Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 12: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 2

발행: 1869년

분량: 562페이지


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tho abolition os, resut , ii. I79182. Dobor , i. 426. Decalogus, tho Gnostic ex altion ofine, Ii. 383, etc. Dofinition. tho neod os perspicuous, ii.

49l, 492 ; provenis ambigui , 496,

Deluge, the, ii. 334. Demeter, i. 28 ; tho mysteries os, 28 ;and Baubo, 3l. Dometrius, hing, rataed to the rank of a god, i. 59. Demetrius es Phaleras, i. 448. Demetrius, hia book on tho iunga in Judaea quoted, i. 442. Democritus, i. 397. Demona, i. 60; T Ni, 294; plagum, eto. . attributed to, 32I. Demonatration, ii. 472, etc. ; and syllogiam, 493 ; and analysis, 495. Denunciation, i. t M. Desim, tho duo os repressing, ii. I92, 193. Devit, tho, malched by our Lord, i. 380; a thios and a robbor, 408 : a Wiched spirit, referred to is Plato,ii. 276 ; tra formod, MI. Dialocis of men, goda, and animias, i. 443; ii. 380, 38 l. Dialoctio, ins trus, i. 467. Dico prohibit . i. 325. Didymus, the grammarian, quote' ii. 248.

Diogenea quoted, T M. Dino, i. 6I. Dion, sis philosopher, citod, ii. 194. Dion Thylea quotod. K 248. Dionysian mysteries, the, L 2s ; a vilesto es, 4 l. Dionysius, i. 4l. 45. Dionysina Iambua quot , ii. 249. Dionysius, tho tyrant, i. 57. Dionysius Thrax quot . it. 248. Diphilus. tho comic poet, quoteri s. mi, 423. Dimotiona for in o .ho sive together, L 225. Disciplina, Variova modea es, adopted by tho Instructor, i, l64, eto. Divos and Lazarus. i. 257. Divination. i. 26, 27. Divino thinga .rappod up in figures,

Δεξα, i. 257. Doubis, tho cauam ol, ii. 505. Draco, i. 404.

Dyeing of the hiar, tho improprietyos, i. 235 ; and the clothes, 257.

lectio philosophy, tho, pavea theway to Viriue, i. 374. Eotion, i. 27. Effominaoy in mon describet and condemned, i. 284-291. Egyptian stylos of Wriling, ii. 233. Egyptian symbola of aacrin things, ii. 245, 246. Egyptian templos, i. 276. Egyptians, their variova objecta ol orship, i. 45; inventora os arta,



225, 23I, 249, 250, 269, 283, 292,

' Εκισπιέμη, ii. 205, 206. Muivocia terma, ii. 507. Eratosthenes, i. 40 Eroa, i. 50. Errore, an exhortation to fora e old, i. lim, etc. Meric and exoterio, ii. 55. Esther, adorna horaeis for her h

Eumolpidae, the, i. 3l. Eunomos, the Locrian and tho Pythio gra hopper, i. 17. Eunuch, a, forbidden is Moses toentor tho congregation, i. 34. Euphorbion, the wet, quoted, ii. 239, 249. Eupolemus quoted, i. 442, 45 l. Euphrone, night ao called, whyr ii.


Euripides quotod, i. 34, 38, 70, 75, l07, 28l, 282, 283, 305, 377, 400, 468 ;ii. 39. 62, si, l63, 196, 197, 263, 266, 287, 300.

Eurysus, ine Pythagorean, citeri ii.

238. Εὐτέλεια, i. 304, note.

Eva, the bacchanal cry oi, i. 27. Eve, i. 286. Evil, hatred os, i. 160. Excellence, the truo, of man, T lG. Exceas forbidden, i. I94, 206. Execestus, tyrant of Phocis, i. 438. Exercises, tho, auited to a good isse, i. 310-312. Exhortation, L 175. Exhortation, to turn to God Domidola, i. 87-99; to abandon old

Experienco, ii. 43.Εyes, the improper movementa es, L

ii. 232, etc.


Fivo Ioavos, ine, brinon is Christ, tho mysticia signification OL ii. 240,


crom, i. 235, 236; tho poculiar opertiea ol aomo, 236 ; tho boautyos, 255. Food, discrimination to M uaed as to,

Fortitudo, ii. 454. Fortune, tho Dddeas es, i. 56. Friendahip, three hinda os, ii. 59. Frugality, i. 95; evitaned on thedem, l97 ; a Mod provision lor the Christian, 30I-304. Games, tho Grecian, i. 4I.

Generaligation and induction, ii. 502. Gonorat ip, tho idem involvod in, L 456. Geometry, the mystic meaninga in thoratios OL E 353. Germana, the, L 39s. Gideon, i. 426. Glor' degrees os, in heaven, iu 365,

366, eto.

Gnosis, ii. 43. G nostic, ino true, an imitator os God, ii. 57; exerciaea patience and soli-

etc. ; beneficent, content, and despising -HMy things, 455, etc., 465, etc. ; further deacription os, 466, etc. ; description os, turnishodis an exposition os 1 Cor. Vi. I, etc., 468-472; abidoa by Scripture, and Prospera, 484. Gnostic exposition of the Decalogue, ii. 383-393. Goata, and Mata' fleah, ii. 430. God, alone to M Worshippod, i. 65 ; opinions of the philosophora respect-ing, 66, sic.; tne sin os neglecting



42I, etc.

Greeli philosophy, derived in great pari troin tho Barbarians, i. 395;

4l5 ; ita uso in contributing to the

comprehenalon os divino truth, 418420. Greeli translation of the old Teat ment, i. 448. Greeri, tho, imitatod Mosea' general-

42l, etc.

MI, etc.


226, 30 I. Herculos, L 38, 40, 400.

Hermaa quoteri l. 408, 467, 470; ii. 27, 28, 34. Herodotua quoted, ii. 91.

Hesiod quotod, i. 46, 73, 290, 296, 305, 364, 372, 424, 470; ii. 230, 280,

295, 427. Hevia, i. 27. Hiccup and ansering, L 229. Hi h primi'a robo, the, ita ambolicimpori, ii. 243. Hipparchus, tho Pythagorean, quot ,

ii. 255.

Hippias. L 457. Ilippo, immortaliaea hia oo death, i. 69; Euripidea quotod respecting,


Honey, iis apiritual import, i. I47, 179.

es, perceived by the miud, 229. Horas, the, foriaddon to M oaten, ii.

Hospitalio, ii. 26.

Idanthuris, hing of tho Scythians,

Indignation, L I68. Indiana, tho philosophy of the, T 324,



Instructora among the Ρεraians, i. 150. Insuli, the lauit os drunkennem, i. 225. Intolloci, the, i. 273. Intemperance, i. 204. Intermurae, tho regulation os, i. 225. Intoxication, i. 204, 208, 2l0. Invectio, i. I 66. Inventora, and inventiona among the Barbariana, i. 402. Invitation addismed to tho hoathen

65, 334

Isis, i. 424. Isocrates quoted, ii. 262. Iarael, ii. 12. Jacob, i. 24, 369. Jor alom, i. 367. Jerusalem, tho heavenly, ita garni

230, etc. ; anotated by the Father, 233. Jesus, the son ol Nais, his vision ofΜ ea ascending to heaven, ii. 382.

many coloure, ii. 252, 253. Josephus, i. 446. Joahua, i. 425. Jud , i. 23I. Judges, tho, os Israel, i. 425, etc. Judgment, cho, Diphilua tho comicmet quoted on, ii. 291. Judith, ii. I94. Julius Casaianus, De Continentia vel εα cite, a reply to, ii. Ira, etc. Iupiter, threo of tho name, i. 36; character os, 43 ; tho image es,

stri in br Dionysius, M. Just One, tho, is alao good, L IM,

i. 294.

270, etc. Koro, L 29. i. 204. Lacedaemonian helois, ino, L 305. Laertiua cited in referenco to the eelebratod αυσὸν ἔφα, ii. 15. Λαγνεία, i. 249.


IMed. 220; excessivo, torbidden, 227.

signin to reatrian transgremion,

--, divino, L M. La s, the JoWish, more ancient inantho philosophy of tho Greeri, i.

Earus and the rich man, L 257. Learned, tho truly, i. 379. Maminia ino noceasi os, i, 372, 373. aven, the parabie of the, ii. 269. Legislator, Μ ea a divino, L sit, etc.

Liberorum, de Procreatione, qu-- tractanda sint, i. 244, etc. Licentio nem, i. 288.

Man, an immortat, a nobio hymn to

isom marriam, ii. 86, etc. Marriage, ita uas and importance, ii.



ing men to talvation, i. 23. Metrodorus, the Epicurean, quoted, ii. 300.Μidas, i. 27. Μidianito momen, the, seduco the Israelites, ii. 49, 50.

plagiarised by tho Oreolis, ii. 349,

education os, Mi ; meaning of thename, MI ; M a militam loador, 455 ; his strategri 457 ; Plato animitator os, 459; rightly oauod a divine legislator, UI; his digni , iu l2, 13; erectod ono templo toand no imago es God, 265; amendatho mount, and entora tho darisoas

by himself, 267 ; tho inining es ine

257, etc.

Μysteries, the hoathen, i. 26, 27 ; d rivation of the word, 27 ; of m- metor, 28 ; tho Sabarim, 29 ; os Dionysius, 29; the Eleusinian, 32;es Plato, Pythagoras, and the Epicureana, L. 255.

Mystical meaninga in the proportionaos numbere, etc., ii. 352-359. N Ia, the, i. 402, and note. Nard, i. 232. Nationa, tho number os, L 443.

Natum m Maea an adaptation for

Numbere, tho mysticia meaning in the proportiona os, ii. 352, ein Numenius quoted, i. 449. Nymphodoma quoted, i. 424.



Olivo, ins .ild, ii. 372, 373.

Oraeses of divination, i. 26, 27. Orgies, tho Bacchic, i. 27 ; derivationos the mord, ibid.; fuit os impostureand quac V, 28 ; of tho Corybantea, M. Ornamentation, tho, of tho body, i. 276, etc.; When permitted, al6. Ornamenta, i. 256 ; Oxo alvo fondnoas

ing, 267 ; tho truo and the falae, 268, 269, 27l ; Ariatophanea' cat logus, 269, 270; the love of, 273, etc. Orpheus, i. is; quoted, 30, 3l, 73;ii. 248, 267, 292, 293, 294, 296.

Osiraphia, i. 54. Osiris. i. M. Ox, tho, and tho bear d-uing ω-gether, ii. 333. Ox, the, and tho Ma sorbiddon to Myoked together, ii. 55, M. 'Oψοφαγία, I. 194. Pactolus, the. i. M. Paedagogus, the, a Pruer ω, i. 342;

Parabolio solo of Scripture, tho, ii. 37s. Parmenides, tho Eleatio, quotod, ii 256, 287, 300. Pasaions. the, ii. 37 ; ho. oauod by Basilidos. 64 ; to M aubduod, 66, 67 : ins truo Gnostio Deo iram, 346.

470; ii. 326, 379, 380.

Peter, tho atory of hia Wila'a martyr-dom, ii. 451, 452. Potulantia, i. 247. Ρhalloi, i. 41. Phanothea, i. 404. Phemonoe, i. 424. Pherecrates, the comio mei, quoted, ii. 427.

Philosophicia inmisy, ita Objeci, ii.




Pillar a fim, the, i. 458. Pindar quoted, i. 37, 323, 383. 420, 424, 470; ii. 162, 282, 295, 299.

Pit, omning a, ii. 253. Pitch plastem to eradicato hiar, cenaured, ii. 284, 285, 287. Pittacus, hing of Miletus, i. 3II. Plagiariama, tho, of tho Greelia, immtho Hebre a, ii. 274, etc.; from oneanother, 304, etc. Planta and animata, ii. 497. Pinators of pitch to eradicato hala, i.

284, 285, 287.

6s, 70, 7I, I98, 248, 254, 3I4, 378, 382, 386, 395, 396, 397, 4I4, 443, 469 ; ii. I 3, I4, 68, si, κ, π, 147, Iol, l63, 226, 230, 231, 252, 260, 266, 267, 271, 275, 276, 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 297, 2M.

doctrine os certain heretica revect-ing, ibid.Prvor and pratio ine Mat aacrifices, ii. 426, etc. Ρraxiphanes, i. 404. Ρraxitelea, i. 50. Prerataing, the, of riter, referrod to

380. Presbyteri Who is a truo ii. 365. Procreatione liberorum, de, L 244,


Prodicus, the Ceian sophiat, his doli.

neation ol vice and virtuo, i. reo.

forma os expreasion, 380.

Proserpine, i. 27. Prosymnus, i. 4I. Proteus, i. 273.

306, 307.