Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류



has boen erected. NON, since these tWo objecta, the occupantand tho structure, ars both consecrated together, hoW canany antagonism or contrariety be found belWeen them, and

Low should it not rather appear that they have both beentho producis of subjecis that are in amity and of ono mind l d that you may know that this is the case, and that theso subjecis are truly at one both in solio stlip and in lineage, Howho knows and hearsy all) has made this response, I et usmata man. ' and in sortii. For he who constructa the temple interrogates him Who s hions the image, and inquires caresullya ut the measurements os magnitude, and breadth, and bulli, in order that lie may mark off this spaco sor tho soundations

in accordanco with these dimensions; and no one seis about

is the creator of my foui,' then hoW is it that, while regataingeach other With a hostile ve, these two parties havs not

ibat he who constructa the templo fhould mahe it of such narrow dimensions as to render it incapillo os accomm

dati What is placed villiin it, or that he who fashions theimage should come With something so massive and pondemus, that, on ita introduction into tho temple, the edifice mouid atonco collapsel Ii such is not the case, then, With these things,let us contemplato them in tho light ot what Wo know to be

The re ing is sest et audit. Routh Mmemhat neemesaly suggesta acide audit m he who heam intelligently.* Pio codex givos hic enim qui exstruis.' It is proposed to mad sic enim qui exstruit m For in thia very που he Who constructa. The texi oves quod si dicat quia inimicum esse eum qui plasmaverit corpus; Deus qui creator,' etc. Tho Codex Casinensis readsD m. Wo adopi tho emendation Deo and the alterin punctuation, thua: quod si dicat quia inimicum esse eum qui plaamaverit corpua Deo qui creator αι animae,' etc. Disjtjgod by OOQ le


310 TNE REMA INS OF BISAOP ARCHELAUS the objecis and intenta os antagonisis. But is it is right forali to be disposed mitti the fame measures and the fame equity, and to bo displayed Mith liho glο , what doubtshould we stili entertain on this subjeci l We add, iiit plerae yoia, this one illustration more. Man appeam toresemble a silip whicli has been constructed by tho bullderand launched into the deep, which, ho ever, it is impossibisto navigate Mithout the rvdder, by whicli it ean be hept under command, and turned in Whatsoever direction ita siseramanmay Wish to sati. Also, that tho rudder and the wholo bodyof tho fhip requiro the fame artificer, is a matter admittingno doubi; for without the rvdder the whola structure of the ship, that liugo body, Will be an ineri mass. And thus, then, We say that tho Mut is tho redder of tho body; that both these, moreover, are reled by that liber of judgmentand sentiment Whicli κε possess, and which correspon/s in thesteersman ; and that When these two are made ono by union, and thus possess a unison of sunction applicabio in ali hindsos Work, Whatever may bo the producis of their oWn oper

tion, they bear a testimony to the iaci that they havo bothone and the samo author and maher.

20. On hearing these argumentations, tho multitudes Whomere present Were oceedingly delighted,-so much so, imdeed, that they Were almost laying handa on Manes; and it was with difficulty that Archelaus restrianed them, and heptthom bach, and made them quiet again. The ju es arid: Archelaus has given us proos sufficient of tho faci that thobody and the foui os man are the works of one hvid; b causean object cannot subsist in any proper consonance and unisonas the Work of one hand, is there is any Want of harmov


bo the formation of an evit dei , tho Worh mill also nono thel a be idie unlem it receives the foui; and, in truth, unlesstho Mut be in unison With tho body by commixture and dueintroduction, so that tho tWo ars in mutuat connections, theman mill not exist, neister can Wo speah of him. Hence eam os opinion that) Archelaus has proved by a Varie ofillustrations that there is but one and the samo maer for the hole man. Arehelaus sata: Ι docti nos, Μanes, that youunderetand this, namely, that one Who is born and createdyis eassed tho son of him .ho begela or creates. But it thewiched one mado man, then ho ought to be his fallier, ac-

uith their innumerable natures and diverso sentimenti. 21. But nom What it is necessam sor me to say on the



subject of the inner and tho outer man, may be expressed in tho Words of the Savio. to those Who s allo a camel, and wear the out ard garb of the hypocrite, begiri With blam dishments and flatteries. It is to them that Jesus addresses Himself when He says: Woe unto Fou, scribes and

their perdition, made this declaration, that they attendia tothose things only whicli mere Without, and despised as strangethings those Miicli mere Within, and understood not that Hewho made tho body made also the foui. And who is So un- impressibio and stolid in intelleci, as not to se that those


Suppose non stat thero are two unbemtten principies , and that wo determine fixed localities sor these: it follows then

With in a certain location, and not diffused everyWhere; and Ile mill consequently be represented as) much in serior to tholoeality in whicli Ho is understood to be sor the object whicheontains is alWays greatery than the object Whicli is containedin it) : and thus God is made to be os that magnitude whicheorresponds With the magnitudo of tho locality in Whieh Ηois contained, just as is the casa Mith a maia in a house. Then, further, reason asks Who it is that has divided belweenthem, or Who has appotnted for them their determinato limita; and thus both would bo mado out to bo the decidod inferiora os man's o n power' For Lysimachus and Ale ander hold tho empiro of the whole Worid, and were able tosubduo ali soreign nations, and the whole race of men; Sothat throughout that period there Was no other in possessionos empire besides themselves under heaven. And hoW willany ono be rash enough to say that God, who is the truelicti that never suffers eclipse, and Whose is also tho hingdom that is holy and evertasting, is not everyWhere present, as is

the way with this most depraved man, Who, in his impie , refusos to ascribe to tho omnipotent God even equat ponermitti mon si 22. The judges sata: Wo know that a light shines throughtho Wholo house, and not in some single part of it; as Jesus also intimates When He says, that no man lighting a candiepuis it under a bushel, but on a candiestich, that it may givelight unto ali that are in tho house.' ' Is, then, God is a

Rhading msus for the inept malus of the Codex Casinensis. Routh resora ua here to Maximus, De Natura, 3 2. See Reliquiae

The texi is multo inferior virtutis humanae,'' ubich is probably a



unless it is something simply accidental l Arehelaus salii: Forasmuch, indeed, as the word of the gospei is underet d

called into being, was found to be obscure, in such Wise that circumstances required light to be introduced into that place, which was thus situated in the midst. Helice in Genesis,

Where Moses gives an account of the construction of thomorid, he mahes no mention of the daanem etiner as mado not made. But he heeps silence on stat subjeci, and

leaves tho explanation os it in be discovered by those whomay be able to give proper attention to it. Neither, inde , is that a very arduous and dissiculi tash. For to Whom mvit not bo made plain that this sun os ours is visibi' Whon ithas risen in the east, and inhen iis co se toWard the west, but that whon it has gono beneath tho earth, and been carried sarther Within that formation whicli among the Greeta is called the sphere, it then ceases to appear, beingovorshadowed in darisess in consequence of the interpositionos tho bodies ' When it is thus couered, and when the

y me texi givea a quo si, etc. Rouin suggesta atqui si, etc.' Mining objectu . . . creaturarum, instead os obtectu, etc., in Codex


. Tho texi of thia sentenos standa thus in Migne and Muth: euienim non fiat maniteatum, solem istum visibilem, cum ab orionte luerit exortus, et tetenderit iter suum ad occidentem, eum inb terram ierit, et interior offectua fuerit ea quae apud Graecos sphaera vocatur, quod Disjtigod by OOOle


of the earin stands opposito it, a shado is superinduced, which produces from iraeli the darknem; and it continum so untii again, after the co se of the inferior space has been traversed in the night, it rolis to arti the east, andis Men to riso once moro in iis Wonted seats. Thus, then, the cause of the shadoW and tho night is discovored in tho


the west, so they have it also more quichly obscured, and they only Who ars settied in the middie of the globo seoalWays an equali of light. For When the sun occupies themiddie os tho heavens, there is no place that can appear to

offulgence.y Is, then, as me have said above, that portion es the western traci mere done aWay With, tho part which is adjacent to it Would nom no more suffer obscuration. Andiliose things I could indoed set sortii some hat more simpinas I might also describo tho zodiacat circle; but Ι havo not

there ore say nothing of these, but shali reveri to that capital objection urged by my adversam, in his affirming so strenu-onslyy that tho darkness is ungeneraled; Whicli position, hoWeVer, has also been confuted atready, as far as that coula havo been done by us.

besore tho estate of the creatures Was introduced, and that

there Was no object in an opposite position Which might generate shadoW, it must folioπ that tho light was thendissused eve Where, and that ali places more illuminat with iis effulgenco, as has been sbown by What you haVestaled just noW; and as We perceive that the true explan tion is given in that, me assim the piam to the affirmations

of Archelaus. For is the universe is clearly divided, asit somo mali had beon drawn through tho centre of it, andis on the one fide the light d elis, and on tho other side thedarhness, it is yet to bo underatood that this darknem has been brought accidentalty about through the shado generaled in consequence of the objects which have been set up in the orld; and hence again wo must aa who it is that has busit


THE DISPUTA NON MITH MANES. 317 this Wall bet em tho tWo divisions, provided yon indeed admitthe existence of such a construction, O Manichaeus. But is Wohavo to tahe account of this matter on the supposition thalno sueti mali has been bulli, then again it comes to be unde stood that the universo sorma but ono locali , Without any exception, and is placed under ono pomer; and ii so, thentho darkness can in no way have an ungeneraled nature.

in his Engdom, who can have constructed the wall betW uthem For no object can divido tWo substances excepi onethat is greater than either, even as it is saidy in tho book of Genesis, that God divided tho light from the darknem.' Consequently the constructor of this mali must also be somo one os a capaciu like that: for the Wali marks the boundarios of these two parties, just M among peopte Who dKeil in therurat parta a stone is usualty taken to mark off the portion ofeach severat par ; Which custom, hoWever, Mould afford abetior apprehension of the caso mero me to talio the divisionis roser specialty to the marhing out os an inheritanco saltingis brothors. But for tho present I have not to speah of mattera lita these, hoWever essentiat they may appear. For hat me are in quest of is an ansWer to the question, Whoean have constructed tho mali required for tho designation ofilio limits of the kingdom os eaeli os theso twain No ans erhas been given. Let not this perfidious sellοπ hesitate, butlet him noW achnowledgo that the substanes of his duali has been reduced again is a unity. Let him mention any one ho can have constructed that middio mali. What could thoone of these two parties have been engaged in When the otherisas bulldingi Was he afleepi or mas he ignorant of the iacti or mas ho unablo is Withstand the attempti or was lis bought over With a price Teli us What he was aboes, orteli us who in ali the universe Was the person that raised tho


God has sent to us mitti the sullest plenitudo os intelligenes; judge ye which of these two could have erected the structure,or What tho one could have been doing ali tho .hilo thattho other Was engaged in the bullding.

the boundaries for the hingdom os each, and who made thomiddlo walli For Archelaus begs that duo importanco Mattached to the practice os interrogation in this discussion. Manes satae The God Who is good, and who has nothing incommon mitti evit, placed the firmament in tho midst, in ordor to malis it plainy that tho Miched one is an alien to

so in name only, and you mahe His deity resemblo manys infirmities. At one time out of the nonwxistent, and atanother time out os underlying matrer, Which indoed thus

times also Fou speah of Ηim as apprehensive, and sometimesas variabis. It is, however, the part of God is do .hat is proper to God, and it is the part oi man to do What is properto man. Ιs, then, God, as you say, has constructed a mali, this is a God who maias Himself out as apprehensive, and aspossessed of no fortitude. For me know that it is alwaysthe casa that those Who are suspicious of the preparation os secret perils against them by strangere, and who are aisaid of the plots of enemies, are accustomed to surround thela cities

mitti malis, is Whicli procedure they at onco secure themselves in their ignorance, and display their feeble capaci . Buthere, to' We have something Which ought not to bo passedover by us in silence, but rather brought prominently somata; so that even by the great abundance of our declarationaon the subjeci our adversa 's manifold crastiness may bebrought to nought, With the help of the truth on Our fide. We may grant, then, that the structure of the wali has been
