Dover charters and other documents in the possession of the Corporation of Dover ;

발행: 1902년

분량: 520페이지


분류: 미분류




XV. Mense Iulii 24 Edw. I. ANNO regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Henrici, vicesimo quarto, mense Julii, Johannes filius Willelmi de Aula

quondam ovorie dimisit concessit et confirmavit, hiis cartis trifurcatis et sigillatis, altero e Chareter de ovoria et Cristine uxori Sue, et Ricardo perhauch, quandam terram cum suis pertinenciis jacentem infra libertatem ovorte in Bikken arde inter terram Thome GodeSpen verSUS eSt, et terram heredum Ricardi Archer versus St, et capitat ad terram Joseph versus Suth, et ad Bikken Stret versus noriti Habend et tenend predictam terram dictis altero et Cristine et heredibus alteri, et Ricardo predicto, et heredibus suis et predictorum SSignatis, libere quiete bene et pacifice in perpetuum, reddend inde annuatim predictus Walterus et Cristina et Ricardus et heredes eorum vel assignati predicto Johanni et heredibus suis et assignatis quinque solidos et ex denarios redditus ad quatuor anni terminos, ad festum Sancti Michaelis X d. b. ad Natale Domini, d. b. ad Pascha Domini X d. b. ad festum Nativitatis beati Johannis Baptist xvj d. b. et faciend' servicium domini regis quoSciens fieri contigerit secundum consuetudinem ovori Et predictus Johannes heredes sui vel assignati varantiZabunt quietabunt et defendent predictam terram cum Suis pertinenciis predictis altero Cristine et Ricardo et heredibus eorum Vel assignatis contra omnes gentes et domino feodi in perpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium partes iis scriptis trifurcatis

sigilla sua alternatim appOSUerunt.

Hiis testibus, Johanne de Aula, tunc Ballivo ovorte Thoma Godespeny, tunc Major Johanne Salequin Thoma Tinctor Laurentio Marescallo Willelmo ance Simone Tannereri Ricardo Nelo Nichola Sopere Johanne de Rippi Johanne Tannere : Beato te Staple

et multis aliis.



os in Henry, in the monili of July, Johia, son of Willi amat Hali, formeri os over, demised grante an confirmed, by these Charters ealed in triplicate, to alter e Chareteros ove and Christina his iis, an to Richard Sperhawk, certain ploti land with iis appurtenances lying ith in the Liberi os Dove in Biggin Ward bet ween the and of Thomas Godespen to ard the est, and the and of the heir of Richard Archer toward the east, an abutting on the and of Joseph oward the outh, and on Biggin Street towardsthe noritici to have an to hol the sat lan to the aid Walter an Christina, and the heirs of alter, an to Richar a resaid, and the heir an assigias of est thea resaid, reely, fully ei and eaceabi for ver Thea resaid alter, Christina an Richard thei heir orrasigias, payin to the a resai Jolin an his heir and

assigns an annua rent of five hillings an si pence at the ur term of the ear, at the eas of S. Michael 16lae, at Chrisimas 16l , at aster I 6lae, at the eas of the

Nativit of the Blessed olin the Baptist 6Ι , and

performing the service of the Lord in as osten a it ma aris to e done accordin to the custom of Douer and the a resaid olin his heir or SSigns, ill Warrant, acquit an defend the a resai land with it appurtenances, to the foresaid alter Christina an Richard thei heirsor assigns, against ali me and the ord of the ee forisver. In testimon whereo the parties have alternatet placediheir eal to these triplicate deeds.



PATEAT universis preSentem cartam visuris vel audituris

quod Johannes filius Willelmi de Aula demovorra concessit et dimisit Ricardo dicto mari demovorra et Mattidi uxori

Sue Unam terram cum Suis pertinenciis jacentem infra libertatem Portus ovori in Georges arde, videlicet, inter terram Margaret fili Ricardi Godespen versus ulli est, et inter terram Henrici Caboche versus northest, et capitat ad talesiam maris versus Suthest, et ad regiam Stratam VerSUS

northwest, habend et tenend predicto Ricardo et Matii di uxori sue et heredibus eorum vel assignatis libere quiete bene et pacifice jure hereditario inperpetuum reddend inde annuatim predicto Johanni et heredibus suis vel suis assignati quatuor solidos Sterlingorum ad quatuor anni terminos, videlicet, ad Natalem Domini xi id. et ad mediam quadragesimam iii . in festo Sancti Johannis Baptiste xij d. et in festo Sancti Michaelis xij Et faciend similiter servicium domini regis quosciens fieri contigerit secundum consuetudinem ovori Et predictus Johannes et heredes sui vel assignati aranti Zabunt predictam terram cum Suis pertinenciis predicto Ricardo et Mattidi et heredibus suis vel assignatis contra omnes mortales in perpetuum : Et si predictus redditus in suis terminis predictis detineatur, licitum est predicto Johanni et heredibus suis vel assignatis predi Ciam terram per omnia superinventa distringere et districtiones detinere usque ad predicti redditus detenti

plenam solutionem, et Sque ad restaurationem omnium expenSarum ea actione habiturum se habend'. In hujus autem rei testimonium parte predicte presentibus sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt mense Junii anno

regni regis Edwardi filii regis Henrici, vicesimo octavo. Hiis testibus Johanne de Mari, tunc Majore ovorte Valentino de Bere, tunc Ballivori Ricardo Archerri Nicholao fratre suo homa reton Thoma Tinctor Thoma de Chiltoneri olaerto de Bocklonderi Johanne de tormothe Johanne Golo eri Simone lue noth menrico Caboche: et multis aliis



there r annuali to the sat Iolin his heir or assigns, ur hillings steri in at the four term of the ear, that isto say, a Chrisimas ita , and a Mid Lent iij, at thebeas of S. Jolin the Baptist xij , an at the eas of S. Michael xij aeri an performin likewis the service of the Lord in as osten ascit hallae required accordin to the customis over. An the a resaid olin and his heir orassigns ill arrant the a resai land with iis appurten ances, to the a resaid Richard an Mallida, and thei heirsor SSigns, against ali me for ver An is the a resaidrent be in arrear at the a resai ternis it is lawm for thea resai Jolin an his heir or assigns to distrat thea resai land on ali hings found thereon, anxio delain the distresses unti the fuit payment of the rent a resaid

Ι Witness hereo the parties a resai have et theirses alternatet to these present in the monili of June in


L Quatorsime de Septembre 6 Edw. II.

fovent naues e la Vile de ovorre en grant perit et perte de tute a Communaute de meme a Uile par es que plusur dela dite Vile furent en ovris et si cum destru de es que il

paignon de a compeygni que est appelle ferschi cest a

saver Nichole Archer, Willeam Archer, Willeam Virgil, Johan Xandre, Simon Giles, Nichol Valentyn, Virgil GodeSpeny, Willeam agetite Johan de and wicli, Willeam Godyn, Thomas e u Willeam Joseph, Robert oseph, Johia

Giles, Willeam Hurtyn, en preserace u mayre et de tutela communaute et tu commune assent puriten de pees et purion amour entre u nurri et pur e profis de tute lacommunaute, et e prosit de tu alan venans et paSSans, que dei ou de a fason de ces scri en avant nul ne passagere ne passe mes par turn et ceS aSaver cheStune ne trey fares, si os com l oir bonement fere et pres es treys fare pariates et complie cele ne ne passer en fare de passagetant par tute les laesi pasSagere que Sunt en a compaignie de ferschipis yent fet en meme la manere tu treye fareS, ence manere que es dite laesi Soyent trovees oues et sustiscentes par te gardeyn que a ce Seirunt elu et aSSignes, etsi ut de la dite Compaignye fate passer a ius cunt re a

forme de ceste ordinance Soy poerit par Seignori ei parquecumque aut re manere, et de ce Peut Stre teynt, Soy encorru en . . OV desieri in alisus nostre Se ignoti te Re apaer, te quen . c. ou te Bayli de me me a Vile que pur letemps seira fra leve de tute les es que ii vera ei lepaSSage, et de tere et de tenemens et chateus que illaveraen mente a Uile I t me me les . c. ou deli vera a gardeyn



William Virgil, olin Sander, Simon Giles, Nicholas Valentine, Virgil odespeny William Bagoi, Joh de and wicli, William odin, Thomas e u William Joseph, RobertJoseph, Joh Golofre, Thomas ovehin, William Sander-cock Nicholas Sandercock, Thomas aikin, Henr Lovehin, William Giles, illiam Hurtin, in the presence of the Mayor and of the whole Commonalty, and with their

common assent for the benefit of eace an for theencouragement of good feelin belween them, an for thebenesit of the whole Commonalty and the benefit os allgoing, comin and passing that Do the da of the mahingos this document lience rwardis passeiager hi shal crossexcepta turn that suo say, ach shi three fares as Oonas it an et he done and after the three fares finishe and completed that hip shalliso cros With passenger uiati allthe passenger hips that elon to the Company of fer schip V shal have made thei three fares in like manner,

provided that the aid shipsae certi fled fit an sufficieti by

the ardens, ho hal be electe an assigne for that purpos and Dan of the sat Compan causes his hi tocros against the formis this ordinance, e ita forcem byprerogative o by an other means, and an e convicted



de cyn pors hasti vemenis an dela de dens les quinsejour apres et offense fete. Et si indit Bayli fate desporto seyt negligent trove a execuci ou fere de leve te . . sou si cum avarat est dit. Adunke it a gardeyn de cynhpor o a soni tenant encia dite ite entre et les avandit c. ou leve alisus nostre Seigneu te Re cum de su est dit. Et ordeyne est et assent parcies dis compaignoras de ferschi pque quatre de meme la Compaigny bon et eaus seyent eluZgardeyn de meme a ordinance bien et loyaument garder, et que seyen jurre devant la dite Compaignye, est que loyaument coylerunt et garderunt a commune profis de tute lacompaignye tu les Servisses et les doles peti et grans si cumit aviegnent et que ut argent seyt ellure par es disgardeyn anu de la compaignye, for te charcementis partie.

dit seyent fer et estabies pur tu jour avom fest fere treysendentures en seles de commune eel de la dite Uile, et de

tu no SeaUS. Dunt lamne endentur demurra encia Commune wuche, et lautre eradentur en a resorie nostre

Migneu te Re dens son Chaste de ovorra et a terceparti vers es ardeyias u Verschi p. metes et donees, equatorsi me oti de Septembre lan du regiae te Re Edward te fiet te Re Edward Sime.



collec an preserve to the common benefit of the whole Company at the services and doles, mali an great, a theyarise, and that no money shal be delivered by the aid Wardens to any of the Compan excepi in payment of his sitare. Where re that pon thei certain account ac maybe serve with fui fairnes an non be undisserue asbe re the have been, and hecause, Wil for Us and urheirs, and for at that hali come aster that these ordinances and ver artici of these ordinances ascis bove rittera befirmand established for ver, e have cause to e madethree indentures ealed it the common ea of the aidios and with ali ur eals, hereos ne indenture haliremat in the Common Chest the secon indentur in the



Mense OctobriS, I Edw. II. SCIANT presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Filius Alexandri Venesoui de ovorra dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea, ConfirmaVi, pro anima mea, et pro animabus Alexandri patris mei et Beatricis Matri mee illorum ac parentium meorum, fratri Johanni magistro domus dei Dovorre, et fratribus ejusdem loci, in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, quadraginta denarios liberi et perpetui redditus proveniente annuatim de uno tenemento quod Johannes Rande tenet, quod quidem tenementum jacet infra libertatem portus ovorre in horsepolewarde videlicet inter Regiam Stratam Versu Suthest, et tenementum Johannis Mochego versus Suth est, et inter terram predicti Johannis versus orthest Habend et tenend predictos quadraginta denarios liberi redditus in puram et perpetuam elemosinam ut predictum est prefatis magistro et fratribus et eorum successoribus libere quiete integre , et 'solute heredum, imperpetuum. Et ego predictu Johannes et heredes mei warantizabimus predictos quadraginta denarios liberi redditus predictis magistro et fratribus et eorum successoribus contra omnes gente imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti arte sigillum meum S appenSum menSe Octobris anno regni regis

Edwardi, filii regis Edwardi, decim nono. Hiis testibus, Domino Roberto de eiadale, tunc Constabulario Castri ovorreri Johanne de Mari, tunc fore Dovorreri Willelmo Virgile, tunc Ballivori Johanne de Aula Willelmo de Hortyn Thoma te euri Johanne Salehyn Alexandro Hortyn Willelmo, filio Nicholai Archer Willelmo Giles Alexandro Dureliam : Thoma Reade Johanne filio Roberti de octonderi liberto te Cherche Stephanoco, Cleri et multis aliis.