Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 8: The Writings Of Cyprian, Volume 1, Containing the Epistles and some of the Treatises

발행: 1868년

분량: 525페이지


분류: 미분류


me me that Paul, after John's baptism, baptized his discipies again, me are hesitating in baptize those Who como to thocli ch hom heresy after stola inhallo ed and profane dipping, unies' perchance, Paul Was inferior to tho bishops of these times, so that theso indoed can by imposition os hancialono ovo the Hesy Spirit to those heretica who come sto tho

names is suffcient to the remission of sins and the sanctification os baptism; since these things are only thon os aduam

lage, When both ho Who baptizes has tho Holy Spirit, and thobaptism iraeis also is not ordianed without tho Spirit But, say they, he Who in any manner Whatevor is baptized mitia oui, may obtain the grace of baptism is his disposition and faith, which doubilem is ridiculous in iraeli, as ii sister amiched disposition could attraci in iraeis hom heaven thesanctification of the righteons, or a false fiath the truth of bellevera. But stat not Hl Who cali on the namo of Christare heard, and that thela invocation cannot oblata any grace, tho GH Ηimself manifesta, saying, Many shali come in my nam' saying, I am Christ, and shali deceive many.' Becaum stero is no differenco tween a falso prophei anda heretis. For the former deceives in the namo os God


292 THE EPISTLES OF Cy Iuxor Christ, so the lalter deceives in the sacrament os baptism. Both strivo by falsehood to deceive men's Wills.10. But I wish to relate fsome factsJ to Fou concerning a circumstance Whicli occurred among us, pertaining to this very matter. About tW and-twenty years ago, in the times astor tho Emperor Alexander, there happened in these paris many strumles and dissiculties, either in generat to ali men, or pri- valeb to Christians. Moreover, there mere many and frequentearlhquaes, so that many places Uere overthrown throughout Cappadocia and Pontus ; even certain cities, dramed into the

so that hom this also a severe persecution Mose against us ofino Christian name; and this aster the long peace of the pr Vious age arose suddenly, and With iis unusual eviis mas mado more terribis sor the disturbance of our people. Serenianus Was then governor in Our province, a bitter and terribie persecutor. But the faithsul being set in this stato os disturb- anco, and fleeing hither and thither for fear of the persecution, and leaving their country and passing over into other regions -for there Was an opportunity of passing over, sor the reasonthat that persecution was not over the whiae morid, but Was

who in a state of ecstasy announced heraeli as a prophetess,

and aeted as is filled with tho Holy Ghost. And she wasso moved by tho impetus of the principat demons, that fora long time sile made anxious and deceived the brotherhood, accomptishing certain Wonderivi and portentous things, and promised that she would cause the earin to be shahen. Not that the pomer of the demon Was so great that he could prevail to fhahe the earth, or to disturb the elemonis; butthat somelimes a Wiched spirit, prescient, and perceiving that there mill be an earlhquake, pretends that he wili do what


she had come thetice. Hero also fhe deceived one of tho presbytera, a countryman, and another deacon, so that theyhad intercourse With that fame Woman, Which was shortlyasterwarda detected. For on a sudden there appeared unio her one of the exorcisis, a man approved and alWays of

good conversation in respect os religious discipline; who, stimulated by the exhortation also of very many brethren who mere themselves strong and pratse orthy in the fiath, raised himself up against that Wiched spirit to overcomo it ;which moreover, is ita subtile fallacy, had predicted this alitilo while besore, that a certain adverse and unbelleuingtempter mould come. Yet that exorcist, inspired by Gossis grace, bravely resisted, and shoWed that that which Was beforo thought holy, Was indeed a most miched spirit. But that Woman, Who previousty by Wiles and deceitfulness of tho demon Was attempting many things for the deceiving of thosaithfui, among other things by which sho had deceived mann also had frequently dared this, to protend with an invocation not to be contemned that sho sanctissed bread and celebrated in tho Eucharist, and to offer sacrifico to the Lord, not without the sacrament of the accustomed ulterance ; andatio to baptize mann mahing use of the usual and lawsul Words of interrogation, that nothing might seem to be differontsrom the ecclesiastical rule.

11. What, then, shail Wo say about tho baptism of this Woman, by Whicli a most miched demon baptiged throughmeans of a Woman Τ Do Stephen and they who agree Withhim approve of this also, especialty When neither the symbol of tho Trinity nor the legitimato and ecclesiastical interrogatorywero manting to heri Can it bo belloved that either remi sion of sins Was oven, or the regeneration of the saving laverduly completed, When ali inings, although aster the imago oftruth, yet mere done by a demoni Unless, perchance, in who deland tho baptism of heretics contend that the demonalso conferred the grace of baptism in the name of the Father,

and of tho Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Among them, no


do there is the fame error-it is the very demit ulnossos deviis, since among them tho Holy Spiris is not at all. 12. Moreover, What is the meaning of that which Stephon Would asseri, that the presenco and holinem os Christ is withthose Who aro baptized among heretical For is tho apostlodoes not speah falsely When he says, As many of you as arebaptized into Christ, have put on Christ, A certainj ho whohas been baptiged among them into Christ, has put on Christ. But ii ho has put on Christ, he might also receive tho HolyGhost, Who Was sent by Christ, and hands are vianly laidupon him Who comes in us for the reception of the Spirit;

Washed is to them only a carnat Washing, not a sacrament of baptism.


But the syna me of heretica is not one With us, iam e thespouse is not an adulterem and a hariot. Whenco iam inecannot bear chilhen os God; unleas, as appears to Stephen, heresy indeed brings them sortii and ex ses them, Whilethe church tines them up When ex sed, and nouris a thom for her oWn Whom ahe has not bom, although ahe cannot M the mother of strange chilhen. And there oro Christour Lord, setting sorth that His spouso is one, and declaring the sacrament of Ηis uni , says, ΗΘ that is not missi meis against me, and ho that gathereth not missi me Matterest' 'For ii Christ is With us, but the heretica aro not With us, certainly the heretica aro in opposition to Christ; and is e gather missi Christ, but the heretica do not gather missi


296 THE EPISTLES OF C ELAM Christ Will perish ouiside, uni s they are converted by peni

ho succeeded to them by vicarions ordination. But thoenemies of the one catholic church in Which we are, and the adversaries of us who have succeeded QB apostles, asser,ing for themselves, in opposition to us, uniaWsul priesthoo is,aud setting up profane altars, What else are they than Κorali, Dathan, and Abiram, profano Mith a like Michedness, andabout in suffer the fame punishments which they did, as mellas those Who agree With them, just as their pariners andabetiora perished With a liko death to tholas 17. Αnd in this respect I am justly indignant at this soopen and manifest folly of Stophon, that he who so boasis of the place of his episcopato, and contends that he holds tho

succession hom Peter, on whom the foundations of thochurch mere laid, should introduce many other rocks andost lish neW bulldings of many churches; maintaining that thero is baptism in them by his auctority. For they Whoare baptized, doubilms, fili up the number of the church.

But he who approves their baptism maintains, of those ba tiged, that the church is also with them. Nor does hounderatand that tho truth of the Christian roch is ove 3hado ed, and in somo measuro abolished, by him When ho


THE EPISTLES OF CYPRIAN. 297 thus botrus and deseris uni . The apostle achnowledges that tho Jews, although blinded by ignorance, and bound by

the grossest michedness, have yet a zeal sor God. Stephen, who announces that he holds by succession the throne ofΡoter, is stirred with no geat against heretics, when he concedesto them, not a moderate, but the very greatest poWer of grace; so far as to say and asseri that, by the sacrament of baptism,

pardon the former mortal sins, that they mahe sons of God is heaVenly regeneration, and reneW to eternal life by the sanctification of the divino laver. He Who concedes and gives upto heretios in this Way the great and heavenly gifts of thechurch, What else does ho do but communicato mitti themtor whom ho maintains and claims so much gracel Andnow he hesitates in vain to consent to them, and to bo a partiser With them in other matters also, to meet togethermith them, and equalty with them to mingle their prayers, and appotnt a common altar and sacrifice. 18. But, says he, the name of Christ is of great advantagoto faith and tho sanctification os baptism ; so that viliosoeveris avwhere s ver baptized in the nam of Christ, immodi-atoly obtains tho grace of Christ: although this position maybo briefly mei and ans ered, that ii baptism Without in thonamo of Christ availed for the clean sing of man; in tho namo of the samo Christ, the imposition of hands might avail also for tho reception of the Holy Spirit; and tho Other thingsalso Whicli ars dono among heretics will hegin to seem justand lawsul When thsy are done in the name of Christ; as youhave maintained in your letter that the name of Christ couldbe of no avail excepi in the church alone, to Whicli alono Christ has conceded the poWer of heaVenly graee. 19. But with respect to the refutation os custom whichthey seem to opposo in the truth, Who is so foesisti as toprefer custom to truth, or When he sees the light, not toforsalis the darkness -unless most ancient custom in any

respect avali the JeWs, upon the advent of Christ, that is, the Truth, in remaining in their old Mago, and forsaking the ne Way of truth. And this indeed you Africans are able in say


the error es custom. But We join custom in truth, and to the Romans' custom me oppose custom, but tho custom of truth;

Christ and the apostles. Nor do we remember that this atany time began among us, since it has almus Men observia here, that me tae none but one church of God, and a

counted no. baptism holy excepi that of the holy church. Certainin since some do ted a ut tho baptism os thoinwho, although they receive ths neW propheth yet appearto recognise the fame Father and Son With us; very many ofus meeting together in Iconium very caretully examinia thomatter, and we decidia that every baptism Was altogether tobe rejected which is arranged for Mithout tho church. 20. Bul in What they allego and say on bellais of thoheretics, that the apostis sald, μ Whether in pretenco or in truth, Christ is proached,' ' it is idio for us to reply; .hen itis manifest that the apostle, in his epistie wherein he said ais, made mention neither of heretica nor of baptism of heretim, but spolie of brothren only, Whether as perfidio ly speisingin agreement With himself, or as persevering in sincero faith; nor is it needies to discuss this in a long argument, but it is suffcient in read the epistis iiself, and to gather hom thoapostle himself What the apostle Mid. 21. What then, say they, Will become of those Who, cominglaom tho horetim, have been received without tho baptism

rechonia in the number of those who have been catechumens


old error, and dio mithout tho completion os grace. But

tained nothing, With tho only and true baptism of the catholio church, and obtain the regeneration of the laver ofisse. And yet there is a great difference belmeen him Whoun illingly and constrianed by the necessi of persecution has oven Way, and him Who With a prosane mill bolesy rebois



those Who come, and obscuring the light of ecclesiastieat truth, yοu heap up the darhness of the heretical night; andalthough they consess that they are in sins, and have nograce, and thereiore come in the church, you tahe a Vsrom them remission os sins, whicli is given in baptim, by saying that they are atready baptized and have obta editio grace of the church oulside the church, and you donot perceive that their fouis Will be required at your hanM