer; ut a Christian is permitted nothing, O to Spea What is necessary, et theroo justis hi Cause, defend the truth, o prevent the injustice of his udges. On the Contrary, nothiniis attende to in his triat, ut ho to instam themob, and theres ore the question is bout his nam only, and nolpo er of conviction, ille despised verythin here elo so the o that asset e re them This argumen is likewis prosecuted by Arnobius, a . Gent. lib. ii p. I, as a might instance of the divinit of the Christian aith that in sorahor a time it should berio hard for the wisdom and pleasures of the worid, and wor so illi me of the reates paris an learning and of the reatest fortunes, a to malae them part with thei notion an estates, and submit to any torments ather than part with the Christia fatil, and that the Gentiles di notthin it advisable to ventur their hi sor heir doctrine That lato in his Academ introduce a dar and ambiguous way o deliverin his opinions forfear of going the way of Socrates. An Orige telis Celsus that Aristolle quitted Athens, and est his philosophyrio his for iself, as Oon asi understood that the Athenians intende to ali him to an account. Sociitile ould philosophyprevail against Self-preServation. Otiando nec liceat inae ensos et inauritos damnari. He alludes to the
Tertullian s solo F for I e Christians. 7
the nature of his crime : hereas is o sit in udgment ponanother criminal, and e leads uili to the indiCiment, supposeos homicide sacrilege, incest, or rebellion to in Stanc the Commonhead of your libeli against us), po Such Confession I say, it is not our method OrthWith to procee to Sentence, ut o have
patiencerio examine the natur of the fac in ali iis Circumstances, viZ.-the place the time, the manner, and the CComplices of the
Vt de vestris Elogiis loquar. Elogium is a civit a terna hicli frequently occurs in his author, particulari lib. ad cap. de cor Mil. Cap. 3, etc., and Sthe fame among the civilians a. Amine, Noloria, elationes, a libet o declaration, Settin forti the crimes of the person indicted cit was provide by the lawde cuSto et exhi. eorum, ne arisquam funiatur ex MAIolis et uis Edaneire minoris iudicis. An there re Pudens, ho ad a min to avola the Christians, sent ac a Christia prisoner ecause there appeare against imno lines o proos, ut the Elogium, or episti Domin inserior udge. Praesens missum ad se Christianum, Da log io concussione ejus intellecta rurisit, Scisso
eodem Elogio sine accusatorem an Se audit rum hominem Secundum mandatum.
Vim ab Alba A., nos ad Scap. For a suller explicatio of this passage, and the Mundatio of this horridSlander, Se m note upo Justi Martyr' Apology, fol. i. Sec. 35. The dogswhicli are sal to e te to the candiesticlis, an to have crust thrown them jus beyon the reach of thei string in orde to malae them ea an Strainan pulliown the candies, area Tertullian, cap. 7, calledrar minacm Persor et Lenones, hic to solio his own itin wayri translate Pimpingiogs. Viri lin Epist. lib. X. P. 7.
aster at the conspirators; ut a Christian ni is a criminal of that strange hind thatio inquir must e madeo sin him, and yet whe found may be brought to the tribunal asci this inquirywas designe for an other purpose ut o bring offender tojustice. o Condemn him heresore hen rought, hom thelaws orbi tot searche aster no that in our earis o Canthin himauitly but onlyrio ge into the good graces of the eople,
to a to a murderer, den the murder,' an to command thesacrilegious tot putrio the ac for perseverin in his Confessiono sacrilege. But noW, i your proces against us and ther Criminals is notoriousi different, it is a stire d signoo belleve us innocent and that this ver belles of our innocenc is the pring hicli etsyo at orti formur deliveranCe, by OrCing US O den Our name, whicli though in justice ou know ou annot, et O reaSOn Of
a Christian; ou ea hi proclaim to the wori What reali heis, and ou ould ain have im a What reali he is not. Thateve judges, horare CommisSione to tortur for the Consession oftruth, hould abus it pon Christians only for the extortion o a
powe is define by these laWs, and not arbitrar an tyranniCal. Tyrant indeed have no respecto the proportions of justice in the distributions o punishment, ut appi torture a PleaSUre. But ou are restraine by law; an to appi them ni for the ConseSSion o truth, reserve this a in sui vigour, and for the endit a made. For is the accused consess, it is absurd to ut themto the question the la o tortures is answered, and OV aVenothin toto in his case ut to conside the natur of the faCt, an puniSh it aCCordingly. For ever malefactor is a deblor to thelaw, and o be iped ut of the public accounti upo payin his
Debito poena nocens expunondus est This is a very familia phraS Withou author, and the ground of it is his. The executione had a rol of thenames of the condemned, and the punishment the were to suffer an acriminal ein a deblor, he he had at his punishment Was expunged Orcrosse out of the oli an so dare Poenas is to panthe pat an offender WeSto the public.
punishment, and no disCharge meret upo the Consession of his fauit. No judge attempis operat to acquit a Crimina barely pon
credite thanae ho dentes iti Compulsion Or anno a manspea truth, without the helmos a raci Andiein absolve upona force dentali his religion, he must need Conclude SUChχXternalapplications o Cruelty very oolisti hings for the Conversio of themind when in spite o at these impressions pon his od hefinds himself stili a Christia in his ConscienCe. Since theres ore o treatis differenti in verythin stomother Criminals and what ou hiest pust at is the destructio os urnam and we urselves destro this by oin What the eathens indulge themselves in)-sine this, Psay, is the main thing OU On-tend Or, o Cannot ut se that our nam is the reates Crime in ur indictinent; in the persecutio of hicli name, men Viehatred, and are ambitious to X et ach ther in malice and this emulation is the Chie reason hy the are so tedlas in ignoranCe; theresore the devour ali reporis of us Without Chewing, an are Soaverse to any legat inquiry for ear these reporis hould prove ob salse, hicli the would have pas for true, that he hale nameo Christia might e condemne upo presumption, Without thedange of a proos and that the confession of this nam might Serve for a sussicient convictior of the crimes Charge against it. Henc it is that e re torture against a for ConfesSing, and tormente o for persistin in that confession and against laWabsolve for denying, ecause at the dispute is about ur ameoni Bul aster ali, hen o procee to judgment, an read ver thetable or catalogue o Crime yo paS Sentenc against Wh do Ou