장음표시 사용
that salvation may come to it. Do thisdatly in commemoration os me. ConSider, my son, the exampla os mysainis Whose lives Were resplendent With
What Messings did they noe procure for just and sinners throui that datly Sacrificet What graces and helps did they not
dence, compaSs my altar. Receive andeat; receive and drink: Ι will remain in thee and thou in me. Is sometimes, my gon, through neceS-sity or out os reverence thou abstainest hom offering the moming Sacrifice, dones neglect to assist at Mass is it bepossibie, after the manner os the pioussaithsul and to make a spiritual communion. Τhus thou inali not lose the
daily, thus betray and crucise mel Datly the proud, me voluptuous, thedissolute, the avaricious, and those milty of other crimes, approacti my
Let a royal guest-chamber be prepared for the Κing who is expected, a richapariment for the Friend who is comingio visit thee. I, my son, am thy gentie Κing, thyBeloved that laeds among the lities. Iam thy God whom the heaven of heavensis unworthy to contain. Wheresore, the more I humbie myseissor love of thee by descending to thynothingness, the more shouldst thouarouse thyseis to ascend in spirit. Freedom from sin is not enough, theresore by devout recollection enrich
Come, and like the iust Abel, offeriny gist With a right intention. Τhus thy holocaust inali be sat. ItWill ove Hory to the Faster, honor to