Dover charters and other documents in the possession of the Corporation of Dover ;

발행: 1902년

분량: 520페이지


분류: 미분류



This is the fina agreement made in the Cour of the Lord in hel in ove o the rida nexi after thebeas of S. Mar the Evangelis in the ixteenili ear of thereig of in Edward the thir of England after the

Conquest: e re Joh Monin then Mayor of Over Alexander Hurtin then Balli T also the Jurat an Dotherso the Lord Κing' lleges of the fame town there assembled belween illiam Gibbe junior, an Margaret, his iis, on theone pari, complainantS, and John enp, and Alice, his iis, o the other part deforcianis for two hil lings and si xpencean oneae o Dee and perpetuat rent payable annuali forinforge hicli illiam fruenarione, mitti, hold with in the Liberi of the own fiove in Canon arx on hichbehat a plea forareach of covenant a summone belweenthem in the aid Couri, viz. That the a resai Jolin and Alice conses the whole of the a resaid rent tot the right of the sat William an Margaret, o have anxio hol tolli sal William an Margaret thei heir and assigias in hereditar right for ver and the a resaid grant for them-selves and thei heir that the wil Warrant the whole of thea resaid rent to the a resaid illiam an Margaret heir



xxv Aprilis, I Eew. III. Sci AN presentes et futuri quod nos Johannes enp, et Alicia uxor mea, dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra, confirmavimus Willelmo Gibbe de ovorra juniori, et Margaret uxor ejus, duos solidos sex denarios et unam gallinam liberi et perpetui annualis redditus provenientis annuatim de quadam orgia, quam Willelmus deminarione, faber, ovorre, tenet, infra libertatem ille predicte in CanoneWarde, que quidem forgia capitat ad terram illelmi

Hortyn verSus OrtheaSt, et ad Regiam stratam versuSsuthwest, laterand ad Regiam stratam versus Suth St, et

ad imiterium Ecclesie beati Petri de ovorra versus orthwest habend et tenend predictos duos solidos sex denarios et unam gallinam liberi et perpetui annualis redditus predictis illelmo et Margare te, et heredibus ejusdem illelmi et assignatis, libere quiete bene et in pace jure hereditario inperpetuum : et nos predicti Johannes et Alicia et heredes nostri waranti Zabimus predicto duos solidos sex denarios et unam gallinam liberi et perpetui annualis redditus predictis Willelmo et Margarete, et heredibus ejusdem illelmi et

assignatis, contra Omne gente in perpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigilla nostra

sunt appensa die veneris proxima post ' festum Sancti Marci Evangelisti anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii Anglie

poSt conqueStum, SeXto decimo, regni vero sui francie

tercio . Hiis testibus, Johanne Monyn, tunc Majore ovorre Alexandro Hortyn, tunc Ballivo ejusdem ille Willelmo Hortyn Johanne Sal kynri Johanne oseph Willelmo Archerri Nichola Hortyn Nichola attem alteri Thoma Spisour Nichola Armentier Stephano Clerico et aliis.



illiam an Margaret, and the heir of the aid illi amand his assigias, reely, quietiy, ei and eacemit in

hereditar right for ver Arad e, the a resaid olin and Alice an ou heirs, ill arrant the a resaid et hillingsan 6 pence and ne heia o Dee and perpetua annua renito the a resaid illiam an Margaret, and the heir of thesaid illiam an his assigns, against ali men or Uer.

ander Hortin then Balli of the sat Town William Hortin Johia Salkin olin Joseph: illiam Archer Nicholas Hortin Nicholas Hali Thomas pisour:

Nicholas armentier Stephen the Cierk and thers.



xxiii Marci I Edw. III. EJowARDus, dei gracia Rex Anglie, Dominus Hibernie,

et Dux Aquitanieri omnibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint Salutem. Inspeximus quoddam Scriptum indentatum, Sigillo Communitatis portus nostri OUOrre,

et sigillis dilecti et fidelis nostri Edmundi, Comitis ancie,

fratris nostri carissimi, nuper Constabularii Castri nostri

Dovorre, et Custodis quinque portuum OStrorum, et quorundam urgensium et Combaronum OStrorum portus predicti, consignatum, in hec Verba Noverint universi quod cum contenciones et controUersi mole

fuissent inter Guillelmum Virgile, Ricardum refe= Willelmum

Huridi et alios, de Societate Tocata ERsCHIP, habentes nazes Vocatas AssAGER in illa ovore ex parte una, et Johannem

atte See, Thomam Reade, Willelmum Russe et alios Combarones sequentes pro Communitate ille predicte ex alteri parte J super proscuo passagii inter ovorram et VI lsand capiend Tandem amicis intervenienIibus in hunc modum quieverunt, Uidelicet, quod predicti Willelmus, Ricardus, Villelmus pro se et Societate sua, et omnibus naves passagiarias habentibus, vel in futurum habituris, concedunt spontanea voluntaIe in auxilium Communitatis predicte dare et contribuere de quolibet fretio cujuslibet navis fretiale cum equis de ovorra usque I Isand duos solidos, et de quolibet passagiario freItato cum peditibus duodecim denarios, percipiend per duos homines Vel tres ad hoc electos de navibus et balem predictis priusquam litore recedant, et in quadam communicista per majorem et juratos ejusdem ille, qui pro empore fuerint, deponantur. Et pro ista concessione predicti Johannes, Thomas, et Willelmus, pro simul simul sis cum tota Communitate predicta concederunt quod predicti H illelmus, Ricardus, et Pelmus e socii de Societate predicta naves passagiarias habentes, et imposterum abiles ad passagium faciend habituri, per se et suos passagio predicto cum omnibus proicuis inde provenientibus libere ut predictum est sine omni calumpnia CommuniIalis predicte uti possis et gaudere imperpetuum. In



iet ter may come-Greeting. e have inspecte a certain

and of certain Burgesses an Combarons of ur Pori a resaid in these ordS- om ali me that since contentions an controversies have

been movetbelmeen Villiam Virgile, Richaia Archyer, Villiam

collected Θ two or three en elected for his purpose, sto theships an boati foresai besere the leave the shore, and placedi a certain Common Gestu the Dor and Jurat of the sata rem for the time elag. Ληd for that concession the foresaid Ohn, Thomas, an miliam promise for ali, and altogether mirathe hole Communi0 that the aforesaid miliam, Richard and miliam, and the member of the Societ aforesai possessiupasseuer hips, and likel in the future to possessohips si forpassevera, D se and for Uer Wo for them and their the Passage foresata, it ali profis arising the from reel ascis aforesata, ithout an hindrance of the Communit aforesaid. In


cujus rei testimonium iis indenturis sigillum commune una cum

sigillis predictorum Willelmi, Ricardi, Willelmi. Johannis,

Thome, et Willemi Russet, alternatim est appensum. Et ut imposterum omnia premissa Irmius roborentur excellentissimus comes dominus Edmundus situs illustris regis Anglie, et Custos quinque portuum, predicta scripta sigilli sui impressione ob


Data ovorra vicesimo tercio die Octobris anno regni

regis E ardi fili regis E ardi, ' decimo septimo.

Nos considerantes quod inter homines habentes naves passagiarias in eodem portu et cetero homines Communitatis predicte super proficuo passagii predicti, diverse dissensiones et discordie ante hec tempora fuerunt suborte ex quibus in eodem portu dampna plurima evenerunt, volentesque malis hujusmodi pro futuris temporibus obviare et tranquillitati et quieti omnium et Singulorum portus predicti providere, omnia et singula premissa in dicto Scripto contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobi et heredibus OStriS, quantum in nobis est, concedimus et confirmamus cum adjeccione infra scripta, videlicet, quod omnes et Singuli de portu predicto qui naves seu batellos hujusmodi passagiarios habere poterint et voluerint, eos habeant, et contribuciones faciant Supradictas, et quod pecunia de contribucionibus illis per veniens in quadam communi cista in ecclesia Sancti Martini Dovorre, sub custodia duorum vel trium proborum et legalium hominum portus predicti hujusmodi naves et batellos passagiario habe iacium per homines naves et batellos hujusmodi habentes eligend et sub sigillis aliorum duorum vel trium proborum et legalium hominum de residuo Communitatis predicte pro eis ad hoc similiter eligend deponatur custodiend in auxilium servicii nobis et heredibus nostris de portu predicto debiti faciend et pro aliis necessitatibus ejusdem portu cum occurrerint melius supportand'. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus

Teste me ipso apud eSimon aSterium, viceSimo quarto die Marcii anno regni noStri decimo Septimo.


and being illin to obviat in future eviis of this kind, andio provide so the tranquillit an quiet os ali an singularo the porto resaid hold in ratifie an gratifie ali and

Singular of the premisses contained in the writin a resaid we, o us and ou heirs, a farras e re able, do grant and confirm them illi the addition written elow-ViZ. Thatali and singular of the or a resaid, ho hal be able and shall,ish to posses Passagers, a posses them an maheth a resai contributions and that the money arisingsrom hos contributions hal be deposite in a certain Common Chest in the Church of aint Martin o Douer, unde the custod of two or three honest an lega men of the portis resaid, wners of pasSenger hips an boats of this hind tot elected by owners of hips an boats of this kind, and unde the seat of the two or three hones and legat me Dom the est of the Communit a resaid, elected for them in a simila manne for this purpos tot reservedin id of the performing the service due to us and ou heirs by the porto resaid, and for the et ter supporting thernecessities of the fame pori hen the shal arise. In itnes Whereos, have cause to e made these urietters patent. Witnes myself, at est minster, the wenty- urth ayo Marcii in the eventeenili ear of Our reign.



κ Decembri 29 Eew. III. SCIAN presentes et futuri quod nos Ricardus mythe, et Johanna Martin dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta noStra, confirmavimus Adam Smyth, de parochia de Lose, unam eciam terre nostre jacentem in parochia predicta, versus eas et suth ad terras dicti Adame, versus orth ad terras adulphi Hunte, versu sy est ad regiam viam, Sicut mete et bunde dividunt et demonstrant : habend et tenend' predictam pectam terre cum arboribus dessu perstantibus et aliis pertinenciis suis ' predictuo Adame, heredibus et assignatis suis, bene in pace jure hereditario inperpetuum de domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et conSueta et O Predicti Ricardus et Johanna et heredes nostri Waranti Zabimus

predictam pectam terre cum pertinenciis suis predictuo Adame, heredibus et assignatis suis, contra Omne genteSinperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic carte presenti sigilla nostra sunt appenSa.

Data apud os in vigila Sancti Thome Apostoli anno regni regis Ed Wardi, tercii post conqueStum, viceSimo nono. Hiis testibus, Johanne te elle : Thoma myth Radulpho Hunt Willelmo te eideri Willelmo one-helde et aliis.



a December 355. ΚNo ali present an future that we, Richard Smith, and Johanna Martin, have gi ven granted, and by thismur presentcharter, have confirme to Adam Smith, of the paris of Loose, ne tot os ur an lyin in the foresaid parish toward the eas and out nex the and of the a resaid Adam, to ard the nori nex the and of Ralph Hunte, toWard the west ex the Κing 'saighway, a the metes and bound mar and shom to have an to hol the a resaidplo os land wit theorees standin thereon anxiis otherappurtenances, to the foresai Adam, his heir an assigns,

well, eacefuit an in hereditar right in perpetui ty, Domthe lor of that se by the services thence due and accustomex and we, the a resai Richard and Johannaan ou heirs, Wil Warrant the a resaid tot of and withit appurtenances to the foresai Adam, his heir andasSigns, against ali men or ever. In testimon whereos, have et ou seat to this present



xxiiij Februarii 32 Edw. III. SCIAN preSentes et futuri quod nos Thomas atte See et Symon ait Halle, dedimus concessimus et hac preSenti carta noStra, confirmavimus Symon Gyllyng, et Agneti uxor ejus, tres cras et dimidiam acram terre noStre cum pertinenciis acentes in villa de Eas Sutione et Hedecrone, in loco vocato alte Grens v ette, quam vero terram habuimus de dono Thome de Κyngesnode de villa de Sutione Valence, sicut mete et unde dividunt et demonstrant haben d et tenend predictam terram cum pertinenciis dictis Symon et Agnet uxor ejus, et heredibus et assignatis dicti Symonis, de domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et conSUeta bene et in pace jure hereditario imperpetuum : et nos dicti Thomas et Symon et heredes nostri predictam terram cum pertinenciis dictis Symon et Agnet uxor ejus, et heredibus et assignatis dicti Symonis, contra Omnes gente Waranti Zabimus imperpetuUm. In cujus rei testimonium huic arte presenti sigilla nostra apposuimus die Sabbati in festo Sancti Mathie Apostoli anno regni regis EdWardi, tercii poSt conquestum, triceSimo


Hiis testibus, Ricardo de Loinhersi William atte See Johanne Boycote Waltero Parys Willelmo Bysschop: Thoma Ranehyn Thoma HaytherSt Johanne ogger et aliis.