Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 12: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 2

발행: 1869년

분량: 562페이지


분류: 미분류


Purpio colour in dissa sorbidden, i. 262. Pyrrhoniam, ita μου - contradictions, ii. 500. Pythagoras, his ambola, ii. 236. Pythagoraa referred to or quoted, L

Religion in ordinary lile, i. 327.

Re n noe, an earneat exhortation

yia , different ianda es, i. 455, 456. baxian mrateries, the, i. m. Sacrifiees, ino, of tho law, ii. 429. Sacrifices, the, of tho heathen to thoirgods, the absurdi of, ii. 427, etc. Sacrifices, ino cruei of aomo of thohoathen, L M, etc.

Sappho, L 237. Sarah, i. 368, 369; her lauister, ii

262. Sardanapalus, i. 322, 323; ii. 67. Sarmanae, i. 399. Sauromatae, the, i. 67. Saved, something greator than Ming,

Scenis, i. 23 Scriptum, tho interion sor distinguishing bot eon truth and heresy, ii. 476, etc.

Scriptures, the, i. 82 ; tho Hebre , translatet into Oroeli, 375 ; human

atanding of, 37s. Scythians, tho, L 290.

H-rings, i. 315-3l7. Secta or achoola os philosophy, i. 392. Seducer, the, i. 23. Soeing double, an effect of much mine, i. 203.

Servandi, the numerous, pandering toluxury, i. 292. Sematris ordera a status of Serapia tobo made, i. 54. Ven, tho number, ii. 388.390.

montes from heathon authora to,

284, 285. Gaving, ignobis, i. 285, 3l7.

462. Shoes, What wrt to M Wom, i. 264, 265.

Sibyl, sis, quoted, i. 36, 65, 64, 72, 76, 284, 425 ; ii. 90, 286, 288; hermwer of divination, i. 398; oiners of tho name, 425. Sith and tho adh-Wom, i. 258. Similitudos an important part of in-atruction, i. 304.



Simplieity os Mesa recommenderi L 271. Sin, irrationes, i. 184; condemned buthe Gnostic, iu 360; the so ce os, 482. Sitis, hoW the instructor trinis our, i. 115 ; resulting in voluntam action, ii. 38, etc. Six, the number, ii. 388. Si rep, the regulation os, L 240, etc. ;Christians not to indulge in, asothera, 241-243. Smiling. i. 220. Sueeχing at tanquela, i. 229. Socrates quoted or reserred to, L 393,

Sodomites, the, L 306. Solomon, i. 427, 436.

Solon quoted, i. 49, 50, 362 ; ii. 269,

389. 390. Son, the, the Ruler and Sariour os ali, ii. 409, etc. n os God, the I tructor, i. 114. ngs, amatory, prohibited, i. 218. Sonm os pruise to God, i. 216. Sophisticat arta uselem, L 376.

Sophistry, i. 376. Sophista, the, condemned, i. 362, 363. Sophocles quoted, i. 73, 86, 203, 313 ;ii. 141, 234, 286, 287, 291, 294. Sovi, the, the threesold division os, i.

273. ut, the pure, an imam os God, ii. 417 ; os a most excellent temper, 27. SOW, the, sorbidden to bo eaten, ii. 251.

8Ρectacles, public, to be discounte- nancta, i. 326, 327. Si ech, the regulation os, at tanquela, i. 228.


Speusippus quoted, ii. 12.8phynxes, the Myptim, their symbolicta re, ii. 239, 249. Sporta, divine, i. 128, 129. Stoics, the, L 385 ; iu 59. Stonea, the, in the robe A the Hopriest, ii. 243, 244. Stones and stoclis, sillI p ple, L as Str-αια, the, os Clement, L 361 ;

Superstition, i. 50, 57, 58, iu 25: the

Superstitious man, the, described, ii. 422, 423.

Susanna, i. 194.

SWine, casting one's Maris bes e, i. 388.

Syllogism and demonstration, T 493. Symbolic style, ine, employed by meis and philosophera, ii. 247. Symbola, the reasona sor vesting the truth in, ii. 254. Symbola, the, os the Egyptians, os sacred things, ii. 245, etc. Symbola, the, os Pythagoras, A 236. Syrens, the, i. 383. Tabernacle, ine, and ita sumiture, the mysticia meaning os, iu 240; and iis geometricia proportio , 354. Table os shew-bread, the, ii. 42 ; ita geometricia proportions, meaning os, 354. Tabies, the tWo, os the lam inelamysticia significance, iu 383, 385. Taci, the importance os, in ring orgenerat, L 456, 457.

Tatian reserred to, L 355. Taxes, ii. 342. Teaching, motivm in, to be examinerii. 352. Teacher, the, intimations os the adventos, ii. 404. Teachere os othera ought to excet in viriue, ii 444-446. Teachire, the, os our Lord, ita duration, Ii. 486.

Temperance, i. 193, 201, 202, 242; si


trate, i. 276. Temptation, the, os our Lord, i. 380. Ten, the number, ii. 383, 384. Terrore os the la , ine, ii. 21.

Thamar, i. 369.


i. 366.

Theophrastus, i. 68; quoted, ii. 6. Thersites, i. 228, 237, 294. Thespes quoted, i. 404 ; ii. 250.

Thrasubulus, i. 457. Threatening, i. 174. Thievos and robbere, an Who came lare Christ Were-hoW 3 i. 406, etc. Timaeus the Locrian, ii. 288. Timocles, the poet, quoted, ii. 141, 142. Timon os Phlius quoted, ii. 227. Timotheus, i. 403. Titans, the, and Dionysius, L 30. Tombs os the mici, the, L 50, 51. Tradition os the chureli, the, prior is herestes, ii. 485. Trage in iis inventors, i. 404. Gaining. i. 182, 371. Translation, the, os the old Testamentout os HebreW into Gree i. 448. Wrian War, the, hoW eaused, i. 282. Troy, When taken, L 421. Truth, i. 18 ; poeta bear Witnesa io, 73 ; sound in the propheis, 76, etc. and custom contrassed, s8 ; a germos, laurid in ali secta os philosophy, 389 ; hom philosophy contributes to

ticia significance OL iu 283, 285.τMis, i. 247. Ulysses, L 241. In belles. i. 462. Underat ding, the human, ii. 340. Unicorii, the, L 25. Unnatural tusis sorbidden, i. 248. Upbrai ling. i. 165. Usury, ii. 50. Valentinus, quot , ii. 65 ; his vagaries a ut the abolition os deathresut , 17s, etc. ; his Wor the Intremurae of Fron , quoted, 33ι ;tho time os, 486. Vaphres, L 436. Volling the truth in symbola, reasons sor. ii. 254 - 256 ; opinion os theapostles respecting, 2b -261. Veding the meaning os Scripture, rea-sona sor, ii. 378-382. Veiis, the, os the tabernacle, ii. 240, 244. Vessela os Mid aud silveri l. 211 ; tobe rejected, 302. Vice and viriue, as delineared by Prodicus, i. 260. Vine, the, i. 158 ; ita symbolicat character, 200.

Vipera, L 19. Viriue, rational, i. 184; and Vice, as delineared by Prodicus, 260 ; one,

418. Virium, the Christian, thela connection, ii. 26-29. Visitation, i. 167. Volce hom heaven, the, at the baptismos Christ, i. 131. ices, the, os blads, i. 244. Voluntary actions, of disserent iuniis. ii. 38, etc. Wamery censured, i. 219.

Willa, observances of the Romans re



lo church, 328 ; refutation os Carpocrates' and Epiphanes' doctrine os a community os, ii. 86-89; candidates lar the martyr's crom, 165 170 ; capable os persection, illustrio examples os, I93 - 196. Women, holy, among the Germans, i. 399. Word, the, Various reserences to, i. 21,

22, 24, 98, 100, 101, 104, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 145, 147, 151, 152, 157, 162, 179, 180, 274, 299, 380,585. Word, the, Our instructor, i. 113. Word, Water os the, i. 91. Worid. the, Moses Maches, Was creaud,si. 275. Worid, the, os thought and os sense, ii. 276. Written compositiona, the value os, i 3 9 ; and spolien, compared, 351359. Xenocrates quoted, ii. 14.

Xenophanes cited, i. 894 ; ii. 285. 286 Xenophon quoisil, i. 7l ; ii. 62, 285.



Professor of Theology, Universis of mi ecfit.


Professor of Biblicia Literature arid Megesis to tri U.P. Gu M.



