An epitome of the priestly life

발행: 1921년

분량: 444페이지


분류: 미분류


washing it in his biood; the members of that Church the wiched priest, by his

scandals, solis and corruptS. a more, my son; the scandals os apriest even stir up contumely and rebellion against the spirit os grace. I have infused my Spirit into my Sonsos adoption that he might remain withthem, but they, imitating the crimes of the priest, rejeci and cast out by their



bringest upon the sacred ministry the contempt of thy floch, mahest them eager for the service of idols and confirmest them in their avarice. Woe to thee who without necessity

vanitieS. Woe to thee who hast the reputation

llabiis thou renderest void, as far as in thee lies, the law of penanee, and by thine excesses thou dost justify intemper- ance and living according to the flesb. e to thee who dost not hesitate tosing love songs at social gatherings or toapplaud the singeri By thy conduci thou


givest rein to ali manner os lascivious




certain stiss-necked and impenitent sin-ner, but is in doing so in the presen os a certain person thou inouldst in khim by the appearance of anger, do notdo it; wait for another occaSion. Certain exercises a re held in thechurch at whicli thou ari not bound to bepresent, but is the peopte come' and someone might be disedisied by thine absence, do not scandalige him by staying away. In ali inings be prudent that thoumayst not scandaliete one of my litile


much as mentioned by thee, as becomes


the way os corruption. Sodom and Gomorrha have been madean example os the eternat si re prepared for thee is thou allowest thy heari toburn wissi impure flames. But who ari thou, my Son 3 nou artcalled a saint, thou ari faid to be strongin Viriue, thou ari reputed to be wise; but what is in thy heari and in thy secretthoughis; what dost thou do in private 3 Chastity is eastly lost unless the great- est vigilance be exercised in preSerV

ing it.

How, therefore, dost thou act in timesos temptation 8 Dost thou rejeci evilthoughis and subdue impure destres ΤΗast thou made a covenant so that thou fhouldst not so much as think upona Virgin; or, on the contrary, dost thousreely gage upon young Women and take satisfaction in admiring their beauty3Dost thou abhor the society and con-


O in son, have a care to thyseis. ne Davids, the Samsons and the Solomons have fallen.
