Catulli Veronensis liber;

발행: 1896년

분량: 177페이지


분류: 미분류


INTRODUCTION xiii against both Disertus and Munro' Ducentum in the 9th verse that ali the ther lines in the poem eginwit sponde CS. The metre of the hendecasyllabi is the fame a that of the irst two lines of the re et scolia

an occasionali find iis a into tragic chora odes. It is ome times calle the halaecia fio it inventor Phalaecus, hos date is uncertain. The fifty-fifth poem varies idely Do the normalform in that it admit a sponde in the secon Dot.

Oramus si forte non molestum St.

In these cases the rst Do is also a sponde e It is supposed by severa editor that in his poem the lines have sponde es an dactyl alternat et in the second ot This demand considerable alteratio of the mss. As a genera rule the dactyl or the ex syllabie

into aude is no lihely.

ii.-Iambi Trimeters Three poems are in Iambi trimeter IV XXIX, LII. O these the rst two re in pure iambici forXXIX. O 23 are certaini corrupi There is no line i thout a good caesura, after ei ther the fifth or eventhlialf- Ο in most illi both in severat illi more caesuras. LII differs ni in that it admit a spondee twice in the hird oot.


Miser Catulle, desinas ineptire.

He tways has an iambus in the fifth Dot, as et asin the secon and Durthri therein conformin to astricter rule than the Gree master Hipponax and Herondas, both of ho Deel admitte spondeos in the fifth Dot. Varro, ho probabi firs wrole Scazonsat Rome also admitte spondees in the fifth Dot asSat. Men. p. 22 Riese

Donec foras nos intus Vallaverunt.

Catullus has a dactyl in the first Do onc xxxvII. D in the hird oot once Ix L and a tribrach in the secondseo once XXII. 9. He has synaphe o hypermeter tWice XXXI. I XXXuH. I both times que is elidedae reth nex line This metre was ver popular with Catullus an his schoolci the 'cantores Euphorionis a Cicero Calis them Tusc. 3. I9. 3. Licinius Calvus, the friendos Catullus, rote scazon ; ne line has come down tous fro the Hipponacteum praeconium, a Cicero caliscit, in hic hae ut Tigellius Sardus p to auction

Sardi Tigelli putidum caput venit.

An d his frien d Helvius Cinna has test us nother

Somniculosam ut Poenus aspidem Psyllus.

iv.-Iambis Tetrameter Catalectis This metro is sed in xxv nly:

Cinaede Thalle, mollior cuniculi capillo.


INTRODUCTION xv The second Durth, and si xth feet re always pure iambici no instance of a sponde in the thir occurs, though do ubiles it might. The fourth oo end witha ord, and no trisyllabi seo occurs. U.-Sapplic MetreTwo poem in the Sapphic metre have come downto XI, and an solate stanga ac hed on in themSS. to I by an accident. Catullus differs fio the Horatia structure in the fac that he admits, after the Gree modet, a troche in the secon Dot :

Seu Sacas sagittiferosve Parthos. Pauca nuntiate meae puellae. Otium Catulle tibi molestum est.

Gallicum Rhenum horribilesque ulti

mosque Britannos.

These responsive cola re osten et it in Greel lyricpOetry, and were also el known to Latin writers a Laevius, Pr tesilaudamia es Inibi inruunt cachinnos Ioca dicta risitantes See the



The ni differen ce etween these lines and the Galliambic is that in the Galliambic the fourth Dotis a Proceleusmaticus. It is notanown who introduc edthi : ut it, the fourth Dot, his Proceleusmaticus, is the essentia characteristic of the Galliambic metre aswrit te by Catullus : it introductio at once gave themetre a sticha Character, an at the fame time ecamehighi expressive of the tremulous an excite state of the votaries of the rea Mother. The Galliambic prope is no found in an Gree author, and whetherit a invente by a Gree o Latin writer is no evenknown. t is extremel rare in Latin besides the Attis it is found in Varro, Cycnus I Sat. Men. Riese P. II ): Eumenides xxxv p. 3 et an Marcipor xvi p. 6 Three lines rom Varro' Eumenides xxxv p. 32 are also in Galliambic metre, ut in the modification more resembling that describe by Hephaestion, hici admit regula Ionic a minore, and allows the lases o tot an anapaest and in lines attributexto Maecenas, addressed to the rea Mother, whicli confor to the rules of Catullus. 'now of no thers. A the metre is o rare, I wil give ali these

instances here Varro Cycnus I

Tua templa ad alta fani properans citus itere. Epigram o Hadrian is Florus and the replyrio it by the Emperor Ego nolo Caesar esse etc. Baehrens 'et Poet. Rom. p. 373. Thesedimeter are generali calle Anacreontics.


INTRODUCTION xvii Varro Eumen. 36

Phrygios per ossa cornus liquida canit anima.

Varro Eumen. 33

Tibi typana non inanis sonitus Matris Deum Tonimus canimusJ tibi nos tibi nunc semiviri ' Teretem comam volantem iactant tibi galli. Maecenas Ades, inquit, o Cybebe, fera montium dea Ades et sonante typano quate flexibile caput,

Latus horrea flagello, comitum chorus ululet.

Baehrens, Fret. Poet. Rom. P. 339. In the Gree chora odes here the Ioni anaclomen occur the norma Ioni a minore osten re appe arsalong illi the 3rd aeon an an Epitrite : and accordin to the mss. the oni a minore is se undi two lines of the Attis , O Most modern critic regar these readings a corrupi, and the normalsor is capable of eas restoration. The processes of contractis of two hor syllabies into ne long one and of resolution fine long syllabie in t two hori, occur frequently in the Attis Contraction

Sectam meam executae duce me mihi comites.

Resolution Stimulatus ibi furenti rabie vagus animi. Contractio occurs twent times : Resolutionfine en times. Both processes are common in similar Gree metreS. The se con& o always end with the end of a word

Super alta vectus Atti l celeri rate maria.

but once vs. 37 elision is permitted here.


Dianae sumus in fide followed by a Pherecratean

Puel aeque canamus . The si xty-firs poem consist o consiste os four

Glyconic followed by a Pherecratean. In the hirty- urth poem Catullus employs troche es, sponde es, or iambi a the firs ot both of Glyconi csand herecratean : trochees ather more frequently

than spondees iambi ni in the rs stan Za, hicli, Strange to Say, supposing Diana totegi With an iambus,as it probabi does, has ver line egi nning ith an iambus. As Catullus nowhere eis admit an iambus here, not once in the long si Xty-firs poem, an asthis de might wel begin illi O Latonia in s. s, thequestion unavoidabi arises hether thetars seu lines or ather three, for the hird is no in the mss. be nota later addition. In the si xty-frst poem the Glyconi and Pherecrateanfor the mos part egin illi a troche : ut a spondeeis found welve times in the former twice in the alter.

O Colonia quae cupis i ponte ludere longo.


INTRODUCTION ix The norma structure of both cola has a troche in thesirst sol, o whicli the Glyconi osten, he herecrate an only twice, I and O admit a sponde e. Is Fragmen ii is the alter par of a Priapea verse, Catullus ei ther admitted an iambus, o leng the ne thefirst syllabie of ligurrire

de meo l ligurrire libido est.

This consist os a sponde e three choriambi, an an iambus

Alfene immemor atque unanimis false sodalibus.

Nei ther Catullus nor Horace, ho se this metrethrice, Carm. i. II, I iv IO, admits a trochee in the sirst ot though Sappho, the whole of hos thir booh, 'as Ellis rema rhs, was rit te in his metre, apparent lyin disticlis, used the troche a De et a the ponde e. Horace alway mahes the firs an se con choriambus end with a ord Catullus followin Sappho' ex ample, O alWays. x. Ne Hexameter Litile nee be sat here a to Catullus' employment of the hexameter, a verse hich e brought tonearly the reat est perfectio of hicli it is cap able. The student nee o ni remar his predi lectio fors ponda ic hexameter , se e Index. H does no at ways

See, for instance, the nobi verses LXIV. 338-3 6. Cic. ad Att. 7. ita belle nobis 'flavit ab Epiro lenissimus Onchesmites hunc σπονδεια ντα si cui voles τῶν νεωτέρων pro

tuo vendita.


xx CATULLUs insist o the fourth oo havin a dactyl in suci cases, LxIv. V and ne hexameter is uret Spondaic, CXVI. 3. Hypermetri hexameter occurrat leaSi once LXIV. 298 perhaps also LXVI. 77 CXV. S. xi. Ne Pentameter

The entameter id not receive 'igh degre of polisti in the and of Catullus. It must e remembere that he is the firs Latin author lio has sed ita ali largely. His ari differs homiliat of Ovid in the fac that he admit polysyllabies at the end of the line ad libitum occasionali a monosyllabie, LxxvI that heallowed elisio at the end of the firs half, xvIIIB. 82

Quam Veniens una atque altera rursus hiems,

8, I 2 CI. CIV. and that he allowed elision in the second)alf of the pentameter hic his subsequent

writer of elegiacs ould have tolerated a LXXVII. cum pretio atque malo : LXXXV. 2 sentio et excrucior: CXIV. et in se labet egregias : speciali XCI. 2

In misero hoc nostro, hoc perdito amore fore,

the aspin elision in hic li are evidenti intentionalty introduced, o depictoli tortur of the writer' mind: a the monosyllabi sunt in xxvI. Dis admitted to state with great emphasis a fac that cannotae deni ed. The manuscript exhibit hiatus at the en of the sirs hal of the pentameter in si cases See Inde X. The number is rema rhable, ut the case of the changeb whicli the are removed is nocles So.


INTRODUCTION xxi The ni other eatures of Catullus' versification necessar to cali attention to here arematus There are not man certain instances of hiatus in Catullus. ut probabi the mss. re right in exhibit- in hiatus in XXVIII. 2

Malest, me hercule, et laboriose.

As r. Starhie suggests, a long-dra v si gli is naturalhere, an it is angerous to infert anything. Ellis hasgo rid of the hiatus unsupporte by mss. which oldeditions used to exhibit in III. I 6 factum male o miselle passera reading ae. The hiatus aster lectulo vii. 7 isgo rid of by readin lecticulo illi . Editor have noright to introduc hiatus after mane in X. 27. Thataster modo in xiv. 6 is impossibie, and that in Curi. I is ver improbabie. There remal ont two instances of hiatus: V. Te in circo, te in omnibus tibellis, here the hiatus of te in the firs thesis of the dactyl has many parallel in Latinpoetry as Sed dum abest in Lucretius : cocto num adest in Horace there remain the epic hiatus nodio auctus

symenaeo in LXVI. II hicli has many parallel in Virgiland vis it is probabi noto be meddled with, and the tengthening of the las syllabie fluctus is an argu men sor retaining it, not for et ting id of it forcaesura tengthen in and hiatus Some times occur to-gether, the ne license, as it ere, obscuring the ther. Besides auctus, have caesura tengthening of the ast syllabie of dicetur LXII. , o despexit LXIV. both curio usi enough ais besere Hymenaeus and of habet,


xxii CATULLUS Synizesis Synizesis is found in Camerium v. O praeoptarit LXIV. Ia Peleo LXIV. 336 ei is monosyllabic LXXXII. 3. Diaeresis Diaeresis is found in soluit II. 3 soluunt LXI. 3; dissoluo xvI. 18 Noluam LXVI. perνoluent XCV. .

Catullus, hen it sui ted him, tengthene a hortsyllabi in arsis at the en o a ord e re anotherbeginning ith two consonanis, even hen these area mute and a liquid the instances are Propontida trucemve IV. 9 impotentia freta IV. 8 pote stolidum uri. 2 modo scurra XXII. I ; Itima Britannia XXIX. ;gelida stabula LXIII. 33; nulla spes LXIV. 86 perhaps misera sperare LXIV. I OG supposita specula LXVII. 32. But in thesis e allows unda Scamandri to en ahexameter LXIV. 337.


Al the manu script of Catullus that have come do ni us are late. The earlies and est,hicli contain allthe poem are no admitte to e the Sangermanensis and the Ox ford codex, both of the fourteenth century. The are supposed to have been copi ed rom a tost Verones manuscript whicli existed in the Middie Ages, and was known to Ratheriistio of Verona in the tentii century. his os Verona s. seem to have been copi e seo an archetype hici existe in France atan earlier period the Codex Thuanaeus, no in