장음표시 사용
that thou ari the commander and guide of thy flock. Rou must not oesy cheriinthem but rule them, and for that reason
Sometimes correct and chastise them.
thou mayst obta in the PromiSe. nerelare thou must in patience run
Truly the Ilia os a Christian, is he
But he, by his evit example, cauwS myservanis to forget their allegiance to me, induces them to desert my standard, andenrolis them in the service of the devit. Hence the amy of Satan, my enemy, strengthened and augmented, riges upand fictis more boldly against me. Moreover, that wiched priest conspires with them against Christ, my Son snatches from him his trophies and robshim of his victOry. Iesus has cast out the prince of this Worid, but the bad priest permits the prince of this Worid to rule over those Whom he has drawn into sin by his scandalS. Iesus made his Church immaculate,