Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


the washing of mater. - ΙΤ, then, sho is tho beloved and spouse Who alone is sanctified by Christ, and Hono is cleansed by Ηis Washing, it is manifest that heresy, which is not thespouse of Christ, nor can bo cieansed nor sanctified by Ηis

Washing, cannot bear sons to God.

7. But further, one is not born by the imposition of hands hen ho receives the Holy Ghost, but in baptism, that m, being al ready born, he may receivo the Holy Spirit, even asit happsined in the first man Adam. For firat God formedhim, and then breathed into his nostriis the breath of li .

For the Spirit cannot be received, uniem he who receives frathave an existence. But as the birth of Christians is in baptism, While the generation and sanctification os baptism are Withtho spouso of Christ alone, Who is able spiritualty to conceive and to bear sons to God, Where and of whom and to whomis ho hora, Who is not a son of the church, so as that ho

brohon forth to such an extent, as to contend that sons areborn to God fram tho baptism of Marcion; momoVer, of Valentinus and Apelles, and of othere Who blaspheme against God tho Father; and to say that remission os sins is granted in tho namo of Jesus Christ whero blasphemy is ulteredagainst tho Father and against Christ tho Lord God 8. In Which place, dearest brother, me must consider, fortho saho of the faith and the roligion of tho sacerdotal office Which me discliarge, Whether the account can be satisfactory


282THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAN.will curso your blessings. y Does ho give glory to God,

excommunicated Τ Ii glory is thus given to God, is the fearand tho discipline of God is thus preserved by IIis Worshippers


THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAN.283 the camp ontrusted to us by God mitti faithsul valour. Norought custom, Which had crepi in among some, to preventilio truth from prevalling and conquering ; for custom Without truth is the antiqui of error. On whicli account, let as forsae the error and follow the truth, knowing that in Esdras also the truth conquere, as it is written : Truthendureth and MoWs strong to eterni , and lives and prevatis for ever and ever. With her there is no accepting os personsor distinctions ; but What is just sho does: nor in her judymenis is there unrighteousnem, but the strength, and thehingdom, and the majesty, and the poWer os ali ages. Blessed bo tho Lord God of truthi This trulli Christ showed tous in His Gospei, and said, I am the truth.' Wherofore, is κε are in Christ, and havo Christ in us, is me abido in the truth, and the truth abides in us, let us heop fast thoso

10. But it happens, by a love os presumption and of

fource of divine tradition, human error ceases; and havingseen the reason of the heavenly sacraments, Whatever lay


281 THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM fiat, do we not go to tho fountain, that there the reason oftho fassure may be ascertained, Whether hom the drying up of tho springs tho mater has fassed at the fountainhead, or hether, flo ing thenco free and fuit, it has falled in themidat os ita murae; that so, is it has been caused by tho fauitos an interrupted or leisy channei, that the constant stream does not floW uninterruptedly and continuously, then thechannes being repatred and strengthened, the water collected

truth havo wavered and vacillated, Wo fhould retum to our Lord and orion, and tho evangelicat and apostolicat tradition; and thenco may ariso the ground of our action, Whence hastalion rise both our order and our origin.


so neister can he appear to be saved by baptism who has notbeon baptized in the church whicli is establislied in tho uni of the Lord according to tho sacrament of the one ais.12. Therefore, dearest brother, having explored and seentho truth; it is observed and held by us, that ali Who aro converted hom any heresy whatever to the church must ho

bishops of those paris, to the esseet that he would nos holdeommunion Vith them so long as they should perstat in their opinion concerning the baptism of heretios, as Eusebius telis us from a letter of Dionysius of Alexandriato Xistus, the successor of Sephen, Hist. Meles.' book

Vii. c. 4.



they seo the diverso minia and the divided milis of somo, as isnot only they do not together invohe one and the fame God, but as is, separated and divided from one another, they cannelther have a common conversation nor discourae. Exceptiliat me may in this mattor give thanks to Stephen, that ithas noW happened through his unkiiadness that me receivo the proos of your salth and wisdom. But although ws have received the savour of this benefit on account of Stephen, certainly Stephen has not done anything deseruing of hind-noss and thanks. For notther can Judas be thought worthy

concerning the Saviour, as though he had been the cause offuch great advantages, that through him the worid and thopeople of the Gentiles mere delivered by the Lord's passion. 3. But let these things whicli mero done by Stephen bopassed by for the present, test, While me remember his aud


THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM 287ciu and pride, me bring a more lasting sadness on ourselves smm the things that he has Wichedly done. And knowing, concerning you, ibat Fou have seived this matter, concerning Whicli there is noW a question, according to the rulo os truth and the wisdom of Christ; wo havo exulted with great jοy, and havs given God thanis that me have found in brethren placed at such a distanco such a unanimity of faith and truth with us. For the grace of God is mighty to associato and join together in tho Mnd of chari and uni even those inings which ssem to bo divided by a considerabiospace of earlli, according to the way in Whicli of old also the divino poner associaled in the bond of unanimi Egehioland Daniel, though later in their age, and separated homthem is a long space of time, to Job and Noah, Who mereamong the first; so that although they Were separared by longperiods, yet by divino inspiration they felt the fama trullis.

their sound has gono out into the whole earth, Who are sent


288 A EPISTLES OF C RIAM fome things sor the sahe of accumulating proos. But is mything has been added by us, it is not added as is thorohad been too sitito said by you; but since the divine discourso

surpasses human naturo, and the wes cannot conceive orgrasp the whole and perfeci mord, thereiore also the numberos propheta is so great, that the divine Wisdom in iis multiplicity may bo distributed through many. Whence also he who first speias in prophecy is bidden to be silent is a

revelation be made to a second. For Whicli reason it lia pens os necessity among us, that year by year We, the eidemand prelates, assembis together in arrange those matters Whichare committed is our care, so that ii any things aro more serious thsy may be directed by the common eounsel; mor over, that some remedy may be mugiit for by repentance forlapsed brethren, and for those Wo ded by the dovit astor the saving laver, not as though they obtained remission offins from us, but that by our means they may be convertedio the underetanding of their sins, and may be compolled tosive suller satisfaction to the Lord.

5. But since stat messenger sent by you mas in haste torcturn to Fou, and the winter se on Was pressing, me replied what wo could to your letter. And indeed, as respecta What

Stephen has sald, as though the apostles forbado those who come irom heresy to be baptizod, and delivored this also tobe observed by their successors, you have replied most abundantly, that no one is so toolisti as in bellove that the apostles delivered this, whon it is even well known that theso herestes

themselves, execrabie and detestable M they are, a se subsequently ; When even Marcion the disciplo of Cordo is laundio have introduced his sacrilegious tradition against God longaster the apostles, and after long lapse of time from them ;Αpelles, also consenting to his blasphemy, added many otherneW and mors important matters hostile to faith and truth. But also the timo of Valentinus and Basilides is manifest, thatthey too, aiter tho apostles, and aster a long period, rebelled

that the other heretios also afterWarti introducod thoir erit Secis and perverse inventions, even as every one Was led by



error; ali of Whom, it is evident, Were sel condemned, and have declared against themselves an inevitabl sentenco belare

one may know also from tho faci, that concerning tho cel bration of Easter, and concerning many oster sacraments of divine mattere, ho may see that there are some diversities

among them, and that ali inings are not observed among them althe, Which are observed at Jerusalem, just as in Verymany other provinces also many things are varied bem eos the difference of tho places and names.y And yet on this account there is no departure at ali from tho peace and uni of the catholic church, such as Stephen has noW dared to mae; breising the peace against you, Which his predecessors have alWays hept With you in mutuat lovo and hono , even hereindefaming Peter and Paul the blessed apostles, as is the verymon delivered this Who in their episties execrated heretim, and warned us to avoid them. Whencs it appears that this tradition is of men Which maintains hereti , and asseris thatthey have baptism, Whicli bolongs to the church alone. 7. But, mor Ver, you have Wess ansWered that part where Stophon salii in his letter that heretica themselves also areos one mind in respect os baptism; and that they do notbapilae such as como to them from ono another, but onlycommunicate mith them; as is Wo also ought in do this. In

Which place, although you have atready proved that it is

sufficiently ridiculous for any one to follo inoso that are in error, Jet We add this moreover, over and above, that it is not mondersul for heretim in aci thus, Who, although in sometesser matters they differ, yet in that which is greatest theyhold one and the samo agreement in blasphemo the Creator, figuring for themselves certain dreams and phantasms of an


unknown God. Assuredly it is but natural that theso inonidamee in haring a baptism Which is unreia,' in the fame Way asthey agris in repudiating the truth of the divini ; of whom, since it is tedions to reply to their severat statemenis, Ettherwiched or foolish, it is suffcient shortly to su in sum, thatthv .ho do not hold the truo Lord the Father cannot holdino truth sither of tho Son or of the Holy Spirit; accordingis .hich also they Who are called Cataphrygians, and endea-vour to cliam to themselves nem prophecies, can have netiner

preach Him Who sent tho Spirit stat spe s is Montanus and Prisca. And in these, When me observo that there hasbeen not the spirit os truth, but os error, me know that in Who maintain their falso prophesying against the faith of Christ cannot have Christ. Μoreover, ali other heretim, itthey have separated themselves iram the church of God, canhmo nothing of po er of grace, since ali poWer and grace are est lished in tho church Whoro the eidem preside, Who po aera the poWer both of baptiging, and of imposition of hands, and of ordaining. For as a heretio may not laWfully ordain nor lay on hanci, so neither may he baptize, nor do anythinghesib or spiritually, since ho is an alien hom spiritual and deibing sancti . Alt which ws somo timo bach confirmedin Iconium, Which is a place in Phrygia, When WB Were asse led together With thmo .ho had gathored imm Galatia and Cilicia, and oster neio Ming muniries, as in bo heldand firmj vindicated against horetim, When them Was somedoubi in certain minds concerning that matter.

stand that spiritual birth cannot be mithout tho Spirit; in conformity with Which also the bl sed Apostlo Paul baptized