An epitome of the priestly life

발행: 1921년

분량: 444페이지


분류: 미분류


Then many of thine actions, whicli a another time appeared to thee right and good, thou Wili perceive to be evit. In many of them thou Wili recogniZethe concupiscence of the flesli, the con- PiScence of the eyes, the pride of lila, or at least the impulse of nature; in feW





forth a neW determination is prepare forit, not in the future but noW and in

At one time thou ari called is administer the last sacraments to a sicli man, at another to assist a dying Person, atanother to bury the dead or to say Μassfor the repose of their fouis. Is the bell rings it announ S a funerat, is thou openest thy breviam tosay the ossice, the prayers for the departed stare theo in the face, is thou



celebratest Mass thou ma Si a commemoration for the dead. In a Word, death Ger presenis iiselfio thee; I have so decreed: and why3BecauSe, since on account of thine e alted position thou ari more exposed todangere than others, and since it is thus necessary for thee to attend more frequently to thy last end, I have wished that there inould be for thee in thy


Dost thou Will, my son, to observe this commandment that Ι have so osten in sisted upon 8 Dost thou Wish to conquerthine evit nature ever drawing theo

hour When the elements and the entiro universe dissolved in flames inali crumhle to naught. Picture to thyself in thine innermostfoui that thou already seest terribie simn in the sun and in the moon and in thesiars; that amid the din of earlhquakes and the confusion of the roaring of thosea thou hearest the found of the last
