장음표시 사용
thee thyseis, O my God, have been
So it is, my son, I have chosen theesrom the world; I have separatia theefrom the world; I have been male theportion os thine inheritance and of thychalim. nou ari in the worid, but noWthou must not be of the worid.
thyself to the management of heavenlythings; let thy conversation be in heaven. I have lest thee on earin among men, it is true; but for What purpi se8 Listen, my son: that thou fhouldst fave them, that thou fhouldst enkindie my love in them, that thou fhouldst enricli them With my grace and draw them Mith theeto heavenly thingS. Inou art, it is true, On earth, but thouart of heaven, thou belongest to heaven; in truth thou must be the heaven os fouis; for just as the earili is made to flourishand to bear fruit through the rain from heaven, so through thee fouis live andare datly made more Perfeci. Be therefore to them a tosty heaven bycontemplation, a Spactous heaven by
I protected Abraham in Chaldea, Ioseph in Egypt, Lot in Sodom, Iob in
St. Charses Borromeo, St. Francis os Sales, St. Vincent de Paul, and innumerabis othere Who noW rejoice in mygio , I have sanctified in the midst of
Consideri my son, that I have Willed that ad these in the midst os a perve enation should become perfeci, that thoumayst leam stat no one, no matter Whathis vocation may be, should become dis-
M of good heari, therelare, my Son do What in thee lies, and I Will supply, direct and Perfeci.
love and by Ioving thou Wili mino progress and be me persecti Feed my sheep; in doing so thou Willimitate the mod pastor, Iesus, my Mn. They indoed are perfected and Pr destined whom Ι have foreknown in beconformabie in his image.
Ηunger and thirsi aster justice a thou inalt have thy fili; be a man os destres and the spirit os Wisdom Will