Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


but we join With you in equat agreement, in an opinion longaince decreed by our predecessors, and observed by us,-judying, namely, and holding it for certain that no ono can bobaptizod abroad ouiside the church, since there is one baptism

is also necessary that he should be anointed who is baptigod; εο that, having received the chrism, that is, the anointing, he may be anointed os God, and havo in him the grace of


252THE EPISTLES OF GYPRIAM Christ. Further, it is the Eucharist wheneo the baptized

cannot sanctisy the creatum os oti, who has nesther an altar nor a church; Whence also there can bo no spiritual

lay aside even this very thing in the trus and ecclesiasticia baptism, viz. that he a man coming to God, While ho seetaior a priest, teli by the deceit of error upon a prosane One. 3. But it is to approvo tho baptism of hereties and schismatics, is admit that they have strutri baptized. Fortherein a pari cannot be void, and part be valid. Ii ono

baptize those Who come; since both baptism is one and the


also, heeping the commandments and precepis of the Lord, has laid it down in his opisve, and satri Yo havs heard that antichrist inali come : even noW there are many antichrisis; .hereis Wo know that it is the last timo. They went out hom us, but they Were not of us; for is they had been of us,

also ought to gather and consider Whether they Who are the Loraea adversaries, and arct called antichrisis, can ovo the grace of Christ. Where ro Wo who Me with the Lord, and maintain the uni of tho Lord, and according to His condescension administer His priesthood in the church, ought torepudiate and rejeci and regard as profane Whateuer His adversaries and the antichrisis do ; and to those Who, comingout os error and Wichedness, achnowledgo tho truo faith of tho ono taurch, Wo fhould givo the truth both of unity and faith, is means of est the sacraments of divine grace. bid you, dearest brethren, ever heartily fareWeli.



tized among us, but are baptieted. For indeed they do notreceive anything there, Where there is nothing; but they cometo us, that here they may receive Where there is both graco and ali truth, because both grace and truth are one. Butagain some of our colleagues Mould rather give honour tolleretios than agres With us; and while by the asseriton ofone baptism they aro unWilling to baptize those that come, they thus either themselves maho tWo baptisms in say ng that there is a baptism among heretics; or certainin Which is a matter os more importance, they strive to sEt besore and prefer the sordid and profane Washing of heroties to the tructand only and legitimate baptism of the catholic church, notconsidering that it is Written, He Who is baptized by onodead, What availeth his Washingi' Now it is manifest thatthoy Whο are not in the church of Christ are rechoned among the dead; and another cannot be made alive by him whohimself is not alive, since there is one church Whicli, havingattained tho grace of eternal lise, both lives for ever indquichens the peopte os God. 2. And they say that in this matter they solioW ancient



custom; although among the ancients these mero as yet tho fidit beginnings of heresy and schisms, so that those Were involved in them Who departed from the church, havingsrat been baptized therein; and these, theresore, When theyreturned to the church and repented, it Was not necessary to baptize. Which also κε observo in the present day, that itis sufficient to lay hands sor repentance upon those Who are known to have been baptiged in the church, and have gone over from us to tho heretics, is, subsequently achno ledgingtheir sin and putting aWay their error, they return to the truth and to their parent; so that, because it had been a sheep, the Shepheta may receive into His sold the estranged and Vagrant sheep. But ii lie Who comes from the heretica hasnot proviously been baptized in the church, but comes as astranger and entirely profane, he must be baptized, that homay become a Sheep, because in the holy church is thoone mater Which mahes sheep. And there ore, because theroean be nothing common to falsehood and truth, to darknessand light, to death and immortali , to Antichrist and Christ, we ought by ali means to maintain tho uni of the catholicchurch, and not to give Way to the enemies of faith and truth


256THE EPISTLES OF C ELAM and peace, has laid down in his epistie this rate: μmmover, latine propheta speah tWo or three, and let the rest judge. Butis mything be revealed in another that sitioin is, let tho fidithoid his peace.'' Ιn Which placo he has tauot and shomnthat many things are revealed to individuati for the Miter, and that each one ought not obstinately to contend for that




the ehureh ahould be baptized, and that bishops or prissis eoining froin the hereties ahould be receited on no othereondition, than that they should communicate M lv people. 1. Cyprian and others, to Stephen their l, ther, greeting. 'Vo have thought it necessary for the arranging of certain mattera, dearest brother, and sor their investigation by tho examination os a common councti, to gather together and tohold a councit, at Whicli many priesta mere assembled atonce; at Whicli, moreover, many things Wero brought so ward and transacted. But the subject in regard to whichwe had chiefly to write to you, and to confer With your gravi and wisdom, is one that more especialty periainaboth to tho priestly authority and to the unity, as Weli asthe digni , of the catholic church, arising as these do homilio ordination of the divine appotniment; to Wit, that those who have been dipped abroad ouiside the church, and limo been stained among heretios and schismatica mitti tho laintos profane Water, When they come to us and to the churchwhicli is one, ought to be baptized, for tho reason statit is a sinali matter to lay hands on them that they may receive the Holy Ghost, uniess they receivo also the baptismof the church. For than finalty can they be fully sanctified, and bo the fons of God, it they bo born of each sacrament; since it is writton, Excopi a man bo horn again os mater,

and of tho Spirit, ho cannot onter into the hingdom of God.' For Wo find also, in tho Acts of the Apostles, that this is maintained by the apostles, and hept in the truth of thosaving fuith, so that when, in the house of Cornelius thocenturion, the Holy Ghost had descendod upon the Gentiles


258THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM Who mere there, fervent in the wamst of their faith, and bolisving in the Lord with their wholo heari; and when, filiod with tho Spirit, they bl sed God in divera longum, stillnono the less tho blessed Apostio Potor, mindsul of tho divino

precepi and the gospei, commanded that those fame men

Spirit, stat nothing might seom in bo neglected in the obser anco by the apostolic instruction in ali things of the lam ofilio divine precepi and gospei. But that that is not baptismwhich tho heretics uso; and that none of those Who oppose Christ can profit by the grace of Christ; has lately been set

forti, with care in the letter Which was Written on that subject in Quintus, our colleague, establislied in Mauritania; asalso in a letter Whicli our colleagues previousty Wrote is our

have surioined eoptes. 2. We add, however, and connect With What me havo said, dearest brother, With common consent and authori , thatis again, any presbytera or deacons, Who either have been before ordainod in the catholio church, and have subs quently stood forin as traiiors and rebeis against the church, or Who have been promoted among the heretica by a profano ordination by tho hands of falso bistops and antichrista contram to the appotniment of Christ, and havo attempted to offer, in opposition to tho one and divine altar, falso and sacrilegious sacrifices Without, that these also boreceived When they return, on this condition, that they communicate M laymen, and hold it to bo enough that invshould be received to peace, after having stood forin asenemies of peace; and that they ought not, on returning, toretain thom arma os ordination and hono with which theyrobessed against M. For it belloves priesis and ministere, Who Wait upon the altar and sacrifices, to be found and stain-


tion to Christ; than to have scalterod Ηis church, which mpurchased and launded with His biood; than, unmindsul of evangelicat peace and love, to havo Iought with the madnessos hostilo discord against the unanimous and accordant peopleos Godi Such as theso, although they themselves retum tothe church, stili cannot restore and recali mith stem those Who, seduced by them, and forestalled by death without, have

perished oulside the church Without communion and peace ; hose fouis in the day of judgment shali be required at thohands of those Who have stood forth as tho authors and leaders of their min. And thereiore to such, When theyreturn, it is suffcient that pardon should bo granted; sinceperfidy ought certainly not in receivo promotion in thehonsohold of faith. For What do me reservo for the goodand innocent, and those Who do not depari from the church, ii mo honour inose Who have departed from us, and stood in opposition to the ch oh 3. - have brought these things, dearest brother, to Fourknowledge, for the sine of our mutuat honour and sincere

concord among thela colleagues, retain certain things peculiarto themselves, which have onoe been adopted among them. In which b ad κε nesther do violenco in nor impose a laWupon any one, since each prelate has in tho administration of



TO JUBAIANUS, CONCERNING TBE BAPTISM OF ΗΕRETIUS. ARGUMENT.-In the year of Christ 256, a litile aster theseventa eouncti os Carthage, Cyprian wrote a long letter tothe Bishos Iubaianus. He had consulted Cyprian about baptism, and at the fame time had sent a letter not writtemis himself but is some other person Opposed to the opianion os Cyprian. Cyprian refutes this letter, and wita the greateat care collaeta whaterer he thinis Uill avail foriae defence of his cause. Moreover, he sentis Iubaianusa eopy of the letter to the Numidians and to Quintus, and probably the decrees of the last synod. 1. Cyprian to Jubaianus his brother, greeting. You havo writtun to me, dearest brother, Wishing that the impressionos my mind should be signified to you, as to What I thinhconcerning the baptism of heretics ; Who, placed Without, andestablishod oulside tho church, arrogate to themselves a mat- ter notthor milhin their right nor their power. This baptismwe cannot considor as valid or legitimate, sines it is manifestly unlawsul among them ; and since We have atready expressedin our letters What we thought on this matter, I have, as a compendious method, sent you a copy of the fame letters, Whative decidod in council When very many oi us Were present, and What, moreover, I subsequently Wroto bach to Quintus, our colleague, Whon he asked about the samo illing. Anduo also, When me had mel together, bishops as meli of the province of Africa as of Numidia, to the number of Sevent one, WE established this fame matter Once more byour judgment, deciding that there is ono baptism which is appotnted in the catholic church ; and that by this thois arenot ro-baptiged, but baptized by us, Who at any time comefrom the adulterous and unhallo ed water to be Washed and sanctified by the truth of the saving Water.