Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


TNE DISPUTATION MITH MANES. 289 for tho prince bl inded their mind. And is any ono solio stheir mords, ho dies for ever, bound to the clods of earlli, bemuse he has not learned tho knowledge of the Paraclete. He also gave injunctions in his elect alone, Who are not morethan seven in number. And the charge was this: μ Whonye cense eating, pray, and put upon Four head an olive, s ornwith tho invocation os many names for the confirmation ofthis faith.' The names, ho evor, mere not made known to me; sor only these seven malis use of them. And again, the

declares to bo the nature of man, and the parent of destre; for .hich reason the simpley worship destre, and hold it to boa deity. Furthermore, as regarda the manner of the creationos Adam, he telis us that ho who said, Como and let usmahe man in our image, after our likeness,' or astor tholori Which Wo have seen,'' is the prince Who addressed theother princes in tems which may be thus interpretod: Come, gius me of the light Which Wo have received, and let O maho man aster the form of us princes, even aster that form Which we have seen, that is to say, the fidit man.'

is these means tho construction of the worid proceeded fromine oporations of the prince.

mado a spoli os frem the fidit by the princes, and on account of the ill that roso on it. Whereiore He seiads and takes a V

medium of these luminaries, the sun and the moon, by Whichtho wholo worid and ali creation are dominated. Him, again, Who spine Mith Moses, and the JeWs, and tho priesis, he declares to be the prince of the darkness; so that the


spirit, and the Wall τεῖχος) of tho mighty fire, and tho vall

os the wind, and the air, and the mater, and tho interior livingfire,-have their seat in the lessor lumina , untii the fim shallhave consumed tho whole worid: and that is in happen withinso many years, the exact number of Whicli, however, I havonot ascertained. And aftor theso things thors mill be a restitution of the two natures; and the princes Will occupy


THE DISPUTA NON MITH MANES. 291 the lomer paris proper to them, and the Father the higherparis, receiving again What is His oWn duo possession.-Allthis doctrine ho delivered in his three discipies, and charged

thus to tho tot of Addas; Thomas ' obtained ths Syriante tortes as his herilago; and another, to mit Hermeias, directed his co se to ard Mypt. And to this day theymjourn there, With the purpose of estabiisting the proposutions contained in this doctrine. 12. Whon Turbo h ad made this stadiment, Archelaus Wasiniensely excited; but Marcellus remained unmovia, sor he e poeted that God Would come to the help os His truth. Archelaus, hoWever, had additionat cares in his anxiety about theroplo, lihe the ahepherd Who becomes concerned for his aheep.hen secret perils threaten them from the wolves. Accord- gly Marcellus loaded Turbo mitti the most liberal gisis, and instrueted him to remain in tho house of Archelaus tho


in troufers os different colours, the one being red, and theother gmen as a leeh; and his whole mien was liko that of somo old Persian master and commandant.' Theroumn Marcellus sent sortii illi for Archelaus, who arrived soquichly as almost to ouistrip the word, and on entering Wasgreatly tempted at once to breah out against him, being provoked to that instantly by the very sight of his costumeand his appearance, though more especialty also by the factthat he had himself been turning ovor in his mind in his re-tirement tho various matters which he had learned from therocitat os Turbo, and had thus come caresully prepared. But Marcellus, in his great thoughtfuiness, repressed ali et lior mere Wrangling, and decided to hear both parties. Withthat view he invited the leading men of the city; and homamong them he selected as judges of the discussion) certain

adherents of tho Gentile religion, sour in number. The nam os these umpires Were as follows: blanippus, a person deeply versed in the art os grammar and the practice of rhetoric; Egialeus,' a very eminent physician, and a man of thehighest reputation sor learning ; and Claudius and Cleobolus, tWo brothers famed as rhetoricians.' Α splendid assemblage Was thus convened; so large, in deed, that the liouse of Ma cellus, Which Was ot immense siete, was filled with thoso who hadbeen called to be hearers. And when the parties Who pro sedio speah in opposition to each other had tahen their places in

λ The texi is, vultus vero ut senis Porsae artificis ot bellorum ducis videbatur.' Philippus Buon armotius, in the inservationi sopra alcvni frammenti di uasi antichi di Vetro, Florenco 1716, p. 69, thinis that this rendering haa Misen from the Latin translator a Muing erroneo ly readώς οημιουργου και στρατηγου inStead of ως δημάρχου και στρατηγου. Tahingστρατηγου, thereiore, in the civit sense vhich it beara in variova pam es, he Would interpret the sentenco thus: Hia Whole mion mas lilio inat ofan old Persian tribune and magistrate See Gallandi a note. Tho texi is secretius factum, etc. Routh auggesta secretius factus,


their seata in a position elevated above ali othera: and thotask of commencing the disputation mas assigned to Manes. Accordin y, When silence Was secured, he begany the discussion in the folio ing terms: -

13. My brethren, I indoed am a disciple os Christ, and,

ing kinditem os Marcellus that I have hastened hither, withthe view of sho ing him clearly in What manner he ought tokeep the system os divine religion, so that tho said Marcellus verit' Whο at present has put himself, lihe ono who has sum rendered himself prisoner, under the doctrine of Archelaus,may not, lihe the dumb animais, whicli are destituto os intol- leet and underetand not What they do, be fatally smitten to

the ruin os his foui, in consequence of any fallum in the possession os further facilities for setting about the right observ- ance of divine morship. I knoW, furthermore, and am certain,

truth, ye Will receive the inheritance of the age to come, and the hingdom of heaven. I, in sooth, am the Paraclete, Whose mission Was announced of old time by Jesus, and who Wasto come to convince the worid os sin and unrighteousness' fi injustitia). And even as Paul, Who Was sent besore me, saidos himself, that he knew in pari, and prophesied in pari, qao I reservo the perfect for myself, in order that I may do a V With that whicli is in pari. Thereiore receive ye this


resuse them, eternat fire Will have Fou to consume Fou. Foras Hymenaeus and Alexander were delivered unio Satan,

that they might leam not in blaspheme, A so will ali ye iambo dolivored unto the prince os punishmenta, because ye have done injury to the Father of Christ, in so sar as ye d clare Him to bo the causo os ali eviis, and the founder os unrighteousness, and the creator os ali iniqui . ' suta doctrins ye do, indoed, bring fortit irom the samo fountainboth sweet water aud bitter,-a thing whicli can in no possibie Way be either done or apprehended. For Who ought to beboliouod Should it be those masters of youra Whose enjo'ment is in the flesh, and who pamper themselves missi therichest delictis; or our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who sus, asit is writton in tho book of the Gospeis, A good tree cannot bring fortii evit fruit, netther can a corrupi tree bring foringood imi and who in another place assures us that the sathor of tho devii spatrem diaboli) is a liar and a murderer hom the beginning,' ' and telis us again that men's destre Was for the darkness, so that they would not folion stat Word that had been sent sortii in tho beonning iram thelight and once more shows us) the man who is the enemyos the fame, the so er of tares,' and the god and prince of the age of this Worid, who blinds the minds os men that thymay not be obedient to tho truth in tho gospol os Christ lyIs that God good who has no misti that the men Who ars hisown should be smed ' And, not to go over a multitude olother matters, and waste much time, I may deser' tili anotheropportunity the exposition of the true doctrine; and takingit for granted that I have said enouo on this subject for the


present, Ι may reveri to the matter immediately besors me, andendeamur satisfactorij to demonstrate the absurdi of theso men's tinching, and sho that none os these things can be



into ulter destruction.y And this is a faci manifest to those Who are capable os exercising discerament. For just as, When the branches of a tree become aged, or When the trunkceases to bear fruit any more, they are cui doWn; and justas, When the members of the body suffer mortification, theyare amputated, for the polson of the mortification diffusositseli from these members through the whole body, and untem

And Paul, too, Who is held to be the most approved apost le)with us, expresses himself to the fame effect in one of his opisties, when he says: μFor is I bulld again tho thingswhicli I destroyod, I mahe myseli a prevaricator prcevaria eatorem). ' And in saying this he pronounces on them asGentiles, because they Were under the elements of the worid,'bosora the fulness of saith came, belleving then as they didin tho law and the propheta. 14. The ju es suid: Ii you have any clearer statement yetto mahe, give us some explanation os the nature or, standard, of your doctrine and ths designation titulo) of your salin. Manes replied: I hold that there are t o natures, one modand another evit; and that the one whicli is mod dwelis indeed in certain paris proper to it, but that the evit one


Whereiore me have maintained that there are two localities, ne good, and another Whicli lies ouisido of this,' instat, having space therein in his , it might bo capable os

receiving into itself the creaturo screation) of ths Worid. For is κε say that thero is but a monarchy of one nature, and that God filis ali things, and that there is no locationoulside os Him, What Will be the sustainer of the creature

to suffer in and with these. Entertain no aucti sancies, whos

the earthi Where the heavens here the abyss here theatarat Where the setilemental where the po erat Where the princes here tho outer daaness Τ Who is he that has laidine Mundations of those, and wheret No one is able to tollus that without stumbling on blasphemy. And in What Way, again, has He been able to mahe the creatures, is there is nosubsistent matteri For it He has made them o ut of the non- existent, it Will sollow that these visibie creatures aliould besuperior, and fuit os ali virium. But ii in theso there are


ho has neither founder, nor creator, nor maher, but Who, such as ho is, has been produced by his oWn malice alone In accordance With this, you men have a commerce With your Wives, Whicli comes to you by an occasion of the fosso ingnature. When any one of you has satiated himsolt withcarnal meais, and meais of other hinds, then the impulso ofconcupiscenos rises in him, and in this Way the enjoment

fruetus of begetling a son is increased; and this happensnot as is that had iis spring in any Viriue, or in philosophy, or in any other gist of miud, but in fulnem os meais oninand in lusi and fornication. Αnd hoW shali any one teli methat our fallior Adam Was made aster the imago of God, and in His likoness, and that he is liko Him .ho mado him

Tho reference is to the ancient custom os using max and certain earina and clays for the pur se of affxing, by means of the ring, a mal ith an impremion on any object Which it Waa dealaod in aecum. Thus Herodotus, ii. 38, telis us hoW the Egyptiana marhed the pure victim is Wrapping it mund the horna With papyrus, and then mearing aomesealing earth γῆν σημαι-ρίοα) on it, and stamping it With a ring. See iam Cicero, Pro Flacco, Where lis spe a ol the laudatio obsignata creta illa Asiatica; and Plautus, Pseudolus, Sceno L. Where he mentiona tho

expressam in cera eae annula Suam imaginem, eto.