장음표시 사용
Johia Pirot, complainant opposes himself against theMayor of the own of Sand wicli in a plea os respass in respect hereos e complains, that a the sat Jolin oldssevera tenement pertaining to his an or o Ringelione byservice of Bedet wiche and at his Cour heldin the wediaesdaynexi after theseastis Saltat Michael in the Ist ear, a certain Giles o ere, a tenant of the aid Johia ha been electe asbedet for certain land whicli the aid Giles hold Do him in his sat manor for hich service the sal Giles Wasdistrat ned in hicli distrain the Mayor of the ow of Sand wich on the da and ear bove mentioned too a certain hors of the aid Joh in the own of Sand wich, and
Cour of ShepWay, comes in person and says that at the pleaos a part y to it of the sal Giles eginia in a sui against the aid olin and findita a furet for prosecut in the Suit, and thus, a proces having been heldis this matter, he levieda distraint on the aid olin, bound to ans erras ascia fuland notisther ise, etc. he here re seeks that this may be prove howsoeve the Court hali order, etc. It is there re
Nichola Eppeloun, Mayor of the ow of Sand Wich. complainant, opposes himself against Henr Wardie in allea
the Feas of Saint Michael in the 29th ear, illi in the Portos Sandwicli, within the libert of the inque Poris, he levied
cionem contra Cartas et libertates Baronum portuum predictorum a Domino Rege et predeceSSOribu Sui confirmatas, et hactenus a tempore quo memoria non existituSuataS, continente quod Si quis contra dictas libertatesatemptare presumpserit Custodi Quinque Portuum . i. Sterlingorum solvere tenetur, quamquidem diStriccionem ut premittitur cepit minus juste et contra libertates predicta ad dampnum Majoris dicti Portus x. li., et in grave contemptum Domini Regis et Custodis quinque portuum, etc. Et redictus Menricus veniens et defendens, respondit et dicit, quod nullam districcionem cepit infra liber Preceptum est tatem suam et petit quod inquiratur Ideo
Breve domini Regis directum fuit Custodi quinque portuum harum Seriem continenS.
E ardus, etc., Mandamus vobis quod executionem Judicii nuper redditi in Curia nostra Doυorre de loquela que nuper fuit in eadem Curia coram Bartholome de Bu ghesshe, nuper Constabulario Castri et Custode portuum eorundem, sine brevi nostro, intermoriscalcum rerinelite Mercatorem Almannie et inter Majorem et Ballisos ille de I nchelse decatallis ipsius Goriscalci captis et injuste detentis ut dicebatur, sine dilatione fieri faciatis Teste, etc.. x die Aprilis, etc., anno XXXV, etc.
Virtute cujus brevis mandatum fuit Majori et Ballivo de Mynchelse quod scire facerent Valentino de ovorra, Majorem ly dic te ille tempore captionis dictorum
demovorra mortuus est Et dictus inceracius presens in Curia petit auditis recordo et processu dicti ly recuperationis, quibus lectis, dictus Vinceracius allocutus siquid pro se habeat vel dicere sciat quare dicta catalla in dicto recordo contenta de bonis et catallis suis secundum formam dicti
certain distratia for certain renis and Service pertaining oth said Henry ithout the liberi contrar to the Chartersand liberties of the Barons of the Poris a resaid confirmed by the in and his predecessors, an hitherio ei oyed timeout of mind including that, i any one hould dare to attemptanything against the aid liberties, he houldie bound o pay cIo steri in to the arde of the inque oris, hicli distraint, as is premit ted he levie ui usti against theliberties a resai to the hur of the Mayor of the sal PortLIO, an in grave contem p of the Lord in and the warden of the inque oris, etc. and the a resai Henry, comin and defending, ans er an says that Orde mari. he leviedis distrat ni illiin iis Liberty, and asks that it a b enquire into It is
writ of the Lord in Was directe to the Warde of the inque Poris containing the following,-Ed aes, etc. IV command that Iou, ithout deles, causeio e carried ut the execution os asu men recenti give inou Cour iove in a suit hic mas latet had in the sata Cour besere Bartholome de Burghesh, latet Constable of the Castis, and Warde of the sata Poris, mithout our,rit, et een Goriscale Brerinelite, merchant of Germau, and the Ma)or and Baiiij of the rem os inchelsea, concerning the chalteis of the sata Goriscalci se ed and etained ususti as a sata miness, etc., theo OH des of April, etc., in the , d Iear, etc. In virtve of which writ it a commandesto the Mayoran Ballis of inchelsea that the should cause o no 'Valenti ne of Douer, Mayor of the sal town at the time of the eigure of the sal goods, and Vincent incli, then Balliros the town a resaid ; and the return thei mandate in his form - se caused to no Vincent Fincti by Johia Gessi ai and illiam de Yorkeri Valenti ne of Dove is dead. V The sat Vincent, present in Couri, asks that the recor and proces of the sat recovery be read, hich e in read thesaid incent is asked whether for himself he has or nows,
Scire facias, a judiciat writ requiring the person against hom it is
brevis ad opus dicti Godescalci fieri non debeant. Et predictus Vincencius dicit quod per breve domini Regis et per mandatum domini constabularii inde directum suinponitur tunc Majorem ille de Wynchelse et
Restitutio. Ballivum ejusdem ille super premiSSi reSpon-SurOS. Et per retornum mandati dicto Custodi ut premittitur apparet quod Valentinus de ovorra tunc Major dicte ille mortuus est, et non intelligit quod ipse sine executoribus dictum Valentinum si respondere debeat :Et quia Curia vult super istis informari, Datus est dies partibus es Jovis proximo post festum inventionis Sancte Crucis proximum futurum : Et predictus Attomatus. Godescath ponit loco suo Henricum Glyant mercatorem Almannie et Robertum de Caustone conjunctim et divisim Et predictus Vincencius ponit loco suo Robertum de Penne in placito predicto. Breve domini Regis directum fuit Custodi quinque portuum harum Seriem continenS.
Ed ardus, etc. seuerelam Johannis de Mare, Mercatoris de Janua, et Petri Johannis, Merca oris de jorentia, et sociorum Su9rum, recepimus continentem, etc. prout patet in brevi. Et postea dictus Johannes et Petru opponunt Se, etc. Ut in quadam cedula patet, etc. Et habent diem partes, die Jovis proximo post festum inventionis Sancte Crucis
Breve domini Regis mandatum fuit pro Priore alicti Martini de ovorra in hec verba Edinardus, etc. Ideo prC- scriptum est Majori et BallivomoVorre quod venire faciunt xii probos et legales homines, etc., quod sint coram Custode vel ejus loco tenente ad Ecclesiam Sancti Jacobi ad inquirendum super omnibus et singulis in dicto brevi contentis
anything hy the aid chatteis contained in the aid record, ought noto be made u frona his good and chatteis accordin to the orna of the sat writ for the se of the aid Godescat and the foresaid incent says that hv the writo the Lord ing and by the mandate of the Lord Constabieissuedin that bellat scit is allege that the then Mayor of thelown of Wynchelse and the Ballist of the aid
Restitution town hould anSWer pon the premisses, and by the return of the mandate to the aid arden. it appears that Valenti ne of Douer, then Mayor of the aidlown is ead, and he oes not know what he without the executor of the sat Valentine, ought orans er ansas
the Court isties to e informe thereon a da is ivensor the parties, o the Thursda nexi after the Feast of the Invention of the Hol Cros nexi ensuinx and the aforesaid Godescat places in his place Henr Glyant, Atto Dd. mercliant of Germany, and Rober de Caustone, conjointly an separalely and the a resaid Vincent places in his place Robert de Penne in the lea a resaid. writ of the Lord in was directe to the warden of the inque Poris containing the folio ing,-Ed aes, etc. haUe receiUed the lain os oh a Sea,
merciant of Genoa, an Peter Rhn, merchant of Florence, and Iheir pannem, containing etc. a appears in that rit An later the sat Jolin an Peter oppos themSelUeS, etc., a by a certain Schedule appears, etc. and the parties
PLAci TA tenta ad Ecclesiam Sancti Jacobi demovorra die Jovis proximo post festum inventionis Sancte Crucis,
Johannes de Mare mercator de Janua et Petrus Johannes mercator de orentia et socii sui qui tulerunt Misericordia. illam versus Majorem Ballivum et Communitatem Nilles des Sand wico non sunt presentes Ide, ipsi et plegii sui, videlicet Robertus Lynham et Johannes effra in misericordia. Mandatum fuit Ballivo et Majori de Sandwico quod venire faciunt xii probos et legales homines quod essent hic in quadam urata inter Johannem Tiro querentem, et Majorem ille de and wico defendentem in
Preceptum est placito transgressionis, etc. Qui Sic respond- sit alias ent quod illud mandatum adeo tarde venit quod illud exequi non potuerunt, etc. Ideo preceptum est sit alias, etc.
Mandatum fuit Ballivo et Baronibus de and ico quod venire fecerint ij probos et legales homines
Preceptum est quod esSent hic in quadam Jurata inter Majorem sit alias. Ville de Sand wico querentem et Henricum Wardie defendentem in placito transgreS-Sionis etc., qui sic respondent quod illud mandatum adeo tarde eis venit quod illud exequi non potuerunt, etc. Ideo preceptum Si Sit aliaS, etc. Consimile retornum pro fore et Ballivo Preceptum est ovorre de Inquisicione tangente Majorem si alias de movorra Ideo preceptum est Sit alias,
Dies datus est Vincenci Tnche, Ballivo de Wynchelse, Super cluadam excepcione ut premittitur in Curia precedenti
hadiso been Ne to fulfili it there re it was orderediet ille later, etc. It was ordere to the Balli fi and Barons of Sandwichthat the should cause twelve good an lega men to servehere on a certain jur belWeen the Mayor os the own of SandWicli, complainant, and Henr Wardien defendant, in
Deferreae that mandate came to them sociat that he hadno been able to fulfi it, etc. there re twas ordered et ille later, etc.
de excucione i cujusdam judicii contra Valentinum Dies de ovorra, nuper Majorem ille de Wynchelse, et
dictum Vincencium, tunc Ballivum ibidem, per Bartholomeum de Burghersshe, tunc Custodem Quinque Portuum, redditi ad sectam Godescat he redenelet, Sque diem veneris proximum post festum Sancte Trinitatis, etc. Preceptum est sicut alias omnibus Majoribus Ballivis et Baronibus quinque portuum quod habeant contra dictum diem veneris predicte in scriptis que bona et quanta cepiSSent per SkOmertare, tempore quo dictus Custos optinuerit balli-Vam Suam, unde dicto Custodi certa pars de jure pertinere debet. PLACITA tenta ad Ecclesiam Sancti Jacobi de ovorra die veneris proximo post festum Sancte Trinitatis. Majores Ballivi et Barones quinque portuum tulerunt breve domini Regis in hec verba Ed ardus dei gratia, etc. Quo breve lecto et omnibus partibus querentibus huic inde Vocati pro visamento super dicto brevi habend'. Datus est dies omnibus partibus querentibus et defendentibuS, videlicet, die martis proximo post festum translacionis Sancti Thome martiris et interim loquendum est inde cum consilio domini Regis. Henricus Wardie ponit loco suo Johannena Salmon, de est clive, versus Majorem ille de SandWico pro manu-tinencio prius habito.
Inquisicio capta virtute brevis domini Regis superius
The Mayors, Balliffs and Barons of the inque oris present a rit of the Lord in in these ords, Ed aes, Θ the Graee of God, etc. 'hich writ avita been read, andali the complaining parties havin been callesto ad vise ponthe sat writ- da wa given to ali parties, complainanis an defendanis, o it the uesda nexi after the east of the Translation os aint Thomas the Martyr in the interim the Counci of the Lor Κing, tot interviewed. Henr Wardie places in his place olin Salmonis West-clisse versus the Mayor of the own of SandWicli insteia of the mainpernor bet ore had.
Inquisition hel by virtve of a rit of the Lord ing
Octobris, 35 Edw. III. Sci AN presentes et futuri quod nos Rogerus eueman, vicarius ecclesie de Wesiclyve, et Valentinus ate, capellanus,
dedimus concessimus et hac preSenti carta OStra, con
firmavimus Salomoni Hollane, et Alici uxor ejus, omnia illa terras tenementa et redditus cum curiarum Sectis feoditatibus releviis eschaetis et alii juribus serviciis et pertinenciis Suis que nuper habuimus de dono et concessione ipsius Salomonis in parochiis de esiclyve, et Sancte Margaret de Clyve apud Sotione, prout in carta ipsius Salomonis nobis inde confecta plenius continetur habend' et tenend omnia illa terras tenementa et redditus predicta cum omnibus predictis serviciis et aliis pertinenciis suis addicta tenementa spectantibus, predictis Salomoni et Alicie uxor ejus heredibus et assignatis ipsius Salomonis de domino feodi per servicia inde debita imperpetuum : et nos predicti Rogerus et Valentinus et heredes nostri omnia illa terra tenementa et redditus predicta cum universis uribus serviciis predictis et aliis pertinenciis suis predictis Salomoni et Alici uxor ejus heredibus et assignatis ipsius Salomonis
contra omnes gentes arantiZabimus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium sigilla nostra presentibus appOSuim US.
Data apud estclyve primo die Octobris anno regni regis Edwardi, tercii post conquestum Anglie tricesimo quinto. Hiis testibus, Qui hemanno de Bere, Rogero de Bere Johanne Sayerri Johanne de Evebrokeri Johanne de Berecit icardo orthbynneri Johanne te Baheliouseri Johanne Copyn Hamone Sawereri et aliis.