장음표시 사용
become Perfeci. nou ari a priest; thou inouldst pray, examine thy conscience, administer thesacramenis, read thine ossice, say Μass.
Do this perfectW and thou inali be
Ιf thou strivest in attain perfection, perfection inali be reputed to thee. Is neveriheless thou fallest, ii thoumatast less progress than thou destrest, do not be discouraged. Not to have found thyself perfect for theo Will be perfection. Diligently consider the obstacles Whicli prevent thee from adVancing and making progreSS. RemoVe thew. See What is the origin os thy Vices, of thine imperfections, for they alWayS have some radical SOurce. Behold Goliath; slay him and thouhast conquered. nat is to say, grue allthine attention to eradicating this capital
but dust and aSheS.I know, O Loes, stat thou ari not anaccePter os persons, that in thy sight there is neister barbarian nor Stranger, Grea nor Scythian, male nor male. I know that ali are but one in Christ Iesus. Why, theretare, ari thou more incensed against an offending priestZ
me there is no acceptance of Pemons; neither the ricli more than the pοοr, theking more than the subjeci, the wise man
sin and the devii himself to her Divine Consori. O iniqui exceeding great in in strati Great was the crime of the I-s Who demandia my death and laid violent