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INTRODUCTION xxiii the Nationa Librar at aris, hici is a manu script Florilegium os Latin poetry, and whicli contain the
i is no remote descendant of a common ancestor
with them. The consensus of thes mss. G and , is suppos e to indicate the reading of the lost Verona s. an is commoni calle V. I do notemplo this symbol. Nei ther of thes mss. wasknown to the old editors. Scaliger' edition asmaint based on his Cujacianus Ρὶ a cleveri correctedms date I 67. The est of thos e nown to Lachman were the Laurentianus L and the Datanus D) both of the fifte enth century. The modern SS. agre much more closely ith G than illi , an sinceBaehrens' edition it has been commoni held that theyliave ali been copi ed directi or indirecti fro G.
There are ho e ver re asons for doubting this an forsuppos in that at east ne ther copy of V was made.
The discover of O b Ellis is the mos important facti the histor o Catullia criticis in modern times. To Baehrens is due, however, the credit os percei ving the reat importance of O, hici is osten para mount. It is inferior o G in ne respeci, nam ely that iis scribe di nota to the troubie of copyin down earlv
I seem possibi that oss, ne of the mos eminent emendersos Catullus, had acces to the Oxford s. o didrae come o suggest cuia in III. I unlessaeane w that quia a writte ove tu, Noms but O has his. O indignis in xvi. 864 says that the es mss. have indignatis. llis cites ni O for his rea ling. His correctionos mihi dedisses xxiv. 4 to Midiae dedisses is practicatly the rea lingis .
xxiv CATULLUSas many variant Domo a the scribe o G id ; and these varianis osten preserve the true reading. Althoughthe discover of O cannot e sal to have revolutionised the criticismi Catullus, et man ne and true readings have been derived rom it, an many emendations os critic have been confirmed by it Tocit, owelecticulo VII. 7 appeteret LXIv. Ioari blanda LXIV. 39 leviterque LXIV. 273 ; messor LXIV. 333 notorum LXXIX. defectum xv. I, and some ther important varianis.
But O has ive no important aid os a decisive in in solving the more dissiculi problem o Catullia criticism. Thes mss. re ut of the incorrect pellings of the age in hich the were ritten. In his texi I have no attempte to correct the spei ling of the mss. iththe objectis produc in that whicli Catullus mos lihely used, ut Ι have been satisfied with ejectin spellingswhicli e could not have sed Thus it is mos lihelythat Catullus rote uo an not uu in ord like uoltus an seruos, nominative. ut the mss. ni preserve traces of the u in a se cases generalty here theymistoo it a LXI. the give nouos maritos for nouos
maritus. Although it is mos lihely that Catullus wrote-uo in ali suci cases, I have only writ te it,hen themss. exhibit races oscit, excepi in XXIV, here Phave writte seruos to avoid palpabie inconsistency though themss. ni potnt tori in XXIII. I. A simila remar appliesto accusatives of participies, adjectives, and nouns, hose genitive en d in ium. Although it is far more lihelythat Catullus sed the is r eis, et the es form ascomin in like u for uo, an cannot e sal to bewrong. Buto have, lihe ostgate, trie to eliminateat spei ling that are absolutet incorrect.
INTRODUCTION xxv Nei ther have I attempted, ave in a se instances,to produce the archai spei lings to hich the corruption in the mss. so osten Oint. In a Ord, have trie ne i ther o reproduce the spei ling of Catullus himself, nor that of the mediaeva archetype rather such a copyras a scribe in the rei gn of Augustus might have made.
Pwilliso attempto give anything the a complete catalogue os editions o Catullus. ut the followinglis of editions hich I have made se of mys et maybe of service to the reade r. Josephus Scaliger autetiae larisiorum a 377 P have used the
Utrecht edition o I 68o . Joannes Passeratius, Parisiis I 6o8. Isaac Voss, Ultrajecti I 69 I. Jo Antonius Vulpius Bergomensis Patavii I7Io. Frid. Guil. Doering Lipsiae I 788. Carolus Lachmann Bero lini sed 3 187 . Robinsonallis, Oxonii, ed. I, 867 ed. 2, 878. Do. Commentary, Ox ford, ed. I, 879 P ed. 2, 188 9. Aemilius Baehrens : Texi, Lipsiae I 876 Nova ed cur. . . Schulete, Lipsiae I 893h; Commentarius, 1885.M. Haupi ed. cur. I. Vahlen, Lipsiae I 879 . Alexander Riese Lei peti I 88 . Lucianus ueller Lipsiae I 883. Ludovicus Schwabe Berotini an ed. 1886. Bern hard Schmidi Berolini I 888. Ioh. P. Postgate Londini I 889. S. G. wen, Londo I 893.
The ni o the wor made se of in the preparation
os his edition is Criticism and lucidations in Catulus by H. A. . Munro, 878.
Om. Omit, Omiis, o omitte by. ad i. add or adde by. COTr. ive correcti by.ed conjectures of theraditor. pr. prima manu, by the firs hand before erasure. ed. pr. Editio Princeps, 47 2. Scal. Scaliger. Lach. Lachmann. Baehr. BaehrenS. When letters in the ex are printe in italics and there is non ole, hos letters are omitted in o.
o Aen. a. 87 severa editor re ad Arida. s tamen GO in , tam G), cf. xiv a 9. est O M. 8 tibi habe GOM. Q ut no sto at qualecumque ; OSt edd. a Semi colon o m. O M. quod GO, quidem in quidem est, patrone ut ergo Bergh, with Munro's
II 6 arum O, Ellis, Carum M. I suspect his word. erhapsiorum K in O is very lihely the oldform fisci an o an a re repea tedi confuse in GO. 7 S GOM. 8 Cordi est ed. Credo ut GOM, et Ellis acquiescit Ellis acquiescet O M. Munro
transposed and wrote Credo ut, cum graNis acquiescet ardor, Sit solaciolum sui doloris many conjectures have been aderi ut non excepi mine assai Credo hic h cannot belleve to e so und. 9 Baehrens rites sic ut for sicut for the ahe of caesura posse VOSs,
possem GOM, Ellis, vulgo II A lacuna is marhedhere e tween O and II by Ellis an severat edd. horead possem in Q lex Guarinus and Perreius accordingi Lach. ound a lacuna here in codice antiquo. V 3 negatam Omal figatam G.
The confusion o I and i is constant in v mss. 6 factum males o miseia Statius : the mss. have theod corruptio Bonum factum mage bonus V passer. Vae factum mage, vae miselia Ellis O factum male, o
I ius - tardi GOM, corr. Calpurni US. neque esse
GO. 8 Lachmann o Prop. p. 253 remoVed the topas ter braciam, Eliis retains it tractam O M. IIciteorio M. 3 citheri Om. et uocare cura GOMcorr. m. 23 amaret O a mari, vulgo a marei Lachm. et Nouissimo , Nouissime whicli Munro pre-
ferred GOM et uastrum O castrum G, Corr. D. 8 deinde twice O G pr. deinde-d G corr. I deinde GOM II conturbauimus O M.
xxviii CATULLUSU I catulo O. et 2 Lachmann D GOM, G vulgo. Ρostgate places comma after tacitum. 8 ac Frio Avantius : sirio O. 9 hic et ille al G Des tali, aeret illo G sol et II O sic et Iliam vulgo. 2 Nam nisi O ista reualet nicti tacere in corr. Hau pl.
I et futuram corr. Itali ecf Lach. panda GOMpandes pandare Riese. I ei Marcilius Nemo M.
tum M Ellis, cum O, Onet caliger many edd. impotemo in impotens noli vantius, impotens ne sis Scaliger the end of the long line eem to have beentor a a in the archetype. Is ne tu ed. f. laut. MOSt. 3. I. 36 Ne ego sum miser, Scelestus, natus dis inimicis omnibus ne te GOM, whicli Ellis obelietes. Scelesta, nocte Statius Scelesta vae te . Venator, Baehrens Scelesta, anenti Bury. IX Verani Ramler Veranni GOM. o Baehrensem Ellis, om. O. et Antistas G corr. m. uno
animo O bonamque ed sanamque m suamque apo nam G, suamque m anumque aernus, Ellis, Vulgo: anum Seem rude an Veranius' mollier is no lihelyto have been anus at this time. For bona mater cf. LXI. I9; LXIV. 23. uabio GO.
I Varius o. 3 tu O tu G. 7 quomodo posse haberet O. 8 Ecquonam Statius Et quoniam O ar quonam ). 9 neque ipsis m neque nec in ipsis Osar neque ipsis nec G); mihi nec ipsi Statius. O Munro places a fuit sto after cohorti som), an a questionsto after referret in II. Se his illustrations p. 32. cohorti, - referret, Ellis vulgo quaestoribus uretus praetoribus GOM. I nec O non ad nec . I beat orum ome old edd. et quem O. et docuit GO. 6comoda O commoda Gm many Ver improbabie con-
INTRODUCTION xxixjectures have been made. erhaps the horten in ofthecias syllabie was a vulgarism, mimiched by Catullus in mane me in 7. serapini O sar in G Serapis Baehrens. et mane mem mane QEllis many edd. meminei
Munro mi anime Bergh. inquit Statius inquid inquit G inqui Itali. 3 Cuma or Cinna est grauis
Caes. B. G. s. Omnes vero se Britanni vitro inficiunt, quod caeruleum essicit colorem atque hoc horridiores sunt in pugna aspectu. v. Am. 2. I 6 39Qviridesque Britannos. rop. 2. 8. 23 infectos Britannos. also suggested itro in usque and is in usque an et iuri more. Haup proposed sorribile aequor Ilia mosque Ellis sorribilem insulam ultimosque Coningtonsorribilem usque ad ultimosque Most modern edd. acceptHau pi' conjecture : ut aequor is very unlihel so oon
M, ah in an anomalous syntax of the genitive of qualit without an epithet, Ellis. Ducentum Munro. I exhiberem, ex Hiberis d. r. vulgo ex Hibereis
malis Oin corr. d. r. 9 si illa Om. I misistiGOM, corr. d. r. I salse G al false false m. I siserit G pr. I Cura O Cur tam M. I9S enum ed. pr. Sustenam Gom Susteram m. 23 Sari H GOM. XV et pudenter Maelily, pudentem G Ellis vulgo. pudice GOM pudicum Baehrens. O bonisque malisque GOM corr. d. r. II ut iubet Gm ut V iubet O.
I 3 prudenter G pr. 6 nostrorum O. I M anten GH tamen .
Baehrens adopis 3 aesculeis d. acsuleis Ellis, ac sulcis G assulis Statius tantis O corr. Statius. 6 salisubsili Gom suscipiant Gom. Salisubsuli-suscipiantur Alex. Guarinus, Lach. Ellis. Salisubsili suscipiunto Scal Voss, Vulp. Salisubsutis suscipiantur Statius, Doering Baehr I pudiceque GOM paludes O M.
I Quo cum caligera Cui iocum GOM. Is Et m, Ut Oin; et Heinsius illi great probabili ty. edo
GOm. I Nec me GOM. I supprenata Festus superata O separata . et merus asserat notrightly nichil uidet O M. et Nunc eum uolo vulgo, Nunc cum uolo QNunc uolo uolo . Hunc . The curious reading of O seems to me to oin to Hunc velis volo : his gives the prope subjecto mittere. a mul M. XXI I exuritionum Om, exuricionum m essuritionum Bergh Dedicare Gom. exiocaris Om. Haeres Voss, Lach. Haerens GOM experibis D
I exurire Gm esurire . II Mellitus and Ellis :Meme Om. Mellitus is the est emendation, butis mota certain D perhaps ementer I desinat GOM. I Nec GOM irruminatus sum O M.
Hein s. -ton Marcilius, Lach.), palimpsestos Baehr. nou GO noue m d. r. noue Lach. 7 membranae GOM, Munro membrana vantius Ellis. 8 Detecta GOM I aut qui I3 ac re tristius GOM. I infaceto rure GOM. XXIII 1 seruo O sal seruus G). et cimex aral i. e. animal neque G cimex at negire Oci probabi nec was omitte in the archetype e re al'. I furta Haupi facta GOM. I aridum magis est GOM, Orr.ed. r. I Muccusu GOM. et tapillis Gulielmius, lapillis O Ellis vulgo Se Ellis' note se conjunctio of heans and lupines an ad Hor Sat. 2. 3. 82GColum. 2. I . 2 tua GOM. comoda . et satus beatus Calpurnius satis beatus GOM beatu's Bergh,
XXIV 1 est O M. et quod Om. diuitias Midae Voss, a conjecture confirme by the disco very of O hicli has mi dederisses mi dedisses M, mihi dedisses d. r. vulgo e re oss. s ut G pr. allis. He G H' qua Iubet G. XX et medullula O medulla M. multa L.
iostendet G ostendit Ellis obeliae , he recordsSeventeen conjectu res diva miluorum, the oddess
xxxii CATULLUs CL laut . seud. 3. 2. An tu invenire postulas quemquam coquom Nisi miluinis aut aquilinis ungulis Another cook says Aul. 3. 2. Ita me bene amet
Lauerna thin Catullus ad these passages in his
mind. r. Starhi refers me also to r. v. 623 etc. here the κτινος is the type of bath hie ves etc. As o mss. the Change is almos nil for tuorum might be rit te miluor: instanc has balneario XXXIII. I, gnator LXIV. 3 9 with a light curve after the r o ande hein osten con unded in O miluor is the simplestpossibi transpositio for mulier and aues is similarly itios as u Vi): to a nothing of the independent traditio for aura iself. II Inusta Calpurnius Insula GOM. conscribilent GOM, Baehr. in Comm. conscribilent sagelta Turnebus. 2 minuta ed. I 73 inimica O M. XXVI I uestra O an many edd. nostra MEllis vulgo Most modern edd. no adopi vostra. 2
om. fauonii M. XXVII et Inger m codices of A. Gellius N.A. i. et o Ingere GOM. Ebrios GOM, and codices of Gellius Ebriosa acino Al. Guarinus Ebriosa acina Parthenius, Ellis vulgo Ebria acina aupt, ost-gate Ebrioso acino Schwabe s Ad O. quod iubet
pet O. I nobis O al G. XXIX Nam murram GOM. ante Statius cum te Go uncti Faernus, Eliis 3 Aster his s. Ois inserted in Ald Ed. Is O as et a in iis own place. Adoneus Statius Idoneus Gom. I nostra dis tura Gom. I comerset O. Is alit O Ellis. 7 primum Go corr. Avantius et Habenda GaIlica ultima et Britannica scripsi. Hunc Galiae timet et Britannie GOM. Cf. LxII. 3 heres has unc for habent. The readiniis