장음표시 사용
Me. Boniani pest inlaetitisque
Aspersus Hor. TMά. me novitate cibi, nec labi emporis ilia Lucreti
I sis Cum lapidi lapidem teriarnis.
Accidere. Idem. M . Aut pie cum molli, nitrum sultu et acetum Seren. Mirui alio eum in Vario I. R.R. .horo some howeve resid, fg sacta.
Monsi, Fonti. Vossius quotes bem both in Varro Bucon the contraryVarro condemn them, whiel, ossius do tot seem in have sumetens observed. It is in theram book do L. L. n. 64. cliere intendinito ino. that an erronem custom does notis au maho against in triam os analoga , he susinat Whoe ver mavos me otio Momui an me Fonti, whera thera read me Monte an me Forue, an in lucri iesi are sat two ways, ono true, ine
o tho author Diorosor Charisius cho es minoriosa mugile Andine oicis aut in tho genitive phum in Itallam thapter of Hiny, he has mugitum and no mugi uim Nari Nari stacta ad Andrum
Uectus est. Ter. Quo enim tibi navi opus sui, Cie. Ame At media Mnestheus incedens navo per ipsos.
miris in Priscian, hut Without a uiori moeri u occipiti caeco posticae o
currite sannae Pera. Oecipiti calvo es Auson.
orbi. Pectora, terrariun tu in orid sancta tuetur. Lucret a limbiriuri
uses it aqua stigi et oibi ligneo. s. de
R. R. c. s. in orbi mundo ostendum, c. Is and si liko. Oricis admitte hy Charis and Prie. in Vario achnoMedges that theycommovi sat wit ut a misi e Nior Oue, in or Ave. Parii. - loquitur domo et dein imea. Plauti
Andri Lucretius Wo osten meet withiu me rearit evenis Cicero Pinim centur in una in rati ut ossim
road Pario admis sntiar in unam:
very likel Minus in Mere M opinionita parti Wasio med. Huic lapisquo do dextro minis, repagula posti. O M. Pin. Tum poste es o Lucan. Ruri maris. riseisine or rufi, to
Seml: Ex segeti vellito ebul Reuiam, Re Cato de R. R. Mi Visceribus caecis, 'ope V, sortique sepultis Meret. Sorti rti sum victus Plaut. Mercini occum frequently in the Florentine Pandecta. It is also in Arelatus aecordinito Seioppriam miserit In i munera e s pellectili C. Venis Cic. Recti. In medium hueagineum'
P. 88. Gre e notans in m follo the Gree deciem sic, in the plures, a meli as in the singulis, a Pluri N. Erinnys M. P. 93. Du and ambo sem is have been somptimes indeclinetibi in the nom. and am, and herice are used even for the seminine. Ρ. 96. Adjectives in are os ne terminationias Arpinas, cujas c. potis an pote ere somelime used in allis endersci though Properi potis is masc. an sem. Pote neut. Sometimes substantives are sed adjectively, and then have the variations os adjectives. Some substam lives have different terminations sor incli gender; 'rex, regina coluber, colubra c.
fame principie Was sol med in the higher numbers. The Roman As libra oriound consiste os metve
os a nou substantive, ut neve agrees With one. Hen e liere are non but the substantive or personalpronoum and the relative, Whic is a persona pro unos the fame person, oesy When a persona promuncis iis antecedent. What are somelimes called adjective pronouns, are meres nouns adjective, Wit a substantive either expresse or unde lata. From this it appears that here are but minominative pronouiis in Latin ego, tu andiu three allagether, ego tu, sui together Wissi qui, When one os theseir nouncis iis antecedent an filiat in Englis iliore arethree, thou he wgether v Illi ho ma Se and sem .,
ich, neut alWays a persona pronoun; Whils Mich, os alliendere, is alWays an adjective. P. 116. i, the vocative os meus, is a contractionfromisio, the vocative os ille obsolet mitis It was used
somelimes in the feminine. Miris also ometimes aplures vocative se mei. Μis and tis are ancient genitives Os ego tu. Ηs was anciently the neut plur Ar haec. P. I 18. si formerly madecim lar eum ibus, abus, se eis se gen sem sor eius. P. 119. Quis Was originali os ali gendera si hopolis, magis, Satis, nimis originali alectives of estgender'. Qui and quis Were anciently declivied without ebanging theq; a quoius sex cuius, quoi sor cui,
A-- and ores. 48lWheneo quo in the ablative, Whic is inmolinies almused asin datives hince ais,qui in the ablative, Whichis os alliendera. Quis, ancienti made ques in the pluraliwhence quibus but stom qui quela or quis The accusative pluria neuter Was somelimes qua instead os quas. Quo eo, illo, Were anciently used a neuter plures
accusativo. P. 126. o the neuter passives e may d, hoeta tus sum, cere moestus sum iuro iuravi and iuratus
sum, confido confidi an confisus sum, di an osus
P. 127. o the neutra passive add, liceo, is bepriete o valued liceor, is oster a price fio. Me eis. A the author, account of the ver contain many particulara, common to mos grammars o peculiar tohimself, Whic appea to me erroneous, it illiso hesupernuous On the present occasion lative a more emlarge explanation os myown inquiries in his subjeet Is an partis it should seem to differrio much Domthe received opinion, the difference has not arisen Domahe destre os novelm bucis the resul es patient indi aruat examination. --.
Itinould be remembered, thatine hole anangementand divIsion of the part of speech, and speciali os in verb, Was formini a barbamus age, and underii cumstances litue murable to sues an analysis that
adduibus und Not s. it has ister continuodHown to iste present age wiuiout alteration or is an alteration has been mado, it hasbeen chieli in the grammars of modem lan ages, With a want os attention to genera principies, and osten
though the principies os language must be nearly invari te, there has arisen ste signa inconvenience, that in grammam os in Ensisti, Latin and reo lamguages are ver different in thei division and terms: thatthei mutuat corresponderace has notbeendistinctly stated and that the leamer has been consoundod wista multiplicationis names, sometimes inadequate, und
In explaining m opinion os the Latin ver I shall, theresere, parti explain both the insisti and the
p uages Wil much confirm the accurae of an distinctio applied to them, and their eo arisin Will illus trate them MLIt is mucii tote ished that elementar grant marsos languages in generat shouldie formed on common principies, and explesne in common te s so thatine immer might be saved the embarrassinent Whicharises rom so man Varieties.
In considering the ver I shal baret nam in epans umes ita I have no particular observation. The ver is ste parcos speec by winta the sirem
prellescit, udgemmi o=ὶ pergon or thius of which thenotin is thes me. In the ver We consider ita conjug tion, i. e. voice, mode, ense, number, person Alii se
distinctions are indicate by alterations os the vem, which, as mellis ille different changes in ste deciem flans os substantives t expres gender, number, undeme, Nereanthe early grammarians called cases. Verbs have seu conjugations, as in Greek One simple three contracted. Verbs have two voices the active an passive butoriginalty in the Gree an Latin linguages the fomand the semesos the voices does no seem to have been distinguishe wit sussicient accura . ence in Greeh, What is called the middie sense, i. e. a reflected sense, Whic osten coincides missi the active masse haps the original, and alWays remuine a Common senSe of the passive forme and in Latin, have deponendi missi a passive formand active sense and the partiebple in dus, and the verbal substantive hom the passive participi in us are osten used in an active sense. Activo verbs, hic tae an accusative case, recalled transitive; iners intransitive neuter. Verbs have three persona modes the indicative, the subjunctive or conjunctive, the imperative. The
indicative assert gomethiilias a definite fac o trulli:
The subjunctive assumes it a contingent pon theseelius os the indri or something externat; and hince dependent pon the principes verb, or reciprocali d pendent The imperative commands, or earnestinem
There is not in anni mage an optative or pote sal mode distinc sto the subjunctive: hacare οcalled are ni peculiarissage os e subjunctive. 2 12
For instance, the optative is the subjunctive Pasti a contingent hypothetica sentence, missi the correspond- inimiditiones sente ei erat 1 hinc in Gureait is alway used without What is calle th ογtative latur is the indicative siture past; and theother enses saida be os the optative mode aro the Past tenseco the subjunctive. There Me two impersiain modes iste infinitive, whic combines the govemment of the ver With the constructio of the nou substantive and the participis, whicli combines the Duemment os iste ver Withthe constructi ut os the nou adjective ille may becialed the verbis mode substantive, and verbi mode adjectiis.
pressed in English, but are variousi desective and w'plied in Gher languages. The indicativo has ali the tenses the subjunctive cannot have a sutures me imperative either futureno past the infinitive and participi have the samosorm so the present and past.
By the termination es a ver, inderetand the part ita is alterod in conjugming by the penultima, ille syllabie belare the termination.
The simple conjugiatio has the indicative presentina orao the infinitive present in ere. The irs contracted has o io af, are the secondes, ere the stir in ire. Theprincipat tenses are those Whicli cannot beknownto exist bucis authority, and irom them the secondaryienses are formed, Whichma alvus M supposta, Whenthe principat areano . The principes tenses in Latin are ille indicative pro sent imperfeci and preMnt Perfeci, and the P Sive Pa . ticipi present persere. These tenses are forme Wissi much apparent irre, gularity which, however, so the mos part may be, duce to a se principies. Fornislion of the Indicative Present Perfeci. I. , or iste termination is changed into id I. it the penultima unchanged 2. With the vowel os ille penultima changed and leuthened, and ita fines consonant omitte or trans- posed. 3. Wit tho vowel of the penultima changediu notleutheneri the final consonanis omitted, andri iurat consonant an vo et ori, si Med II. Die termination is changed into st: I. illi the precediniconsonant unctanged. 2. mitted orichanged into A especiali is a dental
3. Coalescing Into X, is a guttura mula..
III o, o the tertiunation is change into vi I. Is a voWel precedes τι icis tengthened. 2. Is a consonant, iris changed into M. I. arid ΙΙ are mos usual With simple verbs IIL,ith contracte V M. The generat intention seems to belliat os distinguishing the perfect is tengtheninio changing the penul
Foreuuion of the Passi iam Ula Perfecit. It is sorine stom the indicative present persect byadianitus: I. With the originalio et os the penultima est ed. 2. With the reduplication rejected. b. uorti formative is omitted. 4. Dis omitted and is a vowel precede, it is lingit,
5. Ista dental mute precede, it coalesces Witha intosso is preceded by a long omel, into a. te The principaliaris os verbs in sco are Brinedas is Mere omitted in the present A lis os irregular verbiis ive in the Grammariandrit, id be superfluous to repeat it othemis memight easit arrange the verbs upo these princiPles, and shoWahat the anomalles are seW. The mam naturassy accounted Ariona o principies: l Sometimes verbs seem anomalous becausea is principaliaris arei med Mon the analog os inmeimagine PreSent.