Dover charters and other documents in the possession of the Corporation of Dover ;

발행: 1902년

분량: 520페이지


분류: 미분류



II Februar I568. THis indenture vi inesseth that we, Thoma Pepper Mayor of the own and por of Douer, in the Count of Kent, Robert fynnyti, Rowland Micle, ames te ard, and 4 homas Challice, Chamberlatias of the sal town, illi the unanimOUSMSent an consent of the whole Commonalty of the sat diOWn, have deli vered, and granted, and a se farni demised

liave an to hol the a resaid void plo os and with ali iis appurte nances, to the a resaid Rowland Micle, his heir and assigras, fro the Feas of S. Michael the Archange last pastbe re the date of the presenis, Domaea to ear, ne aster the ther, to the en and term of the inely-nine ear nexi

service of our ad the Queen, accordin to the custom Of


totaliter expellere ita amoveres hac presenti indentura non obstante.

In cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum commune ille predicte quam sigillum predicti Rowlandi Micle alternatim sunt appenSa. Datum i die Februarii anno regni domine nostre Eli Zabethe, dei gracia Anglie, Francie, et Hiberni Regine fidei defensoris, etc., decimo. Anno Is 67 Is 68J. Red ea remains.



Date the leventi da os Februar in the tenti, ear of the eigia os ur ad Eli Zabeth by the grace of God Queen o England France, and Ireland Defender, etc. In the ear S67.


Thomas Ed ardes, of the fame to ne an porte, earcher,

and armat ne moWes, withe the assenta and consent Mithe osse Comonaitie of the fame, have demissed graWnted an to ferme et ten, and by these present dothes demi se, grawnt, an to ferme leti uiato the sat Thomas Edwardes

downe to the o Ne atter marke o have an to holde that the sat de pece of voyde illi thapportenaunces to the aid Thomas Edwardes, his heires, executers, an assigneS, Domthe east of Satiate Jolin Baptiste laste paste effore the date hereos, vin to theni and terme of mures ore and linet enyeeres rom heiace ex en Suinge and fuit to e complet tand endex Jeldinge and paye in there fore e re ly Neringetli sal de terme to the sat Maior an Chamberlaines os thesaid OKne and there succeSsors for the tyme einge for the


the tym beinge, uiato theae re lettenarown to re-enter, and the fame and ver parte thereos againe to have injoy, and oces as in there former State, hiscindenture or nythinge herein contayne to the contrarye notWithStandinge Anxit is further grawnted by the aid Maior an Chamber-laines that the sanae Thomas Edwardes hal have theoccupieny of the oy gro unde unde the Penyles en cheunto suche tym a the sat Maior an Chamberlaines, orthei successors, e Maior o Chamberlaines, hali aveneyd thereos fortuyldinge or an othere neceSSar caUSC. An in itine hereos, have caused the comon eate of thistowne, as also the seale of the aid Thomas Id ardes intercliaungeabile to e set an subscribed by the sat de Thomas, the day and yere bove rettera an in the yere of


September 569. THIs indenture ad the syxte date of September in theeleavente yer of theraigne os o Iovereigne Ladye Eligabeth by the grace of God o England Traunce, and reland , Quene, Defendor of the Fayth, etc., Betwene Jolin Ed ardes, Maior of the Towne and Porte os ovor, Richard He Ward Johi Warde, and olin Luckas, and armat ne OweS, Chamberlaines of the aide to ne of thone partieri and Alexander Mynge of the fame to ne an porte, Jurate, filiother partie, Witnesset he, That the sat Joh Ed ardes,

Do es, illi the assent an consent of thole Comun alti of the Same to ne have demysed grawnted, and to ferme letten, and by these present doeth demise grawnte, and Oferme et unt the sat Alexander Mynge, at that the lane layen an bella above ali in the ward there caulled Georges Ward abuttinge to the ous an voyde grownde of the sat Alexander Mynge late Thomas onges, to theso thweSt, the tenemen and rownd of the heires of Jolin Hulle, and the sat Alexander Mynge to the ortheast theland of Thomas Peppe to the orth, the land of the heires o Hewge Jacob to the so th the inge ighe Streeteto the owtheast, a certaine lane ead inge to the gate caulled Abovewal to the sowthwest to have an to olde thesai lane illi thapporten aurices, uiato the sat Alexander Mynge, his ei res, executours, an assignes, Dona the easto St. Johia Baptis laste ast hemor the date hereos utato thensand terme of ne and wentie eres frona therace extensu inge and fullye to e complet an en led 'eldinge and paeing there re eret dwering the sal ternae to the aid Maior an Cham herlaines of the sal towne and there successores for the tyme heinge for the sat lane, mure penceo good and la fuit monye o England v the ere at thesaid eas of ain Johia Baptist, and so consequently to Pateth lyke sonae eret at the thesai de eas diuering thesaid


successors for the tym heinge in to theae more et te lane tore-enter and the fame and ever parte thereos againe to have, injoy, and possess, as in there former Stat, his indentureo any thinge herein conteyne to the contrarye notwith- standinge. In itine hereos, have caussed the comon eate of


Circ. 4 et 5 JOhn. SCIANT presentes et futuri quod ego Goduinus capellanus,

filius Radulfi Bissop et ego, Warinus filius Willelmi

Litcheod dedimus et concessimus et hac presenti carta noStra confirmavimus domino Gileberto Pecche et heredibus Sui totum pratum quod est proximum prato ipsius Gileberti

quod tenemus de domino de Herielsam in villa ovorietenendum de nobis et heredibus nostris jure hereditario in perpetuum ; reddendo nobis singulis annis ad domum Warini in horsepole, hae ad festum Sancti Andre quOS debemus domino de Herielsam, et sex denarios de Oring-abulo, scilicet michi Goduino ixae, et michi Warino ix

denario pro omni consuetudine et omni exactione que nobis possint contingere vel debeant : et per prescriptum servicium nos et heredes nostri arantizabimus rescripto Gileberto et heredibus Suis rescriptum pratum contra omnes homine et omnes feminas pro hac vero donacione et conceSSione et carte nostre confirmacione dedit nobis predictus Gilebertus xl sol quos recepimus in hundredo ovorie.

Hiis testibus: Simone Decanori Willelmo Huntingseid', tunc Constabulario iovorieri Willelmo de Curcam ejusdem Senescallo 'illelmo de Hucherari Willelmo Malesmelias Hugone de Crandem Adam Bacunci Radulfo de inieres Willelmo de Fokestam Laurencio de Sibertes ales Willelmo de Enemera Jose filio is, tunc reposito, ovorie Salomone filio Lewelini Willelmo clerico Alexandro filio

Mathei Virgil Josep filio Lamberti : Simone uia in

Apsalone et Manwin filiis Gol stan Luca, filio enice Willelmo filio God win Gosep filio Thurstatari Willelmo Cubet merlexvino, Magno Johanne de Rivertari Radulfo de Biau muniri Nicola Janitor Ricardo filio an ini Jacobo de Hache Aluredo de colle : Thoma de De ne


Dene meorge, riter of this charter.


Dated a December, 323.

Brother Thomas, Prior of S. Martin's mover, and the Convent of the sanae place, grant to Peter de Londe Porteour, and Letitia, his i , and in Douer. Witnesses Nicholas ait Halle Mavor of Over: