The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 300페이지


분류: 미분류


VIII. When o have iven ourself the tities of a man os modest an good nature, of truth an pruden Ce of resignation and

character an is ou distinctions and our se do not agree, f

that tot unanimovi or resigned signifies a cheerfui ComplianCewith the allotments of providen e That magnanimit impori an elevation O Soul a nobi Contempt os leasure and ain, o gloryan death an ali hos things hich eopte are either fon orastat of No i you an earn the honour of this Style, and netther Dout of the compas of the Character nor et destre itfromither follis, o Will e qui te nother man, an Steer a quite disserent Courge romoliat o do a present. An indee it is high time to egi : for to destre o go on at his rate, to epolluted illi appetite an harassed illi passio an longer i a

rio proos o nature that trees are distinguished by thei fruit, dogs by the qualities prope to thei hinci and thus it hold with


that is righil affected illi this speculation, has in a manne laid his od aside an ali that elong to t. e consider that this World wil quickl be ver illi him, that he must tali his leave fmankind, and remove into nother Condition. In ConSequenC Of


projecis an sancies, he has done illi them. His bufines is onlyto live by reason, an to solio that path hici nature haschalhed ut for im for in o doin he has the deit for his

XIV. e that Consider that natures has the disposal o allthings, ill addressae in his angvage of respect Give me hal

This is the strat of a man re to sobriet an good prinCipleS. An though the expression a b extraordinary there S O the


244 Conversation V Emperor arcus Antonimis:

XVI. otion ithout practice is impertinence spendis more time then in statin the qualifications of a man o viriue, ut

XVII. Tahe the whole bul os matter, an ali the extent of time frequently into ou thoughtM: and the conside that ali particularbodies areaut a grai in the proportio os substance, an but theturning of a Wimble in respectis time. XVIII. Do no suffer the appearances of things to aggle yoursight an de eive ou. Examine them closely, and o Wil finditiem ready to deca and tumble. An that at things are made as

XIX. Consider hat an umbi figure the biggest peopte mahe


sa I to the worid, bour inclinations an mine hali alway be the

thought an reason runcio with me Am I no grown selfish, and brohen loose sto the genera interest Is no my oui ascit Were melle into, Senses, an persecti governed by them ΘXXV. He that runs aWay rom his master is a fugitive no theta is very an's master, and thereire e that transgresses it is deserter An unde this Character e ma range ali hos thatare dissatisfied illi the administratio of the worid angry at Whatis past, andineas abolit the future. For these eople, ere it in thei poWer, ould se aside that justice hich gives very one his due, and brea through the order of providenCe. XXVI. The formatio of the foetus is a reat subjec sor Contemplation. The rs prinCipies o lis are extremel stende and mysterious and et nature orks them p into a strange inCreaseo buth diversity, and proportion. An after the birili is ver the insant is supporte by throwin a ille ourishment down thethroat on it. An here the force an conduci of the operation is extraordinary. For hat an e more surpriSing than to se suChwondersul esseCt stom so unpromisin a Cause To See roWthan motion, an strengili an beauty at the functions and forcean ornament of the Creature prout ut os a litile amor gruel ZThes thing though the are rough in the darh, and we annot


246 Conversarion V Emperor arcus Antoninus

and discove the miracles of Providen e though no the anne os

XXVII. Vo wili do et to remember that the worid is usi asit a formerly, and wil go on at the fame rate henao are deadan gone. Is ou ei the di into history, o recolleCt our Wnmemory, O Wil perceive the cenes of life stranget uniform and noth in but the old plays revived Tahe a vie of the Couris of Adrian, Antoninus ius, of hilip o Macedon o Croesus andyo Will in the rimace an entertainment the fame, ni theactor are different.

XXVIII. e that struggles illi his fortune an mahes an afflictio on it, is much like a ho that hi h and ries ut lientiis throat is culting and e that ourn privatet ove himselfwhen e is si h is no much etter. e liould conside that eare ted to the chain os late, that ali accident are inevitabie, that non but rationa creatures have the privilege of moving reely, and mahing necessit a Choice. Allisther things are forcedinWard, and dragge alon to thei doom. XXIX. Conside the satisfactions o lis singly, and examine them a the Come up and then ask ourself, i death is such a terribi bugbear in ahing them rom ou Θ' XXX. When anybody' misboliaviour disturbs ou, dismis thei mage of the injury, and ethin yourself,hether o have not

De hi sto the cause of his disorder. XXXI. When o Conside Satyrio the Socratist, hin upon Euli Ches o Hymeni and when o remember Euphrates, hinhupo Eutychion o Sylvanus and when Alciphron Comes into ourhead Carr you thoughis to TropaeophoruS; and when yotinare musing

See Booti xii Sect. I. The rs prope nam throughout his enumeratio denotes a philosopher that live bes ore the em peror' time, the thers, hos who ere his con-



upo Xenophon or Crito, et Severus come into the Contemplation and when o mahe ourself the subjectis your meditations, bring ome of the emperor your predeceSSOr intoIOUr Company and thus et the dea and the living of the fame Character and profession alway one again St another, then Sh the question, Where are thos me that ad Such a figure formerly TheanSwer Will e the are noWhere, or at eas nowhere that Phnow

Go on the with the theor an practice of philosophy, ill ou have digeste the subject an conquere the dissiculty for I ould


Can do us no anne o miselites; therwise, ill fortune, ascit is Commoni Called, ould mahe a bod an ill man. For ait ther produCtions o nature or ari, hen an harm appen to them, the are Certainly the ors for it but here a man is the belle forWhat he suffers; e improve his value, and aises his Character, bymahinx right se of a rugge accident. In hori, I would aveyo remember that o burgher an receive an damage by that whichioes no affect his corporation neither an the CommunitySuffer, unies the laws by hicli it is overne are brohen and Suffer too But these missortunes, a the are Called, O Otviolate the constitution nor reali in upo the laWs thereire theyd no dam age the Corporation nor DConSequenCe an member incit.

XXXIV. He that is et tincture With philosoph need but a

By the cit o corporatio the emperor means the worid, and by the laws, the orde an decree o Providence See Book v. Seci. 22. Hom. I. E.


25, conversation V Emperor arctis Ansoninus:

toois for the out o or With, an no more a parti a man hanan axe or a plane is a pieCe of a Carpenter. It is true, natur has glue them together, and the gro a it ere to the oul, and there is ali the differenCe; ut the se of them depend solet uponthe ind, it is the will that ither CheCk or et them agoing. The have but the force of instruments an signis no more ithout foretgn directio than a hutile, a pen, o a Whip Whicli Williseither Weave nor rite nor laSh the horses Without omebodyrio mana ge