The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 300페이지


분류: 미분류


232 Conversarion os Eniperor arcus Ansoninus:

yo belong the offender's, that ou a discover hether his fauit Was ignorance or malice an here o fhould likeWiseremember, that ou are of hin to him. XXIII. Asso are a member o societ yourSel rao very actionos ours hould en to the benefit an improvement of it. Sothat when o do anythin WhiCh has neither immediate nor remote referenCerio generat alvantage, o mahe a breach in the Common interest, destro the unit os public lise, an are a reali guili ota seditious bellaviour, as a malContent that embrotis a nation, and draw offla factio sto the government. XXIV. The busines of mankind is strangelydrifling and transient; thing are so hollow, and so quiCkl hurrie of that the world lookssomeWhat like a Cene of necromanCy, and Seem to e more apparitio than ea lila. XXV. enetrate the qualit os forms, and ahe a vie of them, abstracte sto their matter; and when o have done hiS, Compute the common period of thei duration.*XXVI. Vo have been a great suffere for ramblin Domin iis ofreason, and formo bein Contente With doing What you ere made


hearis and thei head go Dee To cure them allis thei soli andit principies is impracticabie And et UnleSS OV an Changethei opinions thei subjection ill e ali force an dissembling. But ou ill say, ere o Alexander, hilip and Demetrius Phalereus unde the rules of these retende philosophers and what a nobi figure do the mahe in histor i Graiatin ali that, Iliave a question o tW to S them. Had the a right notion ofth law of nature, and were they jus and generous in good earnest ΘI their virtves ere ali ho an varnish, I destre tot excused

the imitation. hilosopli is a modest profession cit is ali realityandilain dealing. Phate solemnit an preterice illi nothingiui pride at the bottom. XXX. ly ou fano into the clouds, and rom his imaginary

See Books i. xvii. vii. xiX., and alib. This section is levelle against the naver of the Sophisis, ho pretendedio the politicS.


234 conversation V Emperor arcus Antoninus r

height tali a vie of mortes here below. What strange medie of management, hat Confusion o prospect is here loliat insinite Variet in religion, overn merit, an fortune Go on illi the SpeCulation, StretCli ou thought ove time an nature, and lookupon things in the different aspects of the pas and the preSent; Considerio the wori Wither and wears of that the agesies ore Were unacquainte With ou, and o Wil many of thos that comeas ter thalmeither our poWer nor our fame reaChe far among the barbarians hos many are there that neve hear of your name,lio many that Will quiChly orget ou, an ho many that admire

XXXIII. Whateve mahes a figure noK, ill quichi deca and diSappear. An thos that age pon the ruin o time ill eburie unde them. An then the longes and the hortes liverwillae both in the fame Condition. XXXIV. Is ou ould Walli it in eople, an dis ove their


Things are change this way, it is true, ut the do no peristi. Providence, by hicli ali hings are et contrived delight in these alterations the have alWays ad thei range in the worid, andalWays il have. What thei Will ou iam the conducti thefirs cause Θ ere ali hings made, and must the alwaysie ut oforderi What are there so many god in eing, an non able toconque and correct this evil Θ An is nature indee condemnedi an Vertastin missortune ΘXXXVI. The materials of odies, is ou examine them, restranget Coarse Thos that are animate have litti in them butWater, an dust, an bones, and Something that is offensive And

ani sediment of the arth. Fine Clothes are noth in butiair tWiste together, and meared illi the lood os a litile sit. An thus I might procee further. An a sor Spiriis, the aresonaeshat os in to the est, an are Chased rom on figure to

XXXIX. Is suci a manias done amiss the mischie is to himself; and i may be, Dyo inquire, he is notieither. XL. Elther at things are ordered by an intelligent eing, homahes the worid ut ne family an is so, hy hould a part orsingle member, Complain os that hicli is designe so the benest

This made the purpi dye. The Stoiciliet the oul a compositionis sire and air, and by onSequeiace it


236 Conversarion os Emperor arcus Antoninus:

XLIII. Whenes Was sicli, says Epicurus I id notiis ourse the

fession, but heldin illi fortitude and indifferenCy. Thus he. And

bellave ourset in his manner Θ It is practi abieno ali persuasions in philosophyrio stan their round against ali accidenis, and notio ali into the weaknesse an soli of the ignorant. e mustalway be prepare so the present, ind the thingie re us, and


23M conversarion V Emperor arcus Antoninus

the pursu thei nature, and attain their persectiom so an is madet be in an oblige, an his faCulties are ordere a CCordingly. Anythereire hen e oes a good ossice, and prove servi eableto the worid, e follows the bent an answer the end of his being; and whenae does o, he moves smoothly, and is always in the est


are at the ead of the administration and the will approve nothing ut halcis for the est, an tend to the seCurit an dadvantage of that good righteous, beautissit, an pers Ct animal, Whicli generates an supporis at things an heeps hos thingsWhicli deca stom running ut o Compass, that ther resemblingbeings may be made ut of them. In a Word, re ou eve lihelytoi s happii qualisied a to converse illi the god an me in

SUCh a manne a Delthe to complain of them nor e Condemned

by them ΘII. Examine hat our nature requires, as Dyou ad n other laWrio govern ou and when ou have ooked into her inclinations, neve baulli them, uniess our anima nature or the interes of ourbod are lihel tole ors for it Then o are to examine halyour animal nature or the interes of our senses demands and here O ma indulge our appetite a far a bou please, proVidedyour rationat nature cloes no suffer by the liberty. Now our


rationa nature admits of nothinibu What is servi eable to the resto mankines: hee to these ules, and ou ill have o nee Oframblinisor further instruction. III. Whatever appens, o have no reason to tali it ili foreither o have Strength to bearcit, Oroo have not is o have,

OXert OUr nature, an neve murmur at the matter: ut is the

V. Whateve happens tofou, a pre-ordained our tot, and that chain o Causes hicli constitutes late, ted our person and the event together homini eternity.

Pam for the alter par of the disjunction, and la it down or aground in therars place that Pam par of that hole hicli is all


to the contrary Andi holdin to this conductes hal be happyos Course; a that burgher must need be hocis alWays ploddingor the benefit of his Corporation, an persecti satisfied illi that