Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


them in various hinds of discord: at one time with the easterneliu hes, as We are Sure Fou know; at another time mithyou Who are in the fouili, from Whom he received biinops as messengers suffciently patiently and meehly nos to receivo them even to the speech of an ordinam conference; and evenmore, so mindies of love and charity as to command the entire fraterni , that no one inould receive them into his house, sothat not only peace aud communion, but also a shelter andenteriainment, vere dented to them When sisy camo i This

a strangor in ali respecis from his brethren, and to rebelazainst the sacrament and the faith vrith the madnoss of contumactous discordi With such a man can there be ono

Spirit and one body, in Whom perchance there is not evenone mind, so stippe , and shisting, and uncertain is it 26. But as far as he is concerned, let us leave him ; let usrather deat with that concerning which there is the greatest question. They Who contend that persons baptized among the heretics ought to bo roceived as ii thoy had obtainod thograco os la sui baptism, say that baptism is one and the fame to them and to us, and differs in no respect. But What saystho Apostlo Paul one Lord, one salth, one baptism, Oneood. Ii tho baptism of heretics bE one and the fame Mithours, without doubi their saith also is ono ; but ii our salth



e cali them heretios and not Christians ' Moreover, sincΘwe and heretios have not one God, nor one Lord, nor onechurch, nor one faith, nor even one Spirit, nor one bo , itis manifest stat neister ean baptism be common in us Withheretim, since belWeen us there is nothing at ali in common.

d yet Stephen is not aeshamed is afford patronam to inchin opposition to the church, and for the sine of maintaining heretica in divido the brothorhood; and in addition, to callCyprian a false Christ, and a false apostlo, and a decenses

Worher. And he, conscious that ait these charactera are in

tenor inith those that precede, eae t that he ineu Meseo eming the Novatiam .hat he had in substanee sataeo eming ali heretica; more er, insinuare iv by the waythae the legitimoete a Meession in the aee of Peter is known,


erue baptism .hereis one is baptized by sprinkling on asiabbed, as .eli as by immersiori in the ehureh. 1. Cyprian in Magnus his son, Meeting. With your usual religious diligenω, you have consulted my mor intelligetice, Marest son, as to Whether, among other heretim, they also Who come hom Novatim ought, after his prosane Washing, to be baptized, and sanctified in the catholic church, Ma thelawful, and true, and only baptism of the church. RespectingWhich matter, as much as the capaci of my faith and thesanctity and truth of tho divino Scriptures suggest, I ans e

that no heretim and schismatim at ali haVe any po er orright. For Which reason Novatian neither ought to be norean be excepted, in much as he also is Without the churchand acting in opposition to the pince and love of Christ,hom bring eo ted among adversaries and antichrisis. Forour Loes Jesus Christ, When He testifiod in His Gospol

Mard that antichrist cometh, and even noW arct come many



heathens and publicans, much more certainly is it necessa that rebella and enemies, who sorge false altars, and la tesspriosthoods, and sacrilegious sacrifices, and corrupted names, should be counted among heathens and publicans; sincethey Who sin tess, and are only despisers of the church, areis the Lord's sentenco judged to be heathens and publicans. 2. But that the church is one, the Hob Spirit declaros in the Song of Songs, saying, in the person of Chris


Washing 3. Wherelare, since the chureh Hono has the living mater, and the poWer of baptiging and clea ing man, he Who saysthat any one can baptized and sanctaeed by Novatianmust firat inon and inach that Novatian is in the taurch, or

is one, cannot be both Mihin and withonti For it ino is With Novalian, ine mas not With Cornelius. But it ine mas With Cornelius, Who succoeded tho bishop Fabian is lawivi ordination, and whom, beside the honour of tho primi orithe Loes glorified also mith martyrdom, Novatian is not in

bring thy sather, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all

together shali go out abroad, stat is, is any one, although hemay have obtained grace in tho church, shali depari and Mout of the Aureli, that his biood inali bo umn him; that is, that he himself must charge it upon himself that he periises;


306TNE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAN.which the Apostle Paul explains, teaching and enjοining

that a heretic must be avoided, as perverse, and a Sinner, and

Successive ordination,-Succeeding in no One, and beonning hom himself, becomes a stranger and a profane peram, an

cli ch. In fine, hoW inseparabie is the sacrament of uni , and hoW hopoless are they, and What excessive ruin theyeam for themselves from the indignation of God, Who mahen schism, and forsaking their bishop, appoint mollier falso



Wem scattered hom unity, and had mado another hing forthemselves. And so great was the indignation of tho Lordagainst inoso Who had mado the schism, stat even When theman of God Was sent to Jeroboam, to charge upon him his sins, and predici the tutum venMance, he was sorbidden toeat bread or to drinh water With them. And whon ho didnot observo this, and took meat against the command of God,

he Was immediately smitten by the majesty of the divino judyment, so that returning thence he was flain on the way bytho jaws of a lion Which attached him; and dares any one tomy that the saving mater of baptism and heavenly grace canbo in common mith schismatica, With Whom neister earthlyiood nor moridly drinh ought to bo in commoni vir over, the Lord satisfies us in His Gospei, and shows sorth astili greater light of intelligence, that the samo persona Whohad then divided thamselvos fram tho tribo of Judah and Benjamin, and forsaing Jerusalem had seceded to Samaria, should bo rechoned among profane persons and Gentiles. Forwhon first Ηs soni His discipies on the ministry oi salvation, He bade them, saying, - Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any ci of the Samaritans enter γε not. Sendingfirst to the JeWs, Ho commands the Gentiles as yet to bepassed over; but by adding that even tho ciu of the Samaritans

7. But ii any one objecis, is Way oi saying that Novatianholds tho fame laW Which the catholic church holds, baptizes



.ith the samo symbol With Which me baptize, knows tho fame God and Father, the samo Christ the Son, the samo HesySpirit, and that sor this Nason he may claim the pomer os baptizing, namely, that he wems not to differ hom us in thebaptismal interrogatory; let any one that thinis that this maybo objected, know fidit of ali, that there is nos one iam ofine creed, nor ins fame interrogatory common in us and toschismatim. For When they say, μ Dost thou belleve tho remission of stas and lite eternat throno the holy AMA 'thv lio in their interrogato , since they have nes the church. Then, besides, with their o- voice they themselves confessinat remission os sins cannot be inven excepi by the holychnrch; and not haring this, they shom that sius cannot bemmiuod among them. 8. But that they are said to have tho fame God the Factoras me, to kno the fame Christ the Son, tho fame mlySpirit, can of no avali is such as these. For even Κor , Dathan, and Abiram hnem the fame God as did tho priest Aaron and Moses. Living under the fame laW and religion, they inuaed the one and true God, who was in be invohedand morisipped; yet, cause they transgressed the ministryof their ossico in opposition to Aaron the priost, Who had received the legitimate primthood by the condescension of Godand tho ordination of tho Lord, and claimed to thomselves the γπου oi sacrificing, divinely strichen, they immediatelysinorod punishment for their unlawful endeavoum; and sacrifices offered irreligio ly and la lessty, contra to the right os divine appotniment, could not be accepted, nor profitthem. Even those verγ censere in Whicli incenso had been lami sty offered, test they should any more be used by the priosis, but that they might raster exhibit a memorial os thodivino vΘngeanco and indignation for the correction os their successors, Ming by the command of the Lord moliod and purged by fire, mere beaten out into flexibio plates, andi tened to the altare, according tο What the Hesy Scripturo says, in M,' it says, a memorial to the childron os Israel, that no strangor Which is not of tho med of Aaron come near in offer incense betare tho Lota, that he be not


is the divino judgment against audacity of tho liho End,

wo find that in such Wichetaesa, not oesy the leadem and originatore, but also the partisera, are destined to punis, ment, uniess they have separared themaeivea fram the communion of the wichad; as the Lord is Moses commania, and says, Separate yo selves hom the tenta of them mostharde d men, and tonch nothing of thelas, tost ye bo comaumed in thola sins. y And what the Lord had thraatenedis Moses Ηe fulsissed, that whos ver had not separated himself from Κor , and Dathan, and Abiram, immediatebsuffered punishment for his implous communion. ' Whichexample is inoWn and proved, that ali mill be si te to milias meli as ita punishment, who Min irreligious biadnem mingle thomselves With schismatica in opposition to prelates and prissis; even as also by the prophet Osea the Ηοου Spirit Witnesses, and says, Thela sacrifices inali be unis them as the Mead of mourning ; ali stat eat thereoi shallbe polluted ' teachinn doubilem, and sho ing that ali ars absolutely Dinod With the leadem in punishment, Who have been contaminated by their crime. 10. What, then, can their deservings in tho sight AGOR On Whom punishments ars divinely deno ced ' or ho


310 THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAM can suta persons justisy and sanctisy the baptized, Who, being

is not lawful. That is to be Wondered at, yea, rather to beindignant and aggrieved at, that Christians should supportantichrista; and that prevaricators of the faith, and betrversos the church, should stand wistin in the chureli itself. dthese, although othemise obstinate and unteach le, yet stillat least confera this hal all, Whether heretics or schismatim, are Without the Holy Ghost, and thereiora can indeed baptige, but cannot confer tho Holy Spirit; and at this very minithey are held sast by us, in much as We inoW that those Whohave not the Holy Ghost are not able in baptige at all.

11. For since in baptism every one has his oWn sins re

those Who patronige heretica or schismatica must ans er us

have, Why are hands imposed on those Who are baptized among them When they come to us, that they may receive the HolyGhost, since He must surely have been received there, Where