장음표시 사용
xlix. Is, . . it. 40 LAMENTATIO S. i. I, R. i.
xxi. 7, i. 155 xxi. 23, i. 21s xxi. 24, i. 316
xxxiv. 14, 16, . i. 158 xxxviii. I, 2, 7, i. 235xxxix. 17, 18, Is, i. 23sxxxta. 3I, 32, . i. ras BARUCH. iii. s, i. 176 sit. 13, i. 176 iii. INIs, . i. 212 iv. L
xxvii. 2s, . . i. 237vi. 30,. iu 158 xviii. I,
ix. 25, ix. 58, ix. 60, ix. 62,
i. 149, ii. 367. ii. 36. n. 367. i. III. L 231
. i. 45Ivi. 2,. i. 227 vii. 22, . i. 451x. I 0-15, . . i. 197x. 34, 35, . . it. Moxiv. 23, . ii. 365xV. 23, 28, 29, . i. 227xV. 24, . it. 183
24, . i. 461vii. 33, . ii 131xiii. 7, 8, . i. 189 iii. 23-25, . i. 135vii. 38, 35,. i.
. i. 357 340, 372iv. II, 12, 13, . iu 200K II. . .
i. I, L 365, ii 241, 277, 337, 35I
Amphion os Thebes, i. I7; quotod,
Anacharais, hing of tho Scythians, a Mory oi, L 33. Anacharsis, tho philosopher, i. 3M, 403; ii. 247.
Anacreon quotod, L 322. Analysis and demonstration, ii. 495. Anaxagoras, i. 403. Anaxaris , L 373. Androcydea quotod respectina tho Ephesian Letiam, ii. 247 : on drunkennom and gluttony, 430
Ammal--rship, i. 45, 46 ; superiorto imago-- ahip, 56. Animala, tho sori sorbidden to tho Je- - 1ood, i. 326; distinctionbet oen, es cloan and uncloan, ita Vmbolicia sisnificance, ii. 488, 489. Animata, the dialoci os, i. 443. Animias and planta, ii. 497. Anointing tho foet oi Jesus, i. 230. ointing ol Joaus by God, i. 233. Antinous, i. 55. Antiochus of Cyzicus, i. 57. Antipatrua quotod, ii. 278. Antiphanea, the comis Poet, quoted, i. 278.
Antiphon, i. 404. Antiquiu, ths, ol tho Hobro. philo--yhy, i. 42l, etc. Antiat nos quotod, L 7I, 74; ii. 62. Anxie , i. 256. Aod, i. 425, 426. Apelles, an an dote ol, L 270. Aphrodite, i. 28, 42, 44, M. Apim quoted, i. 421. Apis, an Egyptian god, i. 54, 67, 42 Apollo, i. 42, 44; moaning of thename, 488. Apollodorus ol Corcyra quote' ii. 250. Apollodorus ot Cuma, i. 404. Apostles, the opinion of the, respect-
Area, derivation of tho namo, L M. Arion ol Μothymna, L 17. Aristippus, the Cyrenean, quoted, i.
Aristo quoted, E M. Aristocritus, hia Positiona againat Heracliodorus quotori iu 239
tho heathen, i. 33, 34, 66. Athleto, the ancient, i. 297. Athlote, tho true, described, ii. 4is. Attica, the, quotod, i. 423. Attis, i. m.
Authora and ape era compared, i.
349-359. Bacchio Orgies, the, i. 27. Bacchylidea quoted, ii. 262, 286, 2M. Balance, Mepping over tho, sorbidionis Pythagoras, ii. 238.
Banquela, P er conduci at, i. 225. Baptiam, variova referen a to, i. st.
Barbarian philosophy, the, tho Oroeta piliorem es, ii. 1 ; periori, 3. Barbariana, tho, hato luxum, i. 2M ;
Barnabas quotod, T is, 22, 4I, 60, 66, 258, 340.
ita symbolicia importanos, α 242, 243. Brimo, L 28. Britata, a curioua cavo in the istandes, ii. 322. Bryaxis, i. 54. Budoa, i. 39s. Burning bush, tho, i. 238. Bultor, ita spirituia significance, i. 148.
ying and selling, L 328. Cabiri, tho orgios and myntorias olino, i. M. Cadmus, i. 40I, 402, 424. Callimachus quotod, i. 37, 43; ii. 262, 280, 28I, 284, 285. Calling, tho ain os neglocting God'a,
Calvea, bellavera figurativoly called, i. Ira. Camela, tho, of the Araba, i. 290. Cambyses, i. 57. Captivity, tho, os Israel, i. 433, 434. Carpocrates and Epiphanos, Gela opinion respecting a communiw of
Women refuted, ii. 86-89. Castor and Pollux, i. m. Causo and causation, i. 406-408, 4l8, 419. Causos, different ianda os, ii. 508514. Cenauro, i. 157. Cornoa, sis, i. 29, note.
Cloanthea quotod, i. 72 ; iu 23I, 286,
Colour in elothos, L 258, 25s; .hite,
Communion the innate and original, of man with Maven, L M. communiw of momen, Carvo nisa' and Epiphanea' opiniona rea otium
Convereation, tho regulation es, L 228. Coveting, tho mandatea of tho Ia. and
Dactyli, L 400. Daniel, i. 432; tho inronesora es inobook ol, 445, etc. Dardanus, i. 27. Daris a rides nos ins fornicator Dom