Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


apes-Which, although they are not men, yet imitate humandoings-wishes in claim in himself tho authority and truth of the catholic church, whilo he himself is not in the church; nay, moreover, has stood sortii hitherio as a rebel and enomyagainst the church : sor, knowing that there is one baptism,ho arrogates to himself this one, so that he may say that thochurch is With him, and mahe us heretics. But Me Whohold tho head and root of tho one church kno' and trusi forcertain, that nothing is la fui thero ouiside the church, and that tho baptism Whicli is oney is among us, where ho himself also mas formerly baptiged, when he maintained both the wisdom and truth of the divine unity. But is Novatianthinks that thoso who have been baptized in tho church are



thousands of heretics in Our provinces have been convertedio tho church, and have netther despised nor dela d, nax they have both reason ly and gladiy embraced the oppo tuniu in attain the grace of the lite*iving laver and of saring baptism. For it is not difficult for a teacher in i sinuato truo and lawξul things into his mind, who, hau ingcondemned heretices pravity, and discovered the truth of thechurch, comes for this purpose, that he may learn, and learns for the purpose that he may live. We ouot not to inere etho stolidi of heretics by the patronage of Our consent, When

Is tho Patripassians, Anthropians, Valentinians, Apelletians, Ophites, Μarcionites, and other pests, and sWord' and polsons of heretios for subverting the truth,' confess the fame Father, the fame Son, the fame Ηoly Ghost, the fame church With us, they may also have one baptism is they have also ono faith. 5. And lest it should be wearisome to go through ali theherestes, and in enumerate either the follies or the madnem ofeach of them, hecause it is no ple ure to speah os that whichone cither Meads or is ashamed to know, let us examine in the meantime about Marcion alone, the mention of Whom



has been made in the letter transmitted by you to us, Whether the mound of his baptism can bo made good. For ius Lordaster His resurrection, sending His discipies, instructed and tauot them in What manner they ought in baptiae, saying, - Ali power is given unio me in heaven and in earth. Go ye, thereiore, and teach ali nations, baptizing them in tho nameos tho Fathor, and of tho Son, and of tho Holy Ghost.' Ηρ suggesta the Trinity, in Whose sacrament the nations mereto be baptized. Does Marcion then maintain tho Trinity Does lis then assere the fame Father, the Creator, as Wo do 'Does he know tho fame Son, Christ bom of the Virgin Marri

the resurrection of the flesh, and sho ed to His discipies that He had rison in the samo flosti Widely different is tholaith With Marcion, and, momover, With the oster heretica; nari With stem thero is nothing but perfidy, and blasphemnand contention, Which is hostilo in holinem and truth. Howthen can ono vho is baptized among them mem to have obtained remission os sins, and the grace of the divine meren by his fiath, When ho has not tho truth of tho faith itasti For ii, as somo suppose, one could receive anything abroadout of tho churta according to his fiath, certainb ho has r eoivod What ho bellovod; but is hs bolievos what is false, hocould not recalvo what is tme; but raster he has receivedinings adultemus and profane, accordi g in What he belleuta. 6. This mattor os profano and adulterous baptism Jeremi the prophet plainly rebukes, saying, - Why do they Who affici me prevail ound is hard; .henco shali I bo healed whilo it has indein become unio mo as decoities Water Whichhas no faithfula s. ' Tho Holy Spirit maes mention by the prophet os deceitsul Water Which has no faithsulnere. Whatis this deceitsul and fiathlem Walor Certainly that Whichialsely assumes the resemblance of baptism, and frustrates thegrace of faith by a sliadoWy pretence. But ii, according to a perverted fiath, one could be baptiged Mithout, and obtain r mission os sins, according to the fame fiath he could also attain


264THE EPISTLES OF CYPRNAM the Ηοly Spirit; and thero is no noed that hanti inould bo laidon him when he comes, that he might obtain the Holy Ghos and bo sealed. Elther he could obtain both privileges Without

church and establislied in the gospei law, and in the ordinanco of the Lord, are allo ed to baptige and to give remission offins; but that without, nothing can ei ther be bound or loosed, where there is nono who can either bind or loose anything. 8. Nor do Wo propose this, dearest brother, Without theauthori of divine Scripture, When M o say that ali things arearranged by divine direction by a certain laW and by specialordinance, and that none can usurp to himself, in oppositionto the bishops and priesu, anything whicli is not of his o nright and poWer. For Corali, Dathan, and Abiram en-deaVoured to usu , in opposition to Moses and Aaron thopriest, the poWer of sacrificing; and they did not do without punishment What they unlawiully dared. The sons of Aaronalso, Who placed strange fim upon the altar, mere at onceconsumed in the sight os an angry Lord; whicli punishmentremains to those who introduce strange mater is a false baptism, that the divine vengeance may uvenge and chastise When heretica do that in opposition to the church, Whicli thech ch alone is allo ed to do.

9. But in respect of the assertion os some concerning inose

who had been baptized in Samaria, that when the Apostles



Peter and Jolin came, only hands were imposed on them, thatthey might receive the Holy Ghost, yet that they Wero notr baptized; Wo see that that place does not, dearest brother, touch the present case. For they Who had bellovod in Samaria had bellevod with a truo faith; and within, in thochurch Whicli is one, and to whicli alone it is granted tobesto tho graco os baptism and to remit sins, had beon baptized by Philip the deacon, Whom the fame aposties hausent. And thereiore, because they had obtained a legitimato and ecclesiasticia baptism, there mas no need that they shouldbe baptized any more, but only that Which was needed was performed by Peter and John; viz., that prayer being made

and by tho imposition of hands obtain the Holy Spirit, and

mere perishing. Why do me receive as allo ed an adulterous



the right of our possession, ii Wo acknowledge tho sacramentos uni , Rhereiore are esteemed prevaricatore against


THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM 267 tho Creator; he could not be, hecauso ho has not belloved in Him. Is of Christ; ho could not become His templo, since hedonios that Christ is God. V of the Holy Spirit; since thothree are one, hoW can the Ηοly Spirit be at peace With him Who is the enemy either of the Son or of the Fathor

13. Hanco it is in vain that some Who are overcome byreason oppose to us custom, as is custom mere greater than

truth; or as is that wero not in be fought after in spiritualmatters Whicli has been revealed as the bellor is tho Holy Spirit. For one Who erra by simplici may bo pardoneri astho blossed Apostlo Paul says of himself, I Who at fidit Wasa blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious; yet obtainedmer , because I did it ignorantly. But after inspirationand revelation made to iam, he who intelligently and knoWin y perseveres in that courae in Which he had erred, sinsmithout pardon for his ignorance. For he resista mith a

certain presumption and obstinacy, When he is overcomo byreason. Nor let any ono say, - Wo follo that which mohave received from the apostles,' When the apostles oesy d livered one church, and one baptism, Whita is not ordianed excepi in tho fame church; and we cannot find that any one,

whon he had beon baptiged by hereti , Was received by thea sues in the fame baptism, and communicated in such a Way as that the apostles should appear in have approved thebaptism of hereties. 14. For as in What somo say, as is it tended in favonr

ing disorderly and against the discipline of the church, or askeeping the truth of the gospol With the fear of God. And



that some maintained towards him a bonevolent love, but ibat somo indulged a malevolent spirit os dissension; but yet that he bore ali patiently, so long onb as, whether in truth or in prelance, the name of Christ Whicli Paul preached might come to the knowledge of many; and the so ing of the word, whicli as yet had been neW and irregular, might increasethrough the preaching of the speahers. Besides, it is onething for those who are within the church to speah con- cerning the name of Christ; it is unother sor those Who are Without, and act in opposition to the church, to baptizo in the name of Christ. Whoresore, let not those Who favour heretics put forWard What Paul spolio concerning brethren, but let them show is he thought anything mas to be concededio the heretic, or ii ho approved of their saith or baptism, orii he appotnted that perfidious and blasphemous meu could

receive remission of their sins ouiside the oburch.

transact spiritual and divine matters, who aro the enemies

of God, and whose hoaris the spirit of Antichrist has possessedi Wherefore, is, laying aside the errore of humandispute, me retum With a sincere and religious faith in thecvangelicat authori and to tho apostolicat tradition, Weshali perceive that they may do nothing to arci conferring the ecclesiastical and saving grace, Who, scaltering and attaching the church of Christ, are called adversaries by ChristΗimself, but by His apostles, Antichrisis.16. Again, there is no ground ior any one, sor the circum-



are said to bo baptizod in the name os Christ, be judged to


270 THE EPISTLES OF C IUAM have obtainod the remission os sins For the inso of the JeWs under the apostles Was one, but the condition of the Gentiles is mollier. The former, bocause they had alaeady gained tho most ancient baptism of the laW and Moses, were to bo baptiged also in the name of Jesus Christ, in conformity With What Ρeter totis them in tho Acts of the Apostles, saying, Repent, and be baptized every one of youin the namo of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission os sins, and ye shali receive tho giit of the Holy Ghost. Forthis promise is unio yοu, and to your children, and to ali thalare aiar Ost, even as many as the Lord our God inali call. Peter mahes mention of Jesus Christ, not M though the Father inould bo omitted, but that the Son also might bejoined to the Father. 18. Finalty, When, after the resurrection, the apOSileS aresent by the Lord to the heastens, they aro bidden to baptizeste Gentilos in tho namo of the Father, and of the Son, and of tho Holy Ghost. Hori then, do some say, stat a Gentile baptized Without, ouuide the church, yea, and in oppositionto the church, so that it be only in the namo of Jesus Christ,eVeryWhere, and in Whatever manner, can obtain remissionos sin, whon Christ Himself commands tho hoathen to bobaptigod in tho fuli and unitod Trini Unless while onowho donios Christ is doniod by Christ, ho who dentes His Fastor whom Christ Himself confessed is not dented; and he Who blasphemes against Him .hom Christ called His Lord and Ηis God, is rowarded by Christ, and obtestas remi sion os sins, and the sanctification os baptism l But is Whas poWer can he who denios God the Creator, the Father of Christ, obtain in baptism tho remission of sins, since Christreceived that very power by whicli me are baptigod and sancti-fled, fram the samo Faster Whom Ηo called greater than Himself, by Whom He destred to bo glorifiod, whose mill Hesulfilled oven unis the obedience of drinhing the cup, and of undergoing death l What esse is it then, stan to becomea partiser With blaspheming heretics, in Wisti in maintainand asseri, that ono Who blasphemes and gravely sius against