The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

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Te Iullians solora forules Christians. II

mentio the Christian only Wh do notoo mentio the tarder, the incest, and the res of that train Commoni impute to spW alone are the persons O are ashame to Condemn, Without Signifying the actions o Condemn us for i a Christian is accused of no Crime the nam Suret must be of a Strange nature to e

WΗΑΤ an unaCCountable thiniis it for so an men to lindsoldiliemselve o purpos torial foui upo Christianii l Anyto sucha degre that the cannot tal about the note probit o any Christian without allayin his Character illi a dash of his religion Carius ejus say one is a very good man, ut-he is a Christian. I ii teli ou hat say another), I Wonde that Lucius the philosopher sint of a sudde turne Christian. An non has senseenough in his passion to ut the question right, an argue in his

manner. I no Caius o good, and Lucius o ise, meret stomthe influen e of thei religion Θ O Was it no the probit of ne, and the wisdom of the ther, that repare the way, and rought them ver tot Christians ΘThus in deed the pratse ha the know, ut vilis What theylino not the bio the faires examples of virtve hin in in their Very yeS beCause of a religion the are entiret in the dar abolit; Wherea Certainly by at the rules of eason, e N ght to judge of

religion, dromthei praises pon them in Such a manner, that theystigmatig them illi thei ver Compliments so arhene are theywith rejudice that the btunder into the commendatio of thething the would condemn. For say theyhho Wanton, and OW

a yOungvientieman ut no the are Christians thus undesignedlythe fix the amendment of their lives pon the alteratio of theirreligion.


Somemther are arrived to that pitch of aversion to the ver nam eo Christian, that the Seemo have entere into Covenant illiliatred, and argaine to gratis this passio at the expense of allthe satisfactions os human life acquies in in the grosses of

injuries ather than the ate thin o Christian hould comewithin their doors. The hvsband no Cure of ali his formerjealous by his i 's Conversion to Christianity, turn her an herne modest out o doors together choosin to weli illi an adulteres sooner than a Christian; the ather, o tender of theundutila son in his Gentile state, disinheriis hi no When hebecomes obedient by becomin a Christian the master, hereto reso good o his unlaithful flave, discard hi no rapon his fidelityan his religion So that he hvsband ad ather have his lia

disciple o Christ, hich by interpretation is the nointed and

J Sed et tim perperam Chrestiamι fronunciam a vobis. Se the notos upo Iustin's First pol sec. 3, concerning the wor Chrestus Q ni ad herethat arcellus Donatus conjectures his Chrestus to have been ome seditious Je called by that name, sor hichae produces severa inscriptions herei thalname CCurS, ut notine herein it salven to a Jew, hici oughtrars to have been produce to justis his conjecturea ut the Christian apologist prove ita istali beyon dispute Viri Donat. Milucid. in Sueton in Claud. cap.


physicians glor in the ille of thei Erasistratus, an grammarians in that o Aristarchus ' An are notisve Cooks them Selves no alitile proud of the nam of Apicius ' Nor in an of these instancesare o offended illi the nam transmitte sto the Munder of the feci; ut Dyo Could prove an seci tot vi Cious in principie, an consequently the author o it tot so too, there is reason enought hate the name pon the CCount of both. In a Word, before egive entertainmen to atre against an SeC WhateVer, ponaccount of it name, e ough in the rs placerio have competently examine the natur of the institution, an trace out iis qualities stomuli author, o the author sto them; ut both these Ways of inquir are quite neglected, and ur nemies stor and re at amor only. Our heavenlymaster an His eavent religio areboth unknown and both Condemned, ithout an Other Consideration but that of the bare nam o Christian.

TAUs far P have been somethin severe, as it ere, by Way of preface, O mahe me Sensibi i I could of the injustice of the

Erasistratus. his physicia is mentione by ur Tertullian lib. de an. cap. ID; lin fixe his life An urb. conae. 45O, lib. xiv. cap. 7, an mentionShi School, lib. XX. cap. 9, and again, lib. XXix. cap. 2 mahes him the discipleo Chrysippus, and Aristolle' daughter' son, horio the cure of Κing Antiochus hamos his son tolem a se of an hundred talents. Aristarchus A note grammaria of Alexandria, Aristolle' contemporary, tutor to the son os Ptolem Philometer, celebrate by Tully, ad Appium Echrunt, lib. iii epist. II, o distinguishing the genuine verSes of Iomer,

Corrigere a res est tanto magis ardata, quanto

a nus Aristarcho major Homerus erat. v. Pont. An so againi Horace ad Pisones, Arg et ambigue dictum, mutanda notabis, Fiet AristarchuS. Apicius. An epicure of samoiis memory, styled by lin Nepotum metium altissimus Gurgier an so again by Juvenal:- nid enim majore cachinno

Excipitur vatigi, quam satis' Asicius I


public odium against us an no I hali sta awhile pon the subject of ur innocence. An here I halliso oni refute theobjections against us, ut retori hos ver objections against theobjector them selves, to et the ori se that Christians are notthe men the take them tote, nor ullied With thos Crimes theyare ConSClous of in themselves an to se also hether I anmahe our CCufers lusti, O by Chargin them in generat, a the Wors of men CCusing the est, ut supposin us both upo the leve os iniquity. I hali ou h pon ali the particular We retaxe wit for committin in private, and for hicli, are publiclybrande as immorat, superstitious, damnabie, and ridiculous; theS Ver Crimes, I say, WhiCh ou grant, have no the foret, eadio do ithout the protectio os darkness, e n our nemies hard enough o Commi in the face of the sun. But ecause e meet ou illi unanswerable truth at ali ourturnings, ou last resor is to the authorit of the laws, a more

inviolabi than truth tself an it ein so frequently in Our

Firs then, hen o rigidi insist pon this that Christianityi against law, and rescribe against dispensing one o with theletter po an Considerations os equity this I say, is actinginiquit by law and o sit ather like tyrant than udges of a Couri, illin a th in to e unlawful, beCause ou Will, an notbecauserit is o But Dyour il is regulate by the measiares of good an evit, and ou orbido hin beCaus it ought to beforbidden, heri Certainly by this rule os right reaSon, OV annot liCense evit, nor sorbid the obligations of oin good Ises sinda prohibition issued ut against the law of nature, do noto Conclude suci a prohibition to e invalid Zohereas, i the matteros ita lawful, I neve disputem obedience, in nor hin it strange

Quod si malum esset, ure prohiberet. Here, have the mensures of obediencediae to human laws briefl state by Tertullian For,' sayche, ,here nothingi Commanded, ither against the law of nature, o the positive la o God, neve disputem obedience. V ad the primitive Christians refuse obedienceto the civi magistrate, in alter indifferent, Christianity, humani Speaking, ha neve been a nationa religion, an is ou dissentin brethren ould edecide by this rute, and accordin to Tertullian compi With the magiStrate'SCommandS, in verythin no unlawful in iself, or illi respecto the lain


men. ut is the magistrate anno lawsuli command in things here ei ther the natura nor the positive la o God interpos to the Contrary, e cancommand in nothing, ecause Such thingsint cani subjectato his disposai. Canissimas Pasias eos quia mate liberos suscis coirint, quam ut Matr. confri Concerning theS laws, se Rigaltius and amelius pon this place. But that whicli I rem articis that caliger ould inser fro the solio ing ordsthat this Apolog was not composed ill a litile aster the death of Severus, ecauset is Sald, heri Severus, etc., exclusit buto confess I cannot see hy latetyrepealing may no agre to a livin prince as ellis a dea one. But I halislio this opinion to e evidenti a mistahe of Scaliger in the seque of this Apology. iudicatos retro in aries secari a Creditoribus Leges erant. Here e Videnti alludes to the law of the welve tables, cap. viii de nexis for thus itruns Tertiis nundinis capite poenas ιito, aut rans Tiberisu sereTre ito, est si

plures erunt rei, tertiis mιndinis Parris. Secanto. Si sta minus. Ne Secrserunt. V.

fraude esto. The meaning of whicli, scit is explaine hy A. Gellius Nora. u. lib. XX., is this : Deb was a captita crime by law, and the creditor might either have the lis of the insolvent, or sen him beyon Tibur tot sol sor a laveribu is the insolvent ascindebtexto more than ne the creditor might ut iminio plece in proportion to very one' debi. An this barbarit he justi fiesoni by the en an designi the lawgivers, hich was not so much to PuniSha to prevent me stomuunning into debl by the severit of the punishment sorhe telis us he neve rea os ne deblor dissected Quoniam avitia ista Poenoe contemni non quita est; ut for bonds an imprisonment rogue value them not, and runci debl continually.


appriSed of the illegalit of the faci nor an a Citigen justis his obedience to a law, hile he apprehend no the qualit of the action it is to punish; for it is ymo means sufficient that a la begood in iself, ut that goodnes also must e made appear o himwho is to ut it in execution and that a is much tot suspected that oes no care to e looked into, but is notoriousi tyrannical, ii after it is looked into ould reignin a stili in defianCe of reaSon.

Vesus erat Decrerum ne qui Deus ab Inaseratore consecraretur nisi a Senatu probatiss. Rigaltius mentions omething like his extant in the fragments of Ulpian, and amelius gives the decree itfel sto Crinitus is hon discisi lib. X. CAP. 3. Sesaratim remo sit habens Deos novos sive Advenas, nisi subtacearicitos frivatim colunto. B virtve of this ancient decree it was that thepeople, not illistandin an edicis of the emperor to the contrary persecuted the Christians. Vid. Euseb Hist. lib. i. cap. 2. Whermupo the account giVenis Pontius Pilate, Tiberius applied to the senate to mali him a god.


in arae god, Without the approbatio of the senate. . Emilius learn this illi a Witness, in the Case of his o Alburnus. Andillis ahes notis ille so the honour o Christianity, to se thelieathens in Consul about mahing ods an is the od is notsuch a deit a the like, he is like to e no God sor them. Stranges That the go is sirs to pray the an to e propitious, besore the an ill allo of his odship. B virtve of this id decree t was that Tiberius, in hos reign Christianit Came into the worid, havin received intelligence ro Judea bout themtractes of Christ, proposed it to the Senate, and Sed his prerogative oraettin Him nrolle among the number of their ods. The Senate, indeed refuSed the propoSal, as havin no maturelyweighed is qualifications for a deity; ut Caesar stoo to his reSolution, an issum ut severe penalties against ali ho houldaCCuSe the orShippers of Christ. Consuli our annais, and there o will sin Nero the rstemperor ho dyed his swor in Christianilood, lientur religionwas but jus arisin a Romeri ut, glor in bein sirs dedicatedio destructioni Such a monster for hoever noW that nemyo ali goodnes Will have the reate value for ur religion, Si no Ning that Nero could at nothing XCeedingly, ut hat WaseXCeedingly good A long time aster, Domitian a limb of this blOod Nero, ahes ome like attempis against the Christians; ut being notini Nero, or Crueli in perfection, the remain os Strugglinghumanit Stopped the enterprige, and ad him recati the Christians heianis hed. The Christia persecutor have been alway men filiis Complexion, diveste of justice, piety, and Common Shame;

De Deo suo Alburno. his Alburnus is mentioned, lib. a . Marcion, Cap. I 8, and seem to have been consecrate in the consulfhi os . milius, an. urb. cond. 638. He was calle Alburnus homo mountat in Lucania of the

Est Letιcus silari circum, ilicibusq. virenum urimus Alburnum volitans, etc. Virg. Geo. 3. Tiberius emo, cujus Iempore nomen Christianam in secutam introivit Thisis tot underStood of the resurrectio o Christ, hen the Christian aith rstbegan tot publishe to the Gentile orid. Consulite commentarios vestros. e alludes to the annals of TacituS, lib. v. , or atheruo Suetonius in the Lila os ero.' Caesariano gladio prinaum ferocisse. t is agreed pon by ali riters thattheirs genera persecution bega unde Nero, a likewis that the secon didunde Domitian so that in Jude an Samaria, mentione in the Acts, CAP. Vili., a but a particular persecution in ome part only, and not et onsoo by the Gentiles but the Jews.


Quos et ipsi damnare consuestis. The edicis of Nero an Domitian both were rescinde by the senate, and Nerva thei Successor But the old la Wasstili in orce, hicli orbad the worshippin os an ne god, without theapprobatio of the Senate. Si Lite, Marci Aurelii re Mirantur. his rescriptis arcus Aurelius ouwillino annexe to Justin's in Asolo I and though it is disputabie hether that rescript e genuine, et it is evident beyon dispute, bothoroni Justin and

Tertullian, that there a suci a rescript in avour of the Christians. Ouas radiantis ex parte frustratus est. It is no withou good easo that Tertullian says in part evacuated for the thir persecution commenced under Trajan. It is true, indeed, he publisheu no genera edic against the Christians, but the anne of his angwer o lin M. Plin. lib. X. p. IO3, P. 33, wherein, as Tertullian marti remarks the rescript id combat, an contradictitself, in sorbiddin Christians to e searche aster, and et punishe whensound was abundanti sufficient to reinflam magistrate and eople, ho ereready to tali fir upo the leas encouragement against the Christians Besides, hecissued ut solemn edicis to his officer to suppress ali private cabal and associations and this occasione fresii earches aster Christians, an prevented their ordinar assemblies. Vid. lin. p. 33 99, 23 ep. IO4, P. 32. In this reign, strict inquisition a made after at the descendant fro David, and Simeon, bishomo Jerusalem, a there re alien mand murdered. Eugeb libiti cap. 32, p. O4. Anythough his as a very grievou Persecution, et WaSitio universat. Euseb. lib. iii cap. 33, P. O5, cap. 32, P. O3 Quas Ultis Adriamιs. Sulpicius Severus, and e lone, places the Murthpersecutio unde Adrian. Viae Sulp. lib. ii cap. 45, p. 5O. But haleVerthis persecution as, it is lain rom Tertullian and elito bisho o Sardis,


n doub ted hi into the curio sities of ou religion nor Vespasian, δwho must no something of it to by Conquering the Jews, norΡius, nor erui eve took the ad vantage of the laws against us; and theresore ere e Christians, in truth, the orS O men, oucannot thini Noe should have beei thus ripared, and protected

vid. Euseb. lib. v. cap. 26 p. 48 that it a no occasione by an imperialedici. Adrian was initiate in ali the Graecia rites, and speciali in the Eleusinia Mysteries, hic St. Jerome rem arks a the principat cause of this persecution, A . it. P. II. He a extremel addicte to judicia astrology, and to ali foris os divination, even to magic Dio, lib. 69, p. 93, in Somuch thathecis severet censured by the eathen themsetve so hi extravagant superstition Amm. lib. XV. P. 294. An is magi ratSed a persecution unde Valerianus, hocin the eginning of his reign was o reat a friendo Christians, and whos familymo bounde with me of pie ty that his ous seemel to e thechurchi God Euseb. lib. vii cap. O, e nee no Wonde that his lac artshould have the fame influence pon Adrian. ut his persecution as appilyput an en to by the Apologies of Quadratus an Aristides, Euseb. lib. iii. cap. 37, p. 2O9. The eloquence an reason of these two apologist was seconde by a letter hom Serenius Granianus, proconsul of Asia, Euseb. lib. iv. cap. 8, p. 22, an many ther goVernor followed his example, Euseb. lib. v. cap. 3, p. 27. Adrian, nableo reSiSt theSe jus an pressin solicitations, wroteo Minucius Fundanus, Granianus' successor, noto punish a Christianbut upo good proo of some crime against the publica an to punish the false accuser jus a the Christian hould have been hastae been ound guilty This rescript a very amous among the ancients it is celebrate a very advantage-ous to the Christian cause, nolint by Eusebius in his Chronita, buti S. Severus lib. i. cap. 43, p. 3O, b OrOSius, lib. Vii. cap. 2, and annexed by Justi totis oloe , an translate into Gree by EusebiuS, lib. v. cap. 9 P. 23. Nullus Vespasianus id Ioseph. e Beli. in . lib. iii. v. v. i. vii. Nullus Pius This was Antoninus, o hom Iusti Martyr ad dresses his sest olora, and whos rescript to the commons of Asia he annexes ocit, an is translated into Greel by Euseb. lib. cap. 3. An though there a no edictis Pius ut against the Christians, et by the authorit of the old decree, theysussere ver much in an places, hicli occasione Iustin's First solo F. Nullus Verus It is a matter of so me dissicut ty to determine ho hisemperor as for the cognomen Verus a give to M. Aurelius as et a toLucius. Vid. Iul. Capitol in D. M. Attretii. ut it is mos probabi that . Aurelius a the em peror, speciali is Lucius Verus a dead e re the persecution a some imagine, Nicephor. lib. iii cap. 4. Andrit is observabie, that Athenagoras dedicates his Apolog to M. Aurelius andiu Commodus, an notto Lucius Verus Howeve this e certain it is that this as a mos bioodypersecution in hicli Polycarmand Justin and the martyr of Vienna an libronSwere ut o death ohe read in of the propheis, and the sibyis, and whatevereis might serve the Christia cause as Orbidden, say Justin, pon ain Osdeath, Asol. i. Sec. 59. his is counte the laurili persecutio by ali ut S. Severus, ho Callii the fifth. ut then it is observe by Eusebius, lib. v. cap. I that it a Set o soot no by an edici of Aurelius, ut by populariumuit. Is we rea Severus instea of Verus as amelius is mos inclinei to, then is it evident that he this polog was ritien, Severus ad issued ut no dic against the Christians.


against laW, by the est o princes, and struch a roo an branchoni by urirethren in iniquity.

Centum Era non amplius. This a the ea Licinia vel Fannia calleo Centussis, accordin to that o Lucilius, Fa)ani Centussiqrte misellos. Vid. A. Gell. lib. i. cap. 24. To what ephirus in his paraphrase, an famelius in his notes have Sal concerning the Sumptuarylaws, and against CanVaSSinisor places, add that C. Orchius the hird ear bes ore Cato a censor, referre a la tomoderate the number of guest only. wenty-two years after, C. Fannius heing onSul, nacte another o moderatin the expenses of ordinar seasis, alloWingno more denis assibus. Licinius Crassus revived the Fannia law. The Lex Cornelia, and the Lex Auria, ere to the fame purposes of frugality. WhOSo-eve destres to se more de Leribus mustitariis et de Ambitu, a rea Muc. convis lib. i. cap. 3 A. Gell. lib. i. cap. 24; acrob. Saturn lib. iii cap. Ι Alex ab Alexan Genia mi lib. iii cap. 2, p. 683, om. i. and likeWiSe RP.

Theatra Stuprandis moribus orientia si alim destruebant. P. Cornius Nasica aster the secon Punic a demolline the theatre a the school of wichednessan esseminacy Viae Alexand ab Aiax tom. i. lib. iv. CaP. 23, P. II 93.