Dover charters and other documents in the possession of the Corporation of Dover ;

발행: 1902년

분량: 520페이지


분류: 미분류


In itnes Whereos as et the common ea of the owna resaid, a the ea of the foresaid Christopher Eliot arealternatet set to these indentures.


i Octobris 6 Eliet. NOUIR LN universi per presentes me, Willelmum Calle, de parochia de esicli me in Comitatu Kancte, oman teneri et firmiter obligari Edwardo Exling, de illa et ortu ovor, in comitatu predicto, hip right in triginta libris bone et legalis monete Anglie, solvend eidem Edwardo aut suo certo attornato, heredibus, executoribus, Vel assignatis suis, ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciend obligo me heredes, executore et aSSignato meo firmiter per presentes, Sigillo meo sigillato. Datum X die Octobris anno regni domine nostre Eligabete, dei gratia Anglie, Dancte, et Hiberni Regine, fidei defensoris, etc. Sexto. Anno S 6 . Sigillatum signatum et deliberatum in presentia Willelmi Burden, Majoris over Willelmi nyght, recordatori S.


The condico of this obligacon is such that is the withinnamed illiam Calle do et an trewl observe, fulifill, and kepe ali an ali maniter of awardements arbitrementS,agrements, judegemenis, the which shalbera arded arbitrated, adjudged, and agree uppon by Thomas Androwe, Jolin Garret, Rowland Mycle, an Roger rice, arbitratorSindifferenti electe and chosen et ene ' aid illiam Cali and ',' name Edward Exling, of an andisponali, an ali anne os, accons, quarrelles, demandeS, and

Cali do an be observed, performed, and epi, an bearbitrated awarded, and agreedipon on thissyde and e re ye aste da os October no nex comita aster e date Within Writtera that then his p reseJnte obligacon tot voidand of non affect or elis to stan an remat ne in his fullio er Strenglie, effeci, and Uertiae.


iii Septembris, inliz. HEC indentura testatur quod illelmus Burden Major

ville et portus ovor, et Jurati ibidem, unanimo SSenS et concensu pro et in nomine totius communitatis ejusdem ville tradiderunt, concesserunt, et ad eodi firmam dimiserunt Thome atison, de villa et portu predictis, Jurato, unam Peciam terre, cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, jacentem et existentem infra Libertatem, ille, et portus predicti in Halvenden arde, in vico vocato rodstre te, inter tenementum Willelmi Calle versus ortheast, communem Uenelam UerSus outherat, tenementum heredum Adriani Whi te versus ouili est, et predictum Vicum Vocatumbrodstret versus orthwest Habend et tenend predictam pectam terre cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefato ome attSon, heredibus et assignatis suis, et ad usum ipsius Thome atison, heredum et assignatorum Suorum, Protermin X . annorum, et ulterius de xxj. annorum in xj. annorum tunc proximorum sequentium, usque in finem termini XXXXix annorum proximorum sequentium post datum presentium plenarie complend faciend inde servicium

domine nostre regine et successoribus sui secundum On-Suetudinem ille predicte cum acciderit : Et reddend inde annuatim Majori et uratis dicte ille qui pro tempore fuerint in festo Assumpcionis eate Mari Virgini ijs dlegalis monete Anglie : Et si contingat dictum annualem redditum de hs retro fore ultra terminum predictum per xiiij dies insolutum in parte vel in toto, tunc licitum erit Major qui tunc pro tempore fuerit in predictam pectam

terre cum pertinenciis, ad quorumcumque manu eVenerit,

reintrare, et pacifice possidere ibi successoribus suis Majoribus dicte ille imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum comune dicte ville quam sigillum predicti Thome atison his indenturis

alternatim sunt PPenSa.

Datum apud ovo predictam quarto die Septembris anno regni domine nostre ligabete dei gratia Anglie



September I 565. TH scindenture i inesseth that illiam Burden, Mayor of the to non por of Over, and the Jurat there, it theunanimous SSent an consent for an in the nam of the whole Commonalty of the sal town, have delivered, granted, and a se farm demi sed to Thomas attson, of the own and ori foresaid Jurat, a tot of land with allit appurten ances lyin and bein with in the Liberi of thelown and porto resai in Halven de Ward in the oad calle Broad Street, etween the tenementis illiam Calleto the orth-east the Common Lane to the outh-east thetenement of the heirs of Adrian White to the outh- est, and the a resaid road calle Broad Street to the north- est to have an to hol the foresaid tot of and with ali iis appurtenanceS, O the foresai Thomas attson, his heirsand assigras, to the se of the aid Thomas attson, and his



xvi Aprilis,' Eliet. NOVERIN universi per presentes me, Robertum Care, de villa de Κyngestone super Hulle in YokeSSir, mercator, teneri et firmiter obligari Nicola Mychelson, de villa de Claye, in Comitatu orth ke, marinario, in centum marcis bone et legalis monete Anglie solvend eidem

Nicola Mychelson, aut suo certo attor nato, heredibUS, Xecutoribus, vel assignatis suis, ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciend obligo me heredes, executoreS, et asSignatos meos firmiter per presentes, sigillo meo Sigillato.

Datum vi die Aprillis anno regni domine noStre Eligabethe, dei gracia Anglie, Francie, et Hiberni Regine, fidei defensoris, etc., octavo. Anno I 566.


the presenis, my ea bein Set hereto.

Date xvij da of Apri in the eighth ear of the rei gnos ur ad Eligabeth, by the grace of God Queen os

England France, and Ireland Defender of the aith, etc. In the ear IS 66. In dorso The condi cyon of this obligacyon is suche that is thewithe in bown Rober Care, his heires, XecutorS, OrasSigias, o any of them, o elle and trult paye or causet be contente an payed unt the withi name Nycolas Mychelson, his heires, executorS, aSSigneS, oro any of them, the sume o fori pound of good and lawfwel moneyo Ingland wythe in syx dayes after the arywalle of thesai Nycolas Mychelson uni the hawyn of Exmowe or the kaye of Topesam illi his hype, and that witho tonymanner Os fraWde, gyle, o contradi csyon that then thepresent obligacyon to e voide and of non flectis ellysto tande and remayne in fui force, poWer Strenglit, effeci,


15 June, anno inliz. , 566. TMis indenture i inesse th that Thomas Pepper, Maio of the owne an por of Ovor, Thomas Goorley, Thomas Robilis, illiam Lovet, and Henr Russell, Chamberlaines of the sal towne, ' the assent an consent, an for an in the nam os ' ole Comynaltie of ' fame to ne have demi sed graunted an to ferme letten to Thomas Challice, of the fame to ne andiori, blackSmith one parcet os a lane

lane conteyneth in redit twelve fote, an in tenglie forty- eight foteri so a that it halbe lawful for the sat Thomas

Challice, his heires, executors, and SSigras, at ali tymes obit o the fame parcet os lane, frona the messuage of thesai Thomas Challice to and pon the comon ali of the Same to ne provide allWale that the sanae Thomas Challicedo leave a sussicient arte ale throughe the fame lane all-wales open, and noto bild 'hin even fote Ver the samelan have anxio hold e sat parcet os lane in an neransforme a resaid to the sat Thomas Challice, his ei res,


it halbe a fuit foro Mayor an Chamberlaines for thet meaeing in e Sal parcellis lane a be re letten to re-enter an dieaceabi to posses a in the Ormer State. In it ness hereos as et the comon eale, a the ea leo the aid homas Challice, to these indenture enter-changeabi are et t. Date at ove a resai the fifteenti date of June in the eighth ere of the aigne os o Soverat gia Lad Eligabeth, by the grace of God o England Fraunce and Ireland dueene, Defender of the Falth, etc. Ao Is 66. This indentur is in duplicate- par of the Common Seal in re remain on ove, the et preserve re sea of Thomas Gallice o the Iher.



M Februarii, Io Eliet. HEC indentura testatur quod nos, Thomas Pepper, Maior ville et portus ovor, in Comitatu ancie Robertus Uynnyti, Rowlandus Micle, Jacobus Steward et Thomas Challice,

Custodes dicte ille, una animi assensu et concenSu totiuSComunitatis ejusdem ille tradiderunt, conceSSerunt, et ad feodi firmam demiserunt predicto Rowlando Micle unam vacuam pectam terre cum Omnibu pertinenciis, continentem xij fote quare, jacentem et existentem infra Libertatem ville, et portus ovo predicte, in quadam arda vocata Shingle arde, inter communem Venetam usque Outh eSte, et terram predicti Rowlandi Micle usque ortheaste et foutheaste, et terram Thome atison usque orthwest Habend et tenend predictam vacuam pectam terre cum

omnibus suis pertinenciis prefato Rowlando Micle, heredibus et assignatis suis a Festo Sancti Michelis Archangeli ultimo

preterrito ante datum preSentium, de anno in annum uno post alium usque ad finem et terminum lxxxxi annorum extunc proximorum Sequentium et plenarie complend' faciend inde servicium domine regine secundum OnSuetU-dinem portus ovo predicte cum acciderit : ac clam

reddend et solvend inde annuatim Maiori et Custodibus dicte ille qui tunc pro tempore fuerint in est Assump-cionis eate Mari Virginis quatuor denarios bone et legalis monet Anglie pro annuali reditu Et si contingat predictum annualem redditum de vae ad festum vel terminum quo solvi debeat a retro fore in parte vel in toto ultra terminum predictum per pactum X dierum, legitime rogatum, tunc licitum erit Maiori et Custodibus ille predicte qui tunc pro

tempore fuerint in predictam vacuam pectam terre cum omnibus pertinencii S, ad quaScumque manus evenerit, re intrare, ehabere, et pacifice gaudere ut in statu Suo pristino,

ac fredictum ruo landum Micle, et assignatos suos, inde