Dover charters and other documents in the possession of the Corporation of Dover ;

발행: 1902년

분량: 520페이지


분류: 미분류



24 September 375. Κvo ali present an future that Joh Mon in senior, Mayor of the ow of Douer, and the Jurat of the aidlown, it the assent of the whole Commonalty have granted, and by the present indente charter, have demi sedat e farin to Roberi Wanton, of the fame toWn, and Johanna, his iis, a certain tot of vacant land lying ithinthe Liberi of the Portis ove in Derrem an ard viZ., tween the ing'saighway to the outh- est, and the ea cliis to the orth-east, and the and of Johi Wil de to thesouth ast to have an to hol the a resai land with iis appurtenances to the a resaid Robert and Johanna, his iis, thei heir an assigias for ver the performin there reth service of the Lord Κing hen it hali arise, accordingto the custom of the porto resaid ; and payin there rannuali to the a resai Commonalty at the Feas of Easter, I ad steri in os annua rent, and the a resai Robert and Johanna, his iis, and thei heirs, ill and grant haesit shallbe fuit lawm for the Mayor and Jurat of the own a resaid for the time being, and thei attorneys to distrat ora thea resaid land with iis appurtenances for the a resaid annualrent as osten a it hali e in arrear, an to lead away and delain the distresses unti the foresaid rent an ali arrears

Jurais, and thei successors, in the nam of the aid Common alty ill arrant the an a resaid illi iis appurtenances to the foresai Robert and Johanna, his wise, thei heir an assigns for the annua rent a resaid, against ali men or Uer. In itnes Whereos the ea of the ossice of Mayorali is assixe to this present in dented charter. Give at ove the wenty- urth da of September, in the forty-ninthoear of the eigia os in Edward the hirdaster the conquestis England and of his rei gn o France



iii Maii 4 Ric. II. Ric RDUs dei gracia Rex Anglie et rancie, et Dominus

Hibernieri omnibus ad quos presente littere pervenerint,-Salutem.

Constat nobis per inspeccionem rotulorum Cancellari edomini E. nuper Regis Anglie, avi nostri, quod in quadam ordinacione per ipsum avum nostrum de assensu relatorum Comitum et Baronum regni sui in Partiamento suo apud Ebor in crastino Ascensionis Domini anno regni sui non tento convocatorum pro Utilitate ipsius avi nostri et subditorum suorum facta et stabilita continetur inter cetera articulus infrascriptus, videlicet- Et que nul peleon passe hora de nostre rotam vera les parties de dela forsque a ovore solis pelae de imprisonement ducan. Nos autem articulum predictum ad requisicionem dilecti Johannis Halle, Majoris predicte ille ovorre, tenore presencium duximus exemplificandum et voluntes et concedentes quod ordinacio predicta quo ad articulum predictum cum ad communem tendat utilitatem regni nostri inviolabiliter teneatur et firmiter obserUetur. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus


Teste me ipso apud estnaonasterium quarto die Maii anno regni nostri quarto.



our grand ther, that in a certain ordinance, made andestablished by the fame ur grandiather, illi the assent of the relates, Earis, and Barons of his Κingdom assem bie in his Partiament, held at orco the morrow of the Ascension o our ord, in the nintli ear of his reign foro hebenefit of ur sat grand the and of his subjecis, is contained among thers, the articie ritte belOW, viZ.-And that no pistrim passisutilae urin eam to forest paris, except throughio ver, under pala os a Iearta imprisonment. We there re, at the eques of ou belove Jolin Halle, Mayor of the a resai tow of Over, have caused the artici a resai to e exemplified by the tenour of thesepresents both illin and Granting that the ordinancea resaid, o far a the artici a resaid, as it tend to the

common benefit o ou kingdom, e inviolabi hept and

firmi observed. In itnes Whereos e have caused these ou letters patent to e made.



κκέ Martii 5 Richar II. SCIANT presentes et futuri quod ego, Willelmus Barbour, filius Henrici Barbour de ovorra, dedi concessi et hac

presenti carta mea confirmavi Alexandro Wyte de eadem, et Johanne, uxor ejus, dimidiam acram terre jacentem in parochia de Cherleton, et in tenura Prioris ovorre, idelicet, inter terram Johannis Aleyn Versu n OrtheaSt, et terram Thome Harri versus outheast, et terram illelmi Gerold versus ouili est, et terram mei illelmi predictiverSUS orthwest habend et tenend predictam dimidiam acram terre cum suis pertinentiis predictis Alexandro et Johanne, uxor ejus, heredibus et eorum assignatis bene et

in pace in perpetuum, de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia eis inde debita et de jure consueta. Et ego predictus Willelmus et heredes mei predictam dimidiam acram

terre cum suis pertinentiis predictis Alexandro et Johanne, uxor ejus, heredibus et eorum assignati contra OmneS gentes arrantiZabimus inperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium regenti arte sigillum meum appOSUi.

Datum apud herleton vicesimo sexto die Marti anno regni Regis Ricardi, secundi post conquestum Anglie quinto.

Hiis testibus Johanne BD Thoma Wille Willelmo Byri Johanne alte Regge Johanne Wyteri Willelmo



rem arcti I382. KNow ali present and future that I, William Barbour son ofHenr Barbour of Over, have gi ven granted, and by this in present charter, have confirmexto Alexander ite of the sanae town, and Johanna, his iis half an acre o land lyingin the paris of Charieton, an in the tenure of the Prior of Douer, viz., etween the and of Johi Aleyn to the orth- east, and the land of Thomas Harr to the outhwast, and the and of William Gerold to the outh-west, and the lando me, illiam foresaid toWard the orth-west to have anxio hol the a resaid hal acre o land with iis appur- te nances to the foresai Alexander and Johanna, his i , thei heir an assigias, ei and eacemit for ver Domthe capital ord of that se by the services due to themthereisona an by right accustomed, and , he a resaidWilliam, an m heirs, ill arrant the a resaid hal acreo land with iis appurtenances to the a resai Alexander an Johanna, his iis, thei heir an assigias against ali

Given a Charieton the wenty-sixti, da os Marchin the fifth ear of the eigia of in Richard the secondaster the conques of En gland.



Octobris, mic. II. NovER IN universi per presentem indenturam quod Nicholaus de a te, Chivaler, et Edmundus dema te, dimiserunt Priori et Conventu Sancti Martini novi operisDOVOrre omne terra et pastura sua cum pertinenciis suis

jacentes in parochia de Hugham in quodam loco vocato Hegliclyue et Erchclyve habend et tenend predictas terras et paStura cum pertinenciis suis predictis Priori Conventui et eorum successoribus a die dati presencium usque in finem triginta annorum proximorum Sequentium plenarie completorum: reddend inde annuatim iidem Prior Conventus et eorum successores predictis Nichola et Edmundo et eorum heredibus ad festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli viginti solidos usualis monete Anglie et si predictus redditus, vel aliqua pars ejusdem aretro sit per quatuordecim dies ultra terminum prefixum, tunc bene liceat predictis Nichola Edmundo et eorum heredibus assignatis vel attornatis tam in omnibus terris manerii eorundem Prioris et Conventus de farnynglo, quam in terris et pasturis predictis, ut premittitur, predictis Priori et Conventui dimissis ubique distringere, et districciones capere abducere et retinere donec sibi de omnibus inde arreragiis plenarie fuerit satisfactUm. In cujus rei testimonium tam sigilla ipsorum Nichola et Edmundi quam sigillum Commune predictorum Prioris et Conventus partibus hujus indentur alternatim Sunt appenSa. Data apud Hugham primo die Octobris anno regni Regis Ricardi, secundi a conquestu Anglie nono. Portions os a large hit seia remiain.



October 385. Now al by the present indentur that Nicholas dema te, Chevalier, an Edmund de Hawte, have demised to the Prior an Convent of Satiat Marti of the New ork of Douer, at thei land an pasture illi thei appurtenanceStyin in the parish o Hougham, in a certain place called Highclime and Archclisse oo have an to hol the a resaidland and pastures illi thei appurte nances to the a resaid Prior an Conveni and thei successors Do the da of the date of these present to the end of the hirt years ext ilowin fuit completeri the sal Prior, Conveni and thei SucceSSors pay in thereisona annuali to the a resaid Nicholas and Edmund and thei heirs, at theseas of Saint Michael the Archanget, os o current Englisti mone Dandi the foresai rent, or an par of it, e in arrear for urteen day beyon the term assigned, it hali then emit lawm for the a resai Nicholas, Edmund thei heirsand asSignS, O thei attorneys, o distrat as et o at theland of the anor of Farningio belongin to the sal Prior an Convent, sin the land and pastures a resaid demised, as is premised, to the Prior an Convent a resaid, and totake, lea aWay, and retain the distratiat unti the shallae fuit satisfied for the rent an ali arrear of it. In Witnes Whereo the seat of the sal Nicholas and Edmund as et a the common ea of the Prior and Convent a resaid, re alternatet assixe to the paris of this




κκκ Decembriis, II Ric. II. HEC indentura testatur quod Johannes Onyn, Major, et Johannes Hamone, Thomas Lord Robertus Aleyn, et

Jonannes alte Melle, custode portu DOvorre, nomine et assensu ocius Communitatis portus predicti concesserunt

et ad eodi firmam dimiserunt Willelmo Chilton et Johanne,

uxori 6US, unam placeam terre vacue jacentem infra libertatem portus Dovorre in Dereman arde ad tenementum Idoni Sotione versus noriti est, et terram Thome ord

tenementum predicti Willelmi versus outhes habend et tenend predictam placeam terre cum pertinenciis sui pretatis Willelmo et Johanne, uxori sue, heredibus et assignati Sipsius Willelmi imperpetuum : faciend' inde annuatim

servicium domini Regis cum acciderit secundum OnSuetudinem portus predictici et reddend inde annuatim dicte communitati et successoribus suis ad festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste, sex denarios sterlingorum annui redditus et si predictus redditus retro fuerit in parte vel in toto ultra terminum predictum tunc licebit majori et custodibus et suis successoribus, qui pro tempore fuerint, nomine dicte communitatis in predicta placea terre distringere, districciones abducere et retinere quousque de predicto redditu et de omnibus inde arreragiis illis plene fuerint satisfactum si vero predictus redditus aretro fuerit, in parte vel in toto, per unum annum unum diem ultra terminum prefixum, et districcio sussiciens ad valorem dicti redditus in predicta placea inveniri non poterit tunc licitum sit eisdem majori et custodibus qui pro tempore fuerint et eorum

SuccesSoribus nomine dicte communitatis in predictam placeam terre cum Sui pertinenciis, in quorumcumque manus imposterum devenerit, reintrare et illam in manus suas reseisire et possidere in statu pristino imperpetuum.

absciue impedimento vel contradicione eorum Willelmi et

Johannes heredum aut assignatorum ipsius Millelmi Et



3 December 387. Tnis indenture it nesseth that olita Monin Mayor, and

Johia Hamon, Thomas Lord Robert Alein, and Johia at Mili Chamberlain of the Pori fiover in the nam and wit the assent of the whole Commonalty of the portis resaid, have granted, and a see farin demised to illiam Chiltonand Johanna, his iis, one plotis vacant land lying with in the Liberi of the Pori fiove in ereman ward, ex the tenement of Idonia Solion to the orth-west, and the lando Thomas Lor to the outh-west, and theruing' High-Way t the orth ast, and the tenement of the a resaid

illiam to the outh ast o have anxio hold the a resaid ploti land with iis appurte nances to the a resaid illi amand Johanna, his iis, the heir an assigns of the aid William for ver the performin thereser annuali theservice of the Lord ing hen it hali arise, accordin to the custo of the pori a resais and payin therei annuallyto the sat Commonalty and thei successors, at the Feas of themativit os ain Jolin the Baptist, d. steri in os annualrent: and is the a resaid rent hal be in arrear, in partirin hole, beyond the term foresaid then it hallae a fulfo the Mayor, ardens, and thei successors for the timebeing, in the nam of the sat Commonalty to distrat onthe a resaid tot of and to take Way an retain the distresses unti the shal be fuit satisfied for the a resaidrent and for ali arrear arising thereseom ut is the a resai rent be in arrear, in pari or in hole, for ne earone a beyon the term prefixed, and sussicient distres beno found for the value of the sat rent, then it ili belawm for the Mayor and wardens for the time eing, and

thei successor in the nam of the sat Commonalty tore-enter an to re-seis into their own hand an to possess


predictus major custodes et tota communita et Successoressui predictam placeam terre cum suis pertinenciis prefatis Willelmo et Johanne, uxori sue, heredibus et assignatis dicti Willelmi contra omnes gentes in forma predicta arantiZabunt imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus indenturis tam sigillum ossicii majoratus portus ovorre quam sigilla dictorum Willelmi et Johanne alternatim sunt appen Sa. Data ovorra ultimo die Decembris anno regni Regis Ricardi, secundi post conquestum Anglie, undecimo.