A copious Latin grammar, tr., with alterations, notes and additions by G. Walker

발행: 1825년

분량: 528페이지

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, In the propositions whic are used adverbialty it is necessarnis distinguis Wit care the case Whichaheygovem a prepositioiis stoin the case Whiel sol Wsinem as adverbs. Ρ. 25l. Conjunctions arma particula hin os alveins s called hecause thendetermine the connexionoi sentences : ut a some of them are also used asmere adverta, there is a great dissere e os opimon ast their number. P. 257. Since linguagesis the expressionis humanthought it must contain simple an unisor means os expressing the fame modiscations of thought. Thechanges in deciensio an conjugation are meant io

express the different relations osnouns and vertisci there Will therei Orei in them in analog O means forino

complisianistis end. The varieties Whiel aris areeither rom an attemptri effect the change proposia Without destroying harmonicus found o stom solio ing the analog os a disserent deciensionor conjugation suggested by some apparent resemblance, o to distin guish Word Which would oster vise e Mike Sincesuc varieties do exist, it Wouldae,mniin instances os an a malous hinest suppos an obsolet but an logical theme. P. 258. very word has an origines an inuari lesense, Whicli it is mos iniportant to know. From this primitive an original sense the secondary and figurasetive senses are derived. His sense musti Aund wSeparatin compo unc Word into theu simple paris; tracing derivative mordit their rootan and resolving


Since the Latin and Gree ars distinctaranelies of the sam origina language, the sense os a LMin Word musto in tracta stomabe Greeh. The original and essentialiaris os spem in very language, as has bee Hready observed are the Munand ver the nou is the me of any simple Or Omplex decor notion the ver is the w d by hichthe in expresses usci gement pon iste ideas, whichahe nou denotes. The other paris os speechare derived Dom these, an are abridged modes of expressing the fame meaning Whicli might be expressed more at tengin by them. his truth lam iste princi

i as a discover of his omnithough it seems indicated by the names mi M and Φια, nomen and verbum, is implied in Aristocle, beatis ' μηνείας has alWaysbeen the thoornos the Orienta grammarians, an in later times sorms the basis os Hoogeueen, WOrcon the Gree particles. P. 283 Though qui is osten used without an antecedent pronomina adjective, ita proper antecedent is ea, id, c. Whic Word osten occum neari in thesense of the Englis Misaite article. P. 347. The proper En isti genitive is semed by

the additio of to the nominative, R CEBSar, Cae Sars:

in the expression os Caesar, Caesar is the accusative se the semer of these expression a Wers to the Latin genitive, used actively. P. 20. he vriters of the Port-Royal Latin Gramma contend that mea, tua, &c., aster interest, reseri, are


addi in and Mes.seminine singula ablatives, agreeing missi gratia orcausa underetood, and govemed by in inderet d. In proos of it themallege the solioWing passages Vtrumve veniat, nec ne nihil in re eat neci, Plauti: Si in re ea utrique ut fiant, arcessi iube, Ter Andri 3 3 : Etiam dotatis soleo. C. quid nostra ' h. nihil, er in Phorm. me istuc nihil refert, tu refert gratia, Plauti