장음표시 사용
VOS scitis, optimi et venerandi Sace
dotes, quid dixerit Deus noster et aeternus Rex Iesus: ΡΙlle solus, qui perseVeraVerit usque in finem, salvus erit. Quid prodesset igitur nobis coepiSSe, Si ad culmen non perveniremus 3 Misimus manum ad aratrum, ne reSpiciamus retro; sed Deo gratias agentes, qui eripuit nos de potestate tenebrarum, et transtulit in regnum Filii dilectionis Suae. Oremus, ut qui coepit in nobis OPuS bonum, perficiat usque in diem Christi Iesu; et ejus, qui erga noS adeo dives est in misericordia, gratiae COOPeranteS, cum metu et tremore Salutem noStram perficiamus. Iusti adhuc justificemur; sancti adhuc sanctificemur, ne cum aliis praedicaverimus, ipsi reprobi
ossiciamur. Videamus ergo, et CaVeamuS, ne aurum templi obscuretur, ne color opti-mUS mutetur, ne lapides sanctuarii dispersi virtutis formam amittant. Idcirco liceat mediocritati meae, Fratres optimi et venerandi, leve hoc opus, Memoriale
tations, nor the inclination to peruse thevoluminous tomes that have been more recently published. I am quite conscious that many of the crisp, concise Latin sentences may have suffered some-what in the translation; but Ι hope, however, that sussicient of the beauty os the original casket has been preservedio attraci attention to the jewels Within. Such as it is, Ι offer it to my brotherpriesis, hoping that it may proVe an assistance to them in more salthfully ful-filling the duties of their ministry and in Walhing more closely in the footsteps of our Divine Modet. Besore bringing to a close this bries foreword, Ι wish to express my gratitudeto Rev. Father ΚuenZel, of Dubuque,
the priesthood, that thou destrest a good work. Sublime is the dignity to whichthou aspirest; but take care, for great also is the ruin to which this tosty dignity
thou mayest be attracted towatas this holy state, do not presume to take to thy-self the honor unless thou be called by
By these means, my son, shali thou beable to know my will and discern thy
For this reason many have entered mySanctuary, only to their own min. Is, howeVer, after mature conSideration thou perceivest that from those graver Sing that are repugnant to the