Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


the command of the emperora, bH that, When the emper scommanded that every one a uid sacrifico, thou dicit induco Sharbit, When ho mas standing and sacrificing to the godsand offering incense to them, to deny that which he had Confessed, and confess Christ whom he had doniod

had I not fought to mae Sharbit a disciple, at my hanti Would his Nood have been required; an ii he had notlistonia to me, I should havo been innocent of his biood. Tho judge said: No , thereiore, since thou hast contemedinat it Was thou that madest Sharbit a disciple, at thy handswill I requiro his death; and on this account it is rightthat thou rather than ho inouldest be condemned before me,

grievous tortures for haring abandoned tho command of thoemperora and obeyed thy Worti.


of the emperors, Who command to sacrifice to the goci. Barsamya said: Even though We should not lay tho su

more than thou hearhenest to the commmds of the emperora,


true light, to Whose beams darhness cometh not near, Whichis reserved and standelli fast for the trus Worshippers of Christ.


creatures, nor set thou at nought tho command of the em- perors, nor contentiousty resist the lords of tho connio,


tortures come upon theo.


88 SYRIAC DOCUMENTS CONCERNIM EDESSA. d the judgo commanded that the nobies, and tho chies

persons, and the princes, and the honourable persons of thocity, should come besore him, that they might hear What was the order that Was issued by the emperora, by the handos ins proconsuis, the resers of the countries under theauthori of the Romans. And it mas found that the em- perors had Written by the hand of the proconsuis to thojudges of the countries: Since our Majesty commanded that there should be a persecution against itie people of the Christians, me havs heard and learned, iram the Shahirswhom we have in the countries under the dominion os o Majesu, stat the peopte os the Christians are persons Whoesche murder, and forcery, and adultery, and thest, and bribery and fraud, and those things for which tho laws olour Majesty also exact punishment from those who committhem. We, theresore, in our impartial justice, have commanded that on account os these things the persecution os the sWord shali coase from them, and that there stiali be restand quietness in ali our dominions, they continuing to minister according to their custom and no man hindering them. Itis not, ho ever, toWarda them that me shoW clemen , butioWards their la s, agreeing as they do With tho laWs of our Μajesty. And, ii any man binder them alter this our command, stat sWord Whicli is ordered by us to descend uponthoso who despiso our command, the Same do me commandio descend upon those Who despiso this decree of o

And, when this command of the emperoes clemency Was

Wo havo hero probably tho most authentio copy of tho ediet os Trajan commanding the stopping of the persecution os the Christiana, as it mas taen down at the time by the reportera Who hines it read.


and called him tho persecuted consessor, the companion of Sharbii tho martyr.' And he said in them: Persecuted Iam, lius yourseives; but from the tortures and combs of

authori . I Zenophilus and Patrophilus are the notaries Who Wrotethese Aera, Diodorus and Euterpes, Sharirs of the city, bearing Witnem With us by settinyto their hand, as thoancient laWs of the ancient hings command.

of Sharbit, the priest of the samo city, lived in tho dus os Fabianus, bishop of the city of Rome. And ordinationto the priesthood was received by Barsamya from Absho-lama, Who was bishop in Edessa; and by Abshelama ordination Was received frem Palut tho First; and by Palutordination mas received from Serapion, bishop of Antioch; and is Serapion ordination Was received from Zephyrinus, bishop of Rome; and Zephyrinus of Rome received ordination Dom Victor of the fame place, viz.J Rome; and Victor received ordination from Eleutherius; and Eleutherius received it from Soter; and Soter received it irom



Anicetus; and Anicetus received it frem Dapius; and Dapius received it Dom Telesphorus ; and Telesp horus received it hom Xystus; and Xystus received is homAlexander; and Alexander received it hom Evariis ;' and Evariis received it frem Cletus; and Cletus received it DomAnus; M and Anus received it frem Simon Cephas; and Simon Cephas received it Irom our Lord, together mith his


In tho monis Ab, of tho Dar sis hundred and tWentyof tho hingdom of Alexander the Macedoni , in the consulato of Licinius and Constantine,' which is the year in .hich ho' mas bom, in tho magistra ρ of Julius and Bara, in tho dus os Cona ' bishop of Edessa, Licinius made a pe secution against tho church and ali the peoplo os the Chri

tians, aster that firat persecution Which Diocletian tho emporarhad made. And Licinius the emperor commanded that thereshould be sacrifices and libations, and that the altare in every placo fhould bo restoria, that they might burn a rei spices and Danhincenso before Zeus. And, When many Were persecuted, they cried out of theirom accord: Wo are Christians; and they Were not afraidos tho persecution, becauso these Who mere persecuted meremore numerous than t se Who perso ted sthemJ.

No Ηabib, Who Was of the villago es Telgelia' and hadbeen made a deaeon, ment secretly into the churches Whichwero in tho villages, and ministered and read tho Scriptures, and encouraged and strengthened many is his mords, and admonia d them to stand fast in tho truth of thola belles, and not to M ahaid of the persecutora; and gave them directions stor thela conductJ. d, When many Were strengthenod by his Woes' and received his addresses affectionaleb, Ming caresul not torenounce the covenant they had made, and when tho Sharissos the esu, the men Who had Men appianted With reserencoto this particular matter, heard of it, they Went in and im



formed Lysanias, the governor Who mas in the tom os Edessa, and said to him: Habib, who is a deacon in the villago ofTelgelia, goes a ut and ministere secretly in every place, and resista the command of the emperora, and is not ahaid. And, When the governor heard these things, he was filledmith rago against Habib; and he made a repori, and sentand inso ed Licinius the emperor os ali inose things which

issued that every ono fhould sacrifice, yet it had not been commanded What should bo done to thoso who did not sacrifice: becauso they had heard that Constantine, the commander in Gaul and Spatia, mas become a Christian and did not sacrifice. And Licinius the emperor filiusJ commanded Lysanias tho governor: Wh ver it is that has been so daring as in

to minister there also secretiy. And, When the governor Sent

and inquired for him in his village, and in ali tho counto round about, and ho Was not to bo Iound, ho commanded thatali his family should bo arrestod, and also the inhabitanis os his village; and they arrested them and put them in irons, his mother and tho rest of his family, and alio some of the