장음표시 사용
at thou mightst he the servant of ali and minister to ait; not that thoumightsi occupy the first seais in the synagogue. What didst thou say on entering mysanctuary8 Was it not this, my Son: The Lord is the portion os mine inherit- ance and my CuP. Is the Lord, therefore, is the portionos stine inheritance, it is not glory nor honor nor dominion. But, my son, Satan, the old Serpent, 339
is not yet dead; he stili comes among my children and, since he knows that theroot os ali evit is cupidity and pride, hestrives in every possibie Way to arouse in my priesis a destre for glory and
est positions. seehing the influence offriends in high places, running about and moving heaven and earth that they may attain to the position stat they covet. They forget that the true disciple does not chooso the position but is chosen fortite position by the Lord, does not presume to lata to himself the honor unlessho bo called by God as Aaron waS.
Oh, the wichedness of their destres loli, the blindness and hardness of theirheartsi Wey wish to be greater thanali and lower than none, to rule ali anilio be subject to no one, to dominate alland to minister to none. I hey seeli thethings that are their own, not the thingsthat are Iesus Christ's. Oh, what vanity it is to thus Tun after honors and elevate themselves to a lito
Surely, my care for thee far ou eiis ali the anxious solicitude that thou mayst devote to thy welfare.