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THE ex o Catullus no offere to the publicis based in the main o the edition os rosessor Robinson Ellis, rom hicli mos of m informatio is drawn, an to hicli I destre to acknowledge m indeblednes in the fullest manner.
Phad attars intende to dis play at the oot of the
page the passages here my readin differs Domitiat fallis, ut his a Mund o b unsui table tolli plani the book have there re referre tollis ex in m critica notes ver frequently, and I hope that Phave expresse myrachnowledgmentato him illi sussicient fulness. have gi ven on p. xxv a lis of the thereditions hich have been o service to me. I destreto Xpres here my thanks to m colleague, r. Starkie, for advice a to certain readings, an to Messrs R. an R. Clarh for the care illi hichthe have ea in prOOD. A. P.
In his resume resulis ni are givem the mos probabi theories, a the seem to the editor, are adopte without discussion of the arguments on hic the are based, or examinationis riva theories. For the purposes of fuit inquir the Englis reader hould consultΕllis' Protegomen to both his volumes : Munro' Criticism and Elucidations of Catullus : an Teumel' Histor o Roman Literature, Ed 2, Ol. i. p. 39 sqq. with the long lis of authorities there given. The praenomen Quintus T salven to Catullus in many of the later mss. a D and P. The olde nass. G an O ive no praenomen Gaius est o the authorit o Apuleius A l. I and of Suetonius Frag. De Poetis in Jero me' Chronicia Ol. clxxiii. E. Q. Sed to e rea in Plin H. N. 7. I, ut is no in the es mss. fScaligem conjecture Quinte for qui te in xvII. I were satisfactor Onother grounds, it ouldae an argument in favour os uintus but it oesno satisf the passage Gaius has the ni testimon o any eight in iis favour an it seem strange that x. 3 has no been pressedinto the service in favour o Gaius : meus sod is Cinna est Gaius, is sibi
paravit. It would adii some o in is Catullus excuses himself for his sit by the fac that his frien d ad the fame praenomen as himself. It' no Gaius Catullus Umeant: itys Gaius Cinna. Else hy the
emphati positionis Gaius Why userit at aliq
HA CATULLUS bor abo ut the ear L B.α, an die abo ut PB.C. He was a native of Verona, and probabi Celtic lood flowed in his ve in s. His athe was a man o suchwealth an position a to e a persona frien andenteriai ne of the reat Julius Caesar. He ad onebrother, hos early death ne a Troy iunge hi in the de epestarie L He added a thorough literar education to the mos splendi gi's. When a boui the age of twenty-si h obtained an appotnimentis the stasso C. Memmius, propraetor o Bithynia. His clites di no allo him an opportunit of enrichin himself, and Catullus vented his spleen and di sappotniment
in ery utSpohen verses. He returne to his villa atio vel Sirmio ext ear, and the res of his life aspas sed et e en Rome Verona Sirmio, an a far at Tibur He was a man o independent means, ut osten in monetar dissi culti est in to his extravagance.
The ost-quoted statements of Jerome in the Eusebia Chronicie: Ol. I73 2 m 87 .C. Gaius Valerius Catullus scribtor lyricus Veronae nascitur': Ol. I 8o 3 48 B.C. Catullus xxx aetatis anno Romae moritur.' A there are an allusion in Catullus to evenis after 584.C. see especialty v. 64 CXII14 LIIIA XI. 9M XXIX. Ia), the lalterdate is certaint wrong. The early age at hicli Catullus a cuto impresse itfel strongly on the ind of his contemporaries, Ovid Am. . . I Obvius huic venias hedera iuvenalia cinctus Tempora cum Calvo, docte Catulle, tuo.
Probabi the statemen that he die in his hirtiet yea was a true tradition. Ver likel Jerome is ustisne olympiad wron a to thedates of both birth and eath.
Suetonius Iul. V Valerium Catullum a quo sibi versiculis de Mamurra perpetua stigmata imposita non dissimulaverat satisfacientem eadem die adhibuit cenae, hospitioque patris eius sicut consuerat uti perseveraVit.
INTRODUCTION ix He occupied a prominent position in the mos fas hion- able iterar circle of the day. He was the intimate frien o C. Licinius Calvus, poet an orator o C. Helvius Cinna, author of the poem Zmyrna, on hic hii laboured for ni ne ear o Cornelius Nepos, towhomo dedicate his poem of Asinius Pollio, thewarrior dramatist, orator, an historian who live tob addresse by Horace of Cicero, hom he ad-dresse a an admirer, on equat term a regard station
of the witi an ac complis hed M. Caelius Rufus, Cicero' client an correspondent, ho supplanted hi in Lesbia' affections of Alfenus Varus os Cremona, ho howed imself to e ungrate fui in Catullus' hou of need Besides these e mentions Veranius an Fabullus as his fas friends Caelius and Quintius of Verona ; Caecilius, author os a poemon the rea Mother Cornificius, the poeta Manlius Torquatus an his iis uni Aurunculeia
Hortalus or Ortalus, perhaps the orator Hortensius
vitii his in head Libo and Fuficius illi thei dis-gustin habit L Arrius illi his superfluous aspirates ;
L. Manlius Torquatus, the friendis Cicero, the defender of the Epicurea Philosoph in the De Finibus. Schwabe, Quaestiones, p. 3 O-3 ro p. 69.
M CATULLUS Aemilius, Cominius, Victius, Naso, Aufilena, and Tappo, false friend Rufus, has Gellius, are handed down to animmortalit os infam in verses ome of hicli, liheth attach o Cominius an Gellius have o parallelin literatur for fierce and fran invective. An thehigher the gam the more Catullus love to ursu it.
He lies fearlessi a Caesar in the idst os ali his
greatnessa at his favourite Mamurra, lio came ach
fur by the literar pretension o inferior riters, hosucce ede undeservedi in inning the popula favour. To them e lio edis mercy, and has e nrolle a in Duncia the ames of Volusius the annalist, illi his cacata sarta of the pedant Sulla : of Sestius thewOuld-be orator, hos style a so frigid that it gave Catullus a coly o Caesius and Aquinus, boveat Suffenus, hos styles ere o many OiSonS:
Mamurra About 6 B.C. he ad the ac quaintance
of the motorious Clodia, sister of lublius Clodius
Perhaps the neares approach is the Epitaphis Francis Chartres attributexto Arbuthnot. That Lesbia was a seudonym for Clodia est o the expresstestimon o Apuleius, Apol. Eadem opera accusent C. Catullum quod Lesbiam pro Clodia nominarit here is absolutet nothinii the
INTRODUCTION xi Pulcher, and wi se of Q. Metellus Celer. he wasone of the most o veris and ea uti fui adies in Rome he had magnificent burning yes. Sh lived for the gratificatio of her destres Her ulteri ab an- done profligac is atteste by Catullus himself, by Cicero, and by Caelius . he had overs by the score.*Her crimina affectio for e brother ubi ius as notorious furnis hed Cicero illi materia forcio hes
poem inconsistent it this statemente ut circumstance aster circumstance corroborative of it in the stronges degree: the verystrongestaeing the LXXIXth poem VSS. I, 2. sagrantes oculos, Cic. Har. Resp. 8. 38 βοωπις, Cic. Att. . . The oratio for Caelius is the ource of mos of what, knowagainst Clodia, and very ordis it is confirmator of what, learno her rom Catullus. See speciali I 3. 32 IS. 36; 6 38 Izo. 49 P quote byallis, Prol. Vol. i. p. 66, note. Cic. Att. E. I. s. Cic. pro Cael. 4. O. At an rateae contrived that Catullus hould have a ous tomeet Lesbia at. Whether that ous was his own and it mistress his iis, o the ouse of some ad friend with hom he had influence, is no clear Phol the Ialter view. Acher the lovers ere of her quarret, it Caelius Cic. Gel. s. suberat simultas, extincta erat consuetudo, discidium
xii CATULLUS si xtti poems, hich have no rival in literatur ancientor modern There as a reconciliation o a fori, but probabi litti came of the old fire had burneditself ut, o her fide at east. Catullus a no in fallin healthci his il life and fierce passion, as ellas his Ver-burning genius, consume his strength, and
Catullus himself alis his metre XII. OG XLII. I), consist in iis norma formo a sponde e dactyl, and
Catullus admitte also an iambus oro troche in the firs o : Martia never of the fori poems writteni hendecasyllabios, evente en re of the ooSer Structu re rute hen ne Variation occurs severa do. Thus in xxxΠ, hici consist os leve lines, fourbegin illi iambi, ne illi a troche : ut in x notone of thirty- ur lines varies Do the norma structure This hows that it is notin matteris indifference, an in stablishing the readin o a hendecasyllabicregar must be ad to the fac whether the poem is in the oos o norma structu re For instance in XII, whicli consist os sevente en Verses, it is an argument