Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


them tho emperors havs not commanded anything serious or


torments and punishments finflicted on himJ may bo themore abundant, and that inmugh him I may terrib many fotherH iram daring again is flee.


those Who were inquiring sor thee, Without the compulsionos the judge; and there Were fotherH, again, Who said tolam: Thou hast done Weli in coming and shoWing thysessos thine οὐ accord, rather than stat tho compulsion os thejudgo inould bring theo : sor noW is thy consession os Christhnown to bo of thino oWn Will, and not tram the compulsiones men.



villago os Teletelia, and I have been made a deaeon. The governor sald : Wheresore hast thou transgressed tho command of the emperors, and dost minister in thine ossico os deacon, vhicli thou art sorbidden by the emperore todo, and res est to sacrifice to Zeus, Whom the emperora

mhicli thou ari come into my presence, and insuli not Zeus, the great borat of the emperora.


tho emperors have Commanded.



perore and tremble noti


command of the emperors, When lol thou thyseli also, Whomtho emperors have raised in greatness and made a judge, hast transgressia thela command, in that thou hast not donoto me that Which the emperors have commanded thee. The governor said: Because I have had pationes missitheo, 'heresorri hast thou spolien thus, liho a man statbrings an accusation.

whicli the em perors lime commanded.


The governor said: I know that in speahing thus thy sole object is that my rago and the wrath of my mind may beexcited, and that I may pronounce sentence of death against thee speedily. I am not going, then, to be hurried on tostat whieli thou dosirest; but I Will havo patience: not, inde , for thy relies, but so that the tortures inflicted on theomay be increased, and that thou mayest ses thy flesti fallingost betare thy saco by means of the combs that ars passingover thy fides. Habib said: I myself also am looking for this, that thoushouldst multiply thy tortures upon me, even as thou hasb

more lingering than that os tho sWord, Which thou mayest


102 SYRIAC DOCUMENTS CONCERNING EDESSA. any longeri belloid this lumina , associate of gods; and,

had it not been commanded by former emperora that thecorpses of murderem should be buried, it would not bo rightthat the corpse of this stello J either inould bo buried, b cause he has been so insolent. I command, that a strap beput into his mouth, as into the mouth of a murderer, and that he bo burned by a stoπ lingering fire, so that the to mont of his death may be increased. d he went out from the presence of the govem , Withthe strap thrust into his mouth; and a multitude os thepeople of the city ran aster him. And the Christians mero rejοicing, forasmuch as he had not turned aside nor quilled his post; A but the pagans mere threatening him, sor res ingio sacrifice. And they ted him fortit by the western archWay,

servo me sor a recompense betore Thee, so that I may bs dolivored from that fire Whicli is not quenched ; and receive

and restoration to His churches Which are overthrom.