장음표시 사용
views it figure, look irato the vacuum nolle ouisidem it, and stretches on to an uniueasurabie tengiliis time. She Contemptates the grand revolutions O nature, an hoW the universe Will edestroyed, and reneWed a Certain periodS. She Consider that there ill e nothin ne for posterit to age at, and that uranCestor Stood UPO the Same level kr observation That ali agesare uniformand of a Colour, insomuch that in fori years time a
tolerable genius for ense an inquir may acquaint imself,ithali that is ast an ali that is to Come Lastly it is the properi of rational ou to ove her eighbours to e remarkable for truthan sobriely, o prefer noth in to her Wn dignit an authority, whicli is likewis the custo an prerogative os a laW and thusfar the qualit an measures of right reason an public justice are
' The rue braver of the Christian was migrepresente to the emPeror.
V. What may our trade or profession es It is to live like aman o virtve an probity. An tio Can his en be eiter compasse than by the Contemplatio of the natur of the worid, and of mankin in particular, and the influenc the ne has ponthe affair of the ther ΘVI A to dramati performances, traged appeare firSt. The design of them a to ho the missortunes of life ere Customaryan Common. That thus the fictio might reconcile them to thereality, and that hat diverte them po the stage might SurpriSethem the ess hen the meet illi it in the worid. Thias eopte se there is no living Without accidents. ortifications an Severe One too, ill appen; ings an princes cannot stan Clear of them. An to ive the stage-poet thei due the have Ome
Eurip. HI sis See Boo Vii. Sect. 39, I, 2. It is 'Acier' observatio that the emperor condemn ali foris of plays, though upo the comparisonae prefers the old comed to the new, ecause theoli made instruction, no pleasure, thei principat deSign. The emperor' main principies are the love os God an ou neighbour.
necessity be oppe froni the whol tree Thus a man that realis with another loses the benesit of the whole community. I i true,
is extraordinary. e has ut it in ur powerrio grow to the limbwe est, an Come again into the advantage of the main body. Buti this missortune is osten repeated, it ill e a hard alter to
toward them. Is ou meet illi oppositio an ill-Will, o mustneither e diverte nor disturbed, ut Lee your Oint, and Our temper too. For ascit is a eaknes to lose our Spiriis, an bethrow of your Conduci, socii is likewis to e angry ith m- pertinent people. Upon the hole, the are both a sorti desertersDOm ProvidenCe, horare either rightene stom thei duty, o fallout illi hos of their own nature an family. δX. Nature falis hor of ar in no instance, an ein but animitation o nature and i so the mos perfeci an best furnished nature annot e supposed to or With les reach than a Common artificer. No in ali aris, the es in value are contrive for the salie of the greater; his therefore is the method of genera nature, o therars cause Andipon his ground justice is Munded, hicli Consist in a regar an preferen ce of things a Cordin to their dignit and worth. The ther virtves are likewise governed by this rute, an are ut Ct of justice differenti applied But just e Can neverte, is, are eager an anxious about externat advantages, is, are api tote imposed on, and gro heedies an inconstant
XL Aversions and destres are the generat occasion os disturbanCe;
XIII. Doe any one despis me What is that o me Ι ill
are quiet it is ou fanc that ahes them operate ali gal us itis e that rate them and ive them heir ut an value and et it is in ur powerrio let it lone an is an false Colour are laidoni Surprise, e ma rub them ut is, pleage. e are likewiset conside that this troubie illiso last that death ill relieveus quichly where then is the dissiculi os standing upo our uarda litile liiij I theres ore our circumstances ut O in a Wayo improvement, and there is anythin to e made ut of them, bi them eartily etcome, and then our inclination ill maheyo ea Sy. ut i the prove unmanageabi cros Which by the Wayci a ron SuppoSition) look ut for omething that is more servi eable to the dignit of your nature an never et infamy, orbeing unpopular deter o sto the purSuit. For Certaint every ma mantake leave o mahe himselfi pycis heman. XVII Conside the original of at things, the matter the aremad of the alterations the must run through, and the qualities Consequent upo it; and that ali his instabilit o natur has nomanne of harin incit. XVIII. Concerning thos that offend an disoblige OU, Conside in the rs place the relation ou stan in OWard them, and that ou re ali ad for ach ther. An a for our Wnpari, O are particulari se at the ea of the worid and like aram in araoch, designe sor defence an protection ou may go
ChanC O providenCe govern the universe i the alter, then the CoarSer part of the Creation ere ad for the service of theirbetters ; and these last for the interest an supportis eaCh other. Secondiy, Conside ho Wretchedi the mismanage heir own business, and o far the are gone in luxur an libertinism; especialty ou hould remember hal strong rejudices the lieunder, o Confident the are in thei mistakes, and with hat satisfactio the play the ool. Thirdly, conside that is hos that disobligeso are in the right, yo havem reason tot angry but f the are in the wrong, it is
D'Acie supposes the emperor means suspiciousness, ill language, lying, and
benefit o societ and the genera interes of the worixas his main business. Forte that levet at this mark, illaeep an eveniand, andi alWays Consistent With himselfXXII. Remember the stor of the Country an City OUSO, and hompitisully the forme was rightene an surpriSed.' XXIII. Socrates used to anthe Common object O terror Ore nothingi ut bugbears sit onlyrio care Crow and Children. XXIV. The Lacedaemonians at thei public showsmeated strangersunde a Canop in the hade, ut made heir Wn eople hist, and tahe thei Convenien e a the found it. δXXV. Socrates, ein invite to erdiccas' couri, made his eXCUS I dare notiome,' sayche, for ear of being put unde an incapacit os returning an obligation, hicho tali tote the orsi Way of deStroyin a man imaginable. XXVI. It is a recept of the Epicurea philosophers that eshould loo bach to the virtve os forme ages, an alWay furnishou memor With Some eminent example.
XXVII. The Pythagoraean would have uiloohi into the hyevery Orning to ut us in mind of the orde and Constanc of the heavent bodies, of the qualit an perpetuit of thei motion of
Ρiet the foundationis justice. This int, I suppose, as designe to ho the ange of curiosit and appetite. It was the custom of the Lacedaemonians to breest their eoplectardily. Seneca reporis this invitation a madera Archelaus, hin os Macedon.
the nenes an purit of their matter, and o frankly the lie
XXXV. Grapes are sirst our, then ripe, then aisin S; these areallio more thaniare alterations, no into nothing, ut into Something hichioes no appea an Comeminat PreSent. XXXVI. As Epictetus observes, nobod Can ob another of his Will, nori ConsequenCe malae seigure of hi virtve.