The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 300페이지


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Major nnas apud Gallos Mercurio prosecatur. Cicero in Orat pro M. Fonteio, speat in of the auis, has theS Word :- Ili enim g mrat eos Sqrι ad hanc diem retinere illam immanem ac barbarant consIletudinem hominum immolando, rιm An in his hir book de Divina . , he mentions ve Mercurysand malles Mercur Theutates the fifth ho te Argos, an so that fle into Egypt and there instructe the gyptians in laws an letters hom hicli Thelitates the firs monili of their ear, that is September, a calle Theuth. This a the ercvry the aut sacrifice to, and whicli Lucan in his firs book

Ex quibus inranitis placat frua=guine diro Thetitates, horrenSyrte feris Altaribus Hesris. Se more in Lactantius, lib. i. Sec. I, O Liv. 3 dec. lib. vi. CaeSar, lib. Vi., de Mil. GaII. Remitto Taurica Fabulas Herodotus in his fourth book says it was a custom among the Tauricio sacrifice every ear the hundredili captive to Diana an Lucaniavin spolienis Theutate an Hesus, addSQ 'Et Tara1ris S rhicne non mitior ara Dianoe. See . Orosius in his prela e to his fifth book an Lactan. lib. i. Sec. 2Ι, P. O, concerning the blood rite os sacrificin Stranger to Diana Taurica.'insifer quidana. M. Lactan. lib. i. Sec. 2Ι, . O. This a Iupiter LatiariS.


But Christians no a re so far sto homicide that illi them itis ulteri unlawfui tomahe aWay a Chil in the oml, When natureis in deliberation about the an foro hil a chil before it is bor is to Commi murde by Way of advance and there is nodisserenc Whether ou destro a Chil in iis formation, o after itis forme an delivered For e Christians ook upon him asinman, hocis ne in embryo for e is in eing like the fruit in blossom, an in a litile time ould have been a perfeci man, had nature et illi no disturbanCe. As so the inhuman customs of banqueting uponilood, and SuChtragical dishes, o ma read sor it is relate by Herodotus, thinh ho that certain nations havin opene a vei in thei arm, solemni drank of ea hither'silood for the Confirmationis treaties an something like this Catilines put in practiCe in his ConspiraCy.

Est apud Herodotum opinor, etc. Herodotus in his firs book reporis thatit a the solemn way among the edes an Lydians in mal in o leagues tostrihelachitherin the lioulders illi a naked sword, and the for the parties

mutuali to lic up the lood an in his Murth book he telis us that the Scythia rite os enterin into league a to illis large curios loo and wine mixe together the blood of both the parties consederating), and havin dippedihel Sword an arrows into it to pledge each other incit, an sol turn drinlait off. And ossidonius, and rom hi Athenaeus lib. i. Cap. 2, relates that the Germans at theirianquet opene a vein in thei face, and the parties mutu-alindrinking uineach other'salood, ixe with wine, a the ratificationi thetreaty. o much humanilood was there pili, Speciali in sacrificindito deviis, tili Christ came an redeemedis froin the powers of darkness, and ut an en to altilood sacrifices by that of Himselfince made pon the CrOSS. Nescio quid et sub Catilina degustatum est. The word of Sallust concerning Catiline are these Fuere e Temfestate, qui dicerent Casilinam oratione abies,

cum a jusjurandum Populares sceleris stli ad icerent, Humani Corporis an finem vinosermistum inpateris circumtulisse : inde cunZsoSt execrationena omnes de eundSsent, sicuti in solemnibus sacris feri consalevit, dicitur aperuisSe conSiliu/II, etc.

have et clown his of Sallust at large hecause ascit stand in the notes of Pamelius it is printe or quote false in two laces, and the last par quite omitted, hic Shows it tot a customary rite in Ome countrieS.


Asud nos Monsiles suarum. Vid. Alex ab Alex torn. i. lib. iii. cap. 2. And the notes of iraquei uponaim. Hodie Athis Bel noe sacrarus an uis de femore proscisso. In alliiSion towhic Lucan lib. i. Diraque per popuDιm Cumania Carmina vatis

Vulsant2ιr, tum qrtos Sectis Bellona lacertis

See more pon this in Beroaldus, and Lactan. lib. i. Sec. 21. Vrsorum alvei appetuntaι crudit anus adhuc de viscerimis almanis. ToSuch a degre of luxury, oranther bestiality, were the Romans grown that a bear'Spauncti stus d with the eeking viscera orauis of gladiator Wa rechone a rare


This could neverte, uniessso had aste the lood of both, and Mund that of men to e the weeter temptation; hicli heresoreyou hould mahe like the censer of incense, to e nother touCh-stone os a Christian an so e might e detecte as et byaccepting the blood a refusing the sacrifice, an in like manne beput o death sor astin as hecis no for sacrificing. Anxyo the judges of life an death, nee neve sea the want of humaniloodio mahe the experiment. Asrior incest, here Canao look o indsueti human monster so lihel as among the worshippers of an incestuous Jove Θ e have the authorit o Ctesias for the Perstans mixin With thei mothers. An the Macedonians are suspeCled, ecause When the first eard the tragica lamentationso adipus for his in illi his mollier ocasta, the Cried ut in

families and by both these ind of alienation it cannot ellie,

but that the nowledge of Our Children in ome time must,earout an vanish an foroant of this nowledge, hen the un- natura mixture has onC taken Oot it pread continually, and theoriginal stain diffuse itfel sto generation to generation. Andille also ou have an inseparabie Companio of ou lust in very

place it Stich to ou at home, an traveis illi ou by land and takes hippin With o at ea an by this ubiquitaria lust, brother an Sister may easit come together like the cattere seed in a id sield, and a travellers osten d by the helmo Commerce, an mi in strange Confusion S, Without the parties knowing anythingos the relation. ut aisor Christians, hei inviolabi chastit is ahedge bout them against uel unliappy accidenis; and by oW

Persas ctim Matribus misceri Ctesias refert. Some fragments of teSias

were published by Henr Stephens; ut for the inces of the Perstans it is notorious See Strabo, lib. v. ad . Curtius, lib. vii. an Catullus in Gellium

sing thuS Nascatur Magus ex Gelli Marrisque amando Concubitu, et discat Persicum aruspicium. Nam Magus ex Matre et Nato gignatur oporter, Si vera es ira sartim impia Religio.


Janes a the alii cali hirn taking u his eat, the hillae inhabited

calle after his own nam Saturninus, and the Cit he Munded, Saturnia, to this Jay and a teragili attestat succeede to this ille, after that os innotria. The invention os riting, an coining the

Novo Veleres, Barbaros, etc. Aster the mos diligent collection Varro has muStere u an arm o god to the tune os bove hirt thousand Theexplanatio of the tities, and some instances of each of the sortis od mentioned, yo ma Se in amelius pon his place; ut for a suller an more distincta countes refer o lex ab Alex. lib. i. p. 379, an lib. i. cap. 4, P. 33 and 36. Ab ipso fri/ntim Tabuiae, et magine gnatus inmat et inde rarios; oesidet This rarium o treasure-houge, o whicli Saturn a president, asnotini the public excitequer, but in i likewis were kept the Acts of the Senate, the book of records, and the Libri Elephantini, o calle stom thei bigness, in whichisi the ames of the citi gens ere registered, and stom theses books,


o a god since the resine spirit of this polistie age have made improvements of the folly, and aised them minio god whom theotheria the solemni attende to the funerat This is enoughin reason to a about Saturn though it is ut litile. I halliso Ndo a muCh M Jove, an Sho him to e a mere man, a Weli Sentitule TabaιDe alblica, theoreasury a calle Tabularium. See Servius upo that of Virgil, lib. ii Georg. Aut Populi Tabularia vidit.

Imagine Signatus. acrobius, Saturn lib. i. cap. 7, reporis that Ianus havingentertaine Saturn, ho camerio hi by Ship an having ad him co-parinero his hingdom for the good instructions e received rom him, the rs moneyhe stamped which was brass he impresse on ne side the mage of himself, and o the ther the ore-deck of a hip in memor of Saturn, accordin to that of Ovid. i. saSt. Multa quidem didici; sed cur navalis in aere Altera signata est, altera Forma biceps 8 At bona Posteritas funem formavit in grem itis adventam testi cata Dei. Plin in lib. xxxiii. cap. 3 says that Servius Tullius a the rst ho stampedbras money illi the image of heasis, and o rom pecude the wor pecunia. Asterward the mage of the Caesars, illi inscriptions and illes, were impressedupon the coin Nero in the habitis a harper Sueton in Pit Ner an AleXander Severus in the habiti Alexander the reat, etc.

x Terraestio vulgus Bocat, quorim g nus est incertzιm Thucis Tytius calledhothi Homer an Virgil, Hγον -ο ψομενον σιτυον γαιηιον υἱον OdySS. lib. Vii., and s again, lib. i. Και τιτυον εἶδον γαίης ἐρικυδεος υ ον. Nec non et Tyrium Terrae omnisolentis Alumnum.

Id est Filium, accordindit Servius Virgil, AE=reid, lib. vi.


th Son o a man, an ConSequently the whole Nar o divinities mortal, and like fallier like Son.

Mancirem quendam Divinitatis These mancise were the chie among the publicans, o the principa farmers of the public revenues. M. Cic. e russ. r sons. et Alex ab Alea lib. ii p. 52O.


perlection to verythin Could not an it Himself, o stan in nee o an assistant He di not ait for a Saturn, o any of the Saturnia race, to or unde Him in the ordering finis orid. For me musti vain to the ast egre to thin that it id notalways ain, and the Star dari thei rays, and the sun and oonshine perpetuali in their orbs, and the thunde belloW, and oorJove himself, in hos hand nomyo putrili bolis, tremble at theclap and likewis that the fruits of the artii ere not in eingbes ore Bacchus, an Ceres, and inerva, and even the rs manwas forme out oscit; ecause the wori must e made an provide&with at the necessaries o lis besore an an Come o live incit. Lastly, our god are repute to e the inventors, an notthe Creator of these supporis of life but that hicli is Mund ut mus have a bein before it an e found and that hi h is thus in bein cannot properi be sal to e his ho ound it, ut his


crationis Such rahes is doin honou to thos the are like. But notrio dwel longer po things o unbecoming the divine nature, I Wil Suppose Our Od to have been Ood honest men, ye ho many ette an more note have ou est in heli Θ Forthere ave ou not est the wis Socrates, thecius Aristides the excellent Genera Themistocles, an Alexander the reat, oly- Crates the fortunate, Croesus the riCh, and Demosthenes theeloquent Θ Whicli of our god had more gravit and wisdom than Cato, more justice an Conduci, illi Courage, than Scipio, more magnanimit than Pompey, more suCCes than Sylla, more ealththan Crassus, and more eloquenCe than ussy Ho much morebe ominilia it been or hini ho had a foresight of these orthier personages to have stayed ill thei death before his creation fgods But he was in haste, I suppose, or Company, and haVingtaken up thoSe Ou orShip he ad fas the oor, an so heaventies blushingio to se braver ouis epining in heli.

meet illi no account of their lives ut halcis tended illi