장음표시 사용
o the Church of esicli me, an Valentine Gate, Chaptain, have iven, granted, and by thi ou present Charier, confirmexto Solomon Hollane an Alice, his i , at thoselands, tenemenis, an renis, illi their uits of couris, alties, reliese, scheais, and their ther righis, Services, and appurtenances, hicli, latet had by the gis and grant of the fame Solomon in the parishes of Wesicli me and aint Margaret a Clis a Solion, ascis more fuit containe in the Charier of the fame Solomon ad for iis on that bellais: to have and hold ali hos lands, tenemenis, an rent a resaid, illi ait the a resai service an appurten ance Pertaining to the aid tenemenis to the a resaid Solomon and Alice, his i , he heir an assigras of the Same Solomon, froni the ord of that se by the services due hereseo in perpetuit and we, the sat Roger an Valentine and urheirs, Will arrant to the a resai Solomon an Alice, his iis, and the heir an assigras of the fame Solomon, at thos lands, tenemenis, and renis a resaid, illi ali heira resai righis, services, and other appurtenances against alimen for ver. In testimon Whereos, have appended ur
κκ Julii 37 Edw. III. SCIAN presente et futuri quod nos Johannes Palmere de Hugham, Robertus Taillour de overra, et Rogerus Shereman de eadem dedimus concessimus et preSenti carta nostra, confirmavimu Alano range et Cristine uxori sue, que fuit uxor illelmi alte Pette cissoris, quoddam tenementum cum suis pertinenciis jacens infra Libertatem portus ovorre in norgate arde, videlicet inter terram Thome pisour versus outhWeSt, et tenementum heredum Johannis oseph versus ortii est, et Regias Strata VerSUS versus i northeS et Outh est, quod quidem tenementum nuper habuimus ex dono et eostamento dicti Willelmi alte Pette habend et tenend totum predictum tenementum cum suis pertinenciis prefatis Alano et Cristine uxori Sue et eorum assignatis ad totam vitam ipsorum Alani et Cristine bene et in pace faciend inde servicium domini regis quando evenerit Secundum OnSuetudinem portus predicti, ac etiam capitalibus dominis feodi illius omnia servicia eis inde annuatim debita et de jure consueta et post decessum ipsorum Alani et Cristine totum predictum tenementum cum sui pertinenciis remaneat fabelle Agneti et Cristine filiabus predicti Willelmi et heredibus de corporibus eorum legitime procreatis bene et in pace jure hereditario imperpetuum tenend per servicium domini regis antedictum et per servicia capitalibus dominis feodi illius inde debita et consueta et o predicti Johannes Robertus et Rogerus et heredes nostri Waranti Zabimus totum predictum tenementum cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, prefatis Alano et Cristine uxori sue ad totam vitam eorundem Alani et Cristine, et post decessum ipsorum Alani et Cristine filiabus dicti Willelmi et heredibus de corporibus eorum legitime procreatis im-
In cujus rei testimonium presenti arte in lentate sigillanoStra apposuimus Data ovorra in festo sancti Jacobi
No ali present an future, that we, Johia Palmer of Hougham, Robert Taildour of Douer, an Roger heremano the fame place have iven, granted, and by this urpresent Charier, have confirme to Alan ranget, and Christine, his isse, formerly the wi se of William alte et te, tallor, a certain tenement illi it appurten ances lying ithinthe Liberi of the Pori fiove in nargate ard ViZ., between the and of Thomas Spisou to the outh-west, and the tenement of the heir of Jolin Joseph to the north- est, and The Κing' Highway to the north-eaS and Outh-weSt,
a resai tenement illi iis appurte nances to the a resaid
Alan and Christine, his iis, and thei assigias for the wholelife of the sat Alan and Christine ei and eacemlly the yperformin there re the service of the Lord ing henit hali arise, accordin to the custom of the Pori a resaid an also ali services due hereseon annuali and by right accustome to the capital ord of that se : and after the deceas of the said Alan and Christine, the whole tenementa resaid, illi iis appurtenances, hali re main to sabella
Agnes and Christine, the daughter of the aforesaid illiam, and the heir of thei hodies la fuit hegotien, ei and peacemit in hereditar right for ever, to hold by the service of the Lord Κingae resaid, and by the services thereisona due and accustome to the capita Lord of that steri and wethe a resai Jolin, Robert, an Roger, an ou heirs, Willwarrant ali the a resai tenement illi ali iis appurtenancesto the e resai Alan an Christine, his i se for thewhol life of the sat Alan an Christine, an after thedeceas of the said Alan and Christine to the aughters of the
In testimon whereo to this present indente Charter
Apostoli anno regni Regis Edwardi, tercii 4 conquestu, tricesimo septimo. Hiis testibus, Nichola atte Halle, tunc Majore ovorreri Petro ede, tunc ballivo Willelmo Denne; Thoma Spisourri Simone Monyn Johanne ait Halleri Ricardo Archerri Johanne Monyiari Alexandro Hurtyn Rogero de Bere et aliis.
xiii Augusti: Edw. III. Hgo carta indentata testatur quod illielmus de Denne Major ille ovorre, et jurati tunc temporis ejusdem ille
de assensu ocius communitatis ibidem concesserunt et ad odi firmam dimiserunt Roberto de Wantone et Johanne uxor ejus quandam pectam terre jacentem infra libertatem portus ovorre apud Casilehelle, videlicet inter terram Johanni Gerolde versus OrthweSt, et quandam communem semitam que ducit ad caStrum verSu nor thest, et inter terram heredum Ade orbour et terram illelmi Sa ereverSus outheSt, et terram Petri Cocchere versus ouili est habend et tenend predictam pectam terre cum Sui pertinenciis prefatis Roberto et Johanne heredibus et eorum assignatis imperpetuum, aciend inde servicium domini regis quando evenerit Secundum conSuetudinem portus
predicti et reddend' inde annuatim Majori dicte dicte i ville
qui tunc pro tempore fuerit quatuor denario sterlingorum annualis redditus ad festum Pasche solvend'. Et quando cumque predictus annualis redditus retro fuerit ultra terminum predictum per unum annum integrum tunc liceat majori dicte ille qui tunc fuerit dictam pectam terre cum suis pertinenciiS, ad quorumcumque manu in posterum devenerit, reingredi re intrare et pacifice possidere sibi et successoribus suis majoribus ejusdem ille in perpetuum. Et predicti Willelmus major et jurati, ac communitas predicta warantiZabunt predictam pectam terre cum sui pertinenciis prefatis Roberto et Johanne heredibus et eorum assignatis informa predicta contra Omne gente imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum majoratus dicte
ville quam sigillum ipsius Roberti huic indentur alternatim
sunt appenSa. Datum ovorra quarto decimo die Augusti, anno regni regis Iulwardi, tercii a conqueStil, triceSimo nono.
I Augusto365. Tnis indente charter Witnesses that illiam de Deiane. Mayor of the own o Douer, and the Jurat for the timeheing of the sal town, illi the assent of the whole communit there, have granted, and a se firm demi sed tol ober de S anton and Johanna, his iis, a certain plot
north-WeSt, and a certain common path lead in to the Casile
XXX.κ Septembris 45 Edw. III. No Tu sit omnibu per preSentem indenturam quod Johannes ait Halle, Major ille ovorre, et ejusdem ille jurati pro utilitate ocius communitatis dicte ille concesserunt et dimiserunt ad firmam Simoni almere et Petronille uxori sue quandam terram acentem infra libertatem dicte ille in De arde, inter terram Comiti Oxonie'
versus orthest, et regiam Stratam VerSUS Orthwest, et inter
tenementum dicti Simonis et terram Johannis Wylde versus fouthest, et tenementum dicti Johannis Wylde versus fouthWest, quequidem terra pertinet ad Communitatem ille predicte pro pluribus serviciis domini Regis, et aliis oneribus inde debitis de diversis temporibus retroactis: habend et tenend predictam terram cum suis pertinenciis prefatis Simon et Petronille uxori Sue heredibus, et eorum assignatis imperpetuum, Eaciend inde servicium domini Regis quando evenerit secundum conSuetudinem portus predicti ; et reddend inde annuatim ad festum Pasche, communitati ville Dovorre se denarios Sterlingorum liberi redditus imperpetuum. Et quandocumque predictus annualis redditus aretro fuerit, in parte vel in toto bene liceat successoribus communibus dicte communitatis et aliis ministris suis in predicta terra distringere, et di Strictiones retinere quousque de omnibus arreragii ejuSdem plenarie fuerit persolutum. In cujus rei testimonium tam Sigillum majoratus portus
predicti quam sigillum dictorum Simonis et Petronille
Data ovorra vicesimo die Septembris anno regni regis Edwardi, tercii poSt conquestum Anglie, quodragesimo quinto.
a September 37I. B it nown to alii this present indentur that Jolin alte Halle, Mayor of the town o Douer, and the Jurates of thesai town for the se of the whole Communit of the aidlown, have grante an demise at arm to Simon almeran Petronilla, his ise, a certain tot of and lyingwithin the Liberi of the sal town in Dei Ward 'emeen the and of the Ear of Oxford to the orth ast and the
ment of the sat Simon and the and of Joh Wilde to thesouth ast and the tenement of the aid Joh Wilde to thesouth-west whic land belong to the Communit of the towna resai for severa services to the Lord in and therburdens due thereseo a divers past times o have an tohold the land a resaid, illi iis appurtenanceS, to the a resai Simon and Petronilla, his iis, thei heir an assigias for ver performin therem the service of the Lord ingwhen it hali arise, accordin to the custo of the porta resaid ; and pay in thereia annually, at the eas of Easter, to the Commonalty of the town of Douer, d. stertingo Dee rent for everri and wheneve the a resai annualrent hal be in arrear, in pari or in hole, it hali e fullyla fulcior the ordinar successors of the sat Commonalty and ther thei ministers, o distrat o the foresaid land, and to retain the distresses uiati ali arrear of the sanae
SCIAN presentes et futuri quod Johanne Monyn, senior, Major ille ovorre, et ejusdem ille urati, de assensu totius Communitatis concesserunt et presenti carta indentata ad eodi firmam dimiserunt Roberto S anton de eadem, et Johanne, uxor ejus, quandam terram vacuam jacentem infra libertatem portus ovorre in erremanne arde, videlicet inter regiam stratam versus SOUthWest, et falaciam maris versus northeast, et terram Johannis Wylde versus foutheas habend' et tenend predictam terram cum Suis pertinenciis predictis Roberto et Johanne, uxor ejus, heredibus et eorum assignatis imperpetuum, faciend inde servicium domini regis quando evenerit Secundum consuetudinem portus predicti et reddend' inde annuatim predicte Communitati ad festum Pasche duodecim denarios sterlingorum annualis redditus Vol in et concedunt predicti Robertus et Johanna, uxor ejuS, et heredes sui quod bene liceat fori et Juratis ille predicte quicumque pro tempore fuerint et eorum attornatis pro predicto annuali redditu quociens aretro fuerit in predicta terra cum suis pertinenciis distringere, et districciones abducere et retinere quousque de predicto redditu, et de omnibus arre-ragiis ejusdem sibi fuerit plenarie satisfacta : Et predicti Major et Jurati successores sui nomine dicte Communitatis predictam terram cum suis pertinenciis prefatis Roberto et Johanne, uxor ejus, heredibus et eorum Ssignati pro predicto annuali redditu contra omne gentes arranti Zabunt imperpetiatam. In cujus rei testimonium presenti arte dentate sigillum ossici majoratus preSentibus S appen SUm. Data ovorra vicesimo quarto die Septembris anno regni Regis Edwardi, tercii post conquestum Anglie, quadragesimo nono regni vero ui Tranci tricesimo Sexto.