장음표시 사용
sor either of them to have his om proper hingdom. Butgranting this, then it folioWs further that in the fame mannerit .ill also bo impossibie sor the wiched one to pass without his own proper limita and invado the territories ot the good Mni, in much as the wali stands there M an obstacte, uni s it inould chance first to be cast dom, for me havehines that such things have been done is enemies, and indeod
ment of that nature successsully carried oui. And whona iung attatas a citadet surro ded by a strong mali, Musis firat os ali the ballista' and projectiles; then ho ende uoum in cut through the gales With axes, and to demolish tho malis by the baltering-rams; and when he at last obtains anentrance, and gains possession of the place, he does Whateverho listost, Whether it be his plerauro in carry off tho citigena into captivi , or in mahe a completo destruction of the AN treas and iis contenis, or Whether, on the other haud, it maybo his mill in grant indulgence to tho captured stronoold oncto humbio fuit of tho conquered. What, then, does myopponent here say to this analogyΤ Did no adversary substantially-whicli is as much as to say, designedly Ve thro. the muniment east up bet oen ths two For in his former statamenta he has avouched that the darknem passed
Tho texi oves sine hoc uno. But perhaps Muth is right in auraestim muro lor uno - Without this mali.' Somo supposo that Archelaua refera hero to tho tising of Chareseis the Persiana in the time of Valerianua Augustus, or in iis recapture ano maioration to tho Roman poWer by tho Eaatem hing Odenathus during the empiro os Gallienus. The ballista mas A large engine fitted missi corda fomeWhat liuo a M., by vhita sarge mames of atone and other mimiles mero hurled to agreat distanoe.ε die sanae is obscure here. The tot oves, non substantia id est pro alto adversariua quia dejecit,' etc. Migne edita the sentenco Withouι an interrogation. Wo adopi tho interrogative sorm Mith Routh. The idea perhapa is, Did no adversary mith materiata auch M the iungaol earth use, and that is G much M in au iam With a determinate pia overthrow, etc. 2
mithout iis own limita, and supervened upon the kingdom of the good God. Who, then, overthrew that munition betore the one could thus havo crossed over to the otheri For it Was impossibio sor tho evit one to find any entrance Whilo tho
Tho Codex Casinensia has nec mirum putandum est consortio ' etc. Wo read mith Muth and othera, si ejus consortio, or quod ejus comortis,
For even as the creatures of God here cannot talio in tho
rematas sor ever a stranger in it, and an alien.
25. Manes sata: Not ali receive the word of God, butonly those to Whom it is oven to know the mysteries of the
dia vered no strength sussicient to bring him out again. And therinpon the inepherd seiged him and shut his up resulty in a den, and at the fame time secured the fa etyof the kid which had beon with him in the pit. And it is in this way that the wiched ono has been enlaebled, holion, so to speah, possessing no more capacity ior doingaught injurious; and so ali the race of souis Will be saved, and what once perished Will yet be restored to ita proper ch. Arehelaus sata: It you comparo the wiched one totho lion, and God to the trus ahepherd, teli us, Whereunto inali mo linen tho fheep and tho hidi Manes sata: Thoaheep and the kid seem to me to be of one nature: and theynre taen as figures of fouis. Arehelaus sata: Weli, then, God gave a fovi over to perdition when He set it betare tholion in tho pit. Manes sata: ' no means; sar from it. But He Was moved by a particular disposition apprehensus est hoo ingenio ,' and in the futuro He Will save that other
then to bo said that he meant to favo the creature hereaster.
mouili os a lion or os a bear Aud me mention this on account
sense might be m But by thia plan the lion Waa cauot, and heroalter Bewili fave the aoul. in Tho texi is, Quando enim prator, nonne David de ore leonis.' etc. Wo adopi the amended reading, Quando enim pastor hoc fecit 3 Nonno David,' etc.' Muth mould put thia interrogatively - Can ho bring out of themouin or tho Mily of tho lion What it has once deuoured γη This Mems to bo the sense intended. The tori in tho Codo Casi-nenata runs thua: Cur igitur quod pomit non illud potius ameris quod poterit propria virtute vincere leonem, si et pura Dei potentia,' etc. For si et pura me may rein sive pura, or si e3t pura, etc. Disitigod by OOOle
inuis himself up milhin the Walis of his cit' and erecisaround him a rampari and other fortifications, and gelathem ali equipped, and trusis nothing to his own hand and pro eas; Whereas, it he is a brave man, the hing so placedwill march a great distanca from his oWn territories to meet the enemy there, and Will put forth every possibis exertionuntii he conquere and brings his adversary into his poWer.
he pronounco jud ent, it it happens that tho lamb which has
master Were to drivs out os his house, or desiver over in terrorto his adversary, one of his flaves, whom he is unablo aste wariis to recover by his oWn strength. or supposing that byany chance it mere to come about that the flavo was re vered, on What reasonabio ground could the master inflict tho torturo
didst thyseli delivor mo over to tho lion, and thou dicti
Migno reada irrueret. Routh gives irruerat, had made an amavit. Tho teri oves si eausa traditus, etc. Rouin suggesta Sive causa. Traditus, etc.; so that the aenae mould be, For on What creature can the
dilato on this at greater tength, We may say that by such an illustration) neither is God exhibited as a perfect shepherd,
nor is the lion shown to have t ted alien meais; and consequently, under the instruction of tho truth itself, it hasbeen made clear that we ought to give the palm to the reasonings adduced by Archelaus. Arehelaus suid: Considering that, on ali the potnts which me have hitherio discussed, thothoughtfulness of tho judges has assigned us the amplestscope, it Will bo meli sor us to pass over other subjecis in
a person onee erushes the head os a serpent, he will not needio lop oss any of the other members of ita body; so, is We oncedisposo' of this question of the duali , as me have endeaVouredis do in the best of our ability, other matters Which have been maintained in connection With it may bo held to bo explodedalong with it. Novertheless I shali yet address myself, at leastin a se sentences, to the assertor of these opinions himself, ho is noW in Our presence; so that it may be thoroughlyunderatood by Hl who he is, and whenco he comes, and what manner os person he proves himself to bo. For ho has givenoui that ho is that Paraclete Whom Jesus on His departuro promised to send to the race of man for the salvation of tho sonis of the salthsul; and this profession ho mahos as is ho
were Some hat superior even to Paui,' Who was an elect
mading si quis for tho simple quis of Codex Casinensis.
Reading quaestione rejecta V for tho resecta os Codex Casinensis. This Mems to bo tho generat aenae of the corrupi texi here, et non lave possit ei Paulus, etc., in Which me must eister suppose somethingis havo been Ioat, or correct it in somo such may as thia: ut non longo post ait ei Paulua.' Compare What Manea mys algo os Pauland himself in ch. xiii. abovae It should bo added, hoWever, thatanother idea of the pamage la thrown out in Rouo. According to this, the ei resera to Jesus, and the texi being emended thus, etsi non longe post ait ei, the aenae ould M : although not long alter His departure Hotad Paul M an elech vemel, etc. The allusion thus mould be to tho
And tho mastor himself then departed. HOWever, after a longiliened lapso of time another person came in the store,
and affirmed that ho had beon despateliod by tho individualwho had loched up and maled the place With a commissionalso in collect and lay up a quantity of Wheat in the fame. d when the keopers of the store saW him, they demantidos him his erodentiais, in the production of the signet, inorder that they might assuro stemselves of their liberty to openthe store to him, and to render thoir obedience to him as toons sent by the person who had sealed the place. And whentio could notther exhibit tho heys nor produce tho credentissos the signet for indeed he had no right , ho mas thrust out by the keopers, and compelled to flee. For, instead os belligwhat he professed to be, he was detected to bo a thies and arobber by them, and was convicted and found out ρ thmughthe circumstance that, although, as it scemod, he had taenit into his head to mahe his appearance a long time aster theperiod that had been determined on beforeliand, he yet could
mista ablo proois that he had not been sent across by the
circumata e that Manea mado auch a clata af ho did, in spite os insfaci that so Mon alter Christ'a departure Paul maa gisted with the Spiritin m eminent a meas e for the bullding up of the festales λ Massing aiebat for tho agetat of Codex Catinensis. 2 Cor. xiii. 3. The reading here is, Aut documentum quaeritis, etc. The Vulgate also inves An experimentum, for the Greeh ε mi, etc. R The tot is, et quidem quod dico tali exemplo sed clarius.' Forsed it is proposed in read st, or sit, or em. ε Codex Casinensis has quicunque. We adopi the correction, qui crem nem. Massing eo utatus for confusatus. Disjtjgod by OOOle
was forbidden admittanco by the heepers. 27. Wo may ove yet another illustration, it it seems good to Du. Α certain man, tho head of a homeliold, and possessed os great riches, Was tanded to journey abroad fora time, and promised to his sons that he would send themmme one Who Would inhe his place, and divido among them equassy tho substance talling to them. d, in truth, notiong astor stat, hs did despatch to them a certain trus, ortis and righteous and true man. And on his arrivia, this man took charge of the whole substance, and first os allexerted himself to arrange it and administer it, giring him-
ith his οὐ hands, and tolling liue a servant for the good of tho estate. AlterWards seeling that his end was at hand,' the man wrole out a Will, demitting tho inheritanos to tho relations and est the nexi of hin; and ho gave them his seias, and eassed them together one is ono by name, and charged them to preservo the inheritance, and to tae care os the substance, and to administer it rightiri even as they had receivedit, and to take their use of ita gooti and fruita, as they Werethomsolves test ita oWners and helas. Ii, moreoVer, any person .ere in ask to be allowed to bonefit by the fruits of this fiold, they Wore to fhoW themselves indulgent to such. But is, oncto oster hand, any ono Were to declare himself parinor in tho holastip with them, and were to mino his demands
3 Tho tot oves et ideo ut consequenter erat,'' etc. Codex Carinensis omita the vi. Muth proposes, et ideo consequenter thesaurus,'
etc. - and thus, of murae, the tremure vas Preserved, etc. Comp. G. xxvii. and xxxiv.
The teri has, aedem ipse per se,' etc.; for Whita me adopi, aedet ipse,' etc. Tho codex Casine is oves, deinde die moriturus,' vhich may boeither a misi e for deinde moriturus, or a contraction lor deinde die qua moriturus '-then on the day that he out in die, etc. ε The eodex has, Sin autem conderem ae dicens, exposceret, deritarent persequi,' etc.; Which ia corrected to, Sin autem cohaeredem M
328 THE REMA INS OF BISHOP ARCHELAUS tho individuat who destred to he received among them ou tali the moro on that account to do Work opus autem magis
nounce sueti an one an alien ne Who cannot provo himself
never stood by the sepulchre, Who has no knowledge Whau ever of the manner or the character os His departure, and
who, in fine, is noW destrous of getling access to the adirehouseos com Without presenting any token from him Who plaeed itunder loch and soal Shali κε not cast him ost from us lihoa robber and a thies, and thrust him out of our number is ali possibio means Yet this man is noW in Our preSenee, and fatis to produco any of the credentials whicli me have summariged in What Wo have atready said, and declares thatho is the Paraclete whose mission mas presignified by Jesus. And by this assertion, in his ignorance perchance, he Willmae out Jesus Himself to be a liar ; for thus Ho who oncesaid that Ho would send tho Paracleto no long time after, millbe proved only to have sent this person, is me accepi the tostumony which he bears to himself, after an intervat of three