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sabies, an sin the whole fabri of our religio bulli pon apack of human inventions. As for)our mages, Pshallini observethat the are materiat, an osten of the fame matter illi Our common utensiis and it is en to ne but the holy mage has omesister-veSSel about the ouse, the pol and ketiles ein frequently of the fame meta an piece illi the ods. Nay, ostentime thevesset them Selves have the good luch to Change thei late, an dieturne into ods by the et o Consecration, hi h alter theproperty, and by the helmonari, hi h alter the form though notWithout great Sacrilege an contumel to any of the god in their very mahing. So that it is, indeed, a might Consolation to us hoare punished for these ods, o find them suffer the like illi us, before the come to e orshipit for Christians are astene to CroSSe an Stumps of rees an have ou eve an mage that hasno been o applied in iis formation It is upo a frame of wood in the formo a gibbet here the od firsi ahes iis degre os divinity. Our Christia sides are torn illi natis; butio is very member of your oor od maulex ith atcheis, Saws, an siles ΘWe lose ur eads, and our ods have none, efore the lead, and the lue, and thematis et them n. e re drawn abola by ildbeasis, and o Bacchus is drawn by tigers, Cybele by tons, and
Lil=ιν si Statuas et Imagines frixi fas mortuorum Saloretι simillimas non adoramus. his passage the agdeburgenses, says amelius have reSted against the se of images in the Church, and tal escit illi Zephyrus o conclud- in that the Christians in Tertullian' time ad only the signis the cros aboveth altar, and is soranfortunate in his ea acto tali occasio even Domaencerio justisy, no only the se of mages, ut the worshi of them too in a very longnote pon this place But I halliso preten to answer a person o such hardiness, oni leave it to any impartia reader, hetherae an thin i possiblethat Tertullian would have been o merrit severe so this hole hapter together
upo the heathens so the worshipis images, ad the Christians of his time doneth like, by virtve of the Romisi distinction etween ulla an Latria, ithout saying one ordis suci a distinction. Cet a Mihi et Mures et Aranen multarunt. Horace imself akes thelibert of estinii the like manner. Mentior at si quid, merdis casu inquiner albis
Domesticos Deos quos Lares dicitis These Lares eresainted in the form ofa dog, Saavin charge of the ous committe to thei custody accordinito that of Ovid. East. 5. Pervigilantqtie Lares, servigilantque Canes. The custo in sacrificin to these domestic deities acto eat pol that was offered Hen e that phrase, Lari Sacrificat, hen a sellow eat up ali elare him, he sacrifices totis householygod.
The od of the public by public order, re profane just the
sor a place in your temples it is no possibie to Serve your god gratis; yo turn the penny illi them all. Besides, what hono ursio ou Confer ponaoUraod that ou Confer not upo dea mei Vougive to both, Chapeis, and altars, an images, habite an adornedalike. The human mage is dressed ut o give an de of the age, the ari, an profession of the person deceased, and the divine oneis appareited illi the fame design, an in the Same manne to exhibit the god How does a funera banque ' differ romin east
Circuit causo=aas elimo mendicans Here Tertullian no doubi alludes toth practice of the Corybantes, ho illi the picture of their goddes Cybele in their and went ancin about the street with pipes an cymbal playingbe re them, an keepin time to the thumps pon thei breasis, an in his posture the begge ali the mei and rom hen e were calle Cybeles circaι- Iatores, the eggar or jugglers of Cybele, an in Greek-μοητραγυρται, rom μητηρ, whicli in his place signifies Cybele the reat mother of the godS, and ἀγύρτης,
Ouo di eri ab epulo iovis silicernium J Silicernium as a funera hanquetto hicli the oldest sortisere invited, and itieing the customo celebrate his
La= entinam sublicam Scortum, etc. his Larentina tali to e the fame with Larentia in Lactantius, the wis of Faustulus, the nurse of Romulus, a noted prostitute among the hepherds, after Ward worshippe by the Roman with divine honours, as Faula, the mistres o Hercules, lihewis Was. Vid. Lactant.
Laident This fame Lais as a celebrate strumpet o Corinth, of whom A. Gellius telis his stor That Demosthenes en privit to heroo no herprice, he asked hi a thousano drachmae or a talent, at hicli Demosthenes, heing Stonished replied, υκ νούριαι μυριων δραχμ ων μεταμελειαν I illiso buyrepentance at o dea a rate. Vid. A. Gell. lib. i. cap. 8. An heiace that of
Non cuivis homini contingit adire Coran hum. Simonem Magum SMtud et Inscristione Sancti Dei inauguratis. Concerning this statue anu inscription to Simon agus, sor hicli the athers have suffered Sora usti stom Some CriticS, I have spolieno large in m notes ponesustin's olo . Nescio quem, etc. his ameles person structi a b Tertullian, ustin Iartyr spealis ut it was Antinous, Hadrian's Ganymede an is his order Consecrate so thi service.
But I hali turn to our ritings and bles mel hat Strangestus abo utoour godido I find even in your institutions Os prudenCe, an such book as are designe to polisti a genti eman, an formhim to ali the ostices of a civit life t Here I finxyour god Mengaged by pair like gladiators, ne against another, helter helter, Some OrGreelis, and somes for Trojans. Venus o unde With a human
De Decima He, culis. Plin in his Natura Histo , lib. ii cap. 4, mentions a law in Arabia hicli oblige ever merchan to osse the tentii olliis rankincense, the productis that count , to the go Sabis. e sino also in Justin lib. viii cap. 7, that the Carthaginians sent the tentii of thei spolis talae in the Sicilian war, t Hercules of Tyre. The Ethiopians aid the tenthio their go Assabinus. Viri lin. lib. xii cap. 9. The Roman generat Sylla dedicate the tentii os alliis state to Hercules, and so the wise id Μ.
Crassus. Viae Plutarch in Flu et Crasso. Instances in abundance of this hinclare tot seen in Selden'. u. V Tythes, cap. 3, Ountag. iatrib. P. I, CRP. 3, an in Spencer de te . Hebri lib. iii cap. IO. No hom ence ill aris a question, ho it is possibi that nations o remote, and who neve Seem to have had the leas commerce or acquaintance illi acti ther, hould come o itupo the Same notion acto dedicate an exactrientii, o more nor no ess. his proportio is certaint in itfel a thin indifferent, an consequently no discoverable by the light o nature, and the practice a to ConStant, regular, and universal tot ascribe to humouri lancy nor an it,ith an probabilit bethought to have spreadive the worid seo the Jewisti nation, a nation debarredhom corresponding illi the Gentile orid, and morallyiated so the singularities of thei religion, and besides the custom os dedicatin a tentii, was a custo longbe re the Jews were an established eople seems heresore mos reasonableto belleve that this custom-like sacrifice, priesthood an marri age, a derived stom Adam tomoah and rom hi continued by his posterit to the confusionat Babel, and by means of that universa dispersio sprea overint the world.
shas in res uin her son neas' sto Diomedes, jus upo thepoint of illin him. The od of war in Chain sor hirteen monilis, and in a very lamentable pichle; and Jove by the et of mons ter narrowl esCaping the like reaiment rom the res of the Celestia gang. One While heris represente cryin fortis Sarpedon, another hil in the arm of his gruntin sister, reCountin his amours, and protestin that os ali his mistresses hecis the darling. Besides, whicli of your poets ahes no the liberint disgrace a od rin compliment to his princes One mahes Apollo Κing Admetus'sshepherd another ahes Neptune richlayer o Laomedon and the an os lyriCs, indar, I mean sing of sculapius' beingiliunderstruch sor abusin his hil in physi out o CovetousnesS. Butes must need say that Jove di ill i Jove a the thunderer,
in bein somnnatural to his nephew, an So enutous to So fine an artist. However, theSe things, i true, ought noto b divulged; nor invented is false, by an who retendis much geat for thegod and thei religion. ut Delther tragedian nor Comedians areone bit more tender of the reputationis your deities for ou halino meet a prologue that is no stussed illi the disaster and excesses of the famil of some o or ther. I hali a nothingo the philosophers let the instance of OCrates serve for all-Who in derision of our gods Worei an ah, a goat, and a dog. ButSOCrateS, O Say, a put o death for thus denying the ods it musti Consessed, indeed that truthias alWay been o the Suffer- in fide, ut et in e the Athenians repente of the sentence, and reverige his death With that of his accusers, an erecte to hi astatue os old in thei ver temple this, Psay, is argument enoughthat pon secon thought the Came vero SOCrates, an ap- prove his testimon against the ods. ut Diogenes also allies Ver merrit iapo HerCules, and the Roman Cyni Varro aswaggislil introduces three hundred Joves o Jupiter Withou heads.
Quod filium suum neam sene interfemlm, etc. TheSe Ord are no in Rigaltius' edition bul eing in that o Pamelius, and an illustration of the story, I have translate them and the ollowing abies, hicli the poets have old tothe eterna disgrace of the heathen gods, are so common, an So frequently occuri ali the Apologisis thates illiso presume the reade ignorant. Romamι nictis Var=v. He rechon u sorty-three HerCules, as et as
the disgrace of the gods When o se the arces of Lentulus orHostilius acted teli me hether ille the mimic o the ods oulaugh at Vou an sit ut Anubis the adulterer.' and se Luna- masculus played, o Diana hipped, o the ast ill an testamentos dyin Jove, o the three hunge starve Hercules. ut besides these ieces of uisoonery, ali ou Comedies an tragediei arechien Deighted with the uncleannes of your gods It is a publicpleasiare to belloid Sol in adnes for the lal of his son haeton. Yo Ca see ithout a lusti the mother of the ods, id Cybele, Sigh in aster a Coy hepherd. o can ear to ear at the illes of Jove' adventure sun upo the theatre an see illi patience Paris sit in udgment pon uno, Venus, an Minerva. What alewd an infamous head is that hicli is masked vero personate
a od at a prostitute ody, forme for the stage by a long
Moechum Anubim, Lunam Masculum, etc. e ma easti conjecture romthe severa arguments of these arces that the were a lampoon an publicmocher of the god then in orships ut non of thos mentione are extant asI know of The tities of ali, ut that of Luna asculus, do in Ome meaSure explain them and is it ma be orgive in a matter of no moment, and where the commentator are silent, to ut in m opinion, it is his,-There a in Assyria among the Carrae a temple dedicate to Luna, in hich whoeverisseredhis supplication to Luna was ure to e unde pelticoatinovernment; ut hewho sacrifice to Lunus hould continue master of his iis. Viae Al. Spartian. in Antonin Caracalla. his no douht was a subject comica enough so the wits of the timeo malae mero illi the oddes Luna, and the god unuS, whicli I ah tot the Lunamasculus; though there a be nother meaningno fit tot mentioned. Sed et Histrio=itin Isterne onmem foedi atem eorum designant. An GH. Conae 4OΟ, there happene a great Sichness, and the Roman superstitiousi concellingitia the wrat of the god could n other ise e propitiate than by the institutionis Some ne games, sent for certain stage-playercho Hetruria, hic theycalle Histriones, Dom the Hetrurian or hister, hicli signifies Such a player. Viae Polydor de Invent. lib. iii cap. 3. These plays in time, Speciali the Mimicae, gre to that excessive lewdness, that the pantomimi ere ut down by Domitian. V M. Sueton in vita ejus, cap. 7. Asterward expelle by Trajan; and the Histriones by Tiberius. Vid. Tacit. lib. iv. an even by Nero Tacit. lib. xiii. an Sueton in vita evus, cap. I 3. Andia Tertullian live iniuriay, and seen the heathenis heedom of the stage in a Christia common ealth, hewould have passed a Severe censure pon the authors, playerS, and SpectatorS, who ountenance them ithout a blusti than e di upon hos in the age in whichae lived.
48 Tertullian s solo F for the Christians.
the fabie, unies ille hen the oor actor are force to suffer toth life and e the very god themselves. For e have Seen an actor trui suifer Castration in personating the go Atys of Pessinus; and another playin Hercules in ea flames , an among the ludicrous barbarities λ,hicli are exhibite a noonday, for the entertain-ment of tho se horare more greed of them than dinner. PCould not orbear milinito se Mercur go in about With a rod of ironred hol, probin theiodies to set hiut the fouis, and Jove'sirother Ρluto in like manner, illi his mallet in his an to sinisti tho se
Inter Ludicras meridianorum crudelities. To understand this, e mustrem ember that in the mornin men ere brought sorti upo the theatre t fight with ild easis, and these morning combatanis ere allowed arm offensive
an defensive Another fori ere brought forti about oon calle theresere Meridiani naked, illi inord oni in ne an cutting, and with the therhan empty, graSpin and earin eata ther' flesti. Viae Sueton. Claud. 34;So that Seneca, p. 7, comparin these two oris of combais, Sayeth, Quicquid antea su naDran est, misericordia fuit. ut that whic Pthin more materia torem arti especiali since amelius and Rigaltius have nothis, the peculia lightthat this custom fieridian crueities eis into the th verse of the th hapteros t. aut 's Firs Episti to the Corinthians. The word are these, PthinhGod ath et sortii us the postles ast ascit ere appotnte uni deati, forwe are a Spectacle to the worid, and to angeis, an to men. V his verse runsal in term agonistical, αχα σους, ath et sortii sciast, or a themeridian gladiators, the wor α πεδειξεν is properi Ostendat, hic Signifies the author orexhibitor of these inhuman sight and Lipsius malaesistendere unus in Tullyto e the sanie illi Proponere unus in Suetonius both Signi*ing the eiter forti or donor of these combais, M. Lips in sat lib. i. cap. 18. Godhath et forti us the postles last, /πιgανασίους, a me appotnte uni death, jus a the last gladiators ere; and ἱατρον ἐγενοη μγ, e re made a SP tacle. Ali hicli evidenti relate to the Meridianorum crudelitates an Tertullian, lib. e suae. p. 566, cites the forementione verse thus, ut nos Deus Apostolo =aovissimos elegit, velut Bestiarios thinii God has hosen ut US apostles last, a the bestiarii, o me condemne to berior in ieces by wildbeasis.' These eing the las and loodies spectacles, hichrior thatia ap- Pearedipo the theatre, and for hicli man were so sono that the would stayout oon an lose their inner for his likewis Rigaltius ould have included in his expression though I hin without much reason. However have translatexit illi his intimation.
Why then the cannoti loohedipo asinCtedispon a publi Stage, but meret in ridicule of religion both by the aCtor an Spectatorsalso, ho delight in such plays. ut these you ill say are ludi Crous an pastimes only biit no i give o an appendi of Someserious debaucheries, hiCh Our Consciences ii testis to e strue a Whates have justio Spohe of With relation to the theatre, ho that adulteries are beCome a merChandis in the ver temple, and omen piCkedis at the altars, and the lusi fulsille in the
the ver incens stili mohing e re their yes. f these, I say, are abominations in Ogue among the heathen, I domo se but thelieathen gods have more reason to ut in thei Complaint against them than against ChriStians. The Sacrilegious profaner of temples are ni among OurSelVeS; for Christians neve enter your temple While ou re Serving Our
Cornelitis acrius hanc suspicionem insertiit This stor concerning theass' head and the round of worshippin it, is no oni reporte confidently by Tacitus, ut also by lutarch. Viae Plut Θmsos lib. v. QueSt. 3, p. 7O, and o likewis by Appio the Alexandria many years e re in his books against the Jews An this able has been a confidently aken up an as
War unde Vespasian, egins illi the histor of that nation, heir Original, name, an religion, and giving a oos io his invention, reporis that the Jewibein delivered, o asae ill haverit, banishedfrom gypt an bein in great an os ater in the deseris of Arabia, ut themselves unde the Conductis sonte ii asses theymet by hance, ConCludin that the were goin to drin aster PaSture, an bein in the ver article o necessit thus luchilyrevived, ut o gratitude to thei benefactors, Consecrate a head resembling that of the beast who had bestiended them in extremity. This accountes aherio have bre the opinion about the ass' head; beCause e deriving our religio sto the Jews, might et bethought tot initiate in the worshi of the fame idol. But et his fame author Cornelius Tacitus, in truth a reatbroaCher of lies, in the ver sam histor relates that Cn. Pompeyhavin sacked Jerusalem, to gratis his Curiosit in discovering the mysteries of the Jewisti religion, en into the temple an Mundnot ne Statue or mage therein whereas, ad the worshippedan grave image, he had certaini Mund it in the mos hol place; and so much the ather ecause there the vanit ha been in nodange of a diSCover stom strangers that ein a place hicli thehigh pri est alone ere permitte to enter, and whicli a Coveredwith a veil that hept it stom very the eye A so the objectiono the ass' head I cannot ut admire ou hould insist pon it againSt Christians, ou ho anno den but that ou a divine honour to at the east o burthen, to asses' head and odies both, together illi their goddes Epona. But here perhaps lieSthe Crime that among the worshippers of very animal e liould
ridiculousi improve hy ome modern atheisis, o discredit the miracle os Moses in ahing the water fio out of the och, ho content themselves to Solve his might wor onl by saying ith an ir os assurance that ose didat he di in his by the hel os a ii ass, hic he madeo follo him, by the sagacit of whic thirst assae discovered a secret Spring in the Och. Cum sua Epona This Epona was the goddes o stabies, an is lihewisetaken notice of and readi Minutius Felix us a Rigaltius readscit Thoughthere is a terribi dispute among the critics, a great cry, and ver littie OOl, about the pellin and quantit of this oddess' name; some spellin itHippona, and malaing the iddie syllabi long other spellin it a Rigaltius does, an mal in the iddie syllabie hori, and thus Prudentius in his Asotheos mallescit, Nemo Cloacinae aut Donne super aStra Malus. Whoeve thinlicit orth whil may se this potnt suli cleared by r. Holydayin his note pon that passage in therath Sat. of Juvenal.